A week later.
"I miss you baby." Kentrell's voice came through the speakers of Saniyah's phone, and she chuckled.
"You just left this morning." She said with a smile on her face, looking at him through the FaceTime camera.
"So?" He rolled his neck, and she laughed, rolling her eyes.
"You so sassy." She told him, and he smacked his lips, making her laugh again.
"You be pushing it. What you doin'? What you wearing? Lemme see." He leaned back in his seat, and she smiled, pulling her covers back to show her brown laced underwear set.
"You so pretty. I love brown on you. Damn girl." He bit his bottom lip after licking over them, and she chuckled, covering herself back up.
"Slut." She shook her head, watching as he shifted his dick in his pants, and he smirked.
"Yeah, yours." He shrugged, and she laughed, rolling her eyes again.
"You so trained. I love it." She dramatically sighed, and he chuckled, shrugging again.
"What are you doing right now?" She asked, turning to lay on her stomach.
"Selling drugs." He told her, and she stale faced him, making him laugh.
"You gone lock me up baby?" He asked, a smirk on her face.
"Yes, I am actually." She said, laying her head down on her pillow.
"That sounds fun, made my dick hard. I'm ready to fuck you in yo pussy." He told her, and her jaw dropped, making him laugh once again.
"Why is your mouth so vulgar? Oh em gee." She face palmed herself, and he shrugged.
"Ion know. I miss my granny I think." He replied, smiling once she smacked her lips.
"Nah, I ain't playin' though. I'm ready to slut you out. To have some fun." He shrugged again, licking over his teeth.
"Fun like what?" She curiously tilted her head to the side.
"Ima break that pussy open. Ian gone tell you what I'ma do, I'ma show you." He told her, blowing smoke out of his mouth, his eyes low.
"Well come show me, right now." She mumbled, and he smirked, slouching in his seat.
"No. Later." He put his blunt back to his lips, and she dramatically sighed.
"Ima get it from somewhere else then." She shrugged, and he chuckled.
"I wish you would. Ion even play like that, I'a have you hanging from a tree in front of yo mama house within the hour." He told her, smoke flowing through his nose as he stared at her through the camera with his low red eyes.
"Kentrell, I hope you know that there isn't a seat reserved for you-even on the very, very, veryyy edge of Heaven." She shook her head, and he laughed.
"I knew that way 'long time ago. That was funny though, I ain't gone hold you." He chuckled, running his hand down his face.
"Nah cause why would you ever say something like that? Is it because I'm black?" She tilted her head, and he laughed again, shaking his head at her.
"Yeah. Ima lynch yo big head ass if you ever give that pussy away. That shit mine." He shrugged, and she rolled her eyes.
"It's mine, actually. My mama gave it to me for my birthday, so." She snaked her neck, looking at him smoke his blunt.
"You ugly as hell." He told her, and she smacked her lips, making him smile.
"What do you get out of lying?" She asked, and he shrugged, ashing his blunt.
Saniyah watched as her business phone rung, Vincent's contact flashing across the screen, and she rolled her eyes.
"DeSean I have to go to work, so I have to call you later." She told him, grabbing her phone that was propped up on her nightstand.
"No you don't. Precinct don't need you today. What you lying fa'?" He licked over his lips, a flat look on his face.
"I'm not. It's not with the precinct, I have a brand new case. The one that I've been working on. And there's no way for you to track that one, weirdo stalker." She chuckled, and he did as well.
"I'll be that. What that is? And why every time I ask about it youn' answer?" He asked, grabbing his phone.
"It's completely classified. Like literally only twenty people know about it. So I can't tell you even if I wanted." She shrugged, scratching her scalp.
"Hm. I'a find out on my own then. But you can go, I guess." He heavily sighed, and she laughed.
"Bye bye stink." She waved in the camera, and he kissed the top of his phone, making her do the same, smiling.
"Bye baby." He waved back, blowing a kiss, and she chuckled, ending the call after pretending to catch it.
Standing up from her bed, she took herself a shower, rubbing lotion in on her body and then dressing in a sleek black body con dress that covered her shoulders and hugged her curves.
She grabbed a pair of YSL heels, sliding her feet into the natural arch of them, clipping the band around her ankle.
Spraying herself in perfume, she touched up her silky black buss down middle part, before grabbing her things and leaving her house.
She arrived to the black site after about an hour, her heels tapping on the floor with each step she took, greeting the other agents.
"He was out on business nigga I just said that." She could hear Dayvon's voice as she rounded the corner, able to hear him and Vincent arguing with each other.
"Are y'all going to do this everyday?" She asked, interrupting their conversation, and Vincent rolled his eyes.
The President had ended up granting Dayvon immunity for every possible charge they could've given him, as long as he provided them with the names and locations of fugitives as well as used his resources to help capture them.
So technically he was a free man, with perimeters of course. He still had to check in with Cooper often, just so he wouldn't disappear off the grid again.
"That be him. Fucking rat faced ass nigga. Folks nem ugly as a bitch." Von bucked at him, and Vincent fake jumped, rolling his eyes once again.
"Anyways. The assassin. Apparently, he was out on business last week so we weren't able to get him. But Bennett says we'll be able to tonight." Vincent explained to Saniyah, who looked over at Von.
"There's a dinner that I set up with him. There's going to be another attack later on tonight." Von gestured towards the board.
"Sasha Monae. Aged 32, women's empowerment leader and owner of a girl's resource group. She's also a known spokeswoman for trafficking and has stopped multiple traffickers." Vincent pointed to different pictures that was hung up.
"He's planned an attack on her? For what? I thought we profiled that he only kills in big numbers?" She asked, her arms folded.
"He does. He's a freelancer, so he does whatever he's paid to do, which is usually big attacks. Someone paid him for a hit on Sasha, and that's where y'all come in. I guess." Von dramatically shrugged, making Vincent roll his eyes.
"Where is this dinner supposed to be?" Cooper approached them, fixing the wrist links on his suit.
"The Teylon, in Richmond, Virginia." Von said as he slid his phone from his pocket.
"Well if we wanna get there on time we should head there now." Vincent rose from the seat he was sitting in, grabbing his coat.
"Rightttt. I'm not flying with y'all. The freelancer gone track me as soon as I land, and if I walk off with a bunch of agents, we all gone die. So only Saniyah coming with me." Von told them, and she groaned in frustration.
"So what, you expect us to just wait here?" Cooper rose an eyebrow at him, and he nodded.
"Exactly. You got it. Saniyah let's go." Von nodded his head towards the elevator, placing his phone to his ear.
She heavily sighed, grabbing her purse and following behind him.
"Jones, take a team. I want camera feed and audio if you can. Follow them, don't lose Bennett. Got it?" Cooper looked over at Vincent, who nodded, beginning to call out orders.
"Hurry up." Von ushered Saniyah off of the elevator, and she frowned, following him to the private jet that was next to the federal one, getting on with him.
"Let's go." Von said to the pilot, talking on the phone as Saniyah sat on one of the reclining seats near the window.
"I don't give a fuck. That nigga got my money. That was a million dollars, somebody better find that shit on god." He ran his fingers through his dreads to push them out of his face, opening a cubby in the wall.
"I'a get up with that nigga by myself. Find my fucking product or take his from the west ports. Ight." He loaded a gun from his cubby as the call ended, tossing his phone on the table.
"Quit fucking looking at me Saniyah." He said without turning around, and she rose an eyebrow.
"Rudeness." She mumbled, looking away and out the window at the view.
"Oh and you're not?" He asked, turning around to face her.
"I'm not about to argue with you. Keep that anger over there sir." She waved him off, watching as they flew over the water.
"Shouldn't have said nothin' then. Sit over there and keep yo mouth closed." He put his gun up, and she rolled her eyes.
"Next time I'ma put somethin' in it to shut you up." He sat across from her, and she frowned, switching her attention over to him.
"I beg your pardon?" She frowned, caught off guard.
"Beg this dick in yo throat." He said without looking up from his phone, and her jaw dropped, making him smile.
"Better close it. I ain't playin' wit' you folks, you'a take all this dick." He chuckled, and she stood from her seat, making him laugh as he grabbed her waist.
"Move because I told you to stop talking to me like that you asshole." She grabbed his wrists, and he stopped her.
"Chill. I'm playing." He smiled a devious grin up at her, his diamonds dancing in the light.
"You ugly. Get off me." She mumbled, pushing his hands from her waist, and he laughed again.
"Your sex life must be boring as hell." He said, grabbing her ankles and pulling her feet in his lap, making her roll her eyes.
"Dare I ask why?" She exasperated, and he chuckled.
"You don't like sex talk. You must take quiet dick?" He asked, and once again, she rolled her eyes.
"Dayvon get out my business. And move." She attempted to pull her feet back, and he held them in place.
"That must be a yes then. See? Boring. He don't talk you through yo nut and tell you how pretty that p-." He was cut off, laughing once she covered his mouth.
"Shut up because you don't know what I be doing or what he be doing to me. Mind your business." She removed her hand, and he chuckled.
"Oh so you got a boyfriend? What you lying fa'? I be watching your house." He told her, and her jaw dropped, before she frowned.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" She mugged him, taking her feet from his lap, making him smack his lips.
"I think the question should be what's not wrong with me. Maybe I can answer that better," He shrugged, slouching down in his seat, spreading his legs a bit and resting his hand in his pants.
"You sick. And obviously you don't because if you did you'd know that I do. Or something close to it, hell." She muttered the last part to herself, but he heard her, making him chuckle.
"You like him?" He asked, and she rose an eyebrow at him.
"I'm just tryna make conversation." He held his hands up in surrender, a small smirk on his face.
"As hard as I am do I seem like the type to be around people I don't like?" She retorted, and his smirk widened.
"So you like me?" He tilted his head, and she smacked her lips, looking out the window, making him bust out laughing, watching her face flush red.
"It's okay. I like you too girl." He grabbed her neck, and she placed her hand over his, frowning.
"Dayvon get yo hoe ass back." She rolled her eyes, and he laughed again, kissing her cheek.
"You're nasty." She wiped the side of her face once he let her go, and he chuckled.
"I can show you nasty." He smirked, and she face palmed herself, before both of them laughed.
"You are so damn annoying, oh my gosh." She smiled, looking back out the window, her arms folded across her chest.
"I'm growing on you though, ain't it?" He tilted his head, and she shrugged, waving him off.
"I never not liked you I just don't like the way that you talk to me. You're not my man so you aren't allowed to talk sexual to me." She told him, and he leaned forward, his elbows resting on his knees.
"So lemme be yo man then." He smirked, and she chuckled, rolling her eyes.
"My man a' kill you." She said, and he laughed, dramatically slapping his knee, making her smack her lips.
"That was a good joke, a great joke even." He pointed at her, and now it was her turn to laugh, making him smile.
"You know me enough to know ain't nobody gone kill me and I ain't ducking no action either. And over you? Yeah I might take that risk. I like you." He licked over his teeth, leaning over to grab her waist, before pulling her in his lap.
"And you like me too that's why you don't be stopping me." He kissed her shoulder, and she rolled her eyes.
"You don't even like me foreal you just want sex from me, which I will not give you, so let me up." She grabbed his arms that were around her waist, and he locked them in place.
"Who said that? I said that?" He frowned at her, and she stale faced him, making him laugh, and she cracked a small smile.
"You be acting like you don't want to get to know me beyond being a criminal so I just be teasing you about sexual shit to annoy you 'cause youn be tryna conversate with me about regular shit." He told her, pushing her hair behind her ear.
"What is up with criminals liking me?" She muttered to herself, her arms folded as she leaned back on the armrest.
"With an S? Damn. I got competition foreal?" He frowned at her, and she laughed.
"No. I'm single." She half lied, looking over at him. Technically she wasn't lying, but he definitely had competition and Kentrell was currently winning.
"So you lied earlier? Ion like you no mo. Ion like liars lil baldhead. Move." He grabbed her waist, and she laughed, grabbing his wrists.
"No, you move. And I ain't baldheaded." She smiled, pushing his hands away, and he smiled as well.
"You ugly. Get out my face." She covered his smile, and he laughed, watching her blush.
"You so pretty. Come here." He grabbed her neck, and before she could process what was going on, his thick lips pressed against hers.
She held his face, her eyes closing as he took her bottom lip in his mouth, parting his lips so that her tongue could slide in.
She leaned up some, her arms wrapping around his neck as she deepened the kiss by sliding her tongue deep into his mouth.
He groaned into the kiss as his dick rose under her, Saniyah now straddling his lap. She bit her lip, softly moaning as he trailed kisses down her neck while his hands roamed her body.
"No. Shit-wait Von." A small frown placed upon her lips once he pulled her dress up.
"Ain't no cameras here. It's just me and you." He mumbled against her skin, his dick hard underneath her, his fingers grazing over her laced black underwear set.
She moaned once his hand rubbed down her slit, and he took his head from her neck, looking at her.
"Ma you got my dick hard. Watch out." He held back a grunt, grabbing her waist.
"No. Touch me." She mumbled, and he met her eyes, feeling his dick twitch.
He stood up with her, and she wrapped her arms around his neck as he carried her to the back room of his private jet.
She knew that she was making yet another bad decision that could possibly put her in the same situation that she was previously in with Kentrell, but did she care? No. Was she dumb? Maybe. But she didn't care.
Von laid her down on the bed, pulling her dress from over her head, revealing her laced set, and he groaned, leaning down to give her a rough kiss.
She moaned, rubbing her hands down his body, before slipping one into the jeans that he wore, grazing over his dick.
He grunted, pulling away from the kiss once she began to stroke his length, his face frowning up in pleasure.
"Damn Noni. Mm, fuck, wait." He hissed once his dick throbbed, grabbing her arm.
"Look at me Dayvon." She mumbled, her thumb rubbed a small circle underneath his tip while her palm still stroked him.
"Fuckkk." He moaned, letting his head rest in her neck once she sped her pace up, feeling him twitch in her grip.
"Baby look at me." She repeated, and he groaned at the name, pulling back to meet her eyes.
"Mm, you so pretty. Fuck." He grunted, wrapping his hand around her neck, lightly thrusting his hips to fuck her hand.
"Will you cum for me?" She searched his eyes, and he groaned, throwing his head back.
She bit her lip, her free hand pulling his shirt from over his head so that she could see his physique.
She watched his muscles unintentionally flex, tattoos over his shoulders and down his arm, as well as across his chest. She moved his dreads from his face, pulling his head down to kiss her.
He grunted into the kiss, his tongue flicking in her mouth, making her smile, speeding her hand up against his dick.
"Cum for me baby." She spoke against his lips, her hand sliding lower to grab his balls, before trailing back upwards to grip right underneath his tip.
"Fuck! Fuckkk." He moaned, quickly freeing himself from his jeans, his nut releasing on her stomach, and she looked down to watch, her eyes slightly widening at his length.
"Mmm, fuckkkk. Damn Noni." He grunted, grabbing his throbbing shaft to stroke himself, both of them watching his nut slide down the side of her stomach.
She wrapped her arms around his neck once he kissed her again, allowing his tongue back in her mouth.
She grazed her finger tip down her stomach to pick his nut up, pulling away from the kiss. She stuck her finger in his mouth, and he groaned, cleaning her finger off.
"You nasty." She smirked, removing her finger from his mouth and dragging it down his body, smiling once he sucked her jaw.
"I'm 'bout to eat the fuck out this pussy." He told her, and she laughed, making him smile.
"So come on." She rubbed her hands down his back muscles as he left kisses on her neck.
"Nah. Clean me off first." He stood up remove his jeans and boxers, and she moved the pillows, laying her head on the mattress as he straddled her chest, tapping his dick against her lips.
She stuck her tongue out, and he slid his length inside her mouth, continued to push without stopping, all of him down her throat.
He groaned as she gagged around him, looking down to watch her.
"Mhm. You been keeping this from me Saniyah. You feel so good around me girl." He grunted, forcing himself deeper, watching as she began to choke, attempting to push him back.
"Take this dick. Move yo fucking hand Rose." He grabbed both of her hands, holding them above her head, beginning to slam his hips, fucking her mouth.
He groaned, his dick throbbing once her throat contracted around him, trying to remain conscious.
He reached behind him to grab her neck, holding a tight grip that cut off her breathing since his dick rested in her throat.
Saniyah immediately passed out, and he moaned, his nut releasing inside of her mouth. He pulled back, tapping her face, and she gasped, tears of exasperation falling from her eyes.
"You such a good girl. Mm, you did so good baby." He grabbed her face in a rough kiss, groaning as she softly cried, trying to catch her breath.
Her tongue slid against his, both of them moaning at the taste of his cum that lingered in her mouth.
"Thank you." She whimpered, still trying to get herself together from the previous minutes.
He smirked at the small pout on her face, kissing her bottom lip, trailing his kisses lower, stopping at his nut that rested on her stomach, chuckling.
"You such a slut. Look at this." He pulled her up by her neck, and she moaned at the tight grip, attempting to close her legs.
"Is this pussy wet?" He tilted her head to meet his eyes, and she nodded her head.
"You better fucking answer me 'for I show you somethin'." He gritted, grabbing a fistful of her hair and roughly pulling it back, making her moan, her neck being kissed.
"Yes. Baby I'm cumming." She whimpered, placing her hand over his that was over her neck.
"Don't. You cum and I'ma break you in. Don't cum Saniyah." He pulled his face from her neck, laying her back on the pillows as her legs slightly shook.
"Please. Fuck, I can't hold it." She whined, her hand between her legs and over her panties, trying to soothe the throbbing sensation that she felt.
"I said no." He reiterated, tilting his head with his natural frown on his face.
"Okay. I'm sorry." She mumbled, crossing her legs to fight against the orgasm building in her body.
"Good girl." He leaned up, unclipping her bra and removing it from her body, dragging his tongue around her nipple, before taking it in his mouth.
She lowly moaned as he left hickies across her boobs, his tongue sliding down her cleavage as he kissed all over her chest.
"Dayvon please." She whimpered, grabbing his head, tired of being teased,
"Please what?" He smirked as she pulled his head to be above hers.
"Make me cum. Please." She held a small pout on her face, and he licked over his lips, sliding her panties off of her.
Leaning down, he used his thumb and pointer to spread her folds, taking her clit into his mouth.
Listening to her soft moans, his tongue flicked in a quick circle around her clit while using his thumb to massage the top of her opening near her g spot.
"Fuckkkk. Oh f-." She cut herself off, gasping as he sucked her urethra, and she immediately came, her thick white substance leaking from her opening.
Von smirked at how fast it was, not stopping-instead sucking her cum up, sliding his tongue deep into her opening.
"Mmm, shit Von." She whimpered, grabbing his dreads in a ponytail to move them from his face, rolling her hips upwards.
Von placed his hands on her inner thigh, spreading her legs, groaning as she spread them into a split, her body on display.
"Fuck." He grunted, raising up as his dick twitched, his fingers pumping quickly inside of her. He used his other hand to rub her clit in a circle at the same quick pace, creating a small vibration.
"Shit! Von m-oh my god move. Fuck!" She cried out, her legs beginning to shake, elevating them in the air as her orgasm approached.
"Make this pussy s-damn." He smiled, watching as she began to squirt before he could even finish telling her to do so.
"Oh my godddd!" She whined, closing her legs as tears fell from her eyes.
"Open yo fuckin' legs and stop playin'." He popped her thigh, and she cried, not doing so because she didn't want the mess to be larger than what it already was.
"You don't fucking hear me?" He snatched her up by her neck with both hands, and she gasped, placing hers over his.
"Baby I can't." She whimpered, a small pout on her face.
"Open the fuck up Saniyah." He slapped hard across her face, and she screamed out in pleasure, beginning to squirt once more.
She had no idea how both him and Kentrell knew about that, and she didn't know why she enjoyed it so much, all she knew was it made her cum every time.
"Fuck!" She cried, her back arching up from the bed, and he groaned, rubbing his fingers steadily over her opening, messing her juices around.
"There you go baby. This pussy get wet as fuck, huh?" He kissed her neck, listening to her soft cries as she came.
"Oh my god." She sniffed, tiredly grabbing his shoulders, and he smirked as she held him through her orgasm.
that pussy got power, bittersweet never sour ohhhh nana 😋🥰😍🙏🏼🐱✨😤🦆💪🏻🤦🏽♂️💯👅
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