ROSALIE SEARCHED THE HOUSE, looking for her father. As she walked past his office, she back tracked, realising he was in there. "Rosa," he called. "Hello, father,"
"We need to finish the guest list for your birthday dinner party," he said, writing on a piece of paper.
"I was just coming to talk to you about that" Rosa sighed, leaning against the desk. "I want the Shelby family there, all of them." Her father frowned. "Where has this sudden liking for the Shelby's came from?" James asked her. "I don't know what you're talking about" She grinned, turning away.
As she walked out of the office, she caught eye of Diana. "Oh, Diana," she whispered.
Diana stopped, looking at her.
"Has he called yet?" she asked quietly. Diana nodded, "The call is waiting in your bedroom." The woman said.
Rosalie excitedly ran up the stairs, closing her bedroom door over and picking up the phone.
Over the past two-ish weeks, Micheal and Rosalie had carried out multiple phone calls where they would just talk for ages. "Hello?" Micheal asked. "Micheal," she hummed, sitting on her bed.
"I feel like we haven't spoke in a while," he said, sucking in his bottom lip.
"I've been planning something, which reminds me. You and your family are invited to my birthday celebration on Friday,"
"Birthday celebration" Micheal nodded.
"Can i count on you to be there?" Rosa asked, fiddling with the hem of her dress. "I'll be there" He assured her.
"I shall contact Thomas myself, you can invite your mother too, if you wish."
Rosalie walked into her bedroom, looking at the dress that hung on the wardrobe. She grinned, feeling the fabric. "It's beautiful," she told Diana. "Really nice,"
Diana smiled proudly. "Your mother handed me these," she spoke, handing Rosa the box.
She carefully opened it, a breath leaving her mouth as she stared at the family diamonds.
"Is he coming to the dinner.."
"He is," Rosalie hummed, placing the box on her dresser and running fingers through her hair.
"Miss, if you don't mind me asking. What is going on between you?"
"Well, Diana, it's a waiting game. I've got him practically wrapped around my finger, just waiting for the right moment to make a move"
"He's different isn't he?" Diana said, clasping her hands together. "This time it's not just the boy who is falling to his knees, is it? You, my lady, are in love,"
"Diana," Rosalie scolded. "I wouldn't love," she grew nervous.
"Oh please, you've been meeting up with him and having secret phone calls and meeting up three months now. Your eyes light up, my lady." Diana convinced her. "How am i to know what it feels Have you ever been in love, Diana?"
Diana placed her hands behind her back. "You'll know, they shall become one of the only things you think about. The first thing and the last. Sometimes you may feel nervous, like you have to act a certain way," Diana told her. "And to answer your question, yes. There was a boy. We would sneak around before the war, he told me he loved me before he got sent off. He'd write to me, and then one day, i stopped receiving letters. And the last time i saw him was when horses were pulling a carriage that held his body," she looked down at the floor.
Rosalie took a deep breath. "I'm sorry, Diana. What was he like?"
"He was kind, he looked after me. Almost every week he would buy me flowers. He tried, as best he could.."
Rosa watched as the woman grew teary eyed.
"Sorry, my lady, i shall leave you be," the woman apologised, walking away before Rosalie could stop her.
Rosalie bit her lip, leaning back against the head board, thinking about Micheal. Diana was right, he was different. He made her fight for what she wanted, which only made her want him more. Micheal was kind but honest. He wasn't scared to be honest. The other boys would grow nervous around her, not Micheal.
The little things he did intrigued her more.
The way his fingers would graze her skin as they walked through places, sent shivers up her spine. The way a constant smirk would sit on his lips when they spoke. The way his eyes never left her no matter how many people were in the room.
Diana was right. Lady Rosalie Williams was finally, truly, falling for someone. But not just someone, a Peaky Blinder.
Her hand hovered over the phone but she quickly balled her hand into a fist, withdrawing her hand.
Rosalie almost never felt nervous around any boy. Ever. Micheal was the first that made her heart beat quicker, made her feel nervous. The first to make her stomach grow with nerves. She felt this feeling made her seem vulnerable and weak. But that was because she'd never felt this way before.
She stared up at the ceiling, her hands placed on the red bedsheets.
No matter how confident she came across, she knew she'd never be able to act on her feelings toward Micheal. Never once had she had that problem. But she was scared of embarrassment and rejection.
Then it reminded her, she needed to call Tommy, give him the invitation. She held the phone to her ear, letting it ring. "Hello?" a woman asked.
"Hello, is Mr Shelby available?"
"May i ask who is calling?"
"Rosalie Williams," Rosa told her, sitting down. There was a slight gasp over the phone, a few moments of silence.
"Rosalie," Tommy spoke. "To what to i owe the pleasure?"
"I wanted to call you myself, invite you to my birthday dinner later this week. I would understand if it was too much of a convenience due to the circumstances." Rosalie spoke.
"I'll be there." he said.
"Very well, thank you for your time, Mr Shelby." Rosalie said before placing the phone down.
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