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「 Chapter 4 - Scrambled Eggs 」
- 2nd pov -
"That looks... Perfect! Aagh! I am soo excited that [Y/n] and Sir Pentious are staying at the hotell~." Charlie sang happily, climbing down the ladder which Vaggie was holding.
You observed the two of them from afar, sitting on one of the couches of the hotel while Keekee comfortably laid on your lap.
"Uhm, Pentious was just trying to take over the city with his weird steampunk bullshit a few days ago." Vaggie pointed out as she rolled her eyes.
"Can't blame the guy, it's just his own way of trying to get validation from the Vees. Under the 'super-villain persona', I bet that guy's a total sweetie." You joined the conversation while Vaggie shot you a hesitant glance.
"Rightt.." Vaggie mumbled sarcastically while you shrugged and went back to reading the letter that someone slid under your door, into your room this morning.
"[Y/n] is right! And plus, I haven't seen him try to pull any of that here." Charlie agreed with you, but just as she said that, her gaze landed on Sir Pentious who rolled one of his new machines into the lobby.
Few of his egg bois were sitting on top of it, one of them you were quick to recognise waving his little hand at you.
You happily reciprocated, your interest being piqued by the machine Sir Pentious has apparently created.
"What the hell is that?" Vaggie shouted baffled, glaring at him.
"Oh, hello purple female." He greeted Vaggie, as he took off his hat and bowed. You let out a small snort at his action, finding it quite adorable.
At the same time, his egg companions have jumped off his machine, running towards you, startling Keekee. She jumped out of your lap, making them chase her around the hotel instead. Expect for one certain egg, who lifted his arms in the air, expecting for you to grab him.
You chuckled and complied, bringing Frank on your shoulder once again.
"It's my new invention, the 'Ssskin Flayer eleven thousand.' " He presented his machine proudly, placing the hat on his head once again while he crossed his arms.
"I'm reaallyy looking forward to shooting the other residents." He voiced out enthusiastically, rubbing his hands together maliciously, looking around the room as he did so.
"What? Why?" Charlie asked in a rushed tone, confused. "Everyone is being too nice.. obviously, it must be a lie!" He leaned his head back and rolled his eyes.
"I can sense they are planning to kill me, but when? How? I must be.. prepared!" He shouted, sounding like a maniac.
"Oh yeah, I was definitely planning to kill you today." You joked next to Sir Pentious, startling him sincehe didn't know you were present.
"[Y/n], don't say that! Even if you're joking." Charlie told you, making you let out a small chuckle.
"W-WaH- Mx. [Y-Y/n]! Y-you're here!" He stuttered out, trying to find the right words to say. Vaggie noticed his weird and quick switch in behaviour, raising her eyebrow in suspicion. "Yeah, been here the whole time. Can I touch this?" You asked for permission, your hand towering over the back off the machine.
"W-why, of course! You may touch it as much as you like!" He voiced out while trying to mask how flustered he was with confidence.
You gently ran your fingers over the edges of the machine, admiring the machine and it's structure..
Sir Pentious swallowed nervously when he saw you inspecting the machine, his cheeks taking a darker shade.
"I wouldn't mind getting shot by this thing." You commented the moment you finished observing the machine, giving it few pats before turning to face others.
"Well, it'd be a honour to be killed by your hands as well.." Pentious whispered to himself, resulting in you turning your head at him in curiousity. "What?"
"Uh-Oooh, the new parts of my machine are here!" He stammered as changed the subject once he heard the door open.
Odetta and Clara, the daughters of Carmilla Carmine walked in, Clara wheeling in the boxes of Carmine products that Pentious has previously ordered.
"Sign, please." Odetta holds out a clipboard towards Pentious who slithers his way over her, taking the clipboard into his own hands.
"Mhm, thank you for your bussiness. Enjoy your Carmine purchase." Odetta says as the sisters prepare to leave, but not before turning around and giving you a small wave.
"Carmine? As in Carmilla Carmine? You are buying parts from an overlord?" Vaggie questions the snake demon as he passes her, making him stop in his tracks.
"Erm, of course. She's the top weapons dealer in Hell." Pentious points out, resulting in Vaggie running towards the boxes and taking them away from him.
"You absolutely cannot build weapons in this hotel. No one is trying to kill you. People are being nice because they want you to feel welcome." When Vaggie finished her explanation, Pentious peeked his head from behind the machine, glancing towards the bar where the others were sat.
When the others noticed his stare, Husk gave him the middle finger while drinking a bottle of alcohol, Angel sent him the middle finger meanwhile he was on the phone, smirking as he did so.
And Niffty who was cleaning, focused her attention on Pentious, her smile spread wide as she laughed heinously.
"Hmm..- I have my doubtss.." Pentious turned to look at Vaggie once again, his suspicion of the others clear.
"Well, it's true. You have to trust us." Vaggie explained once more, her arms still laying on her chest, crossed.
"But I don't." Pentious declared. You watched the smaller drama unfold with Frank still on your shoulder, leaning against a wall, your gaze focused on Charlie who seemed to be deep in thought.
"Well, why don't we focus on that for today's activities?" Ah. Of course
"Not before we lay some ground rules." Vaggie butted in, directing her glare towards Pentious.
"No more building weapons, no more plotting against other guests and you need to get rid of these things." Vaggie stated, her tone turning stricter with every sentence she said. At the mention of the egg bois, the said creatures have fired a hole in the floor above, angering Vaggie further.
"Ugh! What did I just say? What did I just say??" Her glare deepened, pointing to the roof while holding eye contact with Pen.
"What?! Not my little egg boys. They do my evil bidding for me." Sir Pentious laid on the ground, embracing the egg bois on the ground protectively. Your eyes widened at Vaggie's statement as well, looking at Frank with worry.
"Do you want to stay here and redeem yourself?" Vaggie asked him sternly.
"..Yesss?" Pentious answered hesitantly, raising his eyebrow in confusion.
"Then, no more eggs. That goes for you as well, [Y/n]." Vaggie called out to you, stopping you in your tracks to escape while holding a certain egg.
You slowly turned around, embracing the egg protectively.
"[Y/n], they have to go. Your..- uh Frank is not an exception." Vaggie said sternly, although her voice was now softer than before.
"But- he's like my child! I cannot get rid of him!" You defended yourself, ready to do anything it takes to keep Frank.
"You've know him for a week." "A week and ONE day!"
"... A week and one day, alright. We have to be fair to all of our guests. If the others eggs have to go, then every egg needs to go. Even yours." Vaggie said with her arms crossed, though her gaze that was set on you was noticably softer.
"Alright... can I atleast find them a new home?" You asked, quick to give in despite your confidence on keeping Frank no matter what.
"Alastor!" Vaggie shouted, slamming the door open, making the music that was playing come to an abrupt stop while Alastor stopped, most likely startled.
You stood behind Vaggie, your expression gloomy, still sad about having to abandon Frank.
Alastor glanced at you and Vaggie in surprise, his gaze going over to his.. breakfast and towards the two of you.
Your face scrunched up in disgust at the sight of the poor deer lying lifeless on the table, its ribs sticking out and the smell of the rotting flesh reaching your nose.
"Do you mind? I'm in the middle of breakfast." The deer demon said with a hint of sass, bringing the fork closer to his lips.
In the meantime, you've heard small noises come from below you, making you glance at the egg minions, only to hold in your laugh once you've noticed two of them started to slap fight each other.
You immediately brought your phone out and started to record them, hoping to not be caught by Alastor.
"Pentious' eggs are all over the place and I need you and [Y/n] to get rid of them." Vaggie explained with a sharp glare, while Alastor threw his utensils away and comically quickly stood up, summoning his cane and walking towards you.
"Humanely." Vaggie reminded him with her glare turning sharper as Alastor hummed in response, turning around and bringing his hand close to his face.
"Hm. Well, that's a lot less hot, but I suppose we can take care of it on our outing today, right dear?" Alastor asked you as he took your arm in his, while you kept rewatching the video you took off the two egg bois, sending it to Angel.
"Wait. What? Our outing? Where we goin'?" You replied few seconds later confused, resulting in Alastor letting out a forced chuckle. "Today is the meeting of the overlords, both of us have received a letter, in case you've forgotten." Your expression turned dull at Alastor's remark, remembering that you have indeed received a letter.
"Oh, yeah. Right. Well, I'm not even an overlord? Why have I even received a letter." You voiced your thoughts out loud to Alastor as you got outside, while he stared at you in amusement.
"I suppose it is because you're well acquainted with some of the overlords and that you're considered one among most?" Alastor pointed out, glancing at the rest of the egg boys who were trailing behind the three of you. He was glad they were quiet for the time being.
His gaze then landed on Frank, who seemed completely in his own world, kicking his feet up and down while holding onto your shoulder tightly.
Oh how much he wished he'd loose balance and fall down. Perhaps you'd jump into his arms for comfort then if he died on accident? None the less-
"Eh, I guess you're right. I really do not have the energy to argue with you about not going and I'm really curious on how the overlords are dealing with the current situation of hell, so- oh wait, shit- is TV head gonna be there as well?" You slowly turned to face Alastor, the worry being visible in your expression.
"Well, that would be bad for both of us, wouldn't it?"
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"Oh boy, what's the plan, boss?" Frank said out of nowhere, glancing at you.
"What are the antlers for?" One of the egg boys shouted while pointing at Alastor from behind. "Can I touch your staaff thiing?" Another egg minion insisted, as you chuckled at the questions they had.
"Are those your ears? Or is it your hair? I can't tell!" You glanced at the mentioned deer demon, realising he wasn't paying attention at all as his gaze was set forward. You tried to hold in your snort, since he looked like as if all of his brain cells have left him once the egg minions started talking.
Just as this thought passed your mind, you and Alastor both stopped in your tracks once a shadowy figure appeared in front of you, startling you.
"Hark, Alastor-" Zestial's gaze fell from Alastor on you, the surprise he was feeling being well hidden behind his calm expression.
"[Y/n]. How fare ye this day?" Zestial's question echoed through the hallway, the sudden shouts of Frank startling you.
"Who's that, Boss? Want me to rough him up for you two?" Frank shouted as he started punching the air, making you place a finger to his lips in panic.
"Stay in silence if you value your shell." Alastor told Frank as he bonked him with his staff before facing Zestial.
"Greeting Zestial!" Alastor greeted, placing his staff on the floor as he rested his weight against it.
"It is a pleasure to see you once again, Zestial." You placed your hand on your chest, closing your eyes and then opening them while sending a smile in the overlord's direction.
"OW, HOLY SHIT!" A demon behind you tripped over once he has seen Zestial, running away the moment he stood up.
"Haha. The weather doth become this fine day." Zestial let out a small chuckle, ignoring the screams of terror from the citizens.
"Indeed. Looks like we might have some acid rain this afternoon." As Alastor finished that, a demon set himself on fire, running away while screaming. Although your face showed a hint of discomfort, the two overlords couldn't be bothered by such small thing.
"If our luck doth hold! I do revel in the screams. How art thou twain? It has been ages since thou hath graced us with thy presence." Zestial questioned Alastor as he joined the two of you on your walk.
"Some hath spun wild tales of you falling to... holy arms." Zestial pointed out, resulting in Alastor's outburst of fake laughing. "Oh hahahaha! Oh I just took a well earned sabbatical. Nothing serious." Alastor replied while stopping in front of a window, fixing his appearance in his reflection.
"Though it's fun to keep everyone on their toes, haha!" Alastor joked around as he leaned his weight on the cane once again, Zestial chuckling along.
"How about thou, [Y/n]? Thou hath been gone for years, yet thy name continues to hath its fame to this day." Zestial's attention fell upon you, his eye furrowing in curiosity.
You let out a chuckle. "Indeed, it appears that even till this day, my name should never live down. I took a break alongside Alastor, serving as one of his friend's bodyguard." You honestly admitted, finding no harm in telling half the truth of your absence.
"Hm, there too hath been rumour of thy twain involvement with the princess and her recent flight of fancy. Tell me, how does thou fall in such folly?" Zestial asked the two of you, as you stayed in silence, letting Alastor handle it.
"That is for us to know, but please do guess. I'd loove to know the theories!" Alastor replied casually, continuing in walking while linking his arm with yours.
Zestial chuckled at the two of you, catching up. "T'would be grander folly by far to assume the workings of your mind, Alastor. Thou hath been naught but an enigma since thy manifested in this realm. And hence thou, [Y/n]." Zestial said in honesty, yet your unease continued to worsen.
Despite your calm demeanor outside, you were internally panicking. All of your past actions have left you feeling pathetic in the presence of someone so powerful like Zestial.
Years ago? You would refuse to breathe the same air as an overlord, or anyone in power. But now? You're having a casual conversation with two of the most feared overlords of Hell.
You can even feel that you're not supposed to be here. This is a meeting for overlords, why were you invited? And why did you so easily came, unbothered?
Deep in thought, you've toned down the following conversation of Alastor and Zestial, until you've reached the elevator.
The egg boys wanted to follow the three of you inside, but Alastor stopped them with his staff.
"No, no. I have a very important task for you." You've brought Frank down from your shoulders and placed him on the floor, as his expression saddened.
"Stay here and guard the front until we return." Alastor ordered as he then looked around, looking for anyone around. The egg boys the salutated, watching as the three of you left.
Yet, you've failed to notice the certain egg demon that sneaked into the elevator alongside you.
Once you've reached the highest floor, you walked towards the room where the meeting was taking place. You've took a seat right beside Alastor, noticing that your old friend, Rosie has walked into the room conversing along side other overlords, bringing a smile to your lips.
She sat on your right, surprise visible on her features as she took in your figure.
"Welcome, Hell sovereign overlords. I've invited you all here because you represent the controlling powers of our city." The host of this meeting, Carmilla Carmine, walked in, getting straight into discussion. "Together, you own millions of souls, souls at risk with the new extermination schedule." She banged her fist onto the table, looking around the room at the various overlords.
"We need to discuss what can be done to minimize the impact to our interest." The rattling of a snake could be heard as Zestial entered the room, Carmilla's attention setting on him.
"Zestial, so good to see you, my friend."
"Enchanted as always, Carmilla." Zestial replied, sipping on his cup of tea. Carmilla's smile faltered once she set her gaze on Alastor. "Alastor?"
"Yes, I know I've been absent some time, I'm sure you've all been wondering." Alastor remarked sarcastically, placing his fingers against eachother.
"Not really." Wow, right in the ego. "But welcome back in any case." You glanced at Alastor and noticed how his eye twitched in annoyance, biting your lip in order to keep you from laughing.
"I would have never expected to see you here after all these years, [Y/n]." Carmilla suddenly mentioned you, a small smile returning to her lips.
You've returned your focus back to her and gave her a smile of your own. "It's nice to see you, Carmilla. The new extermination schedule is a problem to everyone, and I want to do everything I can in my power to help you out."
"I appreciate it." Carmilla said, before snapping her fingers, making Odetta hand her a clipboard with all the records of the past exterminations.
"This year's extermination was brutal, far more even than years past. We have assessed that about 16% of the population was lost." Carmilla spread out her arm, the interactive board behind her lighting up.
"With the angelic legions now returning twice as quickly, I think it prudent we..-" Carmilla was interrupted by someone kicking the door open, making your eyes widen to see a member of the Vees, Velvette, show up.
Your body froze for a second in fear of Vox showing up. Thankfully, he didn't.
"Yes, I've got it handled, Vox. Are you doubting me?" Velvette walked into the room while on the phone, unbothered that you were in the middle of a meeting.
"Really?" Her expression morphed into a surprised one, before turning smug. "Me? That's what I thought." She leaned against one of the empty chairs, having her back turned towards the others.
You and Alastor exchanged a look of disbelief for a second, before shifting your focus back to her.
"Haha, yes, I know. They're all a joke." She laughed mockingly, not before her eyes landed on you for a second.
"Oh and, the assassin's here~ what a bummer you couldn't make it, right?" Your face dropped at the mention of yourself in the phonecall and the way you could tell who was Velvette teasing.
"Alright, gotta go now. See you soon, mwa, kisses, darling!" Velvette finished her phone call as she sat in seat she was previously leaning against.
She placed her phone on the table and rested her face against her palm.
You can already tell this will be an interesting meeting indeed.
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[ Fun facts and thoughts ]
- When imma get 200 votes on this chapter imma post chapter 5 muehehe ( im sorry i live for votes I love votes i need more stars votes )
- [Y/n] isn't afraid of Vox. They just see him.. like a weird needy ex if though they never dated lol.
- wanted to write the content of the letter [Y/n] received at the start, but got lazy ( and tired, it's 3 AM good lord ) and all I'm going to say that it's from a secret admirer ;3
- [Y/n] has slow reactions because of often weed usage in the past btw lol
- what I wanted to write but didn't is how Alastor is like "oh hey u have a new phone, from who 😊😡" "Angel bought it for me, like yuh ik u hate electronics n stuff..."
- did I mention how low [Y/n]'s confidence is. They're insecure as fucc
- Will do many editing the moment I wake up, it's a mess currently so sorry
- [ Important A/N ] -
Heyyy... hiiiii........... It's 3 am currently and I would like to apologise for dissapearing for months and then coming back with this horrendous chapter.... i've been on a writer's block and art block for soo long I can't do this anymore guys 💔💔
Despite that, my depression's gotten a lot worse and I'm struggling with my life a lot, and despite constantly having the desire to write, to come back... I don't have the motivation or talent anymore..
But I really want to try despite that. And I hope you'll acknowledge my efforts. I won't start another fanfiction and I'll try to finish all of my other ones. Also sophomore year is fucking hell.
Anyways, hopefully you've enjoyed this chapter and if you did please leave a comment and a vote ( preferably both :3 ) to let me know. It motivates me a lot and knowing someone still enjoys my fanfictions atleast gives me the desire to write.
Also Husk big moment ;3
「 3700 words 」
| Thu 26.12. 2024 |
╰┈➤「 Secret achievement unlocked - You have found Husk! 」
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[ 5/17 ]
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