A/N- You know exactly what it means 😏 (well unless you're actually a kid and you're innocent 😂😂)
Don't worry, there's no explicit content and no heavy sexual vocabulary. Aera's a kid as well remember?
I hope you'll have a clearer and more healthy concept of 'Sex' by the end of this chapter. No I'm not going for a sex-ed class, but still, there's a certain amount of knowledge that hyungs share-
Why am I giving spoilers? Go ahead and read 😂
A frown crept up slowly as Aera's hands grabbed the TV remote silencing the noise for a while and focusing on the sound that filled her ears suddenly, leaping up from her warm spot under the blanket on the couch, her feet tip toed towards the door praying for it to be anything but the monster from the movie she last saw with Jungkook.
She sighed, going back in once it was quiet, convincing herself that the ghost or likely the monster probably left, showing his mercy on the little girl. Aera climbed between the bundle of blankets among which, one was her Blankie that kept her safe from everything in the world ever since she was a small baby. Her eyes closed gradually laying down and turning on the volume a little lower this time, just in case she hears something again and has to run.
Little laughs surrounded the room as Tom started chasing Jerry to the very end of the cliff from where the mouse had strategically applied some anti-gravity reverse mechanism (which is a superpower only for cartoon charecters), enabling him to stand upside down just below the hanging edge of the cliff and letting Tom be a patient of inertia until he actually realizes he was hanging mid-air, about to fall in the water right below. Jerry let out a satisfied smile clapping his tiny hands twice to dust them off while marching back to the land.
Aera frowned turning down the volume again and focusing on the monstrous sound calling for her brother, scaring the life out of her nine year-old body.
"Koo's in danger" A whisper to herself and an emergency warning to her brain that said she needed Jungkook right now and they have to fight the monster like the hero and his friends did in the movie.
After a few consoling minutes that helped Aera gather enough courage required to leave the theater room, head upstairs and take Jungkook's old lightening sword and nerf guns. With small steps and uneven breathing, she finally made it half way through the stairs gawking around cautiously with the heroic feeling slwoly setting down and fear taking over. By the top most step, the noise had gotten clearer and didn't sound as monstrous as it did before, but it was still scary for a nine year-old to be alone at home with only her brother who was sleeping as per her knowledge.
"Oh no" Aera whispered almost as if going to cry as her eyes fixed on Jungkook's door, "the monster's in Koo's room..."
Her eyes shut tightly and body flinched on a sudden high note of voice, much resembling like a scream. Aera looked around, gulping thickly as she stood unaware of what to do next. Hearing another similar scream, she gasped blinking a few times and finally deciding to ask Jungkook for help, he's strong and he's not afraid of anything, so he'll definitely be a help.
With that thought in mind, she walked towards his room hearing more noises and groanings which made her pout and quickly grab the knob, twisting it and pushing the door open, which however made her freez at her spot instead of running inside and jumping on him for a hug.
Aera gulped, frowning at the view of Jungkook staring at her as if a deer caught in a headlight. The brother took a moment to realize the seriousness of the situation, throwing the blanket on the girl below him, as he stood up hastily grabbing a pillow and using it as an only thing to cover himself up.
"Why are you naked?" Aera asked, making a grossed out face.
"Don't you know how to knock?!" He scowled in frustration, "Get out!"
"Don't scold me" she mumbled looking down at her feet, "there's a monster..."
"No there's not! Now go away!"
"Aera, Go. Now." He said sternly, making her pout and stomp away. His hands left the pillow, grabbing his hair instead as he groaned loudly kicking the air and nothing else. "Get dressed, and leave." He voiced, not even glancing at the girl who kept staring at him with a confused look as if wanting an instruction for what to do next.
She nodded instantly and stood up grabbing her clothes form the chair while Jungkook went in the bathroom mentally thinking of ways to talk to his sister about what she just witnessed. It was probably not the best thing for a sister to watch her brother while he was in the middle of satisfying his sexual desires.
"Jungkook" He heard the girl's voice.
"Hmm yeah, just a minute." He replied, washing his face with cold water a few times and dressing himself up before going back in his room and noticing the mess they created which was nothing compared to the amount of mental damage he had done in the brain of a nine year-old child and himself. On second thoughts, Aera -being a kid- might even forget about it and move on, but with Jungkook, this is going to stay for quite a while.
"I'll leave now..."
The boy nodded gesturing his hand towards the door, letting her go first and following right after, turning all red in embarrassment.
He noticed Aera's gaze on him, but more on the girl which made him want to quickly get rid of her and see her off, leaving him alone with the kid. He inhaled deeply and turned to face Aera trying be as normal as possible.
"So..." He blinked a few times, "Since when are you here? I- I mean, at home?"
"Since I came back from school." She stated the obvious, "Why were you naked? And she was naked too... that's gross."
Jungkook could feel his cheeks burning at her remark as he fiddled with his fingers and struggling in his head to find the right words which seemed to be a big failure right now. He sat straight, sighing for the n'th time and cracked his neck, fixing his eyes on Aera's curious self.
"Uh yeah, she was... no I- I'm uhm, it was just I was trying to eh... help her?"
"Help her? How?" Aera frowned.
"You don't have to know that, just- just listen to me now okay?" He asked, not getting the best response from the girl, "I'll get you chocolates if you do."
"Yes oppa, I'm listening." She nodded, smiling at him like a good girl which made him sigh.
"You will not mention any of this to anyone in the house. Forget that you ever saw anything up in my room okay? There was no girl, I was never naked, and you never came to my room. Easy yeah?"
"....okay, but why?"
Jungkook closed his eyes massaging his temples to keep himself cool, "because its not a good thing to do and also I'm buying you chocolates."
"Only chocolates?"
Jungkook stared at her mentally cursing at himself for teaching her about being too smart and taking advantages in this cruel world, never knowing that karma would bite him in the ass this bad. His tongue poked the inside of his cheek as he nodded slowly, giving Aera the permission to add one more thing to her wishlist while he's obliged to listen to her.
"A large burger and a Chocolate vanilla Frappuccino"
Having no other choice, Jungkook felt himself giving in to the deal as this was still a lot better than what he might he have to face if the hyungs come to know about his careless actions and attitude.
"But you have to promise me that you won't tell anyone about this, not even Jimin hyung."
"Hmm" Aera nodded for him and stood up from her place, instead taking the spot on his lap now, "You know, I was so scared, I thought there's a monster."
"A monster?" He asked, earning a nod from the girl, "You must've imagined something, monsters are not real."
"No, it was real, I heard it."
"You... heard the monster? Interesting, what did he say though?"
"I don't know, but it was so scary and I was even more scared because it was in your room, you didn't see it?"
"That's weird, I heard it, the monster was calling you and screaming and it was so scary." She said, "that's why I was coming to you, because you're so strong and you'd fight the monster and save me."
Jungkook fell silent on this, his face and body turning red again and shrinking in his place, wanting to throw himself away among the asteroids far away from the milky way and never come back as he realized who Aera's monster was. Embarrassed would be a huge understatement for him right now.
"Are you okay?" Aera asked, cupping his face and making him look at her, "looks like you're sick, do you need water?"
"Uh no, I'm fine. Uhm just know that there's no monster and everything is okay..."
Aera smiled softly, standing up and pulling his hand as she lead him to the kitchen and pointing at a high cabinet, which Jungkook understood and stepped forward taking her snacks out and handing it to her, earning a heartfelt giggle and a sweet 'Thanks Koo'. Smiling faintly he patted her head and sat down on the bar stool watching her making arrangements for her snack time.
Never in his life had he thought of being in such a strange and rattled situation. He had read a number of hilarious posts about how one of the siblings walked in on the other, and laughed every time, but now that he experienced it himself, no bit of it felt funny.
Even though he knew having sex was nothing bad and it was fine unless he gets a girl pregnant, but the thought of his innocent, little sister witnessing it was terrible. The hyungs too would most likely scold him for not being mindful of what he's doing and where he's doing it, since explaining sex to a nine year-old would be more than just difficult, not like she needs to know it right now.
"We're back!" He startled at the voice breaking through his ears indicating that the hyungs were back. Relax, just breath. She won't tell them.
"Hi Oppa" Aera greeted them casually while munching on her Cheetos.
"Hey, what are you eating?" Taehyung asked leaning towards her as he opened his mouth waiting for Aera to feed him as well. She showed him a single peice before feeding it to him and making him laugh lightly.
"How was your day?" She asked, imitating Jimin's mature behavior of always asking her and Jungkook the same.
"Hmm, it was good." Taehyung nodded, seating himself next to her as he started eating along with her.
"Did you wash your hands?" The eldest reminded, crossing his arms on his chest as he gave a look, making Taehyung laugh nervously and stand up, flinging his hands in the air as a sign that he surrendered.
"How was your day?" Jimin asked, making Yoongi smile as he looked at Aera as well.
"I'm sure she had a lot of fun, after coming home early from school." The older laughed, making Aera giggle.
"I ate ice cream and watched Tom and Jerry, and also-"
She stopped, glancing at the youngest boy who started coughing out of nowhere subtly shaking his head as his eyes met Aera's. However her confusion didn't last long, realizing she was supposed to pretend as if nothing really happened.
"So yeah, that's all." She said, sliding her box of orange juice towards Jungkook who sighed taking a sip from it before handing it back to her.
"And you Jungkook?" Yoongi asked, "What did you do?"
"Nothing really, today was boring. You guys should've stayed, or at least Tae and Hobi hyung, so we could play some games or something."
"That's the plan for tomorrow Kook, be ready to lose." Taehyung smirked, pointing his index finger at the younger boy.
"As if" Jungkook scoffed.
"Well anyways, Aera finish eating quickly and then get your homework book, your teacher said you've been doing all sums wrong in class." Jimin said.
"No, it was right" she said with full mouth.
"How do you know if its right or not? The teacher checked it and said its wrong."
"But, Koo helped me."
"Really?" Jimin cocked an eyebrow at Jungkook, "What kind of help are you doing?"
"I just told her that its easy and she'll be able to do it if she practices like me."
Jimin rolled his eyes, aware of the hatred his brother had and still has for Math, "Just go and get your book Aera."
"No, why? I will study, I promise." She said quickly, making Jimin and the others to exchange glances. "Oppa..." She whispered to Jungkook hoping for some help, but the boy seemed to be emersed in his own problems.
"What? Are you not doing your homework?" Namjoon asked.
"I am," Aera said, "what do you wanna see in it? My handwriting is bad, you won't understand anything."
"Okay, this is weird, get your notebook." Namjoon said, earning a disheartening sigh from the kid as she jumped down from the stool and headed upstairs, coming back with her math homework book.
"This is the way you provide help huh?" Namjoon asked, glancing at Jungkook once he took a proper look at Aera's homework which was mostly done by Jungkook and passing the book to Jimin who closed his eyes inhaling deeply.
"Keep in mind that I never see you near her when she's doing her homework." Jimin said before turning to Aera, "And you, homework is meant to be done by you, not others. I don't know how you do it, but make sure to write it all again, and this time you will do it by yourself."
"Nooo! That's too much!" She retorted.
"You should've thought that before asking him to write it for you." Namjoon said, "And Jungkook, please use the brain you're given, this is not helping, you're spoiling her."
"No he loves me." Aera said confidently making Jungkook snicker as he pulled a smug look towards his hyungs, impressed by Aera's sudden response.
"Quiet" Jimin voiced strictly, "why did you ask him to do your homework?"
"I didn't" she shook her head, "He said he wanted to... to help me."
"Is that so?"
"No! I was helping her verbally, but she started bugging me about how her hands hurt and then I had to write it for her." Jungkook said smugly, exposing the little girl just like that.
Aera gasped staring at Jungkook, her hand moved swiftly hitting his arm as he betrayed her and broke his promise of keeping it a secret.
Jimin held her hand making her stop and turning her to face him, "What did I tell you about lying?"
"...its a bad habit"
"Yes, and you still lie. What do you think we should do?"
"forgive me?"
Jimin sighed and bent down to match her height as he brought her closer and looked at her with a soft look, "Lying is bad, if you lie to others nobody will believe you when you're saying the truth. Think about it yourself, do you like people who are liars or those who speak the truth and be honest?"
"...truth" she admitted in a small voice, "I'm sorry oppa, I won't lie, I promise."
"Are you sure? Because kids who lie also get to face consequences."
"I won't lie," she said quickly, "I'll be a good girl."
"That's good. Do your homework on your own now, so that you can learn what is taught and not just fill pages of the book. You wanna be smart and score good in exams right?"
"Yes, like you." She smiled, making Jimin smile as well, as he patted her head.
"You'll do better than me, but you have to work hard for that and quit lying."
Aera nodded and glanced at Jungkook with a huff before stepping further into Jimin's arms as he was kneeling down now, "Breaking promise is a bad thing, right oppa? Koo broke his promise, he said he won't tell anyone about the homework..."
"Well, yeah but if its for a good reason then its fine."
Aera nodded slowly understanding his words while Jungkook felt the possible threat that he almost forgot about till now and realized how much he messed up by telling Aera's secret to the boys when he was himself in a similar condition yet with more adverse side effects if Aera breaks her promise as well. He gulped watching her every move, ready to stop her the very moment things feel more suspecious.
"Jungkook are you okay?" Hoseok asked, patting his shoulder.
"Oh yeah, I'm perfectly fine." He smiled, focusing back on the nine year-old who was giving him displeased looks. "Aera, come on, I need some help from you."
"I don't wanna help you" Aera huffed, earning several sighs from the boys while Jungkook eyed her to go inside and he's coming, but the girl just looked away not paying attention to him which pissed him off. Standing on his feet, Jungkook scoffed bending down and scooping the kid in his arms as he knew she won't go without throwing tantrums.
"Ahh! Leave me!" She whined, kicking her legs and hitting Jungkook with her hands while he glanced at the hyungs, pulling his head back to avoid getting hit and walked upstairs.
"Is he...okay?" Jin asked, turning at Jimin and the others who just shook their heads subtly, "I hope they don't argue" He sighed.
Yoongi nodded, his eyes fixed at top of the staircase, "He better not be doing something weird."
"What were you doing?" Jungkook asked strictly, crossing his arms on his chest as he stood in front of Aera whom he placed on the bed in her room after bringing her upstairs.
The girl stared at him with a pout, eyes brimming with tears as she scooted away from him; that was probably the time Jungkook realized that maybe he scared her. His eyes softened at the sight of her letting out a small sob as she threw a square pillow towards him, he climbed on the bed opening his arms and flashing a small smile.
"I'm sorry baby"
"No, go away, you're so bad! I'll tell Jimin oppa!" She cried, rubbing her eyes, "I don't like you!"
"Oh I'm sorry Aera, please don't say like that. I promised you chocolates and burger and what was that? Uh..."
"Frappuccino..." She mumbled.
"Yeah, your favorite one. Please don't be mad at Kookie. We'll go right now and get all the things."
"...now?" Aera sniffed.
"Yeah, but you have to stop crying and smile first."
"You won't scold me?" She asked and Jungkook shook his head instantly, "and take me for a drive after Starbucks?"
"Yeah" He nodded, "now hug?"
Aera nodded, crawling towards him and hugged him as he wiped her tear stained cheek and planted a kiss softly, "Get changed, we'll go after that." He said and stood up, turning around just to see Taehyung standing at the door with a suspecious look plastered on his face.
"There's definitely something wrong isn't it?"
Jungkook sighed, pulling him in and closing the door behind him while Aera looked at the two boys, Jungkook gestured her to go and get ready letting him and Taehyung have a few minutes alone which he was strategically going to utilize.
Taehyung stared at Jungkook with a blank expression before standing up and gasping loudly, "You're doomed!"
"Keep it down!" He whisper yelled, covering the older boy's mouth, "I know I'm doomed, why else do you think I'm doing all this? If the hyungs come to know, I don't know what they'll do..."
"This is so complicated, do you think she'll stick to her words? I mean, she's just a kid and it can slip out very casually."
"I know" Jungkook nodded, staring at the floor chewing on his bottom lip as he strained his brain to think of something. "Hyung, now that you know about it, you have to help me."
"JEON JUNGKOOK!" They heard Yoongi's voice yelling from what sounded like across the hall, "COME HERE RIGHT NOW!"
"Oh god, what did I do now..." He inhaled deeply heading out of the room followed by a curious Taehyung. His dangerously pacing heart stopped abruptly as if somebody applied the breaks too hard, leaving him gasping as it suddenly dawned upon him that he forgot to clear the mess in his room. The bad news being, Jimin and Yoongi standing in front of the open door, staring in with flushed faces.
"What the heck is this?" Jimin asked, glaring at Jungkook, "And you better not lie."
"I... I'm sorry hyung- uhm its just y'know, Chelsea came over and..." Jungkook said in a low tone of voice.
"Damn Jungkook" Taehyung whispered, smirking at the younger, "Looks like you enjoyed a lot."
"Shut up" Yoongi glared at him, "Everything aside, where was Aera? Where did you leave her?"
"I'm here!" Aera chirped, jumping behind Jungkook and holding his hand, "Let's go."
"Where?" Jimin asked.
"For the treat" She giggled making Jungkook gulp.
"We'll go in a while, wait for me in your room." He whispered, patting her back.
"No, you said now..." She pouted.
"Please Riri, try to understand, its an emergency."
Jimin rolled his eyes and gestured Aera to come to him after shutting the door to Jungkook's unholy room. The youngest boy stared at them with a horrified expression, his hand gripping on Aera's tightly, not wanting her to interact with any of his hyungs at the point which the elders noticed.
"Ouch" Aera winced, trying to remove his hand from hers, which pulled him out of his trans and loosened his grip around her wrist.
"Jungkook" Yoongi warned, nodding his head towards the girl while his eyes were fixed on Jungkook. The boy looked down, letting go of her and mentally praying for her to not let anything out.
"Is everything okay?" Jimin asked to his sister, glancing at Jungkook who nodded subtly which made Aera nod as well.
"Yeah" She said.
"You came back from school early today right?"
"Yes- Ow!" Aera shrieked, turning her head to see what pinched her out of nowhere and found Jungkook shaking his head, "Why did you pinch me? Ouch it hurts"
"I- I didn't, what are you saying?" Jungkook laughed nervously, eyeing her to keep quiet which she probably didn't understand as her hand lifted swiftly smacking his arm.
"Stop this both of you." Jimin said, "Aera, you don't hit people like that."
"Why not? He pinched me and he's lying!" She said, glaring at Jungkook, "I will tell them!"
Jungkook laughed nervously, nudging Taehyung to say something, nodding at the elder who stepped forward and smiled at Aera, "Let's go, I'll take you to Starbucks, Kookie's a little busy."
"I don't wanna go anywhere!" She stomped her foot, pushing his hands away and stepping closer between the elder boys as she held onto Jimin's hand tightly.
"What's going on? Did they do something?" Yoongi asked and noticed her eyes wandering towards the younger brother on hearing the question. "He won't say anything, tell us what happened."
"...he's lying" Aera mumbled, "and he broke his promise, so I'll break my promise too."
"What promise?"
"to keep a secret."
"Happy dying Jungkook-ssi" Taehyung whispered as the elders glanced at Jungkook with questioning eyes.
"There's a secret?" Jimin asked, earning a nod from her.
"I came home on time from school, and then after some time I heard the monster in his room, it was so scary oppa. I came to up so that Koo can help me and fight the monster, but he was already helping his friend and told me to go away."
"Chelsea is the friend?" Yoongi asked, earning a small nod from Jungkook. "What does she mean by 'already helping the friend'?"
"I'm saying the truth oppa, when I asked him why he was naked he sai-"
The boys choked on thin air, eyes gaping at Jungkook in utter shock, while the boy had his head hanging low possibly planning a way of somehow escaping this trap of embarrassment that his sister's innocent words gave him,
"Yeah, they were naked, weird right?"
"...yeah, very weird." Jimin nodded, eyeing the younger brother "We need to talk Jungkook. We really do."
"and then he was getting mad at me and scolding me everytime. And promised to take me to Starbucks if I don't tell you, but he's annoying me. So I told you" she scoffed.
"...good job" Yoongi sighed.
"First of all, you shouldn't be doing something like that when you have your little sister of nine at home with you. Second, why won't you lock the door? And then you made up silly stories and not only lied yourself but also encouraged for the same. And do you think 'helping' was the right word to tell her?"
"I'm sorry hyung, I didn't know what to say to her. She kept asking me why I was naked and I couldn't just come up and explain the whole idea of having sex right? So I just told her whatever my brain made up first."
"I don't know if I'm completely right at this, but I think we need to have 'The talk' with her soon. She's growing up and now that she saw you like that, maybe its time." Namjoon said.
"Maybe, but isn't too early? She's just nine." Jimin said, "I thought of waiting for at least till she's eleven or so. But thanks to my brother, we might have to do it two years earlier."
"I'm sorry" Jungkook mumbled.
"Jungkook listen, if you're apologizing for having sex, then you don't have to. Its fine, you're a legal and you have the right to do what you feel is okay for you, everybody has their needs and desires there's nothing wrong in that and you shouldn't be ashamed of it. But you should be mindful of your actions especially around your sister. She's just a kid, and she won't understand all this, we don't wanna scare her or create a misconception in her mind about people's sexual drive. So, I'd suggest you to keep your door locked or the best: go out and have a good time." Jimin said.
"Yeah, but make sure, you don't become a dad just yet." Taehyung added laughing as he patted Jungkook's shoulder.
Jungkook chuckled and nodded, "Thank you hyung, all of you, thank you for understanding. I thought, you'd be mad at me for being so careless."
"For making your sister lie and scolding her for nothing, yes I am mad. Other than that, everything is cool." Jimin said, earning a nod from Yoongi and the others.
"What did you learn?"
"knock before entering" Aera chimed, taking her chocolates, burger and the Frappuccino from Jungkook who smiled and ruffled her hair.
"Good girl."
A/N- 😁😁 My quick advice for you is to knock before entering.
ClowneryQueen JustinnSeegirl97 what do you guys think?
Well everyone, vote if you like and thanks for reading 💜
Word count : 4.6K
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