The first steps || 1
"Don't turn on the stove and see Aera doesn't put anything in her mouth okay? We'll try to come back real soon." Jaehyun said and patted the younger son's head as he kept whining to take him with them.
"Take care" Eunmi said and headed out with her husband. Jungkook pouted watching their parents' car speeding off from the driveway leaving the kids at home. They had received an urgent call from the company saying their clients have arrived and wanted to prepone the meeting. Having no other choice, Jaehyun -the CEO- and Eunmi, -the managing director- had to leave Aera and the boys alone for the first time.
Although they trusted Jimin, they knew he himself was young, just thirteen. So they decided one of them would come back early.
"C'mon Kook, let's go in." Jimin said and turned around going back to the living room, knowing that the younger boy would come behind him on his own.
Jungkook sighed and threw himself on the couch watching his hyung sitting on the floor with his books on the coffee table while he continued doing his homework. Jimin took one of his rough notebooks and wrote a few math questions including times tables and some fractions, and handed it to Jungkook who frowned.
"Solve this, you're not going to sit doing nothing." Jimin said and gave him a pencil, "I'll check it in the next ten minutes."
"No! That's so quick! I'm not doing this." Jungkook retorted and pushed the notebook back.
"Jungkook sit back here, and yes you're doing it. Dad told you to learn the tables didn't he?"
"...I know them already."
"Liar" Jimin muttered, "Yeah? Then tell me, what's 6 times 12 ?"
"....62? Forget it, I'll do this. But I want more time." Jungkook said sighing dramatically as he took the notebook and a pencil.
"Not even a second more than ten" Jimin declared.
"Ugh!" Jungkook groaned and started scribbling on the pages angrily as he struggled multiplying 750 by 13. Jimin shook his head and focused back on his work.
"Done?" The elder boy asked exactly after ten minutes.
"What? Ten minutes are not over yet."
"They are" Jimin said, "Are you done or not?"
"Uhm just two-"
The boys fell silent as they heard a crying sound. Jungkook smiled widely finding a good escape from math and stood up, "Aera's up, I'll go get her." He said, running off from the room. Jimin sighed and closed his books.
"Hyung!" Jungkook shouted from the room over the sharp crying noise of the baby.
"What?" Jimin shouted back, "Bring her here!"
In a moment Jungkook came carrying the 11 months old baby who kept on crying. Jimin gasped and hurriedly took her from him while using his one hand to smack Jungkook's head.
"That's not how you carry a baby, stupid!" Jimin scolded.
"She kept moving around..." Jungkook mumbled, "Sorry"
Jimin patted Aera's back and bounced up and down her lightly in his arms while talking with her to distract her from crying. But it wasn't working. Jimin lifted her up a bit and sniffed her bottoms, realizing what the problem was.
"Kook, get her diaper" He told the younger who nodded and jogged back to the room, coming with a fresh, new diaper for his sister. Jimin laid the baby girl on the couch and started unbuttoning her onesie.
"Shh, its alright. We're getting our princess cleaned. You'll feel good after this." Jimin said to the baby who didn't seem to understand. Jungkook sat next to them and leaned down bringing his face above Aera's and rubbed his nose against hers.
"Good babies don't cry Aera, and you're a good baby aren't you?" He said, poking her cheek with his index finger. "Don't cry baby, I don't like it when you cry."
"Kook, hold her leg please. Don't let her run away." Jimin said as he kept away the used diaper while pinching his nose with one hand and took the new diaper. Jungkook held her onto place until the elder brother was done. Aera had stopped crying now, staring at him intently.
"Alright, I'll go and put it away." Jimin said and stood up taking the stinky diaper with him to the trash can.
Meanwhile Aera sat up in front of Jungkook, tapping on his leg and cackling happily. She squealed, clapping her hands and started climbing on his lap. The boy smiled, pulling his baby sister nearer, making her sit between his legs as he hugged her from behind. Aera held onto his hand pulling the shiny bracelet from his wrist.
"No Riri, its Oppa's. You can't take it." Jungkook said, "We'll get you another one if you want."
"Aaah! Aayayayaya!" Aera screamed making noises from the back of her throat.
"Ah No, Aera!" Jungkook whined trying to loosen her grip on his bracelet. However the toddler seemed determined to take her brother's bracelet.
"What happened?" Jimin asked, coming back after keeping the things in their place.
"She's snatching my bracelet." Jungkook said, still struggling with the lite girl who wasn't ready to let go of the shiny thing. "Aera leave it, it'll break!"
"Wait wait!" Jimin interrupted and sat next to Aera, "Baby, let Kookie have this one. We'll get a more beautiful bracelet for you, this isn't that nice." He said and slowly unclenched her fingers from the bracelet while distracting her with talking.
"Yes, good girl Aera." He praised with a smile and pecked her lips, making the toddler giggle and clap her hands. "Yeah, Jimin Oppa loves you too."
"I do too" Jungkook mumbled, taking his eyes off his bracelet. "I love you too Aera."
"Yeah, he does, a little bit." Jimin snickered.
"No! I love her a lot! A LOT!" Jungkook exasperated, insecure about the amount of love he has for his sister, making Jimin laugh.
"I know, I'm just kidding."
After a while of playing, Jungkook laid on the carpet watching Aera trying to stand up and falling again and again while Jimin went to prepare her milk. Aera's legs wiggled a bit as she let go of the couch and stood on her own. Jungkook sat up and clapped his hands twice drawing attention from his sister. The toddler glanced at him, extending her tiny arms towards Jungkook.
"Come to Kookie" Jungkook said with a smile opening his arms for Aera, "Come this way."
Aera lifted her right foot in the air, taking a small step ahead which only resulted in her loosing balance and falling on her butt. Jungkook shifted towards her and helped her getting up again. She held onto his hand and stood up doing the typical baby dance.
Jungkook laughed and stood up, "Let's go see what's taking hyung so long." He said and started going the kitchen while holding Aera's hands as he slowly and carefully took each each step back so that Aera took a step forward. By the expression Aera wore, anyone could tell she was super proud of herself and happy walking with the help of her brother. Even Jungkook was enjoying seeing her trying to walk with him.
"Mummumum..." Aera blabbered stopping on her track.
"Come Ae-"
"Oh hey, is Riri learning how to walk?" Jimin cooed and looking at her standing near the kitchen island. Aera gasped, staring him before breaking into a cute giggle. She clapped her hands excitedly, forgetting that she has to hold Jungkook's hand or else she'll fall. But instead, she took a step forward, then one more and then one more. The boys gasped looking at her.
"Yess! C'mon Riri!" Jungkook cheered.
Jimin quickly knelt down, opening his arms for Aera to come to him. It was barely two steps left when Aera's balance gave up and she stumbled. But Jimin was quick to catch her and hug her tightly.
"You did great Princess! Good job!" Jimin said proudly and kissed her several times earning happy laughs from the baby.
"Yes, good job baby." Jungkook said kneeling down near his siblings. "Mom and Dad will be happy to know this. I'll record this okay? Riri you have to walk again." He declared and ran off to get his brother's phone.
Jungkook positioned the phone on the table and went near Aera, holding her with him. While Jimin knelt down not that far, for the fact, that Aera was walking for the first time.
Jungkook pointed at Jimin and looked at Aera, "You have to go to Jiminie Oppa okay?" He said and slowly let go of her.
"Abababa!" Aera shouted and walked to the eldest brother almost falling at the end. But again, Jimin was there. He smiled proudly and kissed her forehead.
"Good job angel." He said and patted her back, "I feel so good right now." He said to Jungkook who just laughed, shrugging his shoulders.
"Send the video to Dad" Jimin said.
"I'm doing that" Jungkook nodded. Jimin stood up, carrying Aera up in his arms as she must be tired now. He brought her sippy cup to the living room and sat on the couch with her. He sat properly, making Aera comfortable in his lap knowing that she won't drink her milk unless she's sitting with someone on their lap. Its usually their Dad who feeds her because she throws a lot of tantrums with Mom. But when they're busy, Jimin takes care of her, like today.
"Jungkook, turn off the TV and do your homework." Jimin said.
"I'm done with homework." Jungkook said nonchalantly.
"Then do the questions I gave you."
"Ugh no hyung!" The younger whined.
"Do it Kook." Jimin said, knowing that he was the in charge when their parents are out. Jungkook sighed and glanced at Aera before getting up and taking his notebook and pencil.
"Aera's life is nice. She doesn't have to do math or study science or clean up after playing." He breathed out.
"You were also a baby a few years back." Jimin said, "And one day Aera will grow up and she will do math as well."
Jungkook froze for a moment and turned around looking at his hyung, "I don't want Aera to grow up..." He mumbled.
"What?" Jimin asked not quite catching the younger's words.
"I don't want Riri to grow up hyung"
"What, why not?"
"We have worries when we grow up. I don't want Riri getting stressed.... And- and she'll have to marry another boy and then go away with him. What will we do hyung? I don't wanna live without her..." Jungkook said, pouting.
"Uhm its not like that Kook. Everything you said is quite normal." Jimin said.
"No hyung, I don't want Riri to grow up." The younger boy said nearly crying. Jimin smiled and patted his head.
"She's not going anywhere Kook, she'll stay with us for a long time, and you'll grow up even more when she reaches the age of marriage." Jimin said. Jungkook shook his head and looked up at Jimin who sitting on the couch.
"Hey don't cry, Kook." Jimin said softly and wiped his tears. Jungkook sniffed, rubbing his eyes and placed his head on his brother's lap staring at their baby sister.
"I don't want anyone taking our Riri away from us."
"That's not happening Kookie, don't worry." Jimin said stroking his hair gently. He used his hand to make Jungkook look up at him and wiped his tears. "Don't cry, Aera's not leaving us. She's just eleven months old Jungkook-ah."
"I know, but- but hyung, she won't forget us right?"
"Of course not," Jimin said, "We don't forget the people we love Kook. Now stop crying."
"Yaaayayaya!" Aera screamed extending her hand towards Jungkook as if trying to say something to him.
"Look, Riri is also telling you to stop crying and smile." Jimin said. Jungkook wiped his tears and sat properly, pulling Aera's legs to bring her closer. He leaned forward and pecked her lips.
"Kookie loves you Riri." He said, his pout still evident on his lips. Jimin smiled and pinched his cheek. The boy looked up at his hyung and smiled back, "I love you too hyung."
Jimin frowned at the sudden love confession by his brother, but smiled eventually understanding that he was worried about their relationship when they grow up.
"You don't have to be worried okay? We'll stay like this always." Jimin said in his big-brother tone.
"Thank you hyungie"
How's it?
One more thing, I wanted to ask if your families (parents) know about you reading/writing fanfiction? Because mine don't and I'm not really confident on how they'll if they ever come to know about all this *sigh*
Anyways, please vote, if you like the chapter 💜
Word count: 2.1K
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