Tae-Kook Alert: Babysitting || 04
large gap! this age-group bts 👇
"don't bother kook and tae too much alright?" jimin smiles at aera, patting her head. aera nods confidently, giving him a thumbs up, which makes the brother sigh, knowing that she's only interested in the chocolate in his hand.
jimin lets her have it and turns to the younger boys who are busy yelling at each other, elbowing even, at times in an attempt to win the game, "hey, take care of aera, okay? see that she doesn't go out alone and doesn't play with the anything that might hurt her," he waits for a response and sighs deeply on seeing the boys are too invested in their videogame.
"you two," he mutters, shaking his head and plugs out the television screen, earning instant gasps and groans from the boys, "perfect, now listen here—"
"hyung! why would you do that! i was about to win!" jungkook groans.
"excuse me?" taehyung rolls his eyes, "i was going to win,"
"yah! do you hear what i'm saying?" jimin states firmly, getting glances from the two as they nod.
"we'll take care of her," taehyung assures.
"yeah, don't worry," jungkook nods in agreement, letting go of the controller and sits next to aera on the playing mat where she has all her toys, crayons and a drawing book scattered. taehyung grins at them, joining as well and gives jimin a thumbs up.
"great, i hope everything's gonna be fine," jimin smiles, waving at aera, "bye, little one, oppa's gonna come home by evening,"
"bye-bye, see you," aera smiles at jimin, standing up only to hug his legs and goes back to her place.
jungkook and taehyung exchange glances as they hear the front door closing— means jimin left. the younger breathes deeply, stretching his arms before laying down behind aera while the elder leans against the couch, putting on his ear pods and his phones in his hands. aera gets up with pokeballs in either of her hands, giggling mischievously before throwing it on jungkook and taehyung, earning hisses from the boys.
"pikachu!" aera chirps, placing a pikachu plush on jungkook's shoulder, "you pikachu, okay?"
"no," jungkook sighs, putting the soft toy down and lets out a yawn, "let's sleep instead,"
"no, you playing wid me. you are pikachu and i catch you," aera explains him the game, then turns to taehyung, giving him a charmander plush, "taetae is cha'mander. we all playing wid me pokemon!"
"mm?" taehyung looks at her with a confused face, holding the plush toy in his hand, not knowing what to do as he just took off one of his ear pods, "are you saying something to me?"
"play wid me— pokemon,"
"not now, aera. tell kook to play with you. taetae's busy watching a movie right now," taehyung explains, patting her head gently, hoping that she would understand and leave him alone for a while.
"which one?" jungkook asks, "i'm bored, let's watch it on the tv,"
"can we watch it on the tv...?" taehyung arches up a brow and jungkook gives a him look, nodding slowly as he understands that it must be an r-rated movie.
jungkook sighs, glancing at the four-year-old and thinks.
after a moment of thinking he turns to taehyung again, who's probably done thinking as well. their eye contact is enough to communicate for their lips slowly stretch into a grin. taehyung nods, turning off the ear pods and jungkook switches the television on, "she won't know anything. she's just four,"
"right," taehyung agrees, "but make sure the hyungs don't come to know about this,"
"how will they know? who's gonna tell them?" jungkook smirks, pointing at aera playing with her legos now, "her?" he scoffs.
"bruh," taehyung laughs, shaking his head and gets up to grab some snacks and drinks from the kitchen. as the two settle down on the couch, all set to watch the movie manifesting zero disturbance, it catches aera's attention. the child stands by the coffee table, taking a pack of chips and sits down on the carpet right there.
she struggles to open the packet for a while, then whines in frustration, throwing the packet away, earning a sigh from the elder boys. jungkook opens another packet, putting some in the bowl for him and taehyung, and gives the packet with the rest to his sister, knowing that she'll fight him if he takes the packet and gives the bowl to her.
"juice," aera mumbles, pointing at their cans of coke and sprite, while holding the large packet with very little chips inside. but the fact that she has the packet is enough for her to be contented.
"bring your cup," jungkook says, "keep this down and go, get your cup," he takes the packet out of her grip and aera nods. putting the packet down on the carpet, running to the kitchen.
"should i start?" taehyung starts, ruffling his hair after taking off his t-shirt and places his feet on the table, keeping the bowl of chips on his lap.
"what's with the look?" jungkook squints at him, "how 'r-rated' is it?"
"you've seen mr grey?"
"oh fuck," jungkook mutters, "you cannot watch bdsm in front of a child,"
"i'm not alone,"
"are you putting it on me?" jungkook gasps, "i thought it was just make-outs and little sex!"
"oh?" taehyung arches up a brow, "tell ri to play inside,"
"why do you even wanna watch it that bad?"
"the plot is amazing, of course if you wanna keep the sex part aside,"
"koo! my cup!" aera jumps, stopping in front of him with her micky mouse cup. jungkook smiles at her, opening a can and pours the cold drink in the cup to fill it half. "more! till here," aera says, touching by the rim of the cup and jungkook shakes his head.
"finish this first, then you can take more,"
"nooo! gimme now! put it— juice in the cup, koo," she stares at him with a pout, shaking his hand a little for attention, "koo, p'ease..."
"okay fine," jungkook pours a little more, taking the cup from her hand and places it on the table, "sit down or you're gonna spill it on yourself," aera nods, quickly climbing on the couch next to her brother and reaches out for her drink.
"you're gonna sit here?" taehyung stares at her.
aera nods with a smile, "i' watching tv with koo and taetae,"
"yes, nice," taehyung sighs, "that's such a great idea," he mutters under his breath, glancing at jungkook who shrugs his shoulders, not saying anything as aera sits leaning on his side, sipping from her cup carefully.
"which movie? i wan' see elsa and anna and olaf! and kis-to-pher!"
"frozen," jungkook nods, taking the remote control from taehyung and puts on the movie aera wishes to watch. aera jumps in her place excitedly while the boys stare at the screen with uninterested eyes, hoping for the movie to get over or aera to fall asleep.
"wow! koo da's my favou'ite! you like anna?" she asks jungkook, who nods lazily, not even listening anymore, "taetae like elsa!"
"yeah," taehyung nods with a deep sigh, sinking in his place as he just munches on the chips with boredom, scrolling through the same set of apps in his phone, "bro put her to sleep," he mumbles.
"do you really think she's in the mood to sleep right now?" jungkook sighs, yawning while his fingers tap on the screen of his phone, playing piano tiles ever since the movie started.
"try dude," taehyung says, "she's just four. you can easily put her to sleep,"
"yeah, but— okay," jungkook heaves out a deep breath, sitting up and puts his phone down. he makes aera sit in his lap and takes the cup from her hands, placing it back on the table. "is riri tired now?" he asks, bringing the little sister in a cradling position, patting her side gently.
"no," aera shakes her head, keeping her attention on the television, "koo, i no' wanna sleep. we watching elsa!"
"yes, baby, you can watch else," jungkook says softly, lifting her up and kisses her cheek. he leans back on the couch, stroking her back and nuzzles his face in her neck, "what is elsa doing? that's a pretty castle isn't it?"
"mm-hmm," aera nods, resting her head on jungkook's shoulder, quietly watching the movie while jungkook pats her back.
"who's riri's favourite?"
"olaf," aera says.
"right, olaf is the nicest of all. is riri tired now?" jungkook peeks at her face and taehyung smirks, giving him a thumbs as he can see aera falling quieter and probably getting sleepy. "tell me, princess. do you wanna take a nap for a while?"
"i' sleeping wid you," aera nods, closing her eyes finally and nuzzles her cheek on his shoulder.
"all right, koo will stay here. we're gonna take a nice nap," jungkook hums softly, drawing slow circles on aera's back, making sure that she's asleep and lays her on the couch after a few minutes. he sighs softly, giving a thumbs up to taehyung who grins, quickly switching the movie to the one they wanted to watch.
jungkook lays back properly, resting his feet beside taehyung's on the coffee table, taking the pack of chips and pours some of the coke in aera's cup, deciding to drink from that instead of the can itself. as a few minutes pass into the movie with both the boys indulged quite a lot to see the main characters making out against the door.
"damn, this is hot," jungkook mumbles, "where did you find this?"
"dan," taehyung sniggers.
"he has a really good erotic and horror collection,"
"yeah, i've seen,"
"mm koo..." aera rubs her eyes, sitting up in her place slowly and finds the boys sleeping. she leans near jungkook's face, peeking at his closed eyes, "koo's sleeping..." she mumbles to herself before looking at taehyung, "taetae sleeping too..."
she sits straight, taking one piece of chips from the packet next to her brother and faces the television, frowning on seeing that it's not frozen. she looks around for a while, searching for the remote around the boys. although she ends up falling backwards when taehyung moves his arm, accidentally placing it on the little girl. aera whines a little, trying her best to move out of taehyung's heavy hug, but when she can't, a sigh rolls out of her lips. she huffs at taehyung, leaning down and opens her mouth, biting on his hand which makes the boy groan a little, turning away with his arm.
"riri won!" aera claps for herself, standing up again to continue her searching. however, she steps on something and stumbles upon jungkook, sitting on his back as he's laying on his stomach. "ouch..." she pouts, holding her foot and looks down to see what hurted her.
it's the ac's remote and aera knows it. so she leaves it alone and mutters under her breath, talking to herself in her little voice, hoping that she'll find the television remote soon. as a few more minutes pass with aera crouching by the couch, the temperature of the room keeps increasing, and the sweat is evident on aera as well as jungkook and taehyung's bodies.
aera wipes her forehead and tugs on her dress which jimin made her wear today after taking a shower. sitting on the carpet, now distracted from finding the remote control, aera's attention is on the zipper of her dress now. she struggles for a while, but manages to pull it down and take off the fabric, throwing it away like she has seen the elders doing, leaving herself just in her underwear.
"koo, it's so hot," she taps on jungkook's shoulder, peeking at his face. although it doesn't bother the sleeping boy.
aera shakes her head at the brother, leaving him alone and heads to the kitchen. she opens the fridge, placing a chair in front and climbs up quickly. a smile plays on aera's lips, as she picks up a handful of chocolates, putting them down on the chair, then picks up the jar of nutella.
she sits on the chair, opening the jar with all her power and dives her hand in right away. "yummy!" she giggles, licking the chocolate off her hand, not minding the mess that she's making with the chocolate that drips on the chair, some on the floor and even on herself.
after eating like that for a while, aera decides that she should share the chocolate with jungkook and taehyung too. so she takes the nutella jar and the wrapped chocolates to the drawing room, dumping it on the coffee table. dipping her hand in the jar again, she takes out a good amount of chocolate that drips down from her tiny hand all the way from the table to the couch, where aera holds it in front of jungkook's mouth, "koo you wanna eat?" she asks the sleeping boy.
jungkook grumbles in his sleep and aera frowns, not understanding what he wanted to say. she leaves him then, going to her pokemon plushies and feeds them the chocolate in her hand, "riri and pikachu will eating chocolate," she mumbles, kissing the pikachu plush toy and makes it lay in her lap, patting it's tummy gently, "sleep. goo'night pikachu,"
aera waits for a while, making sure that pikachu is asleep, before getting up and gasps on finding the remote of the television. she wipes her hands on the carpet, taking the remote and climbs on the couch, sitting on jungkook's back and presses a few buttons on the remote. the movie that was paused till now, starts playing and aera watches with confused eyes, as none of it makes sense to her. there aren't princesses or superheroes or dancing flowers and animals. instead there are two people who are eating each other's mouth as aera understands it.
"koo, taetae," she turns to the sleeping boys again, "why's they nakey? they eating their mouth... we don't eat people... dat's tickle moster. tickle mo'ster eat bad kids..."
"koo wake up!" aera smacks the brother on his back, still not getting any response. the movie goes further and there comes a scene where the female is holding a baby, making aera gasp and jump in her place, "it's a baby..." she holds her hands together, staring at the little baby on the screen with fascination in her eyes, "wow... riri wan' a baby too,"
"taetae wake up! it's a baby!" she shakes taehyung's hand, "look, it's a baby,"
"hm," taehyung turns away, burying his face in the cushion.
aera sighs, slipping down from her brother's back and stands on the floor, feeling hot again and goes back to the kitchen. from the fridge, she grabs a bottle of water and opens the lid. "wow," the word leave her mouth as it's cold and feels good when there's temperature rising in the living room. she takes a sip, spilling some water on herself, but doesn't mind it as it gives her some relief from the heat.
"koo and taetae feeling hot," aera mumbles to herself, going to the boys again and pours the water on either of them.
"yah! what is this?!"
"what the fuck?!"
aera stumbles back, flinching at their loud voices, scaring her and makes her fall back on her butt, spilling the rest of the water on herself and the carpet. a cry follows right after, rubbing her eyes as jungkook and taehyung look mad, both standing and dusting the water if they could.
"what were you doing?" jungkook frowns at the four-year-old with an angry gaze, "why would you put water on us?"
"yeah, and what is all this? what have you gotten all over yourself?" taehyung asks seeing the brown stuff around her mouth, arms and tummy.
aera doesn't answer them, too busy wailing her lungs out, which is when the front door opens, followed by some voices that belong to the elder boys. "fuck!" the two curse, rushing instantly to get things together in the few milliseconds that they were left with.
"ri, stop crying, let's go upstairs. we didn't do anything, alright?" jungkook says. aera whines, smacking his hands away when he tries to carry her.
"what's going on here?" yoongi's voice scares the younger boys as they look around hastily, gulping in fear on seeing what aera has done to the house in the few hours that they slept.
"what the heck are you watching?!" jin scolds, drawing attention towards the television screen where the characters are busy having sex now. "for god's sake! aera's here with you! how stupid can you both be?!" he yells, turning off the television and glares at the boys.
"no hyung— listen, we—"
"oppa," aera raises up her arms and jin sighs.
"jimin, take her, please,"
jimin nods, crouching near the crying sister and strokes her head, "what have you done, baby?" he sighs softly.
"ko and taetae scolding riri... i was helping dem..."
"helping us? you literally poured water on us!" jungkook says.
"shut up," yoongi warns the boy, "you two were supposed to look after aera not do all this weird shit here,"
"we didn't do anything hyung. it was her," taehyung emphasizes, pointing at the four-year-old, which she notices and cries louder.
"wow..." jungkook stares at her, "good thing she's four and cute. if it was anyone else, i would've smacked the shit out of the person,"
"right," taehyung nods.
jimin glares at the two, standing up and says, "you both, better start moving and clean all this. and i swear to god if i hear any nonsense leaving your mouth, consider yourself in bigger trouble,"
"hyung, we didn't do anything, i promise! it was riri!" jungkook says.
"and the movie? did she put an r-rated movie on?"
"i— uh... y-yeah! yes, she did! me and tae were sleeping! she wanted to watch frozen earlier, so we were watching that. then we fell asleep and she must've changed it accidentally,"
taehyung stares at jungkook, nodding slowly and faces the elders again, "yeah, he's right! she must've changed it accidentally,"
"really?" jimin arches up a brow, glancing at aera who's not crying anymore, "is he telling the truth?"
"yeah, tell him, aera," jungkook crouches down near the sister, holding her hands, "we were watching frozen earlier right?"
aera nods and taehyung smirks, crouching next to jungkook and adds on, "and then we fell asleep right?"
aera nods again and the elders sigh, still having difficulty believing that aera can put such a movie on. jungkook and taehyung give a subtle high-five to each other, standing up and shrug their shoulders when they look at the elders again.
"why's it so hot in here?" hoseok asks.
"the temperature," namjoon nods towards the ac, "now don't tell me aera did this too,"
"it must be her," taehyung shrugs, "why will we do it?"
"yeah," jungkook nods, "it's all aera's fault, i'm telling you,"
jimin rolls his eyes at the younger brother, carrying aera up after draping her dress over her to avoid getting his suit ruined with the water and chocolate on her body. reaching his room, jimin takes off his coat and tie, rolling up the sleeves of his shirt and takes aera to the bathroom, "now riri will tell me what happened, yeah?" he asks, washing her clean slowly.
"we was watching elsa and anna, then koo said riri is tired," she says, "then we fall sleep. and i wake up and then i eating chocolate, but it was so hot— so, i take cool water and it was nice! i thought koo and taetae was feeling hot too, so i put water on him,"
"aish! we don't put water on anyone like that," jimin says, failing to keep in the chuckle as it all sounds rather cute when it's aera telling him all the things, "so you were trying to help jungkook and taehyung by giving them cold water?"
"yes," aera nods, "but they's so bad. koo and taetae scolding riri— i bein' so good to koo and taetae,"
"my child," jimin shakes his head, wrapping the towel around aera's small body and gives her a hug, kissing her cheek.
"oppa," aera places her hands on jimin's shoulder as he carries her in his arms, heading back to his room. he hums in response, knowing there's something she wants to ask, reading by her expression, "riri wan' a baby. oppa b'ing a baby tomorrow okay?"
"what?" jimin laughs a little, "a baby?"
"mm-hmm, that lady has a baby in the- in the t.v.,"
"oh," the brother sighs, "we don't want another baby in the house when we already have riri, don't you think?"
"no, riri wan' baby! p'ease oppa!" aera pouts and jimin can't help but laugh at her request.
"we don't get babies just like that, sweetheart,"
"then how?" she huffs.
"kids don't have babies, aera,"
"okay but— but you' not a kid. oppa's big boy, you' b'ing a baby for riri,"
"my goodness," jimin bursts out laughing.
"why you laughing?" aera frowns at him.
"nothing," he says, "tell me what d'you wanna wear?"
"nothing," aera giggles, "it's so hot there,"
"it's not, we adjusted the ac," he smiles at aera, drying her hair with the towel, "we should wear our clothes. only bad babies stay nakey,"
"i' not nakey,"
"then wear your clothes if you don't wanna be nakey,"
"not nakeyyyy!"
"all right," jimin laughs, taking out a pair of shorts and a matching t-shirt for aera. he dresses her up quickly and hugs her tightly, "there my little baby is ready," he cooes, leaving smooches all over aera's face.
aera squeals playfully, laughing with him, making jimin chuckles as well. he sits on the bed, laying down for a moment and pulls the four-year-old between his arms, "oppa, le's go, you have to scold koo and taetae," aera reminds him, making him laugh, raising up a brow at her.
"do i have to?"
"yes, they bein' so naughty," aera nods, standing up and pulls jimin's hand.
"ah right," jimin follows her, carrying her up and whispers into her ear, "what do you think i should tell them?"
aera giggles at him, leaning near his ear and whispers back, "koo and taetae is bad boys, an-and they not taking care of riri,"
"okay, anything else?"
"uhm yes," aera thinks for a moment as they reach the living room where jungkook and taehyung are almost done cleaning up, "say to him dat- dat no scolding riri. i'm- i get scared, i was cwying..."
"my baby, nobody will scold riri, okay?" jimin pecks her lips, sitting on the couch, with aera on his lap.
"you so nice, chiminie oppa, i love you so much!" aera smiles at jimin, hugging him tightly and rests her head on his shoulder.
"thanks sweetheart, i love you more," jimin hugs her back.
"is she okay?" jin asks, and jimin nods in response, failing to hide his smile, which makes the eldest chuckle. "good, ask her if she's hungry, i'll get to cooking then. i'm sure these boys haven't fed her anything,"
jimin nods, glancing from jungkook to aera and pats her back, "have you eaten something?"
"chocolate," aera nods.
"anything else?"
"alright, are you hungry then? do you wanna eat now?"
"chocolate," aera chirps, sitting straight in jimin's lap and looks at him and then at jin with shining eyes, "riri wan' eat chocolate!"
"no, princess, you've had enough chocolate for today. now riri has to eat something healthy for dinner,"
"no 'ealthy... chocolate..."
"chocolate's not healthy, kiddo,"
"ah finally!" jungkook groans, stretching his back as he puts the dirty cloth aside and flops on the couch with taehyung.
"damn... i feel like i gonna break,"
"i know right? and i used to think how much can a four-year-old do..."
"you know now," taehyung sighs.
"fuck me..." jungkook breathes out, throwing his sweaty t-shirt away and lays down.
"no, thanks," taehyung says, then gradually ends up laughing while jungkook just roll his eyes.
"fuck you," aera repeats, giggling at the boys as she slips down from jimin's lap and sits between jungkook and taehyung, "fuck-koo,"
taehyung laughs loudly and jungkook just stares at aera with a tired expression, "ri, you don't say that okay? that's a bad word,"
"and i wonder where she learnt it from," jimin glares at the younger brother.
"i didn— okay, fine i'm sorry," jungkook sighs, "ri, please don't say it again or else jiminie will beat me up,"
aera laughs at that, making taehyung laugh again, "bro she knows exactly how to roast you,"
"what the f— fantastic thing that is... not," jungkook groans in the groans.
"enough, sit up," jimin instructs and aera looks at him, obeying quickly even before jungkook and taehyung listen, "you two idiots, i'm talking to you. aera c'mere,"
aera jumps down from the couch, going back to jimin and sits on his lap, sticking out her tongue at jungkook and taehyung, "for your behaviour and all the stupidity that you decided to pull in just one day, especially when you were supposed to look after aera—"
"hyung, we didn't mean it," jungkook says.
"yeah, and isn't it good that everything's okay? she's not hurt, we're doing fine. she's happy and had fun," taehyung adds.
"you both scolded me," aera says, "i no' wike it,"
"you poured water on us for god's sake, little kid," jungkook mutters, "but okay, nevermind, we're sorry, okay now?"
aera pouts at him, then looks at jimin who gives her an assuring smile and turns to the younger boys, "just because she's young and might not understand everything you say, doesn't mean you can bring up that attitude, yeah? make sure i never hear you talking like that to you sister again, get it?" jungkook keeps mum and jimin clenches his jaw, "i'm talking to you jungkook, i hope you can hear me well,"
"yes, i'm sorry," jungkook nods, looking down, "i won't speak like that to her,"
"that's what i thought," jimin nods firmly, glancing at yoongi, namjoon and hoseok who just enter the room after changing.
"oh, the boys are being being dealt with already?" yoongi chuckles and jin gives him a look to not say things like that, "what? of course they deserve some serious talking. they can't be so careless with such a young kid,"
"right," namjoon nods, "and both of you, i've heard you cursing a lot these days. stop with that before one of us have to make it stop,"
"exactly," yoongi nods firmly, keeping his eyes on the younger boys, "you know you won't like it if i have to interfere,"
"you're threatening us hyung, that's scary, stop it," taehyung mumbles.
"tae, i'm really not kidding right now. not everything has to be all right?" yoongi says in a serious voice and taehyung nods slowly, keeping his head low, "good, i know aera won't be able to switch apps just like that. and it was probably your disgusting idea to watch an adult movie in presence of a child. what were you thinking huh? that she's too young and won't understand anything? are you boys really out of your heads?"
"no, hyung, it wasn't us—"
"really? you think you can lie to us?" yoongi chuckles dryly, shaking his head. the two exchange glances, sighing softly as they keep quiet now.
"look, you have your own rooms, computers, laptops, tv's, phones, ipads, headphones and everything, use them," hoseok says, "i don't even know how you two were even okay with watching something like that in front of a child, who is also your sister,"
"they was eating their mouth," aera says, earning wide eyes from the elders, "yeah, i saw. and then there was— i said it's a baby! riri wan' a baby!"
"gosh!" jin massages his temples, looking at jungkook and taehyung, "hear her? now what?"
"uh... we're sorry?" jungkook smiles nervously.
"koo get a baby!" aera smiles at him and the elders stare at her as she turns to jimin, "oppa, tell koo get a baby for riri... riri wan' see baby,"
jimin fails to hold in his laugh and nods, turning to the younger brother, "can you?" he asks.
"what— hyung!" jungkook exasperates, his cheks burning in embarrassment, "aera, we don't get babies just like that. don't say it. nobody's getting a baby,"
"why not? you no' wike babies?"
aera pouts, crossing her arms on her chest, then looks at taehyung, who gasps, hiding his face behind the cushion to avoid being asked for a baby, "taetae get a baby,"
"no," taehyung grumbles.
"oppa said riri can— no' get baby because i' small. but you are big. you get a baby, we will play!"
"aera no!" taehyung stares at her with desperate eyes, wanting her to stop.
"whyyy?" she whines, "i wan' play wid baby!"
"good luck convincing her," jimin smirks as he stands up and makes aera sit between the younger boys, while he stands himself with the hyungs, watching the struggle amusedly.
"but why?" aera pouts, standing in front of jungkook as she reachs out to hug him. the boy sighs deeply, hugging her back and strokes her back.
"because... that's... uh what should i say?" he closes his eyes, thinking of better words to tell the four-year-old why he can't bring home a baby out of nowhere.
"we need two people to make a baby," taehyung takes a deep breath, "and you see aera, me and kook are just one,"
"no you're two," aera says, pointing at jungkook's chest and then taehyung's, "one, two!"
"why did you have to say this?!" jungkook whisper yells at taehyung, kicking his leg in frustration, getting a kick in return from the elder.
"i thought she'll stop!"
"well, congratulations! now she won't let it go!"
"i hate you," taehyung grunts.
"same here,"
"you hate yourself? you should. you're dumb,"
"for fuck's sake! kim taehyung don't test me,"
"what are you gonna do? fight me?"
"baby!" aera smacks their faces for getting distracted from the main topic and hears several laughs from the elders, "you so stupid! i no' wan' baby f'om you! you will get stupid baby!"
"ohhh!" the elders gasp, almost doing low hoot for aera's sharp comeback that has jungkook and taehyung sitting like statues, embarrassed and wanting to crawl into a hole out of this world.
"le's go, oppa," aera huffs, taking jimin and hoseok's hands while nodding for the other three to come as well, "joonie oppa, jinnie oppa and yoo'ki oppa, le's go. we will play together, koo and taetae are so bad boys. they can— no' get baby,"
"i really doubt it too," yoongi covers his mouth, laughing silently, which makes jimin and the rest laugh as well.
"she's amazing," hoseok sniggers.
"look at them," namjoon nods back, where jungkook and taehyung are sitting with a defeated expression, probably cursing at themselves for even thinking that they could chill by themselves instead of doing what they were actually told to do, and ended up this way.
"not gonna lie, this is damn funny," jin whispers, laughing with the boys and focuses on aera as hoseok makes her sit on top of the counter, opening a pack of cookies for now.
"they'll remember not to do this again," yoongi chuckles.
"yeah," jin shakes his head with a smile, "anyway, what do you guys want for dinner?"
"that's not dinner, aera,"
"uhm chocolate in f'idge?"
"that's still chocolate, kiddo,"
"no, chocolates. anything else?"
"chocolate ice-c'eam!"
a/n- hellooo i updated pretty fast this time since the last update. i hope you're liking the chapters, especially since there's been little aera. i know most of us were missing this riri ^^❤️
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