Fortune VI | Little Brother
Fortune VI | Little Brother
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He was following you. But it was only for a moment, for two brief seconds, his eyes were captured by the sight of the pulchritudinous coruscating moon, brighten up the night sky with its soft light while surrounded by countless luminous stars.
An image of your face flashed in his mind, those two-colored crystalized eyes that look nothing but the moon itself mimicking the stars. It was beautiful.
Though he soon snapped back into reality. He tore his gaze back to where you headed, abruptly halted in his tracks when he couldn't see any sight of you nor your hair strands. Now he realized-
He is lost.
In the middle of the night, somewhere place that he barely knows. Darkness consumed the entire hallway, aside from the dimly light coming from one of the lamps on the wall that barely could offer enough light to accompany him.
His eyes widened in horror, not only because of his situation but also what might happen afterward. He did a mistake, just as soon as he arrived in this household. Couldn't he be more troublesome than he is?
"[Y-Y/N]-sama . . ?"
He called out your name unconsciously in hope that he will receive a reply, recalling the name that was uttered out from his adoptive father when he was talking to you. The name is beautiful just like you so he wouldn't be mistaken, right? Offending you is the last thing he wants to do.
"Who are you?"
An unfamiliar voice questioned him from behind. Slowly yet hesitantly, he turned his back around and almost instantly trembling when the two average height maids are towering over his small figure,
"I've never seen your face before."
Another one spoke.
Fidgeting his thumbs, he averted his gaze away and stammered in a weak voice,
"U-Uh, I . . ."
But they shortly cut him off.
"Oh goodness, don't tell me . . . "
"You're that kid, right? The one that Duke told us before."
He didn't like the gaze that they casted on him. Full with mockery and disgust as they whispering to each other behind the back of their hands though their eyes didn't leave him. It reminded him of the way Thomas looks at him as if he is a bug despite they're blood-related.
"It can't be . . And in this mansion?"
". . Good grief. They even look the same."
"No way. You are—"
"Please keep in mind your choice of words while talking."
A new voice filled with confidence snarled, inviting itself into the conversation. The maid"s shoulders jerked up as the words left your mouth and swiftly lowering their heads down.
Keith didn't notice your presence and you didn't blame him for that when your eyes gaze on his shrinking form.
For the love of God, he is just a kid.
Something snapped inside you and jerked your head to the maids, watching them flinched under your penetrating gaze in fear.
It was a rare occasion for them to see this sight of your other persona. If anything happens between the maids, as long as it didn't involve your matters, you paid no heed to it.
The reason of why you don't want to focus your heart on such trivial issues is because you simply don't want to.
However, you know that it wouldn't hurt to restrain servants who do not know their place.
Keith, on the other hand, would have gone into a mental breakdown state if it wasn't for a warm soft hand suddenly grabbed his cold one, making his aquamarine eyes shot open in surprise at the sight of you and you gave him a light squeeze of assuring. He felt himself calm down unknowingly.
Someone by his side is probably something that he unknowingly needs during this time.
"He is my little brother."
The two maids chorused at your declaration and one of them spoke by daringly taking a step forward,
"What do you mean?"
"Before you assume it, I would just make it clear."He was tugged closer to you as you spoke,
"He is my little brother."You emphasized the word, "Keith Claes. He is a Claes and not any stranger so don't give him that look again."
"But we didn't—"They paused and heaved a sigh in defeat before bowing their heads down, knowing nothing but a bad thing would befall on them if they offend the feelings of any members of Claes.
Moreover, there aren't many households that would accept a maid who was fired for unpleasant deeds, especially the one who was kicked by the Claes household.
"We apologize for our rudeness, [Y/N]-sama, Keith-sa-sama."It was as if they were forced to vomit out the way they addressed his name.
"Now, you can go."A gentle yet devious smile was drawn on your feature, signaling them to excuse themselves in hurry and ended up running when they thought they are far enough.
Keith's gaze casted down on their holding hands and when you turned around to face him, he thought you would yank away yours and yell into his face with sentences that he always hear from others' people mouths whenever he did something even it wasn't his fault in the first place.
But you didn't.
All you did was staring at him dead in the eyes with an emotion he couldn't read. Were you waiting for him to apologize?
Yes, you probably are. He should apologize for being a burden. Maybe he shouldn't come here after all—
"I'm sorry."
He didn't say anything. He was too speechless to say any words so when his ears captured the three syllables elicited from your mouth, he was . . . dumfounded.
"[Y/N]-sama, shouldn't I be the one who should be apologizing?"
"Why should you?"You argued with a raised brow,
"I was the one who was being irresponsible here. I shouldn't have let you walk around alone in a place that you aren't familiar with, especially when it was in the middle of midnight."
"And address me with something else instead of ' [Y/N]-sama ', "You spoke once again, hand carefully was brought on the top of his head for a gentle pat, "I'm your older sister. Just because we aren't blood-related, that doesn't mean anyone can disrespect you like that again."
Despite the feel of warmth and fuzzy inside him, he still hesitated but instantly relaxed when you gave him a benign smile,
"T-Then, if it's not rude, can I call you—"
His mind was left blank but realized you were talking about the older male who appeared in their field of vision.
"Your mother is asleep now."He sighed whilst running a hand through his soft flaxen-colored hair, "And it looks like I'll be sleeping with Keith tonight."
"I see."
Unconsciously, you released your grasp that you had around the youth's hand and walked over to your father.
Keith's eyes widened. His hand reflectively reached out for yours, soon was frozen in the air after realizing what he was about to do. The tip of his fingers grasp the air instead and lowered it back to his side. He was nailed to his spot as he stared at your back from behind with longing eyes as you approached your father figure.
"Then I'll be excusing myself."
"Do you want us to accompany you to your room? I might need to introduce Keith to Katarina first."
"You don't have to, Father. I can go back on my own."
"But [Y/N], are you sure about that promise?"
"Oh, Mother would probably forget that on tomorrow morning."You reasoned with a smile displayed upon your lips.
But that's the problem is.
She didn't forget.
And you wouldn't like the way you will be woken up tomorrow.
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