ππ. πππππ πππ πππ π ππππππ
I'm glad you all like
Akira. He is a cinnamon
roll and it will show a lot
in this book series.
He's just a very friendly
and passive guy with a
very scary quirk.
You'll see what I mean
Anyways, don't forget to
comment and vote! don't
be a ghost reader, please...
happy reading!
Β Β Β Β Tomomi and Akira spent the better half of the school day touring the entire school. She told him all about U.A., how everything works and how Class 1-A works. Also what was to come when he met the rest at the dormitory.
Β Β When Akira entered the school, he was enrolled on a reccomendation. Meaning whatever his quirk is has to be very impressive for him to be sent to the Hero Course right off the bat. She was curious about it but didn't want to pry at him. But she knew the others would be curious about him and his quirk.
Β Β "Are you staying in the dorms?" She asked as they made their way to the dormitory.
Β Β Akira nodded. "Yes. My stuff was already moved into the spare room they had." He explained as he held the door open for her. "I was lucky I could even move into the dorms. That means I can see my Mira a lot more now."
Β Β Tomomi giggled a little. "You must really love her, huh?"
Β Β "You have no idea." He mused over with that same loving smile on his lips. "She would like you. You two would get along with each other very well. Do you think your boyfriend would be open to meeting her, as well?"
Β Β "Eheheh..." Tomomi chuckled nervously, scratching her cheek with her pointer finger. "Katsuki-chan isn't too keen on new people but I'm sure I can convince him otherwise."
Β Β Just as she said that, Bakugou began to yell at everyone. "IF ANY OF YOU HAVE TRASH, GIVE IT HERE!"
Β Β Akira sweatdropped while Tomomi squeezed the space between her eyes. He could now see what she was talking about. He was dressed in comfortable clothing and he had a trashbag in hand. He looked rather angry and a brute but at least he was handsome.
Β Β He made Tomomi happy. He could tell. But still, he was so shocked to see how much the two were so opposite.
Β Β Tomomi was calm and serene while Bakugou was rash and loud. But hey, opposites attract.
Β Β "I have some here, thanks!" Kirishima walked over to him with his trash filled bag.
Β Β "SURE!" Bakugou yelled, taking it.
Β Β "Over here, too!" Denki followed along.
Β Β "Me too."
Β Β "This is heavy!" Mineta said, dragging his big bag filled with his personal trash over to Bakugou.
Β Β "I take it that's Bakugou...." Akira said, pointing at him.
Β Β Tomomi sighed, looking at her loud boyfriend with an exhausted look. "Yeah....That's him....He's supposed to be in bed." She sighed out, feeling an oncoming headache. "That stubborn man of mine."
Β Β "Hey, Tomo-chan~" Mina greeted her as soon as she noticed her presence. "Where have you been today- Ooooh, who's your cute new friend?"
Β Β As soon as she said that, all eyes were on Akira and her. Akira, being a very reseved person, blushed as he flashed them all a smile.
Β Β "Everyone, this is Akira Tsukumo." Tomomi introduced as the two walked into the common room. "He's new to U.A. He'll be joining our class next week. He's just observing so that he could get a feel of the class for now."
Β Β "Hello, everyone~" Akira greeted, flashing a closed eyed smile and even tilting his head a little. "It's nice to meet you all. I hope we can be friends~"
Β Β Suddenly, all of the female students of Class 1-A blushed super hard. He was so adorable. It was too much for their hearts to handle. What the hell? Where did they find this boy? In a bakery? Because he was a whole cinnamon roll.
Β Β I must protect this baby.....Momo thought, staring at him with widened eyes.
Β Β "Nice to meet you, Akira-kun~" Mina jumped to be the first to greet him. "My name is Mina Ashido and you are too cute for words."
Β Β "Hahaha~" Akira laughed a little, rubbing the back of his head. "Thank you, Ashido-chan. You are very kind."
Β Β My god he's a gentleman, too Uraraka thought, her blush getting increasingly more red. So red that she nearly floated into the air.
Β Β Jirou wordlessly held her down to the couch as she, too, was very enamored with the new kid.
Β Β "Welcome to U.A.! I'm Ejirou Kirishima." Kirishima introduced himself with a kind smile. "I look forward to seeing you work with us, man."
Β Β "I'm Denki Kaminari." Denki followed along. "So nice to meet you."
Β Β "My name is Shoto Todoroki." Shoto introduced himself, suddenly appearing next to his sister.
Β Β "Oh yeah, Tomomi has told me all about you." Akira said, smiling at him. "I heard nothing but great things about you."
Β Β Shoto's eyebrow twitched a little. He had heard about Akira. How their fathers were in talks of a 'quirk marriage' but was cancelled when Tomomi refused. He didn't seem bad and Tomomi seemed to make friends with him already. So he was okay with him.
Β Β Everyone began introducing themselves to him before Bakugou came back from throwing away the trash. He looked around the common room and notice the new kid and how everyone was crowded around him.
Β Β "Who the hell are you?" Bakugou asked harshly, walking over to Tomomi and circling his arm around her shoulders. He surveyed the boy, making him nervous.
Β Β Bakugou didn't know if this pretty boy was here to steal his girl away or not so he didn't fully trust him.
Β Tomomi nudghed him, giving him a disapproving look. "Be nice, he's going to be our new classmate starting next week."
Β Β "It's okay, Tomomi." Akira chuckled out. "She's told me so much about you, Bakugou-san. She really loves you, you know."
Β Β Bakugou still glared at him, not fully trusting him but he could tell right off the bat that his guy was not a threat to him. But still, he can never be too sure.
Β Β "Hmmm....You're still on my watch list, new kid."
Β Β Tomomi sweatdropped. This was as good as he was going to get. She was not surprised by him at all.
Β Β Β Everyone sat on the couch as they wanted to get to know Akira even more. He was going to be living there with them and he was their new classmate so they wanted to get to know him more.
Β Β "So, Akira-kun." Midoriya spoke up. "If you don't mind me asking, what is your quirk?"
Β Β "Yeah, I would like to know, too." Kirishima added on and soon, everyone agreed.
Β Β "Yeah, why don't you show us?"
Β Β "We're all friends, here now."
Β Β But Akira looked a little nervous as he rubbed the back of his head again. "Ummm....I don't know. I don't want to scare you all. He's doesn't always do well with new people."
Β Β "Who?" Jirou asked, curiously.
Β Β Tomomi became curious, as well. He has never really mentioned what his quirk really was this entire time he's been here. So she was curious with what he could do.
Β Β "My quirk." Akira answered. "He's.....kind of scary, honestly. He gets a bit insecure when people are scared of him."
Β Β "Oh so it's like Tokoyami and Dark Shadow." Midoriya concluded, already having his journal out and ready to take notes. "Would you mind showing us?"
Β Β "I don't mind at all." Akira said, standing up and moving to the open space away from the couches. "But...Please don't be too scared. It makes him insecure."
Β Β "Now, I'm even more curious." Denki mumbled, watching him closely.
Β Β "Yeah, I wonder how it looks." Tokoyami agreed, wondering if he really was like him.
Β Β Tomomi watched closely as Akira turned to the group. She was now more curious than ever.
Β Β Akira took a deep breath. He closed his eyes and stood still for a few seconds. Everyone watched in anticipation as if suddenly grew quite.
Β Β "Venom" Akira's voice turned demonic, which made them jump a little.
Β Β Suddenly, black and shiny substance began to engulf his entire body all at once, making him taller in the proccess.
Β Β Everyone's eyes were nearly out of his skull as soon as Akira's body disappeared into the black substance. Replacing him with a 7 foot, muscle bound monster with all white pupil-less eyes and razor sharp teeth.
Β Β "WOW!" Denki suddenly screamed, nearly falling off of the couch.
Β Β Midoriya, Shoto, Bakugou and Tokoyami were the only ones who looked at him with such fascination and awe. They have never seen a quirk like his before. It was truly a fascinating sight but also a little scary.
Β Β And some of them were rightfully scared. But tried not to show it, seeing as Akira told them that it upsets Venom.
Β Β "Hello." Venom greeted in a very deep and monstrous voice as his teeth were bared permanently.
Β Β "H-Hello..." Tomomi greeted back, feeling a little scared but not really. He would have attacked them by now so there was nothing to be scared of. "You're Venom?"
Β Β "We are Venom." Venom corrected her as he looked at his hands. "I was born with him....I was molded by him...He is my host and I am his companion."
Β Β "Companion?" Midoriya spoke up. "So you do have a mind of your own?"
Β Β "I live in his DNA." Venom answered, turning his head to the green haired boy. "When he was only a child, I came to him as a voice in his head. As I was still developing in his body, I could only talk to him in his mind....."
Β Β Β How impressive and unique! Midoriya thought in complete awe as he began writing in his journal. It has a mind of it's own and he can communicate through his body. He quite possibly makes up alot of his organs and bone structure.
Β Β Venom's head turned to look at everyone. His monstrous face snarled a little as he sniffed the air around them. "Grrrrrr.....one of you smell like a pervert...."
Β Β Everyone's eyes immediately landed on Mineta, who was almost shaking like a leaf.
Β Β "Don't mind Mineta, he's a lost cause." Sero said, feeling very alert and scared.
Β Β "You have nothing to worry, little ones." Venom snarled out slowly. "You are not our enemy.....You are allies...."
Β Β "T-That's great to know." Kirishima stuttered out. "I would hate to be on your bad side, Mr. Venom. But um...could we have Akira back? Nothing against you, really! I don't want to offend you at all! It's just your presence is very ummm......."
Β Β "Unexpected?" Denki tried to help him out.
Β Β "Yes! Unexpected!"
Β Β Venom teasingly growled at him, scaring them one last time before he began switching out for Akira's body. The black substance soon shrunk back to his original height, disappearing back into his body.
Β Β Once Akira was back fully, everyone was speechless. They never expected a cute, sweet and soft-spoken guy to have such a scary quirk.
Β Β Akira smiled a little at everyone as he looked upon their shocked faces. No one could say anything at all in that moment. They were too in shock.
Β "Um.....So that's Venom..." Akira chuckled out, rubbing his arm. "It's really not as bad as one would think. Venom can be nice....when he wants to be."
Β Β Tomomi smirked just a bit. Akira was going to fit into Class 1-A just fine.
Yo, what if Akira just
surprises Class B with
his quirk? That would be
so funny.
What if during that training
session in season 5, they all
think he's weak but Venom is
just like 'SUPRISE SHAWTY'
Now I can't wait to get to
Season 5 lol.
don't forget to vote and comment
love you all and stay safe!
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