ππ. ππππ ππ ππ ππππ ππππππ
look of the chapter is
in the media above.
This is semi off of
it's fanfiction vacation
but I wanted to give you
all a fluffy gift.
I am still focusing on
my other books for the
time being and I still
want to gain the same
attention on them as
I do with this book.
but still, don't be a ghost
reader. I love seeing you
It's been a rather trying
week for me and I need
serotonins right now.
that's exactly why I'm doing
Also to confirm something,
yes Tomomi had a very tiny
crush on Midoriya and that
was because she thought he
was adorable. Now, she's
like a doting big sister or mother
to him.
Yes, Tomomi is the mom of
Class 1-A
happy reading!
btw turn your screen white
i'm gonna use dividers from
now on
Tomomi didn't go to school the next day. Seeing as how humiliated and exposed she felt, Aizawa didn't bother to even try to get her to come out of her dorm. So he told everyone to just let her stay for the day. Seeing as she would not open her door for anyone.
During that morning, while everyone was getting ready for school, they couldn't help but to take lingering glances at her door.
The door had visible frostbites on the outside, indicating that she froze her door shut. So that no one had the bright idea to try to pry the door open or even pick the lock on it. And the frost bites were very prickly so no one could touch it. Not unless they wanted to make their hands bleed.
"T-Tomo-neechan?" Midoriya mumbled as he got close enough to her door. Their walls might be sound proof completely but their door wasn't as much so she could hear his muffled voice through the door.
As expected, he was met with nothing but silence. fiddling with his old teddy bear in his hand, he looked at her door with concern before speaking again. " We're all worried for you.....and....If you need comfort, you are always welcomed to hug my teddy bear," he said, grinning slightly. "He always helps when you're feeling sad...I'll leave it by your door."
Just as he sat the teddy bear in front of her door, Kirishima and Denki walked towards him, exiting out of the elevator.
Denki was holding a fuzzy yellow blanket while Kirishima held three boxes of tea. "Hey, Deku!" Denki greeted him happily. "You got the same idea, huh?"
"Oh, hey Kiri and Kaminari." Midoriya greeted back, leaning back up again. He noticed the items in their hands. "And yeah, I figured I'd try to cheer her up."
"That's why I am letting her borrow my comfort blanket." Denki said, holding up the neatly fuzzy yellow blanket. "My mom made it for me for whenever I would need comfort and I want Tomomi to use it since she needs all of the comfort right now."
"And I bought her favorite tea." Kirishima added. "Shoto said she loves chamomile, peppermint and ginger tea. I didn't know which one she liked more so I got her all of them."
"That's so sweet." Midoriya complimented before sighing again. "I hate that she's going through this....It is truly disgusting to see what happened to her there."
"Yeah, I hear you." Denki added. "It's even worse now that the media plastered her traumatic memory like that....It's awful and I feel so bad for her."
"I heard that some students from Class B kept telling everyone that Tomo-chan killed a villain." Kirishima whispered, feeling his fist tightening up. "Rather she did or not, I wish people didn't harshly judge her for what happened to her.....And besides, It was self defense, if that was true."
"Well, the best thing we can do is let her know that we are here for her." Midoriya said, looking at the door again. "She's going to need it anyways."
( just to put it in perspective, Shoto, Bakugou, the pro-heroes ( who were there to rescue them ) Aizawa and Vlad King are the only ones who definitively know that Tomomi killed a Villain. the details of the killing was never publicized beyond the fact that Shimesu was found dead. they didn't give the news details on how he was killed or anything. They just told the media that Shimesu was the only casualty during that raid. )
While everyone was in the common room, getting ready to walk to school together, everyone was suprised to see Bakugou come down to the common room not in his school uniform. He was wearing a black tank top and grey sweatpants.
"Bakubro, you're not ready for school yet?! It's almost time for us to leave." Kirishima scolded him as he looked at the time.
"I'm not going, dipshit." Bakugou grumbled as he walked past him and into the kitchen for tea. "Mr. Aizawa let me skip today."
"He must be worried about Tomo-chan." Denki teasingly whispered into Sero's ear, making him snicker.
Bakugou's eyebrow twitched as he threw a muffin at him. "SHUT UP, SPARK PLUG!"
"Just for that, I'm eating this muffin now!"
"Like I give two fu-"
"Bakugou, we do not curse at other students!" Iida scolded, waving his hand in a fast motion while the blonde boy drunk his hot tea, completely unbothered by him.
"Since you're skipping today, can you tr to give Tomo-chan those boxes of chocolate I left at her door?" Momo asked, gathering her school bag.
"Will do, Momo." Bakugou replied.
Suddenly, almost everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at Bakugou like he had three heads growing on his shoulder. Did he.....just call Yaoyorozu by her first name and not one of his made up nicknames? What was going on today?
"K-Kaachan," Midoriya stuttered out, looking at him in a concerning way. "Are you feeling okay? You don't seem like yourself right now."
"Of course, I'm doing fine! Why wouldn't I be?" He said, drinking from his mug again.
"You called Yaoyorozu by her first name." Shouji pointed out.
"You two friends now?" Sero asked.
Bakugou glanced at Momo and then back at them blankly. "So what if I called her by her first name? She's not my friend, she's my girl's best friend. Frost Bite wants me to be more respectful to her friends."
"Then why do you act as if your personality is that of hot trash cans on a summer day when it comes to us?" Asui asked, bluntly.
"SHUT UP! MY BUSINESS IS MINE ALONE!" Bakugou yelled at her, feeling very insulted by her words.
"I'm leaving." Shoto angrily said before storming out of the dormitory. He even slammed the door behind him, leaving the entire common room in silence.
"Gosh....he's so scary when he's mad" Mina said, looking at the door worriedly.
"His sister was just humiliated by the media and Tomomi is in a bad mood." Denki explained. "Coming to this conlusion and my knowlege of twins, because she's in a bad mood, Todoroki is feeling the effects ."
"What you're saying is, Todoroki and Tomomi share the same brain waves?" Sero guessed, trying to make sense out of it.
"You're suggesting that the twins can feel each other's emotions?" Kirishima asked. "Therefore, because Avalanche is in a bad mood, Todoroki is also in a bad mood."
"Then that would mean if Tomo-neechan is in a good mood, so would he." Midoriya said, scribbling in his notebook. "And vice versa. How fascinating~......That would mean they could probably do twin telepathy."
( it is canon in this book that tomomi and shoto use twin telepathy to talk shit about everyone and just judge everyone's existence together )
"At this rate, we'd miss all of school if this conversation keeps up." Asui deadpanned as everyone else watched them talk about twin telepathy.
"Yup." Momo agreed as they all made their way out. The conversation still going on as they left.
Once he was alone in the entire Dormitory, Bakugou quickly threw on a black hoodie, placed his hat backwords on his head and quickly made his way to the nearest convenient store. One where it was not too far from the dorms and school.
He bought three bags of hello kitty cotton candy, her favorite ice cream ( which was bubblegum flavor and french vanilla flavor ), lots of chips and candy and he even stopped by a boba tea shop and bought two large caramel boba milk tea. He wanted to try it out and see why everyone was so obsessed with it.
When he made it back to the dormitory, he went right to the girl's side and stood right outside of Tomomi's room.
When he got there, he noticed all of the things their classmates left for her. And they were all comfort items like a teddy bear, blanket, boxes of tea, a dehumidifier, black candles and a box of chocolate. There was even a few manga books there.
All of them were romantic manga.
Sighing, he kicked at the door since his hands were too full. "Oi! Frost Bite! I know you can hear me!" He yelled very loudly. "Open the door, dumbass! The milk tea is melting!"
He waited for about 7 seconds and he got no response. So he tried again but this time, he knew what to say to get her to open the door.
"If you don't open up, I'm gonna blow up everything in this hallway! And then you are going to have to explain to Aizawa why the fire department rushed over-"
Bakugou stopped and watched as the frozen door knob twisted. The door slowly opened like in some dramatic effect way as cold air blew past him. He looked to see that she wasn't in view so...who opened the door?
Cautiously, he walked into her room and was immediately met with purple lights everywhere.
The led lightstrips around her room were red while her galazy light projector lights were blue, making a light purple around the room. Her cloud ceiling lights were also open and the sheer canopy curtains around her bed covered her entire bed but thanks to the lights, he could see her laying on her bed.
She was laying on her back, facing the ceiling. Her bare arms were folded on her stomach as she stared blankly at her cloud ceiling lights above her.
She was dressed in a white tube crop top and black baggy sweatpants.
Bakugou realized that she was playing music on her speakers. Jumpsuit by Twenty One Pilots were playing.
Oh, so she's really depressed Bakugou thought. She's listening to emo music....I can respect that. She has great taste in music.
"Hey, Frost Bite."
"Did you know.....that....frogs are covered in mucus?" She said in a emotionless, robotic like voice as she continued to stare at her ceiling. "It helps them breathe through their bodies and keeps them from gaining fungus and bacteria.....How informative,"
"You've been watching the animal planet channel again?" Bakugou asked, sitting down the bags of snacks on her bed.
"8 hours of amphibians and other species." She replied slowly. "Kouda and I made a routine to watch it every friday now......He's a great guy.....I don't know why no one's really figured that out right away...."
Bakugou was about to say something else until he heard a weird crackling noise. Frowning, he looked around and noticed something on her bed.
It was a literal gecko. Like an actual gecko. But this one was very light blue, almost white and it had big light blue eyes. The exact same shade of Tomomi's eyes.
The thing looked at Bakugou and blinked a few times before it stuck out it's tongue a little, as if playfully saying hi to him.
"Where and when did you get a gecko?"
"I don't know, I woke up and he was on my stomach." Tomomi answered blankly, her eyes and body not moving at all. "I think I manifested him or something...."
"Yup, by the way, his name is Bruni. Like the character from Frozen 2. He's cute and he gives me a little bit of serotonins to keep me from ending it all."
Bakugou sweatdropped at his beautiful but depressed girlfriend. How the hell did she manifest a light blue gecko? He will never know. Bakugou just sighed as he got onto her bed.
"Well, that's not important. Sit up." He said.
Tomomi sighed and did as she was told. She turned to him, kneeling as he crossed his legs ontop of her bed. She noticed that he really did have milktea in his possession. Her favorite kind. Caramel Iced Milk Tea with boba. And she finally realized the big bag of all of her favorite snacks.
"By the way, everyone else left you something outside." Bakugou said dismissively. "But that's not important, I got you everything I know you like."
"Why didn't you bring it in with you?" Tomomi asked, looking at him with a deadpanned expression.
"They're not important, dumbass. I'm trying to cheer you up." Bakugou grumbled at her.
Knowing where this was going, Tomomi sighed. "I don't want to be reminded-"
"Fuck the press, I'm not going to go to school knowing you're in here all by yourself." He proclaimed. "I asked Aizawa if I could stay with you for the day and he gave me the permission so here I am. I'm going to try to distract you from the real world today and that's final."
Tomomi, though she didn't feel like smiling, felt very touched by his plans to help her through this. He really knew how to suprise her everytime she felt lonely or sad.
She felt her lips curve just a tad bit at him as she took one of the milkteas and straw from him.
"You are sweeter than you let on, Katsuki-chan." She said, stabbing the straw through.
Bakugou smirked proudly. "I know, I'm the best damn boyfriend you've ever had."
"You're the only boyfriend I've ever had."
"I get it, I'm just stating the obvious and why that didn't make sense."
"I like this Eren character." Bakugou said as they sat in her bed, watching episodes of Attack On Titan together through her projector. There was an empty wall in front of her bed for that purpose. The projector was hooked up to her laptop.
Tomomi laid in between his legs, leaning back on his chest while Bakugou's arms were circled around her waist, cuddling her close to him. The couple had all of the snacks around them as they shared a bag of Hello Kitty cotton candy together.
Well, more like she was eating it and kept feeding Bakugou pieces of it. He initially denied it when she offered to share with him. He wasn't a fan of cotton candy but he couldn't say no to her. So he decided to just endure it.
He even took off his hoodie and let her wear it. Which was too big on her so she practically drowned in it. Her head disappeared into the hood after she pulled it over her head.
Bakugou was left with his black skull shirt on.
"He has fire in him and knows what he wants."
"Despite the massacre?" She asked, craning her neck upwards to look at him.
"I mean, yeah that's fucked up, but then again....The Marleyans had it coming." He explained, playing with his hoodie string. "Think about it, looking past the racism because that's obvious, they were making Titans just to send to the wall to destroy it. Think about how many people lost their families and even childrens because of them. And now that it's happening to them, they want sympathy? That's bullshit and karma."
"It's kind of attractive how you can understand anime to a deeper level." Tomomi complimented, looking back at the anime. "Not many can do that."
"I know right....I'm a freaking genius." Bakugou mumbled, completely invested in the anime.
"Jaegerist?" She asked, holding up her fist.
Bakugou bumped his fist with hers. "Jaegerist, baby."
"Why don't people appreciate kpop more?" Tomomi sobbed out, her emotions were messing with her again.
After watching anime for a two hours, they decided to listen to music using her vinyl record player.
Bakugou was curious over her slight obsession over Kpop so he played a random song by BTS. The song was called 2!3!. And now, he was hugging her as she cried over korean music.
"I mean...It's so beautiful and.....I just think the world will be so peaceful if they heard Jin singing or see how talented Red Velvet really are or how much of a baby Hueningkai is or even watch J-Hope smile like, bro......that smile is so beautiful and the world needs to see it!"
"There there," Bakugou sighed out, slowly patting the top of her head as she cried. "I'm sure the world knows that this J-Hope guy has a......alright smile."
Hmph! I bet my smile is better....Bakugou thought in a small fit of jealousy. I have a girlfriend and I'm still competing with fictional characters and kpop idols, what the hell is this?
"Okay, you memorised the lyrics?" Tomomi asked, as she and Bakugou sat on her bed, facing each other.
"This is dumb but I'll do it anyways." He said, leaning one of his elbows on his leg. "Let's just get this over with."
"Remember, in one breath."
"Yeah yeah, I know."
Tomomi pressed the small remote to her stereo system, making the speakers play her song choice. They waited a few seconds before they started singing.
I want you to know that I'm never leaving
Cuz' I'm Mrs. Snow, til' death we'll be freezing
Yeah, you are my home, my home for all season
So come on, let's go
Let's go below zero and hide from the sun
I love you forever and we'll have some fun
Come, let's hit the north pole and live happily
Please don't cry no tears now, it's Christmas, baby
My snowman and me
The more they sung together, Bakugou kept leaning close to her face, making her blush but she didn't lose the streak and neither did he. When they were done, Bakugou's face was very close to hers.
He smirked, letting his eyes flicker from her eye to her lips and back. Tomomi felt flustered as she had a good idea of what he wanted to do. For a couple that had been dating for a few months now, they were late on the kissing part. And that was mostly Tomomi's fault.
She wanted to kiss him but never knew how to start it. She didn't know if she should ask polietly or not. She was very new to this and Bakugou seemed very natural with all of this.
Then again, Bakugou has told her before that he has had a girlfriend before. Back in the last year of his middle school years, he had a girlfriend for about a third of his middle school career but it didn't last because he was more focused on being number one.
She was his first kiss but the relationship was mostly a one sided thing. He didn't really have strong feelings for her like he thought he did and he never really knew how to properly love someone. Nor did he know how to be in a relationship.
Besides, she was way too much of a follower than anything. Bakugou didn't like the easy way out of anything. Not even when getting a girl. So Tomomi was something very different from her and he knew he found the one with her.
"You're a good singer." Tomomi blurted out shyly.
Bakugou chuckled deeply before lightly biting his bottom lip. His hand reached her chin, lightly holding it with his pointer and thumb, carressing her soft but cold skin.
"Then let me show you how much I love your singing, princess." He said in a deep voice before pressing his lips onto hers softly.
He could tell she has never kissed anyone and Bakugou knew how to handle such a moment. And part of that is because he reads romance mangas like no tomorrow.
Tomomi was stunned for a second but the feeling of his soft lips on hers made heart put her at ease but also her nerves were in a haywire frenzy. Bakugou was a great kisser.
Her eyes fluttered close as her arms instinctively circled his neck. Bakugou pulled her into his lap, breaking the kiss just so he could look at her. Her face was light pink and she looked a little flustered. And he couldn't help but think she was the cutest girl in the world.
"Goddamnit, you're so cute." He mumbled before making the both of them fall on her bed with him on top and her on her back.
"AAH!" She squealed once her back met her bed. She began giggling as Bakugou began showering her face and neck in little kisses. And it tickled so much, she started to laugh loudly but made no attempts to stop him.
"Then stop me." He said cockily, continuing his shower of kisses. But also knowing full well that she wasn't going to.
"I tried to be nice, I really did." Bakugou said, mixing a medium sized bowl of red cake batter. "But that stupid ass had to really test me so I did what I had to do."
"And you did the right thing." Tomomi agreed, mixing a bowl of green cake batter.
The couple decided to bake rainbow/unicorn cupcakes for themselves while also doing skin care. Aoyama's dehumidifier was plugged up in the common room while the couple baked with a pink facial mask spreaded all over their faces.
Tomomi even forced him to wear one of her face washing headbands. It was a TATA headband. She had on Koya's version of the item.
"I swear, it's like they want evil Bakugou. They want me to be the bad guy and when I am, they act surprised! What the fuck is that?!"
"Some people have no boundaries." Tomomi sighed, pursing her lips. "I'm surprised that they didn't press charges though."
"Oh no, they didn't." Bakugou said, layering the batter into the cupcake holders. "Surveilance cameras showed that he was harrassing me and my mom so we both beat him to a pulp. They ruled it self defense."
Meanwhile, In school, Shoto walked around like there was a storm hovering his head. His aura was so dark, it scared everyone that crossed his path in the hallway. He was beyond pissed about what happened and was informed by Fuyumi that same morning that they are planing on suing the people responsible.
Which was good. He didn't even care that it was his dad who made the decision. What was pissing him off was that he found out that students began spreading rumors about Tomomi behind her back. Making up shit about things they didn't really have information on. And, by default, Shoto was the main target of their watchful eyes and whispering.
What made him even more angry was the fact that Monoma was the one telling everyone that Tomomi killed someone. And Shoto decided that his days were numbered right then and there. Him and anybody else who thinks they can take him on.
By the time lunch came around, Shoto walked into the cafeteria with Momo and even then, he didn't feel like talking to anyone. But she was a friend so he was going to push her away because he was in a bad mood. But the stares and whisperes were really irking him.
And as Momo watched Shoto's aura get darker and the stares grew worse as soon as they got out of the lunch line. And one very brave but dumb trio of male students, upperclassmen as well, decided that Shoto was a perfect target to bully.
"Hey, peppermint head!" the ring leader, a tall student with long brown hair and light yellow eyes said, blocking the two from passing.
Everyone in the cafeteria stopped and watched the scene in front of them. Momo frowned concerningly, glancing at Shoto every so often.
"We heard you're the son of Endeavor." He said, poking Shoto's shoulder hard. Though it didn't phase him as he looked at them with no emotion in his eyes. "Also we heard that your sister was a murderer. That true?"
"Walk away." was all Shoto said, his voice deeper than usual as his hands gripped his tray harder.
But the three just laughed as if he said a funny joke. "This guy, he suddenly has balls." The ringleader laughed to his friends before turning to the two freshmens. "How about you show respect to us upperclassmen, you brat."
"There is nothing respectful about you." Shoto shot back.
"Don't get smart with me!" he angrily growled out at him.
"I've been smart, I'm just bored of the imbeciles in front of me." Shoto, again, shot back just as fast. Only pissing him off even more. "You all look and smell too poor to be in my presence and I am in no mood to entertain three idiotic upperclassmen who most likely had to buy their way into this school because they couldn't pass the third grade."
Everyone in the cafeteria started snickering and giggling at them. But Shoto didn't care about their angry faces. He just wanted to get to his lunch with Momo as soon as possible so that this school day can end quickly.
Momo looked on, still very worried. Looking at his fists, they were nearly white at this point. She wishes these guys would leave them alone already before anything happened and they get into trouble.
"That's fine." He said, smirking. "At least my sister wasn't a villain's pass-around-"
That was the final straw. As soon as he mentioned Tomomi in a degrading way, Shoto's right fist rapidly coated itself in hardened ice and he punched him so hard, the student flew a few feet away from them. The action not only caused everyone to gasp in shock but the kid was bleeding from his nose violently. So much so that the ice around Shoto's fist had some of it covering it a little.
At this point, Shoto was visibly seething. It was so bad that his left arm started flickering fire as he glared murderously at the student and his friends, who went to see if he was alright.
"Oh my god, Shoto!" Momo exclaimed, also jumping and gasping at what just happened. She knew something like this would happen but she had no idea it could happen so quickly. And Shoto was known to be able to keep his emotions in check. But with this, he broke. And she just witnessed that first hand.
He could be haunting when he was beyond pissed off.
"You ever speak about her like that again, your stupid nose won't be the only thing broken." Shoto promised, seeing red at this point. So he didn't care if he got in trouble with the school. "That goes for anyone who wants to talk about things they have no clue about! Keep our names out of your mouths!"
After yelling at everyone in the cafeteria, Shoto turned to leave. Leaving a very quiet cafeteria filled with fear stricken and shocked students. It was time like this where Momo wishes she knew how to help him through this.
"You were right, my face does fill light and clearer." Bakugou said as he sat the plate of nicely decorated cupcakes onto the coffee table in front of them.
Tomomi played a movie onto the tv in the common room as she felt Bakugou pull Denki's blanket over their legs. Their feets were on the table, crossed in a relaxed way.
After washing their faces from the mask, Tomomi put on his hoodie again and snuggled under Bakugou's arm, holding a bowl of popcorn in her lap. "Aoyama gave it to me." She said. "I asked for his skincare routine and he gave me an entire lesson on what he does. I will have to thank him."
"Yeah, but I can do without the damn sparkles." Bakugou grumbled, wiping one off of his face. "It's a bitch to get out."
"Katsuki," Tomomi rose her head up to look at him. "Thank you..."
"Hm? For what?" Bakugou asked, looking at her. His arm was still draped over her shoulders, holding her closely.
"For today..."She admitted quietly, fiddling with her sweater paws. "....For distracting me from what happened and for-"
"I'm doing what good boyfriends should do, there shouldn't be any thanks involved." He cut her off. "I don't want you to thank me for something I should be doing anyways. That's like me telling you that I ignored another girl's advances, expecting you to reward me. I'm supposed to do that because I am in a committed relationship. I'm supposed to help you get through tough times and I'm supposed to make you feel loved. So don't ever feel like you need to thank me for doing the bare minimun and things I'm supposed to do."
Tomomi's eyes glittered at him with love and admiration. She's never felt like she was a priority to anyone before. When it came to her father, she was always the second choice and he made her feel that way all of her life. So she didn't know how to handle someone actually putting her first for a change.
So feeling emotional, Tomomi slowly began to cry. Tears fell as she ducked her head down, letting the hoodie cover her eyes completely. Her lips trembled as tears fell from her eyes. Bakugou looked and saw she was crying silently. Instead of questioning her about it, he paused the movie and gathered her into his arms.
Tomomi let out a quiet sob as she burried her face into his shirt. Bakugou held her in his arms, allowing her to cry out her emotions. Bakugou really hated seeing someone who was always so kind and gentle go through all of this hell.
But at least, outside of Shoto, he could be the one to go through it all with her.
And if he was quiet honest, he would meet Satan at the gates of hell before he let anything like that happen to Tomomi, ever again.
This shit was 5000+
words lol my god
I didn't plan on this
being that long but
hey, I wanted to give
you all wholesome
because the past couple
of chapters have been
rather sad so I'll try
to do more happy moments.
don't forget to comment and
everyone, welcome Bruni! Hes
apart of the family now!
love you all and stay safe!
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