Chapter 20
Sophie knew it wasn't going to go well.
She read the warning signs.
She knew what could happen.
But here she was, in her shimmering dress, about to enter the gym, where the dance was set up.
Biana had promised a good time. But nothing ever really goes Sophie's way. Her life after her parents died was a prime example.
Sophie stood in line with Biana for their tickets. According to Biana, Marella was already in, and waiting on them with Dex.
Fitz had also left the girls, claiming he had 'somewhere to be'. Sophie didn't take it to mean much, unlike Biana, who looked almost skeptical when he left in a hurry. She probably brushed it off by now, due the fact that she looked completely fine now.
Once they made it to the front of the line, Biana swiftly collected their tickets, and soon the duo were making their way around the maze of high school students attempting to find Marella and Dex.
After several minutes of looking around, Sophie spotted Marella sitting a table near the back, which was emptier than the rest of the gym.
Strangely, Dex was no where near Marella. Wherever he was, she didn't know.
Marella waved at them both, signaling to come over to sit. Biana smiled back, and started for the table. Sophie was about to follow, until someone caught her eye.
She recognized the strawberry blonde hair almost instantly, and hesitated before calling to Biana, who was currently walking ahead of her.
"Hey Biana, I'll be there in a minute. I just need to stop by the snack bar real quick." she spoke fairly quickly.
Biana raised an eyebrow, then nodded. "Okay then, just don't screw anything up Soph." she joked.
Sophie just rolled her eyes, and turned around, walking towards Dex, who was also conveniently by the snack bar. At least her hastily made lie wasn't entirely untrue.
Sophie walked up from behind him, and tapped on his shoulder, wondering what could be wrong. She mentally made a list of what the problem could be.
And sadly, that list was currently empty.
Dex abruptly spinner around, surprised to find his friend behind him. It was obvious he was not too happy at that moment. The crease between his eyebrows helped that theory.
Sophie frowned, obviously worried. "What's wrong, Dex? Marella was sitting alone waiting for Biana and I."
Dex simply sighed, and shrugged. "I don't know, I'm just feeling nervous I guess."
"Nervous of what? It's a party Dex, you shouldn't be down like this. I don't like to see one of my best friends feeling bad, when they should be having fun." Sophie gave him a small smile, hoping that would lift his spirits. She didn't like to see him anxious, especially now. In fact, Sophie had thought she would be worried, not Dex.
Dex's cheeks tinted red, as he inhaled a breath before explaining his situation to Sophie. "I'm just nervous with Marella. I'm scared I might ruin my friendship with her if I ask her out, or something."
"I thought you had already asked her out?"
"I asked her as friends. And I don't want this to change our friendship. What if it goes wrong?" Dex ran a hand through his hair, a sign that he was worried.
Sophie gave him a grin, and took a hold of his hand. "Look Dex, you aren't forced to ask her now. If you aren't comfortable to ask now, you don't have to. What you should do, is have a good time. I mean, we only have one chance to have a great homecoming."
"We're allowed to go to homecoming as sophomores, Soph." Dex corrected, holding back laughter.
Sophie's smile widened. "You get my point," she then pointed at the table where their friends sat. "And we have some annoyed friends waiting for us now."
Dex shuddered. "We do not want to get on Marella's bad side. I'm going to head back, you coming?"
Sophie nodded. "I'll be there, I'm just going to get a drink first."
Dex thanked Sophie before starting towards the table. Sophie didn't know she could give people pep talks, nevertheless here she was. And surprisingly, it was a good one.
She walked over to the snack bar not far behind her, and decided to get a cup of water. She never really liked fruit punch, and lemonade wasn't very flattering to her at the moment.
Sophie rushed to grab her drink off the counter, and quickly spun around on her heel, just to run into someone.
Or also known as the she-demon herself, Stina Heks.
Before she knew it, Sophie's blush rosedress had pink cupcake frosting smeared on it, and her water cup was on the floor, the water now on Stina's dress.
Stina hardly held back a scream, and scowled at Sophie.
"What is your problem? You got your icky water all over me!" Stina yelled, motioning to her soaked dress.
Sophie held back a strain of colorful words before responding, gritting her teeth. "And hot pink frosting isn't any better, is it?"
At the mention of Sophie's ruined dress, she smirked. "Eh, I think it looks makes your horrid excuse for a dress... acceptable."
"And your excuse of a dress isn't any more pleasant. A bright purple dress isn't a very 'acceptable' fashion statement." Sophie spat.
Stina just scoffed. "Ugh, I don't have time to deal with a freak. No wonder why your parents abandoned you."
That hit hard. Not only did Stina's comment throw Sophie off-guard, but it also angered her. She didn't know how Stina knew about her life situation, but she wasn't a very big fan of her throwing false information like that around.
Then it hit her.
Aria, and freaking Jade.
Sophie didn't realize her eyes were watery until Stina opened her again.
"Aww, the freak is crying. She must realize how much her parents hated her." she sneered.
"Don't say another word about my parents. You don't know anything about them." Sophie countered, fighting off her stubborn tears.
Stina shrugged. "Whatever you say, freak." she sashayed away, not looking back once.
Sophie's resentful stare lingered a second
longer, before she decided to head back to her table. Luckily the snack bar was near the back, so nobody noticed Sophie's encounter with Stina.
Sophie reached the table, and swiftly sat, slumping in her chair.
Marella looked at her confused. "What took you so long?"
Sophie decided it was best to leave out the talk with Dex, for obvious reasons. But she also wasn't very comfortable talking about her run-in incident with Stina. So naturally, she lied.
"I just grabbed some water, and someone ran into me, so now I have frosting on my dress." she explained, carefully choosing her words.
Biana frowned at Sophie's dress. "Well you can't just leave it like that! We have to fix you up!"
Sophie groaned, and Dex smirked. She knew when Biana said 'fix you up' she didn't only mean her dress. And she also wouldn't be surprised if Marella brought her makeup bag along with them.
Sophie eventually gave in, sighing. "Can you just please go easy on the makeup. You're only giving me a tiny glow-up, not a full on makeover."
Marella and Biana both grinned. "No promises," Marella said, grabbing Sophie's hand leading her away from the table, Biana in tow.
Sophie already was regretting this idea. She silently begged to Dex to help her, but he smirked, waving at her.
This is going to be a long night.
hii! it's been a while, sorry about that. this was kind of a filler? lol, whatever it was I hope you all liked it! if you did, don't forget to vote! love you all <3
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