Chapter 17
Today was a long day.
Very long.
Sophie didn't know how tiring trying on dress, after dress, after dress was. And in the end Sophie didn't find a dress she liked.
Although Marella and Biana had better luck than Sophie that day.
"This is so cute! I can't wait to wear it on homecoming!" Biana squealed, while Marella fangirled with her.
"I'm still bummed we didn't find one for Soph though," Marella pouted. "But it's not my fault you were so picky Soph." Marella said, shrugging playfully.
Sophie rolled her eyes, and sat on her bed. Luckily, Aria and Jade were off shopping for their own homecoming dresses, or else Sophie would not have been able to bring her friends over. Caroline was somewhere around the house, at least Sophie thought. That lady didn't care where the girls were, she only cared that her curls stayed curly, and that her manicure stayed perfect.
Sophie was also lucky that her friends didn't ask any questions about the situation.
Sophie was lost in her own thoughts until Marella's voice snapped her out of it.
"Sophie look what I found in the back of your closet! Isn't it just gorgeous!" Marella told her, holding out a dress.
It took Sophie a while to realize what Marella had found in the back of her closet. Sophie's eyes widened, and she quickly snatched the dress from Marella's hands.
Marella gave Sophie a look of confusion and hurt, "Sophie, are you okay?" She asked, her voice no more than a whisper.
Biana nearly reaches out to comfort Sophie, but quickly put her hand down, as if she wanted to give Sophie space.
Sophie was confused on why they were asking about her, when she realized that there was a tear going down her cheek.
She was crying.
Sophie shook her head, and sat down on her small bed, cradling the dress. Soon after, Marella and Biana joined her.
"Sophie, if we did anything wrong, just let us know. We didn't mean any harm." Biana said, hugging Sophie.
Sophie simply shook her head, "It's not you guys, I promise."
They all sat there in silence until Sophie decided it was best to fill her friends in.
"This dress was a gift from my mother. She gave it to me as a present, thinking she would be there to see me wear it on prom. . ." Sophie faltered, and held the dress closer, as if it was going to disappear if she didn't.
They stayed silent a little longer until Biana spoke up. "I'm sorry, about everything Sophie," she hugs Sophie, "We didn't know you were going through this."
"This is my fault," Marella said, looking at the carpeted floor. "I was being nosy, I shouldn't have gone through your closet Sophie. I really just wanted to help." She looked up, and met Sophie's eyes.
Sophie gave them a small smile, wiping away the stubborn tears that kept running. She needed to be strong, she needed to honor her mother's legacy, not mourn her years later.
"No, actually Marella you did help. A lot, really." Sophie said, looking at the dress.
Biana and Marella share a confused look, and then look at Sophie, who was now grinning.
"And how did I do that?" Marella asked, curious.
"I know what I'm going to wear to homecoming. We didn't need to look through mall for it. The dress I really wanted was right in front of me." Sophie said, showing the girls the prom dress her mother gave her.
The girls grinned at Sophie. "Well that's why I'm here Sophie! To help you with your homecoming needs." Marella joked.
The girls laughed, and continued to joke around until they heard a knock on the door.
Sophie stopped laughing, and tensed. Her eyes widened as they all shared a look.
Aria and Jade.
"Is this even a good idea?" Keefe asked Fitz.
"Of course it is, trust me." Fitz assured
Keefe hesitated before knocking on the door. Then he waited.
After what felt like forever, the door opened.
"Keefe?" Biana asked. "What are you doing here?"
Keefe was caught by surprise. He didn't expect Biana of all the people to answer Sophie's front door. Then again, Biana had a lot of friends, so this shouldn't surprise him.
What really was surprising was what happened right after.
"I-uh wanted to see Sophie. To talk..." Keefe said, nervous.
Biana looked at him confused, then looked to Fitz, who was staring at the ground.
"Uh Sophie, can you come." Biana asked.
Sophie came along with Marella a couple seconds afterwards, and the look on her face hurt Keefe.
A lot.
For a second, she looked relieved, but that look quickly faded and turned into a dirty scowl.
Before Keefe could react, or say anything the door slammed shut. The loud 'thud' made Fitz flinch, but Keefe was still.
He knew this would happen, he knew she was still mad.
"Well. . . I guess talking to her was not a great move." Fitz said, breaking the silence.
"Glad you noticed." Keefe deadpanned.
"Look, maybe you need to give her time."
"I did."
"Well maybe she needs more time. She not just going to forgive you like that." Fitz pointed out.
Keefe sighed and ran a hand through his hair, "You're probably right."
"I'm always right." Fitz noted, walking toward his car. "Let's go, it's getting late, and we have a long night ahead of us."
Keefe looked confused. "What do you mean?"
"We're still brainstorming ideas to apologize to her, and I think I just had a genius idea."
"Can't you tell me the idea now?" Keefe asked, getting in Fitz's car.
"I can, but this idea takes some effort and patience." Fitz said, smirking.
"Ok well in that case, please do tell." Keefe said, genuinely curious.
Fitz inhaled before continuing, "So my obnoxious sister went to the mall earlier today with her friends, including Sophie."
Keefe flinched that the mention of Sophie's name, and looked at Fitz confused. "And how does that relate to my problem?"
"It does actually, a lot. Before she left, I asked why she was going, and apparently the school that Sophie goes to is hosting a homecoming."
Keefe was still confused, but was also partly catching onto Fitz. "So you want me to apologize during her homecoming? While she's having fun?" Keefe questioned.
"No, you would write and sing her a song. About her! Genius right?!" Fitz corrected.
Keefe was silent as he thought over the plan. It sounded foolproof, but many things could go wrong. "You do realize that a bunch of crazy girls would be at my tail, right? I'm kind of famous."
"So? You're there to show Sophie how much you care, not sign autographs and kiss babies."
Fitz noted.
Keefe rolled his eyes, "Fine, maybe it isn't a bad idea. . . I guess it doesn't hurt to try."
Fitz smiled, proud that his plan might work. Keefe was still reluctant to go through with the idea, but at this point he was desperate.
He screwed up, and he needed to fix things.
For once, he didn't want to be a failure.
Let's do this.
AN :
hii !! this was one heck of a chapter lol. I hope you all liked this chapter && don't forget to vote if u enjoyed!
let's hope things don't go bad during homecoming ( or will they? )
*me realizing that next year I'll be binge watching stranger things during homecoming with my friend*
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