15. suffocating presence & missing wallets
❝ FIFTEEN | suffocating presence & missing wallets
in the mall | 4:59 pm
kaminari's eyes burn into your own (e/c) ones as he comes to a stop a few centimetres away from your table. the atmosphere immediately falls tense, every one of your friends stiffen up at the arrival of kaminari and todoroki— who lingers behind the blonde like a shadow; a tall, menacing shadow with the way he's burning holes through everyone's bodies.
"what's with the long face, sweetheart?" kaminari grins wickedly at akira who looks like she's seen a ghost. her plump lips are parted and you watch in mild curiosity as his eyes dart to her boyfriend that sits beside her with a scowl. "you look a bit pale there."
akira doesn't say anything, but her boyfriend glares at him and snaps at him. "don't fucking talk to her."
you don't know if it was your imagination or if it actually happened, but you swore you saw kaminari's head... jerk? twitch? you don't know but you swore you caught sight of the action.
"you're angry at me talking to her?" kaminari fakes being offended, but the amusement twinkling in his golden eyes are there and his hands twitch by his side.
he rolls his eyes and nudges shouto with his shoulder. "wait till he finds out i did more than talk to her three weeks ago." todoroki doesn't blink an eye, but kaminari's smirk widens even more as he eyes everyone's reaction.
his words cause your jaw to nearly drop and kaito's hand to tighten around your shoulder slightly. immediately you snap your eyes to akira and her boyfriend who both look disgusted and fearful at his words. the brown haired girl whips her head around to face her boyfriend.
"rin- i didn't, he's lying! i've never seen him before!" you've never seen akira look so desperate in your two years of knowing her. her small hands clutch at rin's grey sweatshirt in desperation but his eyes are focused on the boy in front of him.
"stop fucking around with us," rin grits out between his clenched teeth and you can see the slight pain in his eyes though you don't feel sympathetic for him. "we don't even know you."
"she knows me," kaminari nods at akira while leaning some of his weight on todoroki who begrudgingly accepts it. the dual-coloured male finds your eyes and you blink your tears away. they did not need to see you cry the first time meeting you. "i mean she did fuck me."
akira looks beyond frustrated and humiliated at this point, her cheeks are painted red as she points an accusing finger at the eccentric blonde. "he's fucking lying—"
kaminari cuts her off, pulling out his phone and scrolling through his phone while proclaiming loudly; "here are our messages from three weeks ago. akira has sent you a chat, what does that chat say? shit," kaminari chokes up the word and frowns for the tiniest millisecond but no one other than you notice. "look for yourself."
he shows rin his phone and from where you're sitting, you can see the messages as well and to your disbelief, they're from fuckboi hotline and you can see akira telling kaminari where to meet her and at what time.
your eyes dart up to the smug blonde but then you catch the movement again. this time, his head jerks more violently and is definitely not a figure of your imagination. his hand that isn't holding his phone is twitching every few seconds, long fingers bending and flexing in sporadic motions. what catches your attention is the way todoroki is side eyeing him in concern before looking away again.
what the hell was that all about?
"other than breaking up relationships," kaito snarls venomously as akira and rin begin to yell at each other. kaminari tucks his phone into his pocket and glances at the cobalt haired male with an arm wrapped around you tightly. "what are two u.a students doing here anyway? do you need something?"
"oh," kaminari cocks his head to the side and the action reminds you of a puppy. your thought makes you cringe to yourself. do not go down that road. "you know we're from u.a?"
kaito's nose wrinkles in disgust. "how could i not? your sports festival in first year was a big event and mute bitch behind you is endeavour's son."
todoroki's facial expression doesn't change at the words, his glare never falters though and they seem to bore into kaito now that he's said it. you gulp nervously at the tense situation right now. two guys from u.a are about three seconds away from fighting your best friend who has a decent enough quirk to put up a fight.
what the fuck do you do?
"kaito—" you begin to say but he swiftly cuts you off with a bitter tone.
"actually, how do you know (y/n)?"
kaminari bursts out laughing at his question. "get the stick up your ass out and stop acting like a boyfriend. we're friends, or is that too close for you?"
your cobalt haired friend doesn't say anything and kaminari rolls his eyes, head jerking again but not as violently as before.
"we came over to say hi holy fuck. you're acting like i'm going to ask them to fuck me in front of you." you wince at his bold words and of course kaminari notices and grins at your flushed state. "unless you're into that. no kink shame! i know a load of people who are into voyeurism. though, i don't think every single person in this diner will be into it—"
kaito sits up straighter and slightly turns to face you. rage clouds his irises and you resist the urge to flinch at his steely gaze. kaminari's words blend into the background and all you can see is kaito's thunderous rage, something you've never seen before and for the first time in your life — you're terrified, of your best friend of all people.
his fingers dig into your shoulder to the point your sure it'll leave bruises in a few hours. "how the fuck do you know him?"
your wide (e/c) eyes stare up at him, pleading to drop the topic. the words die at the tip of your tongue. if you tell him you know them from the hotline the insults will get worse and you'll be humiliated even more. you signed up for a hotline designed for sex but all you can do is get friends? fucking pathetic. you can hear all the insults circling in your head, ready to be said by a real person to you to shame you even more for being a virgin.
amidst your panicked thoughts, kaito grows impatient and squeezes your shoulder impossibly tighter. "fucking spit it out, (y/n)."
before you can say anything, kaminari's voice cuts through the fearful silence that washed over you.
"hold them any tighter and i'll get todoroki to burn you." the golden eyes have gone darker, burning with anger as kaminari eyes the bruising grip has on your shoulder and the way your body is uncomfortably sitting upright.
kaito clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth but doesn't let go of you. in fact, he looks amused and instead turns to face the two boys straight again. an unknown glint shines in his eyes and you feel a shiver go up your spine at what he may do.
"you've said hello, now fucking leave." you snap your gaze to kaminari and todoroki, silently pleading with them not to leave you alone with him.
goosebumps crawl up your spine and your mind is screaming at you to get away from kaito, from this group of people that you surround yourself with everyday. you feel like you're suffocating in the insults and hatred and panic begins to build up in your body.
kaminari senses your panic and doesn't hesitate to ask you a question. "do you want to hang out with us for a bit? we're not going back to the dorms for another while."
you go to open your mouth, to agree and get out of there. but kaito's gravely voice beats you to it again.
"no." he hisses out, pressing his knee against yours as you stare at him in shock. "incase you're fucking blind we're already hanging out. we had plans made."
"we weren't asking you, we were asking (l/n). they can speak for themselves." the deep and monotone voice drowns out everything else and you gaze into todoroki's heterochromia eyes that gaze deep into your soul.
that was the first time he's talked and it takes both you and kaito off guard. his voice is rough and doesn't give away what he's feeling though you're pretty sure he's pissed at the way his eyebrows have furrowed slightly downwards.
kaminari keeps his gaze on you as he speaks up again. "so, what do you say?"
you feel kaito's glare burn into the side of your head and you almost want to say no, but the soft honey eyes staring at you with concern pull you into nodding slowly and almost shyly as you cringe slightly away from kaito's heated glare.
"cool," kaminari's smirk is back yet he keeps his eyes on you as you hesitantly scoop up your bag. "we'll get going then."
you turn to kaito to get out of the booth, but he hasn't moved and is staring at you with a look of betrayal and anger that it sends a straight crack through your heart. you feel bad, and you fucking hate it and how you're a decent human being. but you can't stay with him right now, you need to debrief for a bit and you couldn't stay with him. his presence was causing you to choke on your own words and you desperately needed to get away for a while.
"can- can you mov-"
you look up at him with a pleading expression but he doesn't budge. now what? you're trapped in the booth and no one on the other side are going to move for you. kaito is the pack leader and they follow and do everything he says or does. meaning if he isn't moving for you, they won't.
"(l/n)," you look over at kaminari who's offered you a twitchy hand. his smirk has softened at the sides and his eyes shine with amusement. "climb over the table."
you can't help the small grin that falls on your lips and you do exactly as he says. you stand on the seat and clamber onto the big table, ignoring kaito's curses. you grab kaminari's warm hand in yours as he helps you hop down from the metal table, other hand coming around to steady you by your waist before quickly moving away and pulling you gently towards him and todoroki.
the whole time your heart is thundering against your chest. his hands are so warm. you can't help the sudden warmth filling your heart as you stand near him, almost huddling into his warm body when you feel kaito's icy gaze on you. todoroki stands on your other side and glares back at your best friend who sneers at the three of you.
"i hope i shit— forget meeting your ugly faces," to your embarrassment, kaminari uses your locked hands to wave at the group before grinning as he drags you out of the diner with shouto following you closely behind.
the minute you step out of the diner you feel like a massive weight has been taken off your chest and you can finally breathe again. you inhale deeply and release a shaky breath as kaminari drags you to the centre of the mall where there are a few benches you can sit down on.
"are you okay?" is the first thing he says when he sits you down on the bench, he crouches in front of you and looks up at you with worried eyes. his playful smirk is gone and all you can see is a gorgeous boy expressing his concern for you. "they were assholes holy fuck."
you nod shakily, feeling your cheeks heat up when you realise kaminari's soft hand is still holding yours gently. you can feel his fingers twitch in your grasp and when you look up, his head jerks to the side and he quickly looks away in embarrassment before clearing his throat and turning his attention back to you.
"how- how did you guys know i was there?" you ask softly, still shaken up a tiny bit. nothing bad even happened, but the way your friends could set you on edge was indescribable.
"well," kaminari stands up but still keeps his hand loosely in yours. "me and shouto went in there because i wanted food—"
"you dragged me down three floors and threatened to ask my father to collect us, i didn't just go in there." todoroki grumbles and you can't keep the small laugh in you at the way his lips turn into a scowl at his friends.
his dark eyes gleam with a bit of interest as his lips twitch at bit at the sound of your laughter. but it's quickly gone when kaminari starts talking again.
"what else was i supposed to do?" kaminari whines, throwing his head back in exasperation and you can't help but watch in awe as his soft blonde hair falls backwards and back into its original placing when he snaps his head up. "you literally won't let me eat at any diner here!"
"because the food is shit." todoroki says bluntly.
"you live off of cold soba and can't cook." kaminari furiously exclaims, eyebrows knitting together in frustration. "you're shit."
"you can't cook either."
"because my ad-" kaminari goes to say something but his eyes widen and his fingers twitch wildly in your hand, causing you to look down and watch on in curiosity. they both spare a look at you but kaminari catches himself. "shit, because i shit—can't focus."
his head jerks violently and you can't help the way your eyes widen at what he did. it looks like it hurt and by the way kaminari reaches up with his free hand to prod at his neck, it does hurt. is it something to do with his quirk? or is it something wrong? the boy intrigues you and you didn't think he'd be like this in real life.
you can see the playful aura he has in his texts and his flirty nature, with the way his smirk widens and his golden eyes gleam with undeterred playfulness and mischievous — it's easy to tell he's a naturally eccentric individual. but the way he acts has you wondering to yourself about different things.
but you didn't want to assume anything and make him uncomfortable, so you didn't say anything about his gestures.
you see todoroki's eyes soften slightly as he says, "kami—"
"i'm, shit— fine." kaminari spits out, snatching his hand from yours with red cheeks as he instead digs his fingers into his jean jacket again. "seriously, i'm okay."
todoroki obviously doesn't believe him, but he doesn't say anything and instead looks down to gaze at you. "we saw you at the diner with... them. kaminari was going to text you because we didn't know if you wanted to be disturbed but we saw that you looked upset and went over."
oh yeah. your small smile vanishes as you remember the relentless teasing and insults you had gotten from them earlier on. you need to stop thinking about it or else you'll end up bullying yourself to sleep again tonight.
you look up to see kaminari smiling down at you gently. "i dunno what they said to you and i won't ask, but don't think about it right now. it might be hard but just try not to. you should be thinking about how shouto is gonna buy us food in a different diner!"
todoroki stares him down. "and when did i agree to that?"
"you didn't agree, your wallet did." kaminari smirks and you feel yourself smile a bit more widely at the natural smirk that sticks to the blonde's face. "i think we deserve a treat."
todoroki isn't moving. "with my money?"
kaminari nods with a gleeful expression. "yeah! it's a great idea and (l/n) isn't paying because we're friends!"
todoroki blinks at him wearily. "where's your wallet? the wallet you had money in when you bought those three hoodie an hour ago?"
kaminari pats his lean body and then his pockets. he pulls out his wallet and slips it into his bag, all right in front of shouto who stares at him blankly. when the blonde zips up his bag he then resumes looking in his remaining pockets. finally, he looks up with a blank expression after checking his jacket pocket.
"would you look at that! it seems like my wallet is missing."
you can't stop the laughter that has been bubbling in you as shouto just sighs at kaminari who grins sheepishly in your direction, eyes alight with happiness as he snickers along with you.
todoroki just looks exasperated with his friend. "i will set you on fire."
"no!" kaminari cries out, head jerking slightly as the three of you begin to walk towards a new diner. you're in between the two of them, enjoying the heat they're both providing and the way they graze their arms with yours as you avoid bustles of crowds.
"you encased me on the ceiling for four hour until aizawa told you to take me down!"
"it was the most peaceful four hours of my life."
"it wasn't for me!"
"i didn't have you telling me horrible pick up lines. i count that as a good day."
you blink up at todoroki with a smile. "thank you for agreeing that his pick up line are horrible."
kaminari grumbles from beside you. "they're not! they get me laid and pick up lines put people in the mood."
"fine, tell me one." you grin up at him with the challenge. he smirks down at you and you see the cogs turn in his head.
"oh, you want to be put in the mood, (l/n)?" his voice drops an octave lower and your eyes widen when you realise what you accidentally insinuated. "i can do that, no problem."
"tone down the sex talk. they're a virgin, you'll scare them." todoroki states from beside you, snapping you of the gaze kaminari had captured you in.
with a frown, you scowl at him. "stop calling me a virgin."
"then stop being one." he says easily.
you splutter for an answer while kaminari cackles loudly from beside you. you force back a scream of anger and instead settle for spewing a bunch of curses at him. it probably looks like he wasn't listening to you, but his lips were turned up slightly and every few seconds he glanced at the two of you before looking away.
"see? would you rather pick up lines or being told your a virgin every time you breathe?" kaminari sticks his tongue out at shouto who scoffs in response.
"i don't tell them they're a virgin all the time."
"you literally identify them as a virgin."
"because they are one."
"shouto— you can't just bully virgins like that."
"kaminari, shut up."
and as they bickered, you can't help but feel at ease in their presence. there wasn't any awkward first conversions, no personal questions were asked and you were grateful the situation with kaito was dropped the minute you three left. todoroki and and kaminari had very different personalities, but they fitted well with each other and were enjoyable people to hang out with.
"wanna hear a pick up line?"
"i wasn't asking you, shouto."
"depends on how bad it is."
"is that hand sanitiser in your pants or are you that happy to be six feet near me?"
a beat of silence.
"i'm setting you on fire when we get back to the dorms."
your heart was warm as you found yourself enjoying your time with them.
but you definitely enjoyed it more when kaminari curled his pinky around yours as you continued walking around the mall.
why does it seem like the mha manga is ending on a depressing note. horikoshi i will kill you LEAVE IZUKU ALONE !!!
also jjk has destroyed me mentally, emotionally and physically. keeping up with that manga hurts more than the shit ton of physio i have to do and that's saying smth cause i DESPISE physio
anyways, hope everyone is staying safe and doing okay <33
WC: 3448
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