"Okay, so have you messaged him back yet?"
"Nope," I shook my head no. Rox opened the box of pizza, it smelt so good. I regret picking up groceries it smelt so good. I took a slice of my own I wonder if Cameron's cooking tastes this good, he works in a restaurant, so it better.
"Why haven't you messaged him back yet?"
"I don't know, Rox. I guess I'm just not sure if I should." I said, taking a bite.
"What'd he say?"
"'I'm not usually one to make the first move, but I couldn't resist,'" I pulled out my phone to check, and read it out loud for her to hear.
"Interesting choice of words." She laughed, her cheeks burning up, "Is this your second time bumping into each other?"
"Oh, he's bold for a second interaction,"
"He really is," I agreed, "I forgot, to tell you he uh, already asked me out to a romantic dinner, a candle lit one..." I trailed off I was so nervous looking at her face, thank god Alex isn't there for this.
"What did you say? You're going?"
"I told he had to wait, he needs to be patient, doesn't he?"
"Smart choice," She said, taking a sip of her soda, "You gotta keep them on their feet, have him die over you"
"I don't know about making him 'die over me,' but I figure a little patience won't hurt. Besides, I want to make sure I'm making the right decision here."
You're being cautious, Evy. That's good. But don't overthink it. If you're into him and he seems like a decent guy, go for it." Rox grinned.
"You haven't seen him yet,"
"You called him hot,"
"He is hot, Roxanne"
"I'll be the judge of that," She winked her eye at me, can't believe we're actually getting along and at least not at each others throats all the time now.
"I am not letting you into my love life," I smiled.
"Or, I might just ring up Alex about it,"
"He'll be fine with it," I lied, He won't be fine with it.
"Ya? Even when he finds out you've meet the only once and have no clue how he got your number, is working in a restaurant, is a drop out and taking you out to dinner?" She smirked, an evil and mischievous smirk. "I don't think so,"
"I know so," I sighed.
"I'll keep you updated, but please, don't go spilling all my secrets to Alex just yet."
"Don't keep me waiting,"
"I just don't want to mess this up."
"You won't." She said, after observing my face for a while, she completed her dinner and so did I, I was going to take my plate to the sink but whatever miracle mad her do it, she took my plate and hers to the sink and started cleaning it, I wasn't gonna stop her this is a once in a lifetime opportunity.
"You're a good kid," She said, looking down at the plate she was cleaning.
"You always are in the rules, never break 'em, listen to Alex, listen to our parents, let me stay..with everything going on,"
I should have asked her what with everything going on meant but I was too distracted by how she called me a good girl.
"I'm a good girl now?"
"Well, I mean, you've been through a lot," Rox turned off the tap and dried her hands on a towel before turning to me.
"You forgot my middle school? Or freshmen year?"
"That was different,"
"You never made excuses for me, not for the parties nor drinking nor calling you a bitch and telling your kids will hate you,"
"They were the truth, and I know I was a bitch." She agreed, leaning on the kitchen island.
Something in me couldn't just adjust nor accept the fact that Rox was so admitting to the fact that she was a bitch and an insult to the family, and in fact buttering me up for it, I didn't want to continue the topic any longer so I said, "Okay," and got over it.
I started scrolling my phone, I was slightly uncomfortable to talk, she showed up 2 seconds ago and wants to be my best friend. I think I've let her know too much about me and my personal life. But who else do I have? Emma's dealing with her mom, Lexi with her boy friend, and James with Nathan, Alex with work.
After scrolling through Tik tok and almost falling asleep at the dinner table, I dragged myself up stairs to my room and locked my door, I didn't want to see anyone right now. I though of calling Emma, hoping she would feel better, maybe could listen to me ramble about my guy shit, give me advice make me forget I like my sister so much so I had to tell her about this.
What if she doesn't respond? Better not do it then.
I threw my phone on the night stand, still hadn't completed my home work, tests are coming up and over shared personal shit to an enemy living in the same house as me. I lay on my bed, my mind over thinking in every direction possible.
Just as I was about close my eyes, which were filling with tears though I did have valid reason to cry my heart out, wasn't allowing myself to do so, something slammed against my window. It scared the shit out of me, I rolled over and fell out of my low-profile bed.
I scrambled to my feet, my heart racing, grabbing my table lamp, my knuckles turning white, and scurried to a corner of the room, I wasn't gonna check the window to see what was trying to break it, I knew, it was Nathan.
What should I do? Call James? Call Rox?
My palms started to go cold as there was no movement at all from the other side, silent as can be. Tears streamed down my face, evaporating in seconds. I realized I was having a panic attack. Lexi once had a panic attack around me, I didn't know what to do, her mother came after a while and took her, she was shaking. I wasn't shaking, more stuck to my position, with a stoned face expression, tears rolling down and palms pale. I couldn't move, couldn't think clearly.But after a while, still no noise or Nathan breaking through, maybe he's planning something? In my panic, I dialed James number as my hand cold, held the phone up to my ear.
"Come on, James, pick up," I whispered to myself, my voice quivering. Each ring seemed to stretch on for an eternity. I glanced at the window, half-expecting to see Nathan's face pressed against the glass, his cold eyes staring at me.
He picked up the call. "James? James? You there?" I whispered, my voice breaking.
"James, it's me, Evy," I whispered urgently, trying to keep my voice steady.
"Evy? What's wrong? It's late," he mumbled, still half-asleep.
"James, please, I need your help. Someone's outside my window, it's Nathan."
"Nathan? Evelyn, that's impossible." The urgency in my voice seemed to snap him awake.
"I know what I'm talking about, I'm not crazy, James, just come please" I pleaded.
"Isn't Rox home?"
"Yes, but, no James get here, I-I don't think she can handle a full grown vampire, she's only human, I want you-"
The window opened, and my heart pounded in my chest as I watched it slowly swing inward. I backed away, gripping my phone tightly, ready to dial 911 if I needed to. "James.." I shot up to my feet, getting myself ready to push Nathan off, when he jumps to bite my neck.
"Evelyn?" He came closer, "You okay?" He dropped his back pack on my bed as he came closer, but looking at my state he backed off a bit.
"James..I'll talk to you later," Without even waiting for him to say a good bye, I ended the call.
"Who was that on the phone?" Cameron asked, his shadowy figure looking scarier in the dark.
"A friend," I tried to pull myself together, rather looking like I was being tortured in my own home. "What the hell were you thinking to show up at the dead of night to my house, unannounced?"
"I didn't mean to scare you. You just didn't text me back,"
"That doesn't mean you show up at my house through the window and scare the shit out of me!"
"You okay? You look a little pale," He stroked my arm, pulling me towards the bed as he sat down beside me.
"I'm just... shaken, I overreacted. I'm sorry."
"Hey, it's okay, were you..crying?"
"Yeah," I admitted, feeling a bit embarrassed. "I had a bit of a panic attack when I thought I saw someone outside the window. But it's over now. Sorry for the drama."
"Was this your first time?"
"It was,"
"Every one has at least two panic attacks in their lifetime, I wish I was their to help,"
"Ya, no it was best you didn't see it, it was not pretty at all,"
"You don't have to go through it alone," He placed his hand on top of mine, here we go again, another way of pitying me, it's like a really bad therapy session.
"Seriously, why did you come?"
"Wanted to get you a little something," He got his bag and opened and brought out a small box, which was gold, I love gold. "Since we didn't go to our romantic, candle lit, roof top, dinner date, something I made" He handed it to me, this is so cute. It was the tiniest piece of Tiramisu I've ever seen in my life.
"Thanks, Cameron, this is so sweet of you," I closed the box, "But I think I'll save it for later,"
"You sure,"
"Yep, I think one bite and I might crash," I chuckled.
"But don't wait too long to savor it. Tiramisu is best enjoyed fresh."
"So..I guess I have to kick you out now, you over stayed your welcome," I placed the little box on my night stand.
"Do you mind if I stay?"
"Stay? As in the whole night? Sleep over here?" He nodded his head, his eyes shimmering like a puppies' with full of hope. "Both my elder siblings will be here, Cam, you do not want to get on the bad side of my bother, trust me,"
"Come on, Evelyn, It's not like I'm gonna do anything," He smirked. "I'm saving myself for my girl,"
"Ya, well, you just broke my heart," I said, sarcastically.
"I won't leave till you say a yes," I do want him to stay.
"Fine, but you will be on that end of the bed, and I will kick you out by morning, Rox might be charmed by you, but Alex.."
"Deal. You won't even know I'm here."
"But just for tonight." I couldn't help but smile back at him. The true gentle men he was, turned off the lights and covered us both with the sheets, and laid down beside me. Sure, he was on his side for some time, but then wrapped his long limbs all over my body, not gonna lie, it felt really warm, but he was over stepping his boundaries, but, of course I was enjoying it.
"Thought you were saving yourself for the ladies," I mumbled.
"There's always a tomorrow," 'Til there isn't.
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