Aella hummed quietly, her brows furrowed. Head resting on Finnick's bare chest she twisted to look at him, her chin resting atop instead of the side of her face. The dim light surrounding them illuminated the shadows of his face in a soft glow. It was just enough for her to feel safe and to keep his heart at a steady pace.
With one arm tucked behind his head, propping him up behind his pillow, he reached out with his other and twirled a lock of her shorter hair in his fingers. He'd walked into her room back in the hospital the day after she'd woken up and found her barely conscious before the mirror on the wall. The nurse who had left after helping her clean up had forgotten to take her scissors and Aella had taken to them. She could barely stand on two feet, dependent on morphling to numb the pain, but she forced her eyes open long enough to cut the matted knots out of her hair while crying as she did.
Clio had been in to tell her Palex, Cayenne and Flax were missing and she had lost it. The nurse came in to help her wash and after failing to get the knots out in her hair Aella had sat and reminisced on what she and Palex's final words together had been when he'd offered to do her hair before she went into the arena. She'd declined and when he said it would only matt her response had been it would have been all the more reason to cut it when she got out.
She always knew—even before she went in—that she would get out and so did Palex. He never doubted her in the slightest. She just didn't think she'd lose so much in the process.
So her hair now sat at a nice length over her shoulders. She'd hacked off more than ten inches with the blunt scissors and the long waves were no more but Finnick liked her shorter hair. He was positive he'd still love her even if she was bald and Aella had rolled her eyes when he'd told her that.
"When you were in love with me." He elaborated. His voice was quiet to say they were alone with no prying eyes or nosey ears. It was calming, "When did you know?"
Aella pulled her bottom lip between her teeth, something he hadn't seen her do enough but would easily watch her do it over and over again until the day he died.
"I was sixteen when I realised I first had a crush on you." She told him honestly, watching the way his brows rose slightly in surprise. Four years of feelings—deep feelings. Navigating it had been hard. Aella told herself it was bad. He was nineteen and she was sixteen but she'd never received affection in the nature he gave her. There was a difference in the way he acted and her brother had acted toward her. Both equally as protective of her but in completely different ways.
She thought that with time it would go away but it didn't. When they returned to their respective Districts she spent her days waiting by the phone for his call. She watched the postbox like a hawk wishing for a letter to be delivered. Then when she first saw him the next year and her breath lodged so hard in her throat she couldn't physically breathe she knew she was in deep. That was the day Clio had figured it out.
But when she realised she loved him? She knew what day it was. She knew where they were. What he wore. It was an epiphany she would never be able to forget.
"When I was eighteen," She said quietly, looking down to her fingers as they laid against his bare chest. He kept his eyes on her face, finger still twirling her hair affectionately as she continued, "I was trying to teach my tributes how to handle a knife and I just so happened to sweep the room. You were with your tribute, the girl—"
"Sayla," He murmured softly in remembrance, "she was thirteen."
Aella nodded, meeting his gaze fleetingly, "Just the way you were with her. She was shaking so hard trying to hold a knife and I remember Cashmere and the District One tributes laughing at her. You snapped at them. Protected her..." She shrugged, "Was just so familiar to me, obviously, y'know.. Seeing how you were with her something just clicked. It wasn't just a crush anymore. I took a step back and thought 'shit I'm actually in over my head here' and then I panicked for, like, three days because I didn't know how I was going to keep it hidden from you and everyone watching."
Finnick tucked the strand of hair he was twirling behind her ear and slipped his fingers to her chin. He tugged upward gently, bringing her eyes to meet his, "Sayla reminded me of you." He told her softly, "I looked at her and I just saw you sitting on that sofa sobbing after Clio brought you to our apartment that first night. I knew I couldn't leave her—not like I would've anyway—but it was like having you staring at me constantly."
She released a shaky breath and whispered, "That night was such a blur."
Good, Finnick wanted to say. He was glad she couldn't remember much of it. He'd known it to be the opposite before. Where people remembered it all so vividly. It wasn't the only night it had happened but he was glad she didn't remember it in detail. It made his blood boil just thinking about it.
That night Clio had ushered her into their apartment he'd been so confused. His tributes were both sleeping in their respective rooms and it had only been he, Mags and Atala—the same woman who had escorted him through his Games. She'd woken him up in the middle of the night with little to no reason and dragged him out into the living area.
He watched Clio Acton—in no makeup, with no wig and in nothing but the most expensive silk pyjamas—usher a small and young teenager into his apartment. He remembered her bloodshot eyes and blotchy cheeks. Tear streaks running down her face. Her body practically convulsed from how hard her shoulders shook while she fought to hold her sobs back.
And when Clio had told them of what had happened—what Aella had disclosed to her—he'd been beyond outraged. That feeling had never changed. Even then, years on, he still felt the same way he did then as he did all those years ago. But he was glad she didn't remember much of it. A small mercy perhaps.
He could only nod. Instead, he watched as she sat her chin atop her hand on his chest and said, "Your turn."
His lips curved up into a small smile and he wrapped his arm around the small of her back while caressing her cheek with his other. Similar story, he wanted to say.
"The second I saw you in that red silk dress the night before the seventy-third Games." He answered, "That's when I knew I was in love with you. Head over heals for you, actually."
A small smile rose to her lips and she said, "Within days of one another. Yet it took two years for either one of us to confess."
Finnick rolled his eyes in amusement, "Sounds like us."
"Yes." She laughed while grinning broadly.
"And I still love you." He said to her, running his thumb lightly over her bottom lip.
She nodded wordlessly, eyes lost within sea-foam green. Willingly drowning in the colour. She didn't ever want to escape. The colour of his eyes were something she was happy to surrender to for the rest of her days. The hold they had on her was a different kind of suffocating. It was so intense... a feeling she was sure she'd never grow used to. A feeling she never wanted to grow used to.
Sparks ignited in the tips of her fingers and electricity shot up her arms. Butterflies swarmed her stomach as his hand swept across her cheek and into her hair. He cupped the back of her head, guiding her toward him while her heart pounded ferociously in her chest.
"I love you more." She whispered against his lips, their faces mere inches apart.
A smile pulled at his lips. His eyes flickering from hers to her lips and he shook his head, "I don't think that's possible, Ella."
"I do—"
She squealed in surprise as he flipped her on to her back, one hand resting on her waist while the other rested beside her head. He swept in before she had the chance to say anything and pressed his lips against hers.
A breath left her in a calm exhale as she melted into him. Her back arched against his body, his hand holding her and her arms wrapped around his neck while her fingers wove into his hair. Their lips connected in a soft and gentle kiss. The loving nature dissipated when fire raged between them. It built quickly like a whirlwind and before Aella knew it their hands were all over one another and the sheet covering them both had been long forgotten about.
It fell to the floor, along with a pillow but neither of them paid any heed. They were too engrossed with one other, feeling the way their bodies ignited for one another. The fierce flame shone brightly.
Goosebumps rose to her skin as Finnick traced his fingers down her navel and across her stomach. He left her skin tingling in his wake and she arched into him, desperate for more. His hand clutched her hip so hard she was sure he'd leave a bruise but she didn't care. Her fingers had knotted so deeply into his hair she wasn't sure she'd get them back out.
It was still so unfamiliar to them—being able to do this together—but it had never felt more natural. Like everything was right. They were made for one another, their bodies were attuned to the others. Soulmates in every single aspect.
It didn't matter that they'd had to wait years for one another. They had each other now and they would never ever let go. Not unless death parted them and although it was an unspoken vow, it was something they both knew to be true.
• • •
Aella didn't expect to see Clio in Beetee's own personal lab of technology. As far as she was aware Boggs was taking her down to assess her ability to handle an automated weapon before they set off to District Eight. But there the woman stood, one arm crossed over her chest while the other brought her hand to her lips in thought. She seemed to be staring at something in deep thought and when Aella spotted Daniel standing over her shoulder her brows furrowed even deeper.
Since their arrival to Thirteen she was yet to see one without the other aside from the first day she woke up in the hospital. She always knew they were good friends—close. They'd known one another years but something felt different and it wasn't the change in air around them either. They were closer, passing affectionate smiles to one another.
She knew she'd question it when she arrived back from District Eight. She wanted the full story when she had the time to hear it.
"What's going on, Boggs?" Aella asked the man beside her curiously as they walked towards Beetee, Clio and Daniel.
"Team brief." He responded easily, "We're here to make sure you're ready to go to Eight."
"Ah, that's the beauty of the Hunger Games. I'm always ready." She replied with a charming smile.
The man's lips curved upward in amusement and Aella took it as a victory. She'd not seen him display much emotion and he seemed like a nice man. She was glad she'd gotten him to smile at least once.
"Ah, Aella!" Clio beamed when she saw the woman. A bright smile resided on her lips—one Aella had never seen her wear but she suited it nonetheless. Clio didn't appear to be struggling as much as Effie was with her lack of clothes and wigs. In fact, she seemed content with styling her uniform in her own way. Happy with her natural hair and face. Or so it seemed that way. Aella wasn't sure if it was that or if it was a certain black haired, well-built Victor who was staring down at her affectionately.
"I didn't expect to see you both down here." Aella replied looking between them both. She saw a rich black leather binder on the table in front of Clio, gold embellishments woven down the spine that she recognised. She'd seen Palex bring it by a few times over the course of the week they'd worked together to design her dresses for the Games and even for the times she mentored. He must've gone through hundreds of sketch pads but each one had the same sleek design on the front.
It made her still. She didn't expect to see it sitting on the table in front of Clio. Her brows pulled into a tight frown and slowly she ventured to the table, standing at the other side of Clio as she looked at the sleek leather. Her fingers reached out and ran down the material, millions of sketches Palex had shown her over the years flashed before her eyes.
"What is this?" She asked shakily.
"It's Palex's." Clio responded softly, "Unreleased."
Because all of his sketch books were sold after they were filled and the designs were executed. He had been one of the most popular designers in the Capitol. Well sought after. Even President Snow had been known to wear a suit of his design the year after Aella emerged as Victor. She had put Palex on the map and he had always made a point to remind her of that.
"I see that," She replied, "but.. why?"
Instead of opening it like she expected her to, Clio slid it over to her. The inviting smile on her face warmed Aella somewhat but she still eyed Clio skeptically, "Palex wants—wanted—I don't know.. but he said it's yours. It's for you. Everything he designed for you to wear through the rebellion."
Her face dropped in shock as she eyed Clio carefully, "He knew about the rebellion?"
"Of course he did." Clio responded gently, her hand resting against her shoulder as her voice dropped to a whisper, "He saw something wasn't right with you. He asked me and I told him.. with Heavensbee's permission of course. You and I both know he hated how corrupt the Capitol had become as much as I do."
"Y-you could of told me." Aella's strained voice said, "I...I could've saved him. I left him. It's my fau—"
"What happens to him is not your fault my dear." Clio told her softly, "He knew what he was getting himself into. He believed that you'd get out. That'd you'd help in leading this rebellion. He designed everything in here for you with that in mind...in the run up to the Games and while you were in the arena."
Aella ran her trembling fingers over the leather again, "How did you get these?"
"He gave them to me the day before the arena fell." Clio replied and Aella detected a hint of sorrow to her tone.
She met her gaze again, "The last time you spoke with him?"
Clio nodded and cast a fleeting glance toward Daniel. He offered Aella a soft smile and said, "We left the Capitol that night. We had special instructions, like you did in the arena, and we arrived here the morning you woke up for your final day in the arena."
"We watched the rest of the Games from here." Clio informed her, "Palex handed this over to me in secret and I made sure to keep a tight hold of it until I arrived here and I knew the time was right."
Aella nodded. Her nose burned and a thick lump rose to her throat but she contained it. Her fingers traced the spine of the leather again once more before she flipped it open to reveal the first design he'd crafted for her. A suit of amour almost, beautifully designed with intricate details and her fingers grazed over the sketch paper lightly.
"Wow." She mumbled in awe. She'd seen Palex's designs over the years. She knew how talented he was.
She flipped to the next page absentmindedly. Her eyes danced over the colours and designs before her as she flipped through pages. Eventually the suits faded and dresses replaced them. Clio explained the story behind each design—the ones she flipped through in that moment were made for the days that followed in which the rebellion was won. Public appearances that would no doubt occur, televised events.. She moved through them all until she reached the very back page and her breath hitched deeply in her throat.
The exquisite gown on the page before her was white and she didn't need two guesses to figure out what it was for.
"He always knew about you and Finnick." Clio explained softly, "Would never tell me how he figured it out. He just said one day he knew it'd come in handy and he'd be damned if he wasn't the one to design your wedding gown."
At that sentiment the tears she'd held back slipped over her waterline. A dozen tears rolled down her cheeks and dropped on to the page before her as her eyes danced over the wedding gown. She was utterly speechless. The last sketch book Palex had ever finished and it was hers to keep. Made solely for her during and following the rebellion. He'd risked his life for it—for her—and for a minute she questioned why he'd done it but the small voice in the back of her mind told her just to accept what he'd done for her.
She'd forever be in his debt.
"This is.... Jesus," She released a heavy exhale, "thank you for giving this to me, Clio."
"It's my pleasure, Aella." She replied softly, "Some of them have already been made. As for the others I'm sure we won't have much trouble finding someone to make them when we're allowed out of this...bunker."
Aella laughed heartily at that while tears continued to roll down her cheeks. Clio pulled her in for an embrace and she held on to her tightly. Her chin rested atop her shoulder and she stared at the design on the page once more. It's simplicity enticed her. Elegant and timeless. It was everything Aella was. Clio was right, Palex knew how to dress Aella. He got her down to a 'T' every single time.
Aella just prayed that one day the design would become a reality. That one day she'd wear that dress knowing she would be about to vow to spend the rest of her life with the man she loved with all her heart...
She clung on to that dream tightly with both hands, refusing to ever let go.
• • •
Aella sailed through her training with Boggs after she had composed herself enough to pick up a loaded weapon. Boggs had been more than impressed with the way she handled everything he practically threw in her face. Some of his top Commanders weren't as good as she was and he made it a point to tell her that. He had her signed off and deemed fit to join the squad within minutes.
He'd been told about her impeccable aim, had even seen clips of her throughout her time in both her Games and footage of her training her Tributes over the years, but he had been impressed. He watched her fire the guns with such precision and when she picked up the batch of throwing knives Beetee had made for her specially... he had been lost for words.
That night she returned to her room to tell Finnick that she had passed and she'd be heading out to District Eight the next morning. She would begin her role in assisting the Mockingjay in the rebellion while he would begin his training as a solider. He wanted to join her—to protect her if anything even though he knew deep down she didn't need it—but he knew it was something she had to do without him.
He hardly slept. His mind raced all night thinking about it while she slept soundly. He kept on finding himself staring at her as she slept in his arms, lips parted lightly while soft snores emitted from her mouth. For years he'd spent years sleeping in silence, tossing and turning. He didn't know he needed to hear her snoring at night to settle.
He tried to hide the exhaustion in his eyes when she woke up that morning bouncing in excitement. He forced his breakfast down while she ate faster than he'd ever seen before. The smile that sat on her face should've been enough to make him happy for the rest of eternity but he hated the fact she was going without him.
They made their way up to the top floor at the time she was instructed to be there for and Finnick stood silently as she changed. What Palex had designed and made for her was a true suit of armour. Black in colour the shoulders were capped and sharp. A bulletproof vest sat on her chest and underneath it, a fitted black shirt. The vest had a weapons holster built into the back to equip her machete. Her trousers were fitted and two belts accessorised her outfit. One wrapped around her waist, four empty holsters clipped into the belt around her waist and two sat around the belt strapped to her thigh. A pair of black boots finished the design and Aella looked as good as she felt in it.
She left her hair on her shoulders to sit free. She had no signature hairstyle like Katniss, just a mane of black curls everyone knew her for and the length ran down her back in soft cascades.
She strapped her weapons silently while Clio gushed over her. Finnick stood silently by her side, watching with envy in his eyes as Gale readied himself up to go. The two men made awkward eye contact, Finnick's eyes almost burning a hole through Gale's soul. He couldn't understand why he wasn't allowed to join the squad. How did he require further training but Aella fired a loaded gun for first time, hit a few targets and was cleared to go?
He knew it had everything to do with her being a featuring face within the rebellion. The Voice of Reason people were beginning to call her. Katniss was there to convince them to join the cause, Aella was there to remind them of everything they'd lost to President Snow and his precious Capitol. Aella had more experience in the real world than Katniss. She knew how to influence an entire District, to get the people to listen. She knew what word to say and use that would make the difference between people choosing to fight and people choosing to sit by and watch.
But still, he wanted to be apart of it. He'd of thought that she would've fought to have him be apart of it but she hadn't mentioned a thing. He didn't want to push her, didn't want to make it seem like he expected an invitation but now it had come and he wasn't going... he didn't like it.
Gale nodded his head once, a promise sparkling in his eyes. Unspoken... and it would remain that way. I'll watch out for her, he said, don't worry.
Finnick merely nodded in response before he turned his attention back to her. She sheathed her final dagger in its holster and looked to him with a bright grin, "How do I look?"
He forced a charming smirk to his face and found himself slipping into his fake exterior he wore when in the Capitol. Anything to hide his true feelings about the upcoming hours.
"Like a true Huntress."
She rolled her eyes, "Golden Girl, Huntress, Phoenix... aren't all these names getting a bit old?"
Finnick stepped closer and swept a lock of hair over her shoulder before trailing his finger under her chin and forcing her to lift her head. He looked down at her, hot breath fanning her face and she looked down at his lips in return. His fingers gripped her chin in response but she only swept her tongue across her lips before she dragged her eyes up to meet his.
He ducked his chin, lowering his head to claim her in a heavy kiss but Clio smacked him on the shoulder lightly.
"This is not the place to behave like.. like savages!" She scolded them both, "You have a room for that!"
"Hmm." Aella hummed, still holding Finnick's arresting gaze, "And I distinctly remember you interrupting us behaving as such this morning. Forgive us Clio, we're still a little... thirsty." She said, flashing the woman a broad smirk.
Clio gaped in horror and placed her hand over her chest before her eyes fixated into a scowl, "Disgusting. You are disgusting, Aella Barnes."
Her smirk broadened, "Finnick doesn't seem to think so."
The man groaned under his breath in response, his hands edging towards her waist.
"Soldier Barnes." Boggs said by way of greeting as he arrived with Katniss.
Aella held Clio's disgusted gaze for a few more seconds before looking to Boggs and nodding once in response, "Colonel."
"We're on a schedule, Barnes." Boggs reminded her in passing as he walked to the aircraft before them and boarded.
She nodded to his back and replied, "Of course, Sir."
"See you when you're back." Clio said to Aella, a smile on her face before she walked over to Effie and struck up a conversation.
She felt Finnick at her heels as she followed Boggs and Katniss aboard the hovercraft. His fingers threaded into hers and he squeezed her hand once. She came to a stop in the hovercraft, standing between Katniss and Heavensbee and the older man nodded once to her by way of greeting. She reciprocated his action as Finnick stood behind her, still towering over her frame.
"Quick introductions," Heavensbee said quickly, "Katniss, Aella, these people have come a long way to support the cause. This is Cressida, in my opinion, one of the best up and coming directors in the Capitol."
"Until I up and left," The woman replied and turned to both Katniss and Aella, "Hey."
"Hey." Katniss replied meekly.
Aella, however, smiled brightly at her and nodded once, "Hi."
"Let's see what you can do." Heavensbee said to Cressida before turning to them all, "Be careful... Finnick."
Aella rolled her eyes as he left but turned to Finnick and slung her arms around his neck loosely. She rose up on to her toes and pressed a firm but chaste kiss to his lips. His fingers dug into her waist as he inhaled, lavender and jasmine invading his lungs in an intoxicating fashion. She pulled away just as quickly as she kissed him and he longed to drag her off the hovercraft and back down to their room to finish what they had started that morning.
"I'll see you later big boy." She said teasingly before leaning against his chest and whispering in his ear cryptically, "Don't think I've forgotten that you owe me one."
His eyes shone with unspoken promises and his only response was him squeezing her waist tightly. Her grin broadened before he pressed a quick kiss to her forehead and said, "I'll be waiting right here."
More than aware of the attention focused on them Finnick turned his back to her and walked off the hovercraft against his better judgement. Every fibre of his body screamed at him to grab her and pull her off, to not let her go, but he put it down to that territorial male instinct he'd developed when it came to her. Instead, he met her gaze and watched as she waved with a smirk on her face until the doors had closed and she was no longer in his line of sight. His heart clenched at that alone, not having her where he could see her after weeks of being at an arms length away from one another.
Aella turned back to Cressida inside the hovercraft, ignoring the tug in her body to get off and return to Finnick. She tried to push the feeling away but it lingered. Bad.. She had a bad feeling about something, she just didn't know what.
"This is my assistant Messalla." Cressida introduced, pointing to the man beside her.
He looked to both women and Aella flashed him a tight, closed lipped smile. His hair had been shaved and he had both a bridge and spider bite piercings as well as more in his ears.
"It's an honour to meet you both." He said by way of greeting.
Aella only nodded in response.
Cressida continued down the line of men in her crew, "And your cameramen over there, Castor,"
Castor, taller than Messalla, smiled at them both. He had short dark hair and a neatly groomed beard and stubble. His dark eyes swept over Aella and she watched his every movement until he nodded, "Hello."
"And Pollux." Cressida said and her attention then flipped to the final man standing there. He looked to be the oldest of her team and had blonde hair pulled back into short ponytail with a longer beard than Castor and despite their completely different hair colours, Aella saw a slight resemblance between them. Pollux only nodded by way of greeting but before much else could be said Boggs passed through them all with instructions.
"Let's get locked in."
Aella took a seat between Katniss and Gale and was fastening herself in when Katniss began talking, "You're all from the Capitol? Plutarch got you out?"
She lifted her head to see Pollux sat on Katniss' other side, the man's face weirdly blank.
"Don't expect much chitchat from him. He's an Avox." Cressida said before anyone else could, "Capitol cut his tongue out years ago. And, no, it wasn't any sort of rescue, if that's what you mean. We all fled on our own. For this. For you."
Aella reclined back in her seat and sighed deeply before she nudged Katniss. The younger woman looked over at her slowly with a worrisome expression plastered on her face. Aella's grin only broadened when she said,
"Talk about no pressure, ey?"
But the pressure was certainly there, weighing down on her shoulders heavier and heavier with every second that passed. The hovercraft took off and she couldn't shake the gnawing feeling in her stomach that was telling her this was all wrong, that she shouldn't have left Finnick.
So the smile that she was wearing became fake and she slipped into the persona she wore whenever she had to put to brave face on but didn't quite feel like facing the world. She became the Aella Barnes the Capitol and Panem knew her to be and prayed to God that this didn't blow up in her face.
• • •
A/N; Next update will be Monday!
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