KATNISS EVERDEEN LEFT THE Capitol on the first train out the following morning. Haymitch Abernathy left with her. Aella had already said her goodbyes to Katniss before Snow's execution, it didn't bother her that she didn't get to see her afterward. That had always been their plan.
Besides, she had problems of her own to deal with without having to wave Katniss and Haymitch off back to District Twelve. Plutarch Heavensbee had been right, her family were unjustifiably furious with her for not telling them she and Katniss had formed a secret alliance to assassinate both Snow and Coin.
It was more her lack of regard for the potential consequences that infuriated them, not that actual assassination of Snow. No, they were thrilled in that regard but they wouldn't tell her that just yet. There was only Johanna who saw amusement to it all. After all, it had been she and Aella that Katniss had confined in when she told them she was leaving Thirteen to kill Snow. She wasn't shocked in the slightest that they'd made a secret agreement to kill both Snow and Coin at the same time, literally.
They all got over it though...eventually.
So they moved on, tried that thing called life that Plutarch told Aella about. It was so undeniably strange at first. No one knew really what to do or where to go and they gathered in Finnick and Aella's suite to discuss it.
Aella and Finnick would be going to District Four, together. She'd always said she'd been born in the wrong District. Yes, she still loved District Five. It was her home. She'd made beautiful memories there but they were also tarnished with everything that had happened. Her house in the Victors Village had been destroyed... she only had her family home and there wasn't much left there, either.
Daniel and Clio didn't want to be far from them, not with the baby four months away, and Aella didn't want to be apart from them either. The decision was a no brainier for them. Daniel had always hated District Five and Clio had always lived in the Capitol and hated it there, too...so why wouldn't they move to a new District to start their new life?
Annie of course would always choose to return to her home but Sam shocked them all by announcing he'd follow her anywhere she went and that he was in love with her. Natalia decided she quite liked the idea of moving to a new District and taking life day by day. She'd never had the opportunity to make her own decisions, to be spontaneous, but first she knew she wanted to help with the rebuilding of the Districts.
Sal chose to follow her son and his new love to District Four, to follow her adopted daughter and adopted—soon to be—son-in-law, to follow Daniel and Clio. They all decided to go together which only left Johanna who'd be damned if she was going to return to her District that she hated with an absolute passion. So she followed them all, too.
They remained in the Capitol for another week after the execution of Snow and Coin before the day for them to leave arrived. Aella had spent those seven days already working to build this new world they were embarking on. The symbolic Games had been abandoned and branded an inhumane idea and the Presidential Election began. Commander Paylor was the favourite from the very beginning and Aella threw all her support to the woman while telling the world the story of how Alma Coin had come to meet her end and everything she'd done to deserve it.
But ultimately, their final seven days in the Capitol came to an end and it was time for them to leave.
The train station wasn't busy, in fact it was only the new family—because that was what they were calling themselves—and a few who had gathered to bid them farewell.
Peeta Mellark, Cressida and Pollux stood in the station, ready to say goodbye to the people they'd come to know exceptionally well over the last six or so months. It was the part Aella had been dreading. It had been that cloud over the happiness of starting a new life.
Pollux and Cressida each gave her a long lasting embrace with a kiss on either cheek when Aella looked at them with tears threatening to burn in her eyes, "Thank you, both." She said, her hand over her heart, "For everything you've done for us." She gestured to Finnick who had his arm wrapped around her body lovingly.
"We never doubted you." Cressida said with confidence, "It's been a pleasure getting to know you both."
"Thank you, Cressida." Finnick replied.
"We'll see you for the wedding?" Aella asked them both hopeful.
'We wouldn't miss it for the world.' Pollux signed with a closed-lipped smile.
Cressida nodded in agreement with him and said, "Tell us when and where and we'll be there."
A wide spread grin lit up Aella's face. She sunk into Finnick's side and looked at him briefly. His beautiful smile caught her off guard, the love in his eyes...she was lost for words for a moment before she forced herself to look back at Cressida and Pollux who were grinning at them and she said, "We're not sure yet but it won't be far."
"Well whenever it is, we'll be there." Cressida nodded.
Aella smiled at them and they shared another embrace again before they ventured to say goodbye to the others. Finnick pressed a loving kiss to Aella's temple, right over her scar from the Quell and she closed her eyes in contentment. So far the life she'd earned, the one she'd started to live with her soulmate at her side, wasn't all that bad. It had become very easy to look back at all she'd suffered through and say without hesitation that it was worth it and that had only been after seven days.
But Finnick would wholeheartedly agree with her. He had waited years for the chance to show the world how much he loved Aella Barnes, to show her. Now he could do that he paraded her around everywhere. He would always be referring to her as his fiancée, or the love of his life, even the best thing that had ever happened to him. The freedom of being able to hold her hand, to kiss her whenever he wanted... Even being able to look at her and not worry about what his eyes portrayed was something he'd been longing for.
They had that with their new life and they couldn't wait to continue it. They couldn't wait to live in happiness and love and to wake up next to each other in bed for the rest of their days, however long or short they may be. They were free, finally, and it was all they ever could've asked for.
Aella just wished they could all be free together.
When Peeta walked over to them both with his hands in his trouser pockets Aella nearly broke down into tears then and there. He had never looked so well since before the Quarter Quell and that was enough for her. Knowing that the man she'd befriended and who had since become like a brother to her was doing well after everything he'd been through was everything and more. Knowing she played a small part in helping him get back to who he was, to helping him find himself again was beyond heartwarming.
This man who she had looked at less than six months ago and thought of nothing but a teenage boy had kept her alive in her darkest times. She never expected what she'd go through for him when she agreed to protect him going into the Quarter Quell. She never thought she'd form such an attachment to him, or create a bond like no other. But she was thankful for it. They had both been to hell together and dragged each other back through those fiery gates with great difficulty but they had done it.
Aella was so grateful to whoever pushed Peeta Mellark into her life and he felt the very same way.
He looked at her with a sheepish smile and swallowed the thick lump in his throat to say, "I guess this is it."
Aella stepped out of Finnick's arms and dove straight into Peeta's. He remained strong on his feet as she embraced him with such force, her arms wrapping tightly around his neck and shoulders. Peeta held her, his hands on her back, and for a moment he closed his eyes as she did.
She dipped her head to rest her chin on his shoulder, staring at the ground and remembering all the times he'd held her when she needed him the most. Those memories rushed through her brain like a tidal wave and she remembered all the times she'd cried, all the times she couldn't breathe. She remembered him coaching her through the panic attacks and simply sitting by the bars of their cell talking softly to her when she didn't have anything inside her to get up and move.
He remembered listening to her stories of her home in District Five in an attempt to distract them from the world they were in. He remembered how she would always be there, waiting for him, whenever he was brought back after they used the tracker jacker venom on him and he couldn't tell reality from fiction. And then, when he woke up and everything was missing except her and she didn't abandon him.... He would never forget it. The countless hours she had spent with him, helping him take back control of his life was something he would never be able to repay.
When they finally pulled away after minutes of hugging Aella put her hands on Peeta's shoulders and looked to him with a smile and silver lined eyes. Tears that she held on to with all her might fell the second she sighed and said, "Oh, Peeta."
He smiled sadly at her and rubbed her arm, "It's okay, El." He said comfortingly.
She shook her head and squeezed her eyes shut, more tears running down her face when she said, "I don't know where I'd be right now without you, Peeta. I'm so, so, thankful for you...for everything."
"Even for shattering your hand?" He asked with a lighthearted chuckle, anything to stop her tears.
She laughed heartily through her tears and nodded, "Yes, even for that."
He scratched his head, "You know I don't think I ever did apologise for that."
"Shut up, you apologised every damn day." She scolded him lightly.
He rubbed her upper arm again and said honestly, "I'm going to miss you."
She barely managed to nod before she grabbed his shoulders and embraced him a second time. It was much shorter, interrupted by the warning whistle of the train's pending departure. Finnick stepped forward briefly, putting his hand on Aella's shoulder and whispering, "Aella, we only have a few more minutes before we leave."
She nodded and pulled away, looking at Peeta and saying, "I'll never be far, okay? A letter, a phone call... even if it's in the middle of the night and you just need someone to talk to, phone me. I'll always pick up, Peeta, I promise you I will always be there."
"I know you will," he nodded, "and you know I'll be the same."
She smiled sadly at him and nodded before she took his hands, "Thank you for everything Peeta Mellark."
He shook his head in bewilderment and said, "If anyone should be doing the thanking here, El, it's me. You kept me here. You fought for me when no one else would."
"I promised you I wouldn't leave you." She whispered before she cleared her throat and said worriedly, "Where will you go?"
Because apart from Effie, Cressida and Pollux who had chosen to stay in the Capitol, he was the only one left who hadn't decided where he would go.
"I'm going back home." Peeta replied.
Aella's lip trembled as he spoke of District Twelve as home. He was going back to Katniss and to Haymitch and they were going to have their life like Aella was going to have hers... surrounded by people she loved.
The train blew its final warning and Aella glanced to the doors to see everyone beginning to board, Pollux and Cressida waving at them as they did. Finnick stepped forward to Aella and Peeta and he took his hand, pulling him in for a short hug before Aella heard Finnick whisper to him, "Thank you for protecting her when I couldn't."
Peeta nodded and said, "Anytime."
They moved apart and Finnick looked at Aella with nothing but love in his eyes, offering his hand for her to take. She did so with a smile and he stepped forward to press a kiss to her forehead before they both looked to Peeta and Finnick said, "Don't be a stranger, Peeta, we expect to see you at the wedding."
He nodded with a smile, "Yeah, I'll be there."
"Goodbye, Peeta." Aella said.
"Bye, El." He waved.
And with that she and Finnick boarded the train that was to take them to their new life.
• • •
Aella wanted to make a flying visit to District Five before she and Finnick began their life together in District Four. She needed it for the closure, so she could move on with her life and start anew. The train had already made a detour to District Seven for Johanna and then to Five for Aella, Daniel, Sal, Natalia and Sam. They all had personal belongs to collect before making the final journey to District Four.
She couldn't believe the familiarity that washed over her the second she stepped off the train. It was almost nostalgic...the smell of fresh water nearby from the dam, the sound of people working. It was as if nothing had ever changed but when she walked out the train station it had. Her District was in complete disarray.
The Justice Building was destroyed, half torn down. Houses and shops had been decimated by bombs and fires and over to the north she could see the full damage that had been caused when the rebels had blown up the hydroelectric dam. It was a District in ruins like any other but seeing the men, woman and children working together to rebuild was everything she ever could've hoped for and more.
It was impossible for she and Finnick to walk through the District unnoticed. The second someone spied them crowds of people ensued. Some sobbed when they saw them, some thanked them over and over again, some were just completely and utterly in shock but Aella and Finnick were patient. They greeted everyone with warm smiles, Aella recognising the majority of her once fellow people. She held their hands and embraced them and walked with them.
They spent the better part of the afternoon helping to rebuild. The Mayor appeared from inside the school, carrying two buckets of cement, and he greeted them both with a warm smile on his face before greeting Daniel and Clio as well. He offered his respective congratulations to both couples, as did many of the other residents, and thanked them all for fighting for them, for giving them the world and the life they'd always dreamed about.
It was dusk before Aella and Finnick found themselves heading over to the Victors Village. It was a good five minute walk out from the town square but Aella could see the damage from the distance. They continued walking, however, hand in hand to the gates of the once village. In comfortable silence they walked down the pathway toward the fountain and Aella looked at her house that had once been on the right.
She remained silent for a few moments and Finnick studied her face. He tried to decipher her thoughts but all he could see on her face was contemplation. So he decided he'd let her think it through. He waited for her patiently, standing in that silence whilst holding her to his body and offering what comfort he could.
"It wasn't always like this." She said after a few more moments.
"No." Finnick replied quietly, kissing her temple.
She leaned into him, wrapping her arms around his that were crossed over her body, "I never thought I'd see it again," she said truthfully, "I mean, I'm not really because it's not here anymore. He really did bomb it." She trailed off into a whisper.
"I'm sorry." Finnick offered.
"I'm not." She shook her head, "I hated that house. It was never a home. That was where all my problems started. It was where the nightmares begun. It was where they were all killed....." she took a deep breath before saying, "I'm glad it's gone."
Finnick tightened his arms around her in support but he stayed silent, offering her whatever time she needed to think.
"I was walking down this street," she began by saying, "and I saw the trail of white rose petals leading from this fountain up to my front door. There was blood on the door handle and I followed the trail inside. The house was so clean...untouched, as if no one was living in it, but my mother's body was in the middle of the kitchen. I just remember feeling like I was living in some kind of fever dream, as if it wasn't real,"
"My bag just fell to the floor and my knees almost give way right there in the doorway but somehow I managed to walk over to her body," she said in remembrance, her brows pulled into a light frown, "they shot her once in the chest and her lifeless eyes were staring up at the ceiling. I remember thinking how scared she must've been, wondering if she was in any pain, but I know I screamed. I couldn't hear my voice but I knew I was screaming her name, begging for her to come back."
"They had scattered white rose petals around her body and made a trail toward the back of the house," she whispered, "and somehow I managed to let go of my mother and get up to follow the trail. My whole body was shaking... I got through the doorway into the hallway and saw my brother in the threshold to the drawing room. He'd been shot twice, once in the leg and the second in the stomach. His blood was everywhere but his eyes were closed. Sometimes if I look back and ignore all that blood around him he looked as if he was peaceful, even though I know he would've died in pain,"
"The petals followed him into the drawing room to my father. He sat behind the desk, in the exact seat Snow had threatened me in. They'd shot him once in the head. His blood was splattered all across the wall, up the curtains... he didn't look peaceful. He didn't even look like my dad." She said hoarsely, squeezing Finnick's arms absentmindedly before she cleared her throat and said, "So I'm glad that he bombed this awful house to the ground because if he hadn't, I'd of done it myself."
Finnick's lips pressed to her temple as he squeezed her and said, "You don't have to live in that world anymore."
"No, I don't." She nodded, "Though the nightmares will always remain... sometimes the Capitol liked to use this memory except they'd change it. It wouldn't just be my mother and father and Josh. The petals would continue. Daniel would be by the stairs and upstairs in the dressing room Clio would be there and they'd lead into my bedroom where I'd find you, exactly the way Daniel found his fiancée when they killed her."
"I'm sorry." Finnick whispered to her.
Aella turned in his arms and looped her arms around his neck loosely. She met his mourning gaze and smiled sadly at him. Finnick's hand rose to cup her cheek, his calloused fingers brushed over the three scars near her eye before he ran his hand through her hair and to the back of her neck.
She shook her head and said, "There's no need to be sorry for things that are beyond our control, Fin." She told him, "It's over now."
He nodded, "You're right."
"I know," she nodded with a smile before she broke away and took his hand, "now come on, I want to visit one more place before we leave."
He followed her without question and he listened to her as she pointed out places and reminisced along the way. She spoke of where she'd played in the snow with her brother, pointed out a huge field where hundreds of children had taken part in a massive snowball fight when she was ten. They walked past Maggie's shop and Aella told Finnick about how she used to buy her liquor from the middle aged shop keeper.
They walked the streets together, occasionally stopping to speak to the residents who were rebuilding. Aside from the damage to the Victors Village and the dam the rest of the District was in surprising good shape. The main square was wrecked where the Justice Building was, that had been torn completely to the ground. The burning of the schools and libraries they'd learned had come from the initial rioting after the destruction of the dam. The riots had lasted four days and four nights until District Five finally gained enough man power to overthrow the Peacekeepers.
Aella learned that the blowing up of the dam was done in protest of her captivity. It was her Districts way of fighting back, of sending their message to Snow, and after they'd seen the broadcast of she and Peeta the riots kickstarted. They fought for her freedom and in honour of what she represented, the new world she wanted to take them into.
It touched her greatly. Her District had always been behind her and they didn't fall, even during the War.
Eventually, Aella reached the street she'd been guiding Finnick to. It was quaint, like she always remembered it to be and the red brick houses were still standing. She was grateful they had remained unscathed. There were children out playing, running down the road laughing and giggling with no presence of Peacekeepers threatening them. They were happy and free and that was everything she could've wished for and more.
Finnick remained quiet as she guided him down the street until eventually she stopped and turned to look at the one-storey home in front of her. A wistful smile danced on her face as the golden glow of the setting sun shone on her. She looked angelic standing there, ethereal, and he couldn't believe she was his.
Aella turned to look at him, squinting under the sun before she lifted her hand to shield her eyes and she said, "It's not much, but it was home."
He looked back at the house they stood before and it registered in his brain. She'd brought him to her family home. For some reason that touched him more than anything in their world.
"This was my home," she said, "not that empty house in the Victor's Village."
The front lawn was still neat. The flowers sitting in the flower bed somehow still alive and tended for. He didn't know how but it was nice to see. The Barnes family home was still thriving.
"Do you want to go inside?" He asked her curiously.
Aella looked at the house ahead and contemplated it. She hadn't stepped foot inside since the morning of her first reaping. It felt like a whole lifetime ago—not in this world. She was still a child back then in her yellow frilly dress with her innocence still intact. A mere thirteen year old with no idea just how vile and corrupt her world could be. She walked out that door that cloudy morning clutching to her brothers hand, stopping at the end of the pathway to look back, to memorise it once more as if she knew she would never come back.
And then when she had won she felt like too much of an imposter to return. She wasn't the girl who had walked out that house who was obsessed with the colour pink and loved flowers and reading. She was a broken doll who no longer knew how to function in society. She was nothing but a ghost walking around in a body.
Yet standing there with Finnick, feeling like she was worth something for the first time in her life she felt ready. The last seven days had been all about closure. The man responsible for the death of her family was dead by her hand. Those who'd had a hand in her torture in the Capitol who hadn't been killed before were now dead. The Gamemakers responsible for creating the pods and mutts were dead. Coriolanus Snow's government and closest circle of friends were dead. There was no one on this earth left to taunt her, to hurt her.
Going inside one final time was the final goodbye she had been holding on to. This was what she needed. This was her final step into getting that closure and finally making peace with the death of her family. Beyond that door was nothing but happy memories filled with laughter and love.
So Aella met Finnick's gaze with a bright smile on her face and nodded her head, "Yes," she said, "I think I'd like that."
• • •
District Eight was exactly how Aella remembered it to be.
Over the months her memories of that fateful day had returned in small pieces until finally she had filled everything that had been missing. There were still streets of nothing but rubble, still half standing buildings from the bombs, but it was improving. There was no evidence of war on the streets anymore. The people looked relaxed and happy—thankful to be alive in their once beautiful home.
It was much similar to what they'd seen in District Five the week prior. Men, women and children were out everywhere, working diligently to clean the streets of the aftermath of the war and start anew. The District that had lost so much looked to be thriving and it meant more than anything to Aella. It filled her heart with hope and warmed her soul seeing the citizens of District Eight come together. She knew if a District that had been so close to extinction could come together to rebuild so could all the Districts.
The reception Aella and Finnick received was much similar to the one they received in District Five. Their presence seemed to be a big morale boost to everyone and they took their time to talk to those who approached them. There were men, women and children of all ages coming over to them and shaking their hands or hugging them and thanking them for all that they'd done. There were young men and teenagers as young as sixteen who had just returned from fighting on the front lines and were still recovering much like Aella and Finnick were but they were still spirited and thankful of the new world they were moving into.
Aella and Finnick were taken on a guided tour of the District, listening about the rebuilding that was currently taking place and learning of the deployment of two thousand District Thirteen soldiers that had volunteered to help rebuild as part of the scheme that was being rolled out across all twelve Districts. They had been given a choice of whether they wanted to return to Thirteen or join in with the rebuilding. Almost all of the soldiers had opted to stay and many more from Thirteen were leaving and starting new lives outside the walls of their old home.
Then, the woman they'd come to meet arrived and she looked at the couple with a bright, welcoming smile, "Ah! Aella, Finnick, sorry I'm late."
"Commander Paylor." Aella smiled warmly as the woman walked over. She shook her hand in greeting.
Finnick did the same while he said, "We've been hearing about the rebuilding while we were waiting. It sounds like it's going well."
Paylor nodded, "Better than I ever could've expected."
"I'm glad," Aella replied with a smile, "how is the election going?"
Paylor exhaled with a smile on her face, "Tough but again, better than expected."
"Well you have our full support." Finnick said, pulling on Aella's hand intwined with his and looping his arm over her shoulder.
With Katniss's surprise assassination of President Coin the world hadn't known what to do. It was Paylor who stepped up and called for the Presidential Election while gathering the Mayors. and Leaders of the twelve Districts to talk about the next steps for Panem moving forward. Every decision was being made as a collective with careful consideration, like the rebuilding scheme.
It saw money no one knew existed taken from the Capitol and put into the Districts—an equal amount for each District—for the sole purpose of buying materials to rebuild whilst remaining sustainable. The general consensus wouldn't be lost. Each District would continue to manufacture whatever it produced but the aim in the future was to pay each District equally. To make trade fair and affordable. No more would there be Career Districts, nor would there be Districts that were poorer or richer than others.
It was all being abolished. This world they would be living in would be fair and sustainable and it was all Paylor's idea. It was why she was the clear runner in the election, the vote being just over two weeks away. Some District leaders—like the Mayor in District Five—had already stepped down from the race, instead throwing support to another candidate. But it didn't matter who won the election for the remaining eleven District leaders would make up the rest of the government party.
Aella smiled up at Finnick playfully, love in her eyes before looking at Paylor and nodding, "He's right. If you ever do need anything from us we're only a phone call away."
"Thank you," Paylor nodded, "but you've done more than enough for me. It's time you actually take a moment for yourselves, especially in these upcoming weeks."
Aella swallowed apprehensively and nodded. She could hardly believe she was here doing this, and with Finnick by her side. They'd had countless conversations about it since that day she'd come to this District. It had all been an idea until very recently when they made the first step by reaching out to Paylor. The woman agreed without hesitation to meet them in District Eight. She had already been taking the time out of the electoral race to help rebuild her District anyway but for this, even if she wasn't in District Eight, she'd come back for it.
Finnick saw her fidgeting. She twisted her fingers in nervous excitement, like a giddy child about to find out what surprise had been promised to them by their parents. He'd be lying though if he said he wasn't feeling that way himself. They were about to make a huge change in their lives.
"Are you sure you're ready for this?" Paylor asked before she shook her head, "There's no rush. You can—"
"We're ready." Aella interrupted her on a breath. She nodded her head to herself and glanced upward at Finnick who nodded in agreement before she said, "We've talked about it all week. We know it's time."
A broad grin spread on Paylor's lips and she nodded, "Well alright then." She said before pointing northward, "The orphanage is right this way."
Paylor began to walk but for a brief second Aella and Finnick didn't move. They stood, hand in hand, and looked at each other. It wasn't a moment of panic, nor was it a moment of doubt. It was a final goodbye to their life as two. They both wanted this...more than anything and they were ready.
So they followed Commander Paylor until they reached the open doors of a shelter. It was one of the few buildings in District Eight that was intact and properly furnished inside. The sound of young laughter that echoed from within was infectious and Aella felt her stomach flip in anticipation when she heard it. She squeezed Finnick's hand and he turned his head to see her look around with wide, anxious eyes, looking for the one person they'd come for.
Paylor introduced them to the woman who ran the orphanage who just so happened to be one of the women Aella met when she visited the hospital in District Eight, the same woman who stopped her to thank her for her kindness. Aella barely had the brain capacity to greet her properly, she was too nervous with anticipation and everyone saw that. Instead, the woman merely guided them through the orphanage and out toward the back where a beautiful playground had been built.
There was easily a hundred children playing outside of all varying ages.
"This is one out of six of our orphanages." Commander Paylor told Aella and Finnick, "At first we thought it would be best to house all the children who were of similar age together but some of the older children help out with the younger ones."
"How young are the children you have here?" Finnick dared to ask.
"Our youngest is a ten month old baby." The woman who ran it said.
Aella inhaled sharply and looked at the woman with wide eyes, "Ten months?" She echoed.
The woman nodded sadly and said, "While the District is in the condition it's in it's very hard for families to adopt when they're already struggling."
Aella visibly gulped and she looked at Finnick with sorrow in her eyes. He wrapped his arm around her, pulling her into a comforting hug while saying, "It's unimaginable."
"We have the most orphans here in District Eight after the mass bombing that occurred during the War." Paylor explained to them, "Our numbers peak between four to five-hundred while all other Districts sit in the one-hundreds."
"What can we do to help?" Aella asked.
Paylor shook her head with a smile on her face, "You're doing enough already."
But Aella shook her head and said, "Take twenty percent a month out of my winnings and distribute it across the orphanages in Panem, put it towards families who are wanting to adopt but can't afford it... anything. Just give these kids a better life."
"You've already given them that," Paylor reminded Aella as she placed her hand on her arm.
"I don't care." Aella shook her head selflessly, "I don't need all that money. These people do."
Paylor nodded and said, "I will. Anything you want me to do, I will."
"Our," Finnick added, "Twenty from Aella's and twenty from mine."
The woman who ran the orphanage started to cry in gratitude, thanking them profusely over and over again while Commander Paylor just nodded but her eyes said all the words she was struggling to find.
"They deserve it." Aella said to her.
Paylor took a breath and she looked outward toward the playground again, extending her hand to the open french doors and said, "Shall we?"
Aella and Finnick both nodded, following Paylor out into the sun and after one glance around at the children playing Aella found the child she and Finnick had come for sitting at a table full of paints.
"She never stops talking or asking about you." The woman said to Aella with a fond smile on her face before adding, "She'll be thrilled to see you."
As if she sensed Aella there, the child looked up from her painting and over at the group of adults who had assembled but her eyes zeroed in on Aella specifically. And Aella choked on a sob when she saw the child's eyes widen with recognition as she jumped out of her seat, clutching her bunny in her hand, and ran to Aella.
She stepped forward on shaking legs and bent down in her white summer dress, her arms open, ready for the young child who was dressed head to toe in purple.
And when the child practically jumped into her arms Aella held her, running a soothing hand over her blonde hair while she cried for a reason completely unbeknownst to her.
Aella held Piper and Piper held her and neither of them would ever look back, not as they started their lives together.
• • •
A/N; I feel like this chapter is a little bit all over the place but I wanted to wrap everything up before we move on to the epilogue...
But that is the final official chapter of Ethereal complete🥺 it makes me sad just writing that and I've already cried while writing the end scene with Aella and Piper.
The first epilogue will be posted on Wednesday and the second (and final part of this story) on Friday.
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