Shot Through The Heart, And You're To Blame. (Part 2) (Brendon Urie x Reader)
Ever since the two of you shared a kiss that night during laser tag, you'd made a conscious effort to avoid Brendon as much as possible. You had no clue whatsoever as to whether the kiss was simply a way to distract you so that his team could win the game, or if it meant something more, and to be honest, you weren't entirely sure which reason you would prefer. You had never thought of Brendon in a sexual or romantic way before - just as the bane of your existence and the reason for your slow descent into madness. But from the moment his lips pulled away from yours, you found yourself thinking about him in that context more and more...
"Whatcha thinking about?" Brendon's voice cut through the silence, which had previously surrounded you; startling you so much that you let out a shriek and dropped the enormous stack of paper you held in your hand.
You groaned in irritation, both at the loudness of Brendon's voice and at yourself for letting your thoughts run wild, allowing you to become so easily distracted. As you dropped to your knees to try and gather the now-unorganized papers, Brendon didn't move an inch; choosing rather to lean against the wall on his right side.
"You could help, you know," you sneered in his direction.
"I could," he hummed, staring unashamedly at your body as you struggled and huffed. "But that wouldn't give me nearly so pretty a view."
You stopped your actions and turned to face the singer. "Are you flirting with me?"
"Well, it's about time you noticed," he scoffed, standing up properly and taking a few steps towards you. "I thought the kiss was a very clear indication that I was interested, but clearly I was wrong."
"The kiss? I thought that was just so you could win at laser tag."
Brendon's head tilted back slightly as he let out a laugh. "Babe, I didn't have to kiss you in order to beat you, I could do that in my sleep," he said cockily as you rolled your eyes at his arrogance. "I just saw the opportunity and took it, that's all."
"And you couldn't have done it somewhere else like, I don't know, a date? Like a normal person?"
"But then I wouldn't have caught you off guard, and you wouldn't have been so... involuntarily responsive."
A blush crept onto your cheeks and you mumbled curse words under your breath. As much as you despised the fact, there was no denying that Brendon had a certain, well, effect on you, as evident on the night of the kiss; and he knew it too.
"You're thinking about what it would feel like to kiss me right now, aren't you?" he continued with a smirk.
"You're infuriating."
"What can I say," Brendon purred. "I live to watch that little flush on your cheeks." He caressed a fingertip over the burning cheek, making a sizzling noise before leaning in closer to whisper into your ear. "I imagine you'd get that same flush trying desperately not to moan my name. You'd be so wrecked for me."
"You're the one enamoured and obsessed with my face, but I'd be wrecked? Honey," you scoffed, once again finding your confidence. "I'd make you my bitch."
"Where the hell is (Y/N)? We're gonna miss our flight," Patrick fumed, checking the time on the large clock adorned on the wall of the hotel lobby for what must've been the hundredth time that morning. You were usually the first one down on the morning of check-out, filling in the necessary paperwork and sorting out any other details; having woke up the boys an hour or two earlier. When they didn't receive their usual wake-up call that morning ("Rise and shine, my loves! We have to get moving!"), they shrugged it off as no big deal, thinking maybe you'd overslept or got caught up taking care of an issue of some sort. But there was less than an hour to go until their flight took off and you still weren't anywhere to be seen.
"Brendon's not answering," Dallon stated, lowering the phone from his ear and tucking it back into his jeans pocket.
"We're just gonna have to go on a manhunt then," Patrick said, throwing his hands up in frustration while the other seven rose from their seats.
Just as they were about to make their way to search for you and Brendon, the elevator dinged as its doors opened. You stepped out into the lobby, looking noticeably dishevelled as you frantically tried to button the remaining two buttons on your blouse with one hand, and attempted to flatten your hair with the other.
"Sorry I'm late, everyone," you said apologetically, picking up your pace as you walked towards them. "I was, uh, doing stuff."
Brendon followed closely behind you, looking just as dishevelled as you, but with an awfully smug look on his face and grinning widely. "I'm stuff."
There was silence within your group as you looked anywhere but the guys' faces; you could feel their penetrative gazes boring into your soul. They were at a complete loss for words, definitely not expecting this scenario.
Tyler opened his mouth and raised a finger, intending to say something, but instead retracting his actions when he realised that he had no idea what to say.
"Uh..." Joe started, but he too couldn't find the words to say.
"Okay, as spectacular as this is for all of us," Patrick said, "We can react to it later because if we don't move our asses, we're gonna miss our flight and I don't know about you, but I really don't wanna explain that to the fans."
Everyone muttered in concurrence with what Patrick had said and started to move as quickly as possible; the prospect of angering the fans not an exciting one at all.
"Oh, and (Y/N)," he added, spinning around to face you. "You can take your job back now, I really don't want it."
"Wait, so are you guys like a thing now or...?" Joe questioned, pointing between you and Brendon, who were sitting in the two seats across from him.
"I don't know," you shrugged, turning to face Brendon. "Are we?"
He pursed his lips as he shrugged too. "I don't know. Are we?"
"I don't know, Joe," you went back to facing the curly-headed guitarist. "No one asked me to be their girlfriend or anything."
"(Y/N)?" Brendon questioned.
"Yes, Brendon?"
"Will you be my girlfriend?"
"If I say yes, am I going to regret it?"
You let your thoughts travel back to a few hours ago. "Worth it," you smirked, pulling him in for a kiss.
"HA! I TOLD YOU THEY'D GET TOGETHER BEFORE THE END OF THE TOUR!" Josh exclaimed happily, smiling as big as ever. "YOU ALL OWE ME 20 BUCKS!"
Thank you for reading x
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