on the 7th day of 🎄, ohfrxnkie gave to you...
Mistletoe with Panic! at the Disco.
Parties weren't really Spencer's thing. He got annoyed enough at regular parties, where everyone would get drunk and make bad decisions, hook-up with random strangers, etc., but the one he was currently at wasn't a regular party. It was a Christmas party. This meant that due to the copious amounts of mistletoe hung all over the place, there was more making out than usual. Great.
Making a disgusted face and swiftly dodging a tipsy couple who were so engrossed in the act that they almost fell on top of him, he shuddered and made his way to the bathroom in an effort to avoid mingling.
The bathroom was already occupied, but Spencer couldn't tell since the door was unlocked, so he made his way inside.
"Oh," he said in surprise upon seeing you sitting on the bathroom counter, legs dangling off the edge as you played a game on your phone, "I'm sorry, I didn't realise someone was in here. Excuse me," he apologised, gently bowing his head as he began to retreat.
"No," you called out, "it's my fault. I should've locked the door. I just didn't think there was anyone else who wasn't... preoccupied," you chuckled, tucking your phone away.
Spencer chuckled too. "Don't feel like mingling either, huh?" he nodded his head to gesture at you.
"Nah," you confirmed, "my friend dragged me with but then left to make out with some guy. And I'm not about that life, so the bathroom seemed like the safest option. Looks like I'm not the only one who thought so."
"You most definitely are not," he smiled, before moving forward and extending a hand, "I'm Spencer."
"(Y/N)," you smiled, shaking his hand.
Right at that moment, you heard the unmistakeable voice of your friend calling your name, and you shot Spencer an apologetic look.
"I have to go make sure she's okay," you said, hopping down and exiting the bathroom, "Nice meeting you."
"You too," he nodded.
Once you had left to help your friend, Spencer realised that he should probably do the same and go and check on Brendon. He found him 15 minutes later, in the middle of the dance floor, drinking a red liquid from a clear cup.
"Spence!" he exclaimed happily, clapping a hand on his friend's shoulder. "Did you get lucky yet?"
"No," Spencer sighed, "and I don't plan on it."
"You're no fun."
"You're fun enough for the both of us."
"True," Brendon grinned, "But still. Live a little," he shoved his friend back. Obviously, it was meant to be a light shove, but since Brendon was drunk, it came out harsher than intended.
Spencer bumped into someone, and they both turned to face each other.
"I'm so sorry... (Y/N). Hi."
"Hi," you lightly giggled.
"DUDE!" Brendon yelled, "LOOK UP!" You both did, eyes going wide. "MISTLETOE! YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS!"
"So did you find anything yet?" (Y/B/F) questioned, handing you a mug of hot chocolate.
You folded your fingers into a zero and clicked your tongue. "Nada."
"Seriously? How hard can it be?"
You scoffed. "Very hard. As proven by me still not having found anything," you huffed, taking a sip and wiping away the excess cream that had gotten on your nose.
"It's Secret Santa, (Y/N)," she said, "You're making it way more complicated than it's supposed to be."
"Yeah, but this isn't just for anyone. It's for Dallon," you argued, "I wanna get him something nice."
"You mean you wanna get him something that'll make him climb into your bed," (Y/B/F) smirked, raising an eyebrow.
"Hey, if that happens as a result, then I won't complain."
It was the day of (Y/B/F)'s Christmas party and you still hadn't found the perfect gift for Dallon. Nervously smoothing out the slight creases in the skirt of your dress, you walked up to her door – empty handed.
When you entered, (Y/B/F) was the first person that saw you, and she waved. After noticing the lack of gift in your hands, her eyes went wide and she held out her hands in expectation, to which you responded with a shrug and a hopeless look.
Excusing herself from the group of people she was standing with, (Y/B/F) quickly made her way over to you.
"What the hell?"
"I know, I know," you sighed, letting out a groan of frustration and balling your fists.
"You couldn't have at least gotten him a voucher or something? Why show up with nothing?" she interrogated.
"Because if I'm not gonna get him something that he likes, I might as well not get him anything at all," you explained your logic. Your eyes caught sight of Dallon a little way off, looking hot as hell, and you bit the inside of your cheek.
"You better explain that to him," she shook her head, "He's standing over there."
"Yeah, I noticed."
"Of course you did," she sniggered, pushing you off in his direction.
Gathering your confidence and taking a deep breath, you approached him.
"Hi, Dallon," you smiled.
"Hey, (Y/N)," he returned your smile, face lighten up once he saw you, "How're you doin'?"
"I'm okay."
"Just okay?" he raised an eyebrow and you broke eye contact, tucking your hair behind your ear.
"Yeah... Listen, here's the thing," you started, and he leaned in closer, concerned, "I drew your name for Secret Santa, and because I wanted to make sure that I got you the perfect gift and not something lame like people usually do for this thing, I spent the entirety of the past month trying to hunt down the right gift, and as a result," you held out your hands to show their emptiness, "I still haven't found anything. And I doubt I will, so I ask you... What do you want for Christmas?"
Dallon furrowed his eyebrows as he contemplated your words for a minute. "I'm glad you asked, (Y/N)."
And with that, he took two steps backwards and yanked you along with him, planting both of you right under the mistletoe.
Brendon stood against the wall across the room from you, frowning as he watched you converse with some random partygoer. The two of you were standing dangerously near to some mistletoe, and just the slightest step from either of you would ensure lip-locking, and Brendon was not okay with that.
Especially since he'd been trying the entire night to get you under one of those darned things.
"You do realise that you'd have a better chance of kissing her if you actually went over and talked to her, right?" Dallon chastised, sidling up next to his morbid friend.
"You do realise that I like you a lot better when you shut up, right?" Brendon sassed, eyes not wavering from you in the slightest.
"Hey man, I'm tryna help you here," Dallon defended with a scoff and a glance in your direction, "Because you seem to be doing a pretty shitty job on your own."
"Thanks," Brendon smiled sarcastically, glancing over at the taller male momentarily and sighing, "I just need to time it right. There were lots of times where I came this close," he held up his middle finger and thumb a millimetre apart, "I just need to keep it casual and move at the right time."
"Good luck with thaaat," Dallon chirped, clapping Brendon on the back before swaggering off to grab a drink, leaving his friend to wallow in morbidity once again.
For the next half hour or so, Brendon never took his eyes off of you. He was waiting for that perfect moment, but much to his displeasure, it never seemed to come. You'd constantly get roped into conversations with randoms – most of which lasted a good few minutes – while he'd be left huffing in the shadows.
Currently, you were involved in a chat with Joe, while Pete was keeping Brendon company. Brendon was trying his hardest to pay attention to what Pete was saying – he really was – but the prospect of you accidently walking under the mistletoe with Joe put him on edge. Pete seemed oblivious to the fact, however, and was hammering on about the trip to Vegas he just went on.
"Dude, you have to check this out," Pete chattered, hurriedly fishing his phone out of his pocket and pulling up a video from his trip.
Being polite, Brendon tore his gaze away from you for an agonizing 30 seconds, something he immediately regretted doing once he looked back up, and saw you standing under the mistletoe with one of your close guy friends, Leighton.
"No!" he exclaimed, and at the speed of light, he jumped up from the sofa he had been occupying with Pete, and sprinted towards you.
When he was within reach, he literally reached out and pushed Leighton away from you, causing the poor guy to topple to the floor. You were so in shock from what had just happened that you just stood there, mouth agape.
"Hey, (Y/N)," Brendon panted, flashing you a dazzling smile, "Huh, would you look at that?" he pointed up, "Mistletoe. You know what that means?"
"That you literally shoved Leighton out of the way for a chance to kiss me?" you chuckled, bringing a blush to the singer's cheeks.
"Sorry," he mumbled, casting his gaze downwards.
"It's okay," you reassured him with a smile, "Right, Leighton?" Your friend, still on the floor, shot a thumbs-up into the air in confirmation, "But if you wanted to kiss me, all you had to do was ask."
"Really?" Brendon said, voice and eyes full of excitement.
You nodded. "But I guess stalking me the entire night is another way to do it. Anyway... c'mere, you dork."
Ryan knocked on your front door to signal his arrival, and you stood up from the kitchen barstool and made your way over to open up.
"I gotta go," you spoke into your phone, "Ryan's here."
"Oooo," (Y/B/F) chuckled, "Have fun. Use protection."
"Shut up," you growled, hanging up after you heard her laugh.
When you opened the door, a smiling Ryan, who looked adorable in his matching gloves and scarf, greeted you.
"Hey, Ry," you greeted, pulling him in for a quick hug before shooing him inside, out of the cold.
"Hi, sugar," he beamed, removing his coat, gloves and scarf once inside your toasty house.
"Thanks so much for agreeing to help me out with this," you shot him a thankful glance as you walked back into the kitchen, pouring both of you a cup of coffee from the pot that had brewed not too long ago, "(Y/B/F) was supposed to come over to help last night, but something came up. Wedding things," you elaborated, and he nodded in understanding.
"It's really not a problem. I'm always here if you need me," he said with a sweet smile, gratefully accepting the hot beverage.
"That's sweet," you gushed, grinning as you took a sip of coffee, "Shall we get started, then?"
"Yeah! Just tell me what you need me to do," he stated, following you as you moved from the kitchen to the living room, where all your boxes of decorations were.
"I was thinking we start with the walls, and then move on to the tables; I think it'll be easier that way," you explained, gathering the streamers and fairy lights from the box, "Let's do streamers first."
Just over an hour later, you and Ryan had managed to decorate almost the entire room for your Christmas party tonight; you were just putting the finishing touches on one of the garlands hanging from the wall.
"Annnd, done!" you exclaimed happily, clapping your hands together as you stepped back to admire your handiwork, "It looks wonderful, don't you think?"
"It does," Ryan agreed, holding up a hand for you to hi-five, "We make a good team."
"Yeah, we do," you scoffed proudly, smacking his hand.
"Is there anything else you need my help with or are you sorted?"
"Nah," you shook your head as you surveyed the area, "I think we're good. Thank you again."
"Anytime, sugar," he said, giving you a hug. He began to walk away but backtracked a moment later. "Oh, I almost forgot!"
Much to your surprise, he leaned down and captured your lips in a short, sweet kiss. Even though it only lasted for all of three seconds, it left you completely stupefied.
"Wha..." you began.
He pointed up at the greenery hanging from the ceiling. "Mistletoe."
Looking up, you grinned as you realised that you were standing directly under it.
"Bye, (Y/N). See ya tonight."
Thank you for reading x
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