Llama Drama. (FOB x Reader)
Note: Co-produced by mikeywaystambourine in honour of
M A N I A dropping today. Enjoy. x
"And? What did you think?"
You widened your eyes and made a horrified face as you looked at the four band members through the screen of your phone.
"What the hell was that?!" you exclaimed in mortification, shaking your head. "It was fucking awful!"
The males started laughing heartily at your clear dissatisfaction over their last music video, prompting you to click your tongue at them.
"We had a feeling that you wouldn't like it that much," Patrick spoke as he readjusted his cap so that he could see you better.
"I hated it!" you corrected, "It was so violent and creepy. And those llama things!" your eyes shut and a shudder courses through you as you thought back to the video and those horrible llamas, "They are so scary. I think I found a new fear."
The laughter was harder and louder this time, and you fired a few curse words at your idiotic friends.
"How can you be scared of the llamas?" Joe questioned with an amused smile playing on his lips, "They're cute."
"Yeah, well, we've all thought about doing the same thing at least once a week," Joe pointed out.
You tilted your head side-to-side while nodding in agreement before shaking it and returning to making your point.
"Still. There's something about them that just makes my skin crawl."
"They aren't even real."
"They seemed real enough," you scoffed, toying a few fingers through your hair. "Anyway... I have to go now. See you guys next week?"
"Yeah! We're so pumped that you're gonna be at the show!" Pete spoke excitedly, hopping up and down slightly as you giggled.
"Me too. See you boys then. Try not to die before I get to see you."
After having watched the guys play an absolutely incredible show, you stood in the wings and clapped as they took their final bows. You watched them exit stage into the west wings, opposite from you.
Checking your phone and shooting a quick reply to a text from one of your friends, you started towards the dressing room area to meet up with the band. When you got there, you knocked on the door but got no response.
After waiting a few seconds more, you gently opened the door a tiny crack and saw that the room was empty. Furrowing your eyebrows in confusion, you pivoted your head and peered down all the surrounding hallways thinking that maybe they had gotten stopped by a crewmember or manager and were on their way to meet you now, but you caught no glimpse of any of them.
Shrugging, you decided to enter the room and wait for them. You grabbed a water bottle from a nearby table and took a gulp before plopping yourself down on the hard sofa. It was then that a note stuck to the mirror caught your eye.
Taking another drink from the bottle, you got up and sauntered over to the mirror to read the note.
(Y/N), meet us in the south corridor, next to the conference room.
-The guys
Scrunching up your face, you pondered why on earth they would want to meet you there, but you started for the south corridor anyway.
The path there was eerily silent and deserted for the most part; you'd only seen about three crewmembers on your way – as opposed to the tens that were usually buzzing about. You found it odd, but figured that everyone was just busy in other sections of the venue.
You reached the south corridor and stopped right next to a door with the sign 'CONFERENCE ROOM' on it, but once again, your friends were nowhere to be seen.
Huffing in annoyance, you fished your phone out of your pocket and were about to text them, but the sound of footsteps approaching stopped you.
"Finally," you groaned, turning to face them, "What took you so lo-"
Fear, shock, and a mixture of a whole lot of other emotions stunned you in place, and all you could do was widen your eyes at the sight in front of you.
Five feet away from you stood not one, not two, not three, but eight creepy llama things. You wanted to scream, or run, but it was as if your brain had switched off, causing you to gawk at the creatures.
It was only once the llama standing in front – the one that was a darker purple than the others – lifted its hand and slowly wiggled his fingers in a wave that you found your voice again, and you let a shrill scream escape your throat before you turned and sprinted away from the evil creatures.
The resounding patter of footsteps emanating from behind you told you that they were chasing you, but fortunately, you were much faster than them and you were able to slip away into one of the side doors.
The light was off in the room, and you decided to keep it that way until those cursed things had run past. A few minutes later, when you were absolutely certain that the last of the footsteps had disappeared down the hall, you breathed out a sigh of relief before flicking on the light switch.
When you turned around, there were four more llamas standing in front of you.
"Hello, (Y/N)."
With a final strangled cry, you collapsed onto the floor. The past few minutes were too much to handle, and you had fainted.
"SHIT!" Patrick, Joe, Pete and Andy exclaimed in unison as they removed the heads of their llama costumes and kneeled down next to you.
"Shit, shit, shit, what do we do?" Pete spoke frantically, tugging at the ends of his hair.
"I don't know!" Joe exclaimed, wide-eyed as he looked at your still body, "This was your idea!"
"Yeah, but I didn't think she would faint!"
"Oh dear lord," Patrick shook his head, a worried look on his face, "I knew we shouldn't have done this!"
"Guys, let's just remain calm, okay," Andy offered, holding out his hands to calm his bandmates down, "We need to get her to a couch or something and then wake her up."
Just then, the dark purple llama from earlier burst through the door.
"Damn, (Y/N), never pegged you for a screamer- WOAH," Brendon quipped, stumbling back a step once he saw your motionless body on the ground. With a quick glance at the fretted group of males surrounding you, he let out a chuckle. "We're all dead once she wakes up."
Thank you for reading x
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