*Halloween* The Better Me. (Gerard Way x Reader)
Request: @Hermione_geek: 'Idk if it's too late but could you do a prompt 6, with Gerard Way, where the reader is an asocial bean apart from their only friend(Gerard) and doesn't go to parties . When Gerard wants to come and forcefully take her to a Halloween party he finds the always smiling and laughing girl self-harming. The rest is up to you ^.^ I hope it's not too late/Then, only where he wants to take her to a Halloween party and she doesn't want to.'
Prompt 6: Grey/glum days
Being asocial and having a friend like Gerard wasn't the easiest of things to live with. Understandably, due to your condition, you tended to avoid any kind of interaction with people that wasn't absolutely necessary. You were quite content with spending your days in solitary – holed up in your apartment with your favourite books and series. But with Gerard being your only friend, and him being a lively extrovert who's always at some or other social gathering, he would constantly try and get you to leave your house, something you despised about him.
Today was a day like any other; you were cooking up some pasta in the kitchen while Supernatural played in the background when Gerard strolled in, whistling joyfully as he shrugged off his jacket and blindly tossed it onto the sofa.
"Hey, (Y/N)!"
"No," you said, not even bothering to look up from the sauce you were stirring in the saucepan.
Gerard huffed in exasperation and furrowed his eyebrows as he threw his hands up sideways. "I didn't even suggest anything!"
"But you were about to," you raised an eyebrow, "and seeing as how we both know that my inevitable answer will be 'no', I figured I'd just save us both some time."
"Just hear me out," he pleaded, walking over to you and leaning against the counter next to you, "Please."
"Gerard," you sighed, stirring the sauce a final time before tapping the spoon to get rid of the excess liquid, placing it on a side plate and turning to face your friend, "I'm not going anywhere."
"Okay, but," he tried reasoning with you, "will you at least let me tell you what it is and then you can make your decision?"
Realising that he wasn't about to let this one go, you closed your eyes and nodded slowly, earning a huge grin from the singer.
"My friend Matt is throwing a Halloween costume party tomorrow night, and I thought it would be cool if you came with."
You stared blankly at Gerard for a few seconds before bursting into a fit of laughter, making him frown.
"Thats's funny," you giggled again and pointed at him, "You're funny, Gerard."
Gerard frowned as he darted his eyes to the side, trying to figure out what exactly he had said that caused you to laugh. "...I didn't say anything funny?"
"It's funny that you think I would go to a party."
Gerard groaned in aggravation. "Oh, come on! It'll be fun!" You shook your head, adamant that you wouldn't be leaving your house tomorrow evening. "Please," he begged, making his eyes wide at you and pouting, "for me."
"No, don't do that," you warned, jutting the spoon you had just picked up at your friend's chest, "Don't."
"Remember that time I saved you from falling off of the balcony," he started, staring off into space as if the memory was playing out in front of him.
"And you said that you owed me one?"
"Don't you dare."
"I'm cashing in that favor."
"You can't just-"
He held up a hand to silence you. "Yes, I can. And I just did. I was being nice by offering you the chance to agree to coming by your own free will, but now you have no choice."
"Fuck you, Gerard Way," you spat through clenched teeth.
"Maybe later," he winked.
You pinned the last piece of veil to your Corpse Bride costume, smoothing out the few creases that had formed in the skirt of your dress.
You look stupid; everyone's gonna be gossiping about you when you step into the party.
Squeezing your eyes shut, you shook your head in an attempt to get rid of that annoyingly menacing voice at the back of your head. You walked over to the full length mirror on the door of your wardrobe, holding up the hem of your dress so as not to trip, and examined yourself from head to toe. Your costume was great, even if you said so yourself. It was eerily realistic, and you were proud of yourself for putting it together in such a short space of time; thankfully, your time in art school had made doing the make-up considerably easier.
What are you doing? You don't go to parties - it's not your thing. You should just stay home, it'll save you the embarrassment of being cross-examined and most probably ridiculed by a huge crowd.
The voice had a point there. This entire thing was very unlike you, and you so much wanted to just ditch the party and cuddle up with your laptop and some junk food. You chewed on your bottom lip while readjusting the tiara on your head, brainstorming ways to get out of going. Many great ideas came to mind, but you knew that Gerard would see right through all of them, no matter how convincing they might be.
Sighing, you turned to grab your cell before calling an Uber, walking downstairs and climbing into the car a few minutes later. Murmuring a greeting to the driver, you confirmed the address and leaned back into the seat as he pulled away.
Staring solemnly out the window, you fixed your eyes on the swirling grey clouds above - remnants of today's glum and dreary weather; a perfect match to how you were feeling at the moment. How lovely.
You knew that there was no getting out of this - Gerard would literally come and drag you kicking and screaming if he had to - so you might as well get it over with. The party started at 21:30, so your plan was to show up, socialize (ew) for a little while, and then be back in your bed by 22:30. 23:00 for the latest. You had mentioned your plan to Gerard, and he was totally fine with it, happy to have accomplished getting you to come out and realizing that getting you to spend more than 10 minutes - let alone an hour - at a party was a miracle, and knowing not to push his luck.
Gerard's friend... Michael? Mickey? Mark? Whatever his name is' house came into view after a car ride which was miles too short in your opinion, and you swallowed the bitter taste forming in the back of your mouth. Quickly texting Gerard to let him know that you had arrived, you took a few notes out from the back of your phone case and payed the driver, thanking him and stepping out into the chilly night air.
You slowly stepped up the path as you waited for Gerard to open the front door, and when he did, you picked up the pace, the sound of heavy music and loud chatting filtering out from inside the house. The place was huge and judging from the amount of noise you were hearing, it was undoubtably packed to capacity. The thought caused a knot to form in your stomach.
"Hey, my love," Gerard - who was a vampire, obviously - greeted you with a warm smile, and even though you were as uneasy as ever at that moment, his smile still managed to calm you down, even making you smile back.
You stepped up to right in front of him, and extended your arms sideways, pursing your lips. "I'm here."
Gerard chuckled, leaning against the doorframe while his eyes raked over your body, taking in your appearance and given you an impressed look. "Yes, you are."
"I'm also terrified."
"Don't be," he placed a reassuring arm around your shoulders and gently guided you inside, "It'll be fine. And I'll be there the whole time."
Looking around at your surroundings as Gerard guided you through the crowded passages, you tried your hardest to not throw up from the nervousness of being around this many people in such close proximity. You breathed a happy breath once the two of you emerged in the less crowded kitchen, where Gerard guided you towards a group of three people standing around the island.
When the tall guy who was dressed as Mick Jagger, holding a glass of what looked like punch spotted the two of you, he said something to the other two - who nodded and dispersed - before turning to you and Gerard with a huge smile.
"Hey! You must be the famous (Y/N)!" he greeted, gesturing at you in a boisterous manner and smiling a ginormous smile. "I've heard so much about you! It's an absolute pleasure to meet you."
"Uh, likewise..."
"Matt," you nodded. Ah, so that's what it was.
"A quick disclaimer," he held up a finger and squinted a little, "I'm not as bad as Gerard's stories make me out to be. I promise."
You gave him a confused look, which made him frown.
"Wait," he turned to Gerard, offended, "you've never told her about me?"
"For good reason," Gerard scoffed, arm still around you, "you're a terrible influence."
"Hey, I'm not that bad!"
"Yeah," Gerard sucked on his teeth, nodding, "you kinda are."
"No, I'm not."
"Yes, you are."
"No, I'm not and I can prove it to you!" Matt challenged, a devious smirk on his face, "I'll spend the rest of the night with you and (Y/N), and if the two of you are still fine at the end of the party, then it'll be clear that I'm not a bad influence at all. If the lovely lady is okay with having me around, that is."
Both men turned to look at you expectantly, and you felt your heart rate increase.
"Is that okay with you, (Y/N)?" Gerard asked, clearly concerned.
You gulped. You were nervous; you didn't know Matt. But at the same time, you didn't want to ruin the night. So you obliged. "Yeah, I guess."
"Rock 'n roll," Matt shot you a wink and clicked his tongue, "First things first..." he walked around to the fridge and opened it, "what can I get you to drink?"
Downing the last of the liquid in the cup, you tossed it to the side, letting it fall to the floor with a clunk.
"AND HIS NAME WAS..." you yelled out, standing atop the kitchen island.
"JOHN CENA!" Everyone else in the room finished, cheering and drinking while someone handed you another drink.
Gerard stood in the doorway, gawking at the sight of his extremely introverted friend, drinking up a storm and leading a hoard of intoxicated strangers in various chants and dances. "What the fuck... how the fuck... Matt!"
"Yup?" Matt popped up next to Gerard, taking a sip from his cup.
"I was gone for five minutes... Literally five, I counted. And I come back to this? What did you do?!"
Matt shrugged. "Hey, man, all I did was give her one wine cooler. The rest was all (Y/N)."
"That's impossible. She's the most introverted person I've ever met! There's no way..." Gerard trailed off, shaking his head, still not believing what was occurring right in front of his eyes.
"Clearly she's a different person when she has a couple drinks in her," Matt chuckled, the two guys watching you dance and sing your heart out to Bon Jovi.
"GERARD!" You called, waving him over excitedly. Gerard took a deep breath and made his way over to you. "Gerard, sing with me! You have a pretty voice!"
"Not tonight, my love," he said softly, gently pulling you down and tucking your hair behind your ear.
You pouted. "Why not?"
"Because you're not you right now, and I need to take you home so you can rest and get back to normal."
"I'm not me, I'm better!" You beamed at him, but when he didn't smile back, yours faltered. "Am I not better? Don't you like me like this? That's the only reason why I drank all those stuff," you waved a hand at the various bottles of alcohol around the room, "it makes me... not me... and I thought that's what you wanted," you shrugged.
Gerard's heart skipped a beat. "What?" He whispered, "Why would you think that?"
"Because you're always trying to get me to go out and stuff, and I never want to because it makes me feel weird. So I thought that if I was like this, and I could talk to people, that you'd like me better."
There's a lot of things Gerard had done that made him hate himself, but none of them made him hate himself quite as much as this did. It was then that he realized what he had done to you. He had forced you to do something that you weren't comfortable with, all because of selfish gain. He didn't stop to think about the consequences it might have on you, or just how much he was screwing with the way you saw yourself. Yet you went along with it. You were willing to put yourself into a situation you weren't at all comfortable with, do things you never would've done, and try and change yourself completely all because you thought it would make him like you better. But it didn't. He liked you just the way you were. He loved you just the way you were. And now he wished he had told you that sooner.
"(Y/N)..." he started, pulling you into his chest, "you don't have to change for me. You don't have to change for anyone. You're perfect, do you hear me? Perfect. Just the way you are. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you that sooner, and I'm so sorry I made you do all of this, but I promise that from here on out, we never have to leave your house ever again, okay?"
"Okay," you mumbled against his chest, "but Gerard?"
"Can we invite Matt over? He and I are friends now."
Thank you for reading x
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