Fire Meet Gasoline. (Ray Toro x Reader)
Note: Part 2 to 'She's Got A Boyfriend Anyway.'
Listen to the above song while reading.
It's dangerous to fall in love
But I want to burn with you tonight
Hurt me
There's two of us
Bristling with desire
The pleasure's pain and fire
Burn me
When you and Ray pulled apart after the kiss, both of you were in shock. Not because you hadn't been expecting it (you asked him to kiss you), but because of how immensely wonderful it had felt.
To say that it was the kiss of your dreams would be downplaying it; never in all your life could you have dreamt of something that felt so immaculate. His lips were like a sanctuary, and as you kissed him, you felt all of your heartache wither away into nothingness.
"Woah," you mumbled, eyes half-lidded since you were still in a state of euphoria.
"Woah," he agreed, nodding slightly before beaming at you.
"Do we need to get you guys a room or something?" Frank chimed, making a disgusted face as he observed the two of you. "Because I really don't want to find remnants of your love fest on the kitchen counter tomorrow morning."
The sexual implication of his comment made your body flush and you turned around out of embarrassment, busying yourself with tidying up the messy countertop as your face turned furiously red.
Noticing your flustered response, Ray furrowed his brows before turning around and yelling a string of profanities at Frank, the likes of which managed to elicit a small giggle from you.
The sound of your laughter brought Ray a sense of ease, and he gave you a lopsided grin before motioning for you to take a seat on the cramped couch, where you spent the rest of the bus ride cuddling as you drifted in and out of sleep.
So come on
I'll take you on, take you on
I ache for love, ache for us
Why don't you come
Don't you come a little closer
So come on now
Strike the match, strike the match now
We're a perfect match, perfect somehow
We were meant for one another
Come a little closer
You were still asleep on Ray's shoulder when the bus pulled up outside the hotel the band would be staying at; he shook you gently to awaken you, and announced that you needed to board off the vehicle.
Since you were still groggy and somewhat disoriented from your nap, Ray assisted you on the journey from the bus to your suite, paying careful attention to stand as close to you as possible during check-in and carrying most of your bags for you.
Once all of your things were settled in your room, and you had thanked him for his help, his usually smiley face turned serious - almost nervous, in a way - and he twisted his hands together while taking cautioned steps toward you.
"(Y/N), I think we need to talk."
With a heavy sigh, you kicked off your sneakers and hopped atop the massive bed.
"I think you're right," you concurred, patting the empty space next to you to tell him to sit down.
He did.
"Obviously," he started, clearing his throat soon after; he was clearly terrified, "you know how I feel about you. I, uh, I think that's always been pretty clear."
"Yeah," you smiled, thinking back to all the times over the past year or so that Ray had been extremely unsubtle about his feelings for you.
"And I don't think it would be incorrect to say that you have feelings for me too," he continued, eyes wide and brows arched as he looked at you with an earnest expression, "Else you wouldn't have asked for that kiss."
"True," you admitted, nodding ever so slightly. Ray huffed.
"Alright, you gotta give me more than just one word answers here. This is serious."
"I'm being serious," you defended, brows furrowing a bit as you tucked your hair behind your ear. "I really do have feelings for you."
Flame you came to me
Fire meet gasoline
Fire meet gasoline
I'm burning alive
I can barely breathe
When you're here loving me
Fire meet gasoline
Fire meet gasoline
I got all I need
When you came after me
Fire meet gasoline
I'm burning alive
And I can barely breathe
When you're here loving me
Fire meet gasoline
Burn with me tonight
His body leaned back a bit and he gave you a skeptical glance. "Why do I feel like there's a 'but' coming?"
"Buuut," you bit your lip and he slumped his shoulders dejectedly, "I don't think that this is the right time to do... this. I mean, I know what you want for us. But I literally just got out of a relationship, and I don't think that I'd be able to handle going into another one so quickly. No matter how much I want to."
And we will fly
Like smoke darknin' the skies
I'm Eve, I want to try
Take a bite
Ray nodded in understanding, and you were just starting to think that that was the only response you were going to get, when he spoke again.
"You know I'd never hurt you the way that all those other guys have, right?"
You felt an immeasurable flood of warmth flow through your body, from the top of your head right down to your toes. God, how were you going to resist the temptation of jumping into a relationship with this incredible man?
So come on now
Strike the match, strike the match now
We're a perfect match, perfect somehow
We were meant for one another
Come a little closer
"I know," you whispered, nodding frantically to emphasize that what you were saying was true, "Of course I know that, Ray. You've been nothing but wonderful to me right from the moment we met."
"That's 'cause I've been in love with you right from the moment we first met," he chuckled, inwardly groaning at his cheesiness.
Flame you came to me
Fire meet gasoline
Fire meet gasoline
I'm burning alive
I can barely breathe
When you're here loving me
Fire meet gasoline
Fire meet gasoline
I got all I need
When you came after me
Fire meet gasoline
I'm burning alive
And I can barely breathe
When you're here loving me
Fire meet gasoline
Burn with me tonight
"You said that you're not ready for a relationship yet," he paraphrased to you and you agreed. "Well, do you think that you'd be willing to try a relationship in the future? Because now that I've kissed you, I swear to God that I will not leave this earth before I've had the opportunity to love you properly."
But it's a bad debt
Certain death
But I want what I want
And I gotta get it
When the fire dies
Darkened skies
Hot ash, dead match
Only smoke is left
It's a bad debt
Certain death
But I want what I want
And I got to get it
When the fire dies
Dark in the skies
Hot as a match
Only smoke is left
You shrugged and kept as much of a straight face as you could, trying to hide your elatedness over his question.
"I dunno. Are you prepared to wait?"
"I'll wait a million years if I have to."
Flame you came to me
Fire meet gasoline
Fire meet gasoline
I'm burning alive
I can barely breathe
When you're here loving me
Fire meet gasoline
Fire meet gasoline
I got all I need
When you came after me
Fire meet gasoline
I'm burning alive
And I can barely breathe
When you're here loving me
Fire meet gasoline
Burn with me tonight
Geez. He was going to make you explode.
"Are you sure you want this?" you teased, tauntingly cocking an eyebrow. "I come with a lot of baggage."
Burn with me tonight
Burn with me tonight
Burn with me tonight
Eh eh
"Of course I'm sure," he scoffed before gesturing around your suite, "I literally carried all your baggage for you, didn't I?"
Thank you for reading x
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