Cake. (Joe Trohman x Reader)
Note: This is the first birthday imagine that will be published in dedication to my best friend, mikeywaystambourine . Happy Birthday best fren, I love you. Thank you for your existence. x
"Okay, alright, Joe, you've got this," Joe tried to hype himself up as he stared at the ingredients in front of him. "It's just one simple cake. How hard can it be?"
It was the night before your birthday, and Joe was currently standing in his kitchen, apron on and hair tied back as he glanced uneasily at the recipe. He'd never made a cake in his life, and he had no idea what he was doing.
He loved you more than anything, and he wanted to do something personal for your birthday, so he decided to make a cake. Except that, yeah, he had no idea what he was doing.
"First, whisk 3 cups of flour, 1 tablespoon baking powder, and salt in a bowl," Joe read aloud. "Alright, seems simple enough." He did what the instructions said and proceeded with the recipe.
Everything was going well, until it got to the point where he had to alternate between mixing in milk, and adding flour to the mixture.
"Shit!" he ducked as the electric mixture splattered batter everywhere. "Okay, okay, I got this." He reached up to turn the beater off, but somehow ended up turning up the power. "Ah! I don't got this!"
He resumed his ducking position and fished his phone out of his pocket before holding in the home key.
"Call (Y/B/F)!"
"Okay, how badly did you fuck this up- OH MY GOD WHAT DID YOU DO?" (Y/B/F) exclaimed in horror as she quickly tossed her things down on the dining table before walking into the disaster zone that was Joe's kitchen.
"That thing declared war on me!" Joe pointed an accusatory finger at the electric mixer, which gave an unexpected whirr in response, causing both of them to jump and yell out in surprise. "You see?!"
(Y/B/F) turned around to the where the oven was and bent down to look at the 'cake' that was baking inside. "Well," she grimaced, "props to you for actually getting this far."
She got up and turned to Joe, who was desperately trying to make an icing mixture. "Help me."
"Okay, just relax. We can- Hold that thought," she held up her finger as she went to answer her phone. "Hey, babe."
"Hi," you spoke through the phone. "What's up?"
"Nothing much. Just-"
"MOTHERFUCKER!" Joe's voice suddenly called out from the kitchen – where something must've gone wrong, yet again – making (Y/B/F)'s eyes widen.
"What was that?" you asked confusedly.
"Oh, uh, I'm watching Ridiculousness," you lied. "Yeah, some dude just took a paintball to the nuts."
You entered Joe's apartment, a smile forming on your face as you made your way through to the living room.
"Hi, baby," he cooed, his face lighting up instantly as his eyes fell upon you. "Happy Birthday!"
"Thank you," you smiled, pulling him in for a kiss.
"I, uh, I have something for you. It's not a present; you'll get that later. But..." he disappeared into the kitchen, emerging moments later with a cake.
Now, you've had lots of different cakes in your lifetime, but none of them were quite like this one.
Joe gave you a shy grin as he held out the plate of marshmallows and lit the sparklers. "In my defence, I did try to make a proper cake. But it would be cruel to show it to you, so I made you this instead. (Y/B/F) did make a proper one, though. So don't worry."
You giggled at your boyfriend's adorableness before kissing him again. "Don't worry, babe. It's the thought that counts. Now," you picked up a few marshmallows from the plate, "How many of these do you think I can fit in my mouth?"
Thank you for reading x
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