chapter twenty seven
Winona felt like laughing at their words. She shook her head in disbelief as the three sisters walked down the stairs. "We'll get right to the point," the one in the middle, whom Winona guessed was Esme, said. "We're here," the three began together. "About the Hound Program," one finished off.
"It's still going on," the one on the right spoke. "It's looking to expand, in fact," the one on the left said. "We want your help to stop it," Esme said. "What? No, you came in here and lied to us. What, now you want our help?" Marcos said. "You used us so you could slaughter those agents at the lab," Reed added.
Esme walked the rest of the way down the stairs. "We did what we had to do," she said and Winona scoffed. "Yeah, you keep telling yourselves that. Because you and I both know that there were other ways that you could've handled that situation," Winona said. The sister's eyes move to her and one of the other two speak. "We can't all be saints," one said. "Or as advanced with our powers as you," the other added.
Esme turned back to Reed. "I saved your children. Did I mislead you? Yes, so you would do what had to be done. And as for your plan to ask the Sentinel Services to give up nicely, that would have ended with as many corpses. But they would've been yours," she said, beginning to walk to where John was stood. "Why do you meed us?" Lorna asked.
"Yeah, I saw you three controlling people's minds. You can handle this on your own," Clarice added. "They know what we look like. And we can't take on Sentinel Services by ourselves. But we have to act now. Make no mistake, the humans will come for us all. We have information about Campbell's plans, resources to share," Esme said. "Meanwhile, you have," one blonde started. "Muscle," the other finished.
Winona found herself rolling her eyes again. Quiet murmurs began filling the air. "Hang on. Are we seriously considering this?" Caitlin asked. "No, we're not. We're not gonna listen to this anymore," Marcos replied as the murmuring grew louder. "Enough. We're not debating this, not here, not now. We heard what you had to say. Now you need to leave," John said.
"Think it over."
"Don't take too long."
"We'll be back."
Esme began walking back up the steps and back to her sisters. Winona felt like stabbing her. Her narrowed eyes followed the three until they were gone. Elaine walked up next to her. "I'm gonna murder those bitches," Winona muttered. Elaine's eyes shift over to her. "Do you need me to help?" She asked. "Really?" Dominic asked. "What?" Elaine asked, raising her arms.
Winona turned to Clarice who was stood with her arms crossed tightly. She turned to look at Dominic. "I don't know what you're trying to do, but if you hurt my friend, I'm gonna murder you too," she said before turning and walking away.
John, Renee, Winona, and Clarice were staggered about the monitoring station. Sage was at her computer and began relaying the information she had found about Esme and her sisters. "I did some digging. Couldn't find much out there, but there are three of them, that we know of: Esme, Sophie and Phoebe," she informed.
"Spunky," Clarice said. "Do they have a last name?" John asked, walking closer to the computer screen. "Frost. But they use new aliases every week. When Sophie and Phoebe were arrested, they gave their last name as 'Cuckoo'. Probably just to piss off the cops," Sage replied. "Frost?" Renee mumbled. Winona turned to her and eyed her curiously.
"When you were in the lab, they talk about themselves?" John asked, turning to face Winona and Clarice. "It's not like we had a chat. We were in a military transport. And then they got real busy turning the place into a shooting gallery," Clarice answered. "Yeah, they just sat there emotionlessly until we got the collars off. Then they were killing people. And enjoying it," Winona added.
"Their police file says they're some kind of hive mind. They're capable of limited psychic control if they're close and the target doesn't see it coming. They're politically connected, wealthy. One of them even infiltrated Senator Montez's campaign last year," Sage said. Winona rolled her eyes at the information. "Montez?" Clarice questioned angrily, walking closer to the computer.
"That jackass is a straight up Purifier. They've got the right enemies, that's for damn sure," she said. "Of course he is," Renee muttered. "Doesn't mean we can trust them. If we actually form an alliance with these people, it's gonna tear this place apart," John said. Winona nodded her head in agreement. "This place is already coming apart," Clarice pointed out. The two people arguing just a few feet away from them got louder.
"Those guys have been arguing since this morning," Sage said. John sighed and went to handle it but Sage stopped him. "I'll deal with it," she said. She then walked over to where the two were. Clarice looked back at the screen before leaving as well. "I need to go make a phone call," Renee said, preparing to leave too. "Who are you calling?" Winona asked. "Don't worry about it," Renee replied before leaving. "You're being very suspicious," Winona called after her.
She then sighed and crossed her arms over her chest. She eyed the two arguers in distaste. "Half these people hate the Frosts. And the other half think they're the only ones that can save us," she said. "What do you think?" John asked. "I think I hate them. And that we can't trust them. But we are at war and we need to protect our people. And I'm gonna do just that, no matter what. I just wish that a lot of the drama going on in my life happened at a better time. Or not at all," she answered.
"Yeah. Me too," he replied. Winona looked over at him and he did the same. The two stared at one another for what felt like an eternity. Winona found herself not wanting to look away. But she did and Sage came back in when the arguing grew louder and more intense. "Hey, John. Could you come over here?" She questioned. John stole a quick glance at Winona before nodding his head and walking out. Winona sighed heavily and closed her eyes. "I hate my life," she muttered before leaving to find Elaine.
"That dude Marcos is hot," Elaine said, pulling on a shirt. Winona scoffed before rolling her eyes. "He has a girlfriend. Who's pregnant," she pointed out. "Who?" Elaine questioned. "Lorna," Winona replied. Elaine was thoughtful for a moment. "Oh. Well she's hot too," the Asian said.
Winona chuckled at her sister who was smirking. "Why do all the good looking people have to be taken?" Elaine asked. Winona shrugged her shoulders. "Is Dominic seeing someone?" The older girl asked. "No. But I think he might have a thing for Clarice," Winona shrugged. "But he doesn't even know her," Elaine pointed out.
Winona shrugged again. "It's what he does. He sees a pretty girl and advances. Tries to get to know her and sees where it goes from there," she said. "To get in her pants," Elaine stated. "No. He genuinely wants to find love. He says that in the world that we live in, we should be able to experience as much as we can, seeing as we could die at any moment for being mutants. I think he's just lonely. But I guess he's right," Winona said.
Elaine smiled, "That's kinda cute." Winona shrugged, "I guess." Elaine picked up a brush and began running it through her hair. "Well, what about John? He's freaking gorgeous," she said, with a knowing smirk as she eyed Winona through her peripheral. Winona looked down at her shoes. "John's kind of not in a relationship anymore," she answered.
Elaine stopped brushing her hair and turned to look at her. "That's a weird way to put it," she noted. "It's just that, he had a thing with Sonya. And now, she's, you know..." Winona trailed off, unable to finish the sentence. Elaine nodded in understanding. "Oh. But I thought he was into you. That you two had some sort of thing," she said. "Why do you think that?" Winona asked.
"Well for starters, the way that you got when I mentioned him being good looking. And the way that you two look at each other. Plus, Clarice told me that you guys kissed. What I want to know is why you didn't tell me," Elaine answered. "You weren't exactly here," Winona muttered. Elaine sighed and went to sit next to Winona on the bed.
"Do you like him?" She asked. "Yes," Winona replied. "So what are you gonna do about it?" Elaine asked. "Nothing. Now is not a good time for either of us to start a relationship," Winona replied. "Now is the perfect time. We're all probably gonna die soon. And you still haven't found the right person. I mean, all of the guys you've dated are losers. And John seems great. A little broody and serious but still great," Elaine said.
"It just doesn't feel right. I mean, Sonya—" Elaine cut her off. "If Sonya was really your friend, she'd want you to be happy. Do you think that that's what she would want?" She said. Winona nodded her head unsurely. "So what's the problem?" Elaine asked. Winona sighed, "It's just complicated, okay?" Elaine rolled her eyes. "You like him, he likes you. Yup, that's definitely complicated," she said.
Winona didn't reply and Elaine sighed. "Do whatever you want, Winnie. But don't come crying to me when you regret your decision. I refuse to deal with Winona the Whiner," she said, nudging Winona's arm. "I do not whine," Winona said with a glare. Elaine stood from the bed. "You keep telling yourself that. I'm gonna go make some friends," she said before walking out of the door.
Winona flopped backward on the bed and closed her eyes. A knock on the door caused her to open them and sit up. Lauren and Andy were stood in the doorway. They both had backpacks on and Winona looked at them curiously. "Hey guys, what's up?" She said. Lauren was the first to enter the room. "We were just coming to say goodbye," she said.
Winona's face scrunched up in confusion. "Goodbye? Where are you going?" She asked. "We're leaving. Mexico, I guess," Andy answered, stepping into the room as well. "Why?" Winona asked, standing up. "Ask our parents. They're making us leave. They don't think it's safe here anymore," Lauren said. "It's not safe anywhere," Winona replied. "Yeah, try telling them that," Andy said. He was clearly upset about leaving. Winona sighed and walked over to them.
"Your parents are just trying to do what's best for you. And it sucks, I know, but at the end of the day, they're doing this because they love you," she said. Andy angrily looked at the ground whilst Lauren nodded sadly. "Come here," Winona said, holding out her arms. Lauren moved closer and Winona wrapped her in a hug.
When they pulled apart, Winona gave Andy a hug too. "Take care of your parents. And take care of each other," Winona said after she and Andy pulled away from one another. The two nodded and Winona placed an arm around their shoulders. "Come on, I'll walk you out. I gotta say goodbye to your parents."
So, I planned on updating a few days ago but that obviously didn't happen. Sorry about that. How did you like this chapter? And how do you think this book will end? Let me know your thoughts in the comments. Until the next chapter.
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