Today, I had fun again at drama club, until---
We were given a detailed explanation of what goes on in the drama club.
Honestly, I liked the examples of projects that would take place in the future. Until...
One particular project was mentioned.
That project would involve kissing.
Not that it is gross or anything but that saddens me.
Why does it sadden me?
Because I do not know how to kiss.
I think I might be the worst kisser on the planet. I can not imagine myself doing that in front of everyone.
After those disgusting words, I wanted to quit drama club. Until, I remembered that when I signed into the drama club, that meant I can't leave it.
I should have chosen the chess club but no...
I chose drama club instead. I honestly thought I could do well in drama club but now reality has awakened me.
Despite how discouraged I was that I would probably embarrass myself if I was given such a scene--- I needed to girl up.
So when I came home from drama club, I went to my one source of comfort---Google.
He taught me everything I know, so why not use it to teach me how to kiss.
After receiving so many search results, I realized how dumb I am.
Honestly, it was good that I went to Google before embarrassing myself because Google made me realize something important:
The importance of the hand.
I had to do practice sessions on my hand.
There I was, looking stupid trying to learn how to kiss by doing it on my hand.
It's sad.
I had to watch how others were doing it then practice it on my hand. All that, Just so that I don't embarrass myself.
Well, nothing would be more embarrassing than doing make out sessions on your hands.
Honestly, I think it would have been easier if people just invented a silicone head that kissing could be practiced on.
It would be a great product for losers like me that don't have anyone to practice on.
Coming to think about it, it would make sells.
It could be called ' The T. A. L. K . '
Which stands for Teaching Acceptant Losers Kissing.
Makes sense because the mouth can also be used for talking.
It would be even cooler if it acted exactly like a human head... Like with the movements and stuff.
Gosh! I hate how I did not think about this when signing in. I would have just stuck to losing chess matches every day but I had pride.
Now, look what pride has given me. A taste of my own medicine.
All I hope is that those practice make out sessions on my hand could make me do a better job when I actually kiss someone.
If not, then I have to learn to deal with the embarrassment of being seen for who I am--- the worst kisser.
I had fun writing this chapter.
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