[09] Jail-Wait-what?!"
Sitting between Asuto and Hiura, you look at your coach talking about strategy with bored look on your face, leaning against the light blue-headed male with your head resting on his shoulder and it looks like he has nothing against it as he let it be, trying his best to ignoring the fact that his face is burning.
With soccer experience for few years sure is helpful, huh?
"So–" He was cut off by the door slammed open and your eyes widened slightly when you saw a man in a black suit at the corner of your eyes and showed a paper before handcuffed his wrists, making you shot up from your seat in shock.
"Coach!" You called out and was about to rush over him but were stopped by the other man wearing the same outfit. The Chinese man look at you and flashed you his infamous smile for assurance, "I'm sure this is all a mistake. I'll be back soon–"
Oh really?
" 'Back soon', huh? What an unpromising words."You muttered angrily through your gritting teeth, tapping your feet impatiently with your arms crossed, "The match is about to begin and he hasn't shown any signs of coming back."
You felt a gentle tap on from behind on your shoulder, causing you to glance over it and see the person who caused it.
You couldn't help but noticed the expression that she is wearing on her face, filled with concern and anxiety.
"[L/N]-san, what if it won't work? I-I don't want to disappoint the others nor you." She look up with almost teary eyes, causing you to taken aback but quickly regained back your composure.
"Don't worry, you've trained hard for this match. There's a small chance for you to fail after those hard works so don't give up easily, okay? Just relax and enjoy this match like we always do."
She heaved a relieved sigh and flashed you a smile, "You're right. Thank you, [L/N]-san."
When you heard emcee announced that the match is about to begin, all of you couldn't help but have to pull this off on your own.
"That fatass. . . I know he is beyond suspicious but hacked into the government's secret files from his own computer? I can't believe this."You groaned, throwing your head behind but your gaze then fell on the band around your wrist and a beeping sound coming from it.
"Speaking of the devil . . ."
'I got arrested. . . (• ω<) (Tee-hee).'
You read the message in your head as an irritating grin make its way on your lips. 'Tee-hee' my ass. Use the appropriate emoticon in the right situation, dammit.
[Y/N] [L/N],
Umihara Norika,
Hiyori Masakatsu,
Those are the name of players who are the key to making this strategy a success and there is no surprise when your name was included. But what surprise you is–
" If I stop sending the message, [L/N]-kun will be your coach and giving you order ヽ(〃∀〃)ノ"
Asuto read the message out loud before whipping his head to look at you including everyone else. You raised a brow.
"I guess that was unnecessary–"You started, was about to reject his suggestion by shaking your head but you were taken back by their sudden scream, "We will win this!!" They cheered out loudly, earning a few looks from the opposite team.
Glancing at them, you noticed their coach look at you with a scowl clearly can be seen across his face. You stared at him for a few seconds before a smug grin make its way to your lips as you gaze back at him, making him gritting his teeth in anger.
Gazing back at the others, you saw them have hope in their eyes. After a few seconds of thinking, you placed your hand in the middle of the group, looking back at them with your half-lidded eyes and a genuine grin replaced the smug one, "You know what? Let's do it."
They cheered and placed their hands on yours with a smile on their face, "Go, go, Inakuni!" And throw it in the air. It sure giving them a good vibe. You give them a signal for them to gather, "Okay, now, here is the plan. . ."
Each of them took their position with as always, you being the forward with Asuto next to you and purple-haired male at the bench, fuming but you sure he will get used to it.
"Any plan, [L/N]-san?"The raven-haired male asked, looking over you. You opened your mouth, were about to say something but the whistle was blown before you could. Passing the ball to him, eleven of you look at their band when you received a message from a certain male.
"Use-Enough-Force-To-Knock-Down-The-Flying-Bird strategy!" You ordered, facing towards the opposite team with your arms extended forward like a leader, "Start!"
Doing as what you told, all of them marched forward into Mikage Sennou's field much to the audience nor emcee including the coach of the opposite team shock as you disappeared when the view of them running finally clear.
Anna whipped her head around to find you, "She disappeared?!"
"No! Look at that!" Ootani pointed out. When Hiyori managed to stop the sphere ball, you re-appeared in the mid-air, grabbing the sphere object between both of your calves before it could fall.
"Good job, Hiyori!" You grinned at the male and landed perfectly on the ground, making a shoot normally and scored a point.
"Alright!"You cheered, grinning as you give Hiura a high five who smiled at you with a warm smile despite his element was ice; wind to be exact- and making your way to your early position.
The match already started, however, this time you keep looking at your band when you along with the others receive any simple message. Looking around, you scanned the situation and it looks like Mikage Sennou is in full offense mode.
"If this is the case," You heaved a sigh of defeat, gaining your teammates' attention by waving your hand in the air while your other hand cupped around your mouth,
"Do the Cut-The-Meat-To-Break-The-Bone strategy!"Seriously, we need to say the strategy name in an acronym way. They nodded their heads in understanding while you, ignoring the fact that Mikage Sennou players are heading towards your goal as you went towards the opposite direction to their field.
Smiling to yourself, you turned your body around to look the result of Norika's training including doing a small calculation. Just relax, you have teammates that can be trusted.
A confuse look was shown on strawberry blonde-haired girl's face when she saw your running figure going towards the opposite way including when the defenders aren't even bothering to defend.
『 flashback』
"Alright, this is the plan." You started, looking at the others with a serious look, "Actually, they are an easy opponent since they use a calculated positioning and that gives us an advantage for that. And that moment, "You paused, looking at the others with a smirk make its way on your face, " We will use 'Cut-The-Meat-To-Break-The-Bone' strategy."You ended.
"And gosh, don't you think that strategy name is too long?"You tilted your head to the side, furrowing your eyebrows together. They could only agree with you while smiling nervously.
『end of the flashback』
Snapping out from your thought, you saw Asuto did his Hissatsu technique which made you look at him in shock but quickly recovered from it when he gives you a wide grin as it soon appeared on your face,
"Cut them into two!"
"Cut the meat!"
Grinning, you headbutt the ball with your head before making a shoot, scoring another point. Smiling softly to yourself when you hear the announcer yelling out the result before a whistle that signaling the first half ended was blown.
Right after that, you perked up when you hear a beeping sound and look at your band. The smile on your face become wider,
'I'm here now! ╰(*´︶'*)╯'
Chuckling to yourself, you make your way back to the others as they waved for you, "You are way too late, old man."Whispering the words under your breath and grabbed the water bottle that was handed for you from the light blue-haired himself. He even gives you a towel! What a gentleman he is.
Thanking him, you smiled at the male and he does the same, " I appreciate at what you did but I guess it was unnecessary since I can still walk and we have managers, I don't want to trouble you."You sighed softly, walking beside him with your towel behind your neck, "And besides, you need to save your energy for the next half."
"No, it was not a big deal and I volunteered myself to do it." He chimed, enjoying your company. Before you could complain; not a complain actually- but he stopped you from saying it when he flashed you a bright smile, making you sighed in defeat.
"Anything you said, "You paused, a smirk makes its way on your face as you get yourself ready to run, "Kii-chan!"With that, you dashed off to others, leaving him to process at what you just said. When it hit him, his face flushed red, completely embarrassed.
"How did you--?!" His heart skipped a beat when you turned around and winked at him, saying that his grandma always talking about him with you. He couldn't say anything as he lost his words while trying to cover his now apple face.
You look over your shoulder and stopped running when he just stood there in the middle of the field by doing nothing and of course, guilt engulfed you. Maybe you shouldn't tease him like that.
Turning your heels around, you run towards the certain male direction and as if he could sense your presence, he lifted his face and uncovered it from his hand to look at you when you are getting closer.
"Look, I'm sorry for teasing you but I can't help it . . . " You started with a slight blush across your face while your beautiful [color] orbs stared into his, flashing him a soft grin, "since it was cute."
Your words enough to leave his whole face flushed red, he even thought that he couldn't contain the embarrassment any more if you say something like that again.
His breath hitched when you grabbed his wrist suddenly and dragged him to the bench, "Come on, we don't have all day and you need to rest for the next half." He was way too shocked to say anything so he remained silent, watching your long yet beautiful [color] hair.
It was only a few seconds but it feels like eternity for him and when you were closer to the others, you let go of his hand and almost immediately he missed the warmth of your hand that was wrapped around his wrist.
You chat with Hiura as you call him 'Kii-chan' now but not always cuz sometimes you would forget that he have that kind of nickname despite he was called 'Ice Smile Prince'. Sure he was embarrassed and you asked him that if it's okay for you to call him that and would stop if he didn't like it but he replied with the most shocking answer that you didn't expect he will say that!
"I don't care if it was you who call me that."
He averted his eyes away from your gaze with red blush spread across his face. You almost choke your own spit when he exclaimed that but you grinned at him instead of asking him more questions.
"Then, Kii-chan, what are you going to do after this?" Despite being called that, he managed to contain the blush from visible on his face. Before he could reply, the door opened to be revealed the one and only, Zhao Kinyun.
"Coach!"All of you exclaimed happily at the sight of him standing at the front of the room. You crossed your arms and smirked, "So, how did you escape?"
"I didn't escape, geez! It turns out it was a completely false charge!"He scoffed, furrowing his eyebrows in anger and before you could hear his story even further, you noticed there is a small figure, hiding behind the whiteboard.
"Um, it's all my fault." A voice piped in and it looks like it was coming from them and base by their voice, it was male. He revealed himself as he is still wearing the mask and the reason is unknown to you.
"My name is Lee Lakee."The boy exclaimed, introducing himself and right at the corner of your eyes, you saw the coach start sweating profusely and decided to dismiss it but failed when the boy continues.
"To tell you the truth, there was a kinky photo that Coach wanted me to send him that got infected with a virus!"
"Ho? Is that so?" You slowly turned ground to face the man with your face darkened as the others deadpanned at what he just said beside Norika and Hiura, who currently have a perplexed look on their faces, "Tell me more."
He slowly taking a peek at you nervously by over his shoulder, telling the boy to stop after seeing the predator look on your visage but only got pushed away by the boy.
"That's how the virus got into his computer and hacked the secret files! If . . ! If only I didn't send that ridiculously kinky photo, any of this would never happen!!!"
You felt a gentle tap on your shoulder and look over it only to see light blue-haired male with a confuse look on his face, "What does 'kinky' mean?" Hiura asked you innocently, looking at you like a cute puppy with his head tilted to the side along with Norika. Both of them looking at you as if wanting an answer due to the fact that you are the only one who didn't look at him with a deadpanned look.
Shrugging your shoulder, you averted your eyes away from the two innocent souls with an irritated smile across your face while plotting a murder scene with that fatass over there as the victim, "Nothing important actually."
The Chinese man once again sweating profusely despite the room should be cold enough with the air conditioner is still on when he saw a murderous look across your feature and mouthing 'I can't believe you'.
He fell on his knees in despair with a light hovering above him. You glanced at Ootani for a second and switched back your gaze on the man, only to see him already recovered from it and casually clapped his hands to gain your attention despite the event that just happened, "Let's change the subject, shall we?"
Your eye twitched in irritation but sighing eventually after taking a few deep breaths, you took your seat and look at the screen with Ootani chirped in understanding before switched it on, revealing a few information about Teikoku Academy. Your eyes widened when she told you that Kageyama returned to his position.
"Oi, oi, you gotta be kidding me . . ." You whispered in a hushed tone in disbelief when she said it. That bastard Kageyama returned. Coach noticed your body suddenly tensed up and cleared his throat, "And that's why we will start our special training tomorrow."
That makes you confuse.
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