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Her school uniform is in the media above.
"ย demanding a finger from a grieving teen? never knew my life would end up here "
ooo.| "This has to be a code of conduct violation of some sort." Junko's monotonous voice spoke through her phone with ease as she stood in a grocery store. Cart filled with food, drinks and even all the desserts Gojo, her teacher/self appointed surrogate father/big brorher, requested for her to get. Megumi Fushiguro, another one of his students and a long time friend of Junko's, was on a mission. The same one Gojo should be on. But he has this lazy teaching method where he sends his students to do his job and calls it "tough love".
Bullshit, but he doesn't care. What irritated Junko the most was that she was stiffed with restocking duties this week. Her and Fushiguro always takes turns with grocery shopping for their dormitory. It just so happens that it was her day to do the shopping. The system was created by Gojo when the both of them started at Jujutsu Tech.
"If you're worried about Megumi-chan, he's a big boy," Gojo's condescending tone of voice replied back. It was like his voice was stuck on permanent carefree mode. "Besides, who else is going to get my favorite dessert wine for me?"
"Why don't you get it yourself?" Junko asked, picking up said wine bottle from the aisle. "I'm not even old enough to purchase this. I can't keep hexing the cashier to not ask for ID. People will be suspicious."
"Oh come on, sweet love, no one's gonna know. And I know that because you never let anyone catch you."
'So he actually pays attention' she thought, humming a little. She often forgot just how far Gojo's eyes go. Even when he doesn't seem like he's paying attention, he is. "Alright, one more time. But you're buying your own stuff, next time."
"Oh, you're beautiful, sweet love." Gojo praised happily. "Gotta go, the high ups are calling. See you back later~"
Junko sighed, keeping her cold facial expression in tact as she moved her cart towards the check out line. But not before she accidentally ran into someone. Her cart bumped into someone's leg.
She looked to see a very tall man standing in front of her. He had a very fit body, muscular and healthy. His hair was black and laid around his head to the back of his neck. He had a small scar on the corner of his lips.
"Sorry about that." She apologized, going to move out of his way when the stranger looked right at her. And her senses suddenly went haywire.
His eyes locked with hers and it was like a sense of clarity for her. Like his mind was suddenly open for her to read into. Though, she didn't dare to it. But something about his face made her wonder who he was. He looked so familiar. Hell, he looked a lot like-
"You're good, baby girl." He said, shrugging indifferently as he picked up a case of beer. "Just watch where you're hitting your cart. The next person might not be as nice as I am."
Junko frowned ever so slightly. One: did this grown adult male just call her baby girl? Ew. Two: that sounded like a threat. As if to tell her to be careful of him. To the average person, that sounds like a good advice. But the edge in his voice made her feel like he knew something she didn't.
Just before she could reply, he was already walking away. One hand holding a small basket filled with different items and the other carrying the case of beer. Once he was gone completely, she exhaled.
Whoever he was, she hoped that she didn't have to cross paths with him, again. She had a bad feeling about him.
Deciding to shake away that feeling, she continued on to the checkout line. Just wanting to go home, drink tea and relax.
ย ย ย ย Just as she paid for everything and was already walking out to the parking lot, Gojo suddenly appeared in front of her. Holding a bag of kikufuku. She remembered where he got it from. He took her to the same place last week.
ย ย ย ย ย "Fancy running into you, sweet love~" Gojo said with a smile on his face. He proceeded to ruffle her long black hair gently. Much to her dismay.
ย ย ย ย Junko frowned slightly as she fixed her hair a bit. "You told me to buy all I'd this stuff and yet, you're here?"
ย ย ย "You can yell at me later," he said, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "Megumi-chan needs our help. According to the higher ups, there's trouble with obtaining Sukuna's finger."
"Wha-" before she could finish, Gojo already teleported them out of the parking lot.
"What's the situation?" Gojo asked as soon as they appeared in a different location. Junko blinked a little, taken a bit by surprise.
She saw Fushiguro on the ground, beaten up and a pink haired kid ( around the same age as them ) standing a few feet away from him. Shirtless but he looked pretty much fine. Except for the blood down the corner of his mouth. It looks like they were on a school roof or something. Junko noted the sports field behind them.
"Gojo-sense?! Junko?! Why are you two here?!" Fushiguro questioned, surprised to see the both of them there.
"Hey, I wasn't even planning on coming." Gojo chuckled out, surveying him. "But, man, you're roughed up! I should show the second years."
Before Gojo could pull out his phone, Junko made the device fly out of his hand and land in hers. Her hand glowed scarlet red and it looked like sparkling red smoke surrounded her hand.
"Be serious, Gojo." Junko deadpanned, pocketing his phone.
"Ugh, you're lucky I listen to you, sweet love." The white haired teacher groaned before switching back to the situation. "The higher ups wouldn't ship up with a special grade object gone missing."
While he spoke, Junko felt an odd sense fill her veins after she noticed the pink haired teen near her. Then it dawned to her. He is infused with Sukuna's finger.
She didn't even noticed how she was staring at the poor guy. Who became rather sheepish under her cold and emotionless gaze. Why was she staring at him as if she was dissecting him? And why was it kind of attractive?
No...no....it's all the way attractive he thought, only confusing himself even more.
"So, did you find it?" Gojo asked.
"It's inside him," Junko stated, keeping her now curious eyes on him. Which made Gojo turn to the boy.
"Sorry," he chuckled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head. "But I ate it."
Gojo paused, flashing a shocked grin. A moment of silence passed before he decided to speak again. "For real?"
"For real," all three teens replied in unison.
Suddenly, Gojo walked over to the boy. He was so close, the boy leaned back a little while he scanned his entire face. As if to find something. Once we was done, he stood back.
"Damn, it really did combine with you!" Gojo laughed all little. "That's hilarious! I haven't seen this much power since sweet love was placed in my care."
Junko rolled her eyes, sighing inaudibly. "When will you stop calling me that?"
"Can you swap with Sukuna?" He asked, passing his bag of dessert to Junko. She barely caught it because of the other bags she was currently made levitate with her magic. Nearly broke her concentration.
"Oh, yeah....I think I can." The pink haired boy said, trying to figure out how to switch.
"Then give us ten seconds."
Junko walked over to Fushiguro. She carefully kneeled in front of him, placing the bag of kikufuku on the ground, and began healing his facial wounds. Softly waving her hands over his forehead.
"Sorry, I can't do too much," she apologized softly, allowing the red aura to seep out of the small cuts on his face. "But I will do what I can to help. I hate that you did this on your own."
Fushiguro felt warm inside. He always did whenever she showed her caring and tender side to him. It made him feel cared for. Junko was someone who, on a surface level, barely showed physical emotions. But when it came to acts of service, he could tell just how much she loved and cared for those around her.
His face turned light pink as his eyes widened a bit. Before he shook himself out of his daze and turned his face away from her. "Y-You've done enough, honestly."
"You always say that," Junko chuckled ever so lightly, dawning a small grin on her lips. "You gotta let me take the weight off of your shoulders sometimes, you know. You don't have to do everything by yourself."
Fushiguro fought the urge to laugh, seeing as this is a serious moment. But it was hard to do so when Junko was being this sweet to him.
"W-What is that?" He asked, noticing the bag next to them.
"Kikufuku from Kikusian." Gojo answered. "It's Sendai's speciality and it's super good. Sweet love and I went before and she loved it."
Fushiguro raised an eyebrow at Junko, who just shrugged. It was a good place, she'll admit. It kind of contributes to the fact that she's a slight sugar addict.
"I recommend the zunda and cream flavor," he continued on. "Sweet love likes the matcha and vanilla flavors the best."
This guy actually went and bought souvenirs when people were dying?! Fushiguro thought incredulously, staring at the bag of dessert.
"Apparently, it's not a souvenir," Junko spoke up, reading his mind. "He was going to eat it on the way home. That asshole."
"Hey!" Gojo whined childishly. "I wasn't going to eat all of it. I was going to save you some!"
But students looked at him with the same deadpanned expression. "Liar." They both said in unison. Even matching the same monotone.
"Anyways! Enough about that," Gojo waved them off. "Kikufuku is not like other souvenirs-"
Junko noticed that the same pink haired boy suddenly changed. And he was about to attack Gojo.
ย ย "BEHIND YOU!" She yelled.
ย ย ย Sukuna aimed his attack right at Gojo, causing a huge impact. When the smoke and rubble cleared, Junko and Fushiguro opened their eyes and was immediately face to face with Sukuna.
Because she was super close to Sukuna, his arms were locked on both sides of her hips, basically making super close eye to eye contact. She frowned a little, staring into the king of curses eyes as he looked right back at her.
His eyes showed curiosity towards her and a hint of desire in them. It definitely looked like he liked what he saw in front of him. But as soon as more of the smoke cleared, he realized that Gojo was on his back. Literally.
He was sitting on his lower back casually, as if nothing was happening. "And the whipping cream inside is simply exquisite-" he carried on talking about kikufuku before Sukuna began attacking him again.
ย ย ย ย ย Sukuna began attacking him again, but every punch he would try to land, Gojo was quicker at blocking them.
ย ย ย ย
ย ย ย ย ย "My students are watching," Gojo mumbled to him, leaning his back against the curse. "So I'm going to show off a bit."
It seemed like nothing Sukuna was doing effected Gojo as the ten second fight continued on. It was always so fascinating to see Gojo fight anyone. She has only ever seen him fight once before this moment. So she couldn't help but to stare in slightly awe at him.
ย ย ย "For crying out loud!" Sukuna yelled in frustration. "You jujutsu sorcerers are always trouble, no matter what era!"
ย ย ย He tried to deliver another punch to him but he ended up destroying more of the school. Junko winced a little at the damage. "That's gonna ruin the school year."
ย ย "Though that doesn't matter to me." Sukuna continued but was suddenly stuck. His eyes widened and he froze, as if something paralyzed him.
ย ย "7......8......9..." Gojo timed carefully. "Should be time, now."
ย ย ย Damn, again? Who the hell is this.....Itadori brat? Sukuna thought before he was forced to switch.
ย ย ย "Oh, was everything okay?" The teen asked, looking over everyone.
ย ย ย Yuji ( Junko heard Fushiguro saying his name in his mind ) blinked a few times, wondering what happened when he was not mentally present. The school was half destroyed and everything.
ย ย ย "I'm shocked." Gojo replied to him, walking over to the pink haired teen. "You really can control it."
ย ย ย "He's kind of annoying, though." Yuji admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. "I can hear his voice."
ย ย ย "It's a miracle, that's all he's doing." Gojo laughed a bit. "Oi, sweet love~ may you do me the honors?"
ย ย ย Junko sighed. She helped Fushiguro onto his feet before walking over to the new vessel. Yuji watched with wonder as she stood right in front of him, their faces super close to each other.
ย ย She gently placed one hand on his neck and her other thumb on his forehead. "You'll be just fine, Itadori Yuji." She whispered to him before her eyes glowed scarlet red.
ย ย ย "Wha-" he started but was put to sleep before he could finish his question. Gojo quickly caught Yuji and placed him on his shoulders.
ย ย ย "What did you do?" Fushiguro asked.
ย ย "Don't worry, she just put him to sleep." He answered for her. "If he isn't possessed, he might have potential as a vessel. What should I do with him?"
ย ย ย "Even if he's a vessel, jujutsu regulations demand Itadori to be executed." Fushiguro said thoughtfully. But Junko could tell he didn't want anything bad to happen to Yuji. He was more compassionate than he let on. "However......I don't want him to die."
ย ย ย "Your personal feelings?"
ย ย ย "Yes. Please do something."
ย ย ย "Now, it's a request from a precious student!" Gojo cheered, giving them a thumbs up. "Leave it to me! You two head home! Sweet love bought more ice cream and it's going to melt soon."
ย ย ย Just like that, Gojo teleported him and Yuji away. Junko sighed, allowing the bags of groceries to levitate before she made a quick portal. It lead right to their dormitory.
ย ย ย "Let's get you in bed." Junko said, placing a hand on her friends shoulder. "Shoko is going to be pretty peeved if we stop by her office at this time of the night."
ย ย ย Fushiguro blushed slightly as he grimaced a bit. He did not want to bother Shoko with his minor injuries. So he silently followed her through the portal.
ย ย While Fushiguro wanted to just sleep, he knew that Junko was going to nurse him as best as she could before he fell asleep. And while he didn't like when people worried about him, he secretly loved when Junko took care of him.
ย ย ย "Come on." She urged hun on, closing the portal behind him. "Magnolia Bark tea helps with sleeping and healing. I'll make some for you, you just get cleaned up and in bed."
ย ย ย Fushiguro paused and blushed yet again. There was no way he could convince her to leave him be. But he wouldn't have her any other way.
First chapter! Yes! I finally
got around to finish it! Kind of
uneventful but that's how stories
usually start.
Don't forget to comment and vote!
please do not be a ghost reader. Your
comments really do help me a lot.
Love you and happy new years!
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