Next Day.
Von stood on the side of Kaisyn's hospital bed, looking down at her body.
She looked as if she was peacefully asleep, and he hoped that she was. She'd slipped into a medically induced temporary coma during her surgery.
She'd been shot in the left side of her chest, but the bullet hadn't exited out of her body, so during surgery, they had to remove it so that it didn't hit and damage her spine.
She was lucky to still be alive, but Von felt the luckiest. It was still a slim chance that she wouldn't make it, but he kept his faith in her. She was strong, and he knew that she would come back to him.
He'd never felt more hurt in his life. Even when his brother and father died, this beat that hurt more than a thousand times.
He'd never loved anybody like he loved Kaisyn before. And to see the person he loved most laying in a hospital bed, fighting for her life, was more painful than anything.
To an extent, he felt like this was his fault. Kayla and Asian only wanted to hurt Kaisyn because she was with him.
He wished that the two of them would've remained private, back when it was just them two who knew what they had going on.
This wouldn't have happened, and Kaisyn would've been at home, in the bed with him and cussing him out instead of laying in this hospital bed, unable to breathe on her own.
Von rubbed over her stomach, hoping to feel his baby kick. He just wanted a sign that the two of them would be okay.
The news of Pumpkin still being alive inside of Kaisyn gave him a slim glimpse of hope. But the only way Pumpkin would be able to survive, was if Kaisyn survived.
It was up to her to come back, the doctors had done all that they could for the both of them, and Von couldn't have been any more grateful.
He wished that he could turn back time. He should've done a better job at protecting her like he'd promised to. He should've stuck with his gut and left her home while he handled it.
All that flowed through his mind was what if's and should've's. He was beating himself up, blaming hisself for Kaisyn getting hurt.
Although she was rough around the edges, she was perfect to him. Despite the things she'd done in her past, all the bad shit, she was so perfect to him, everything about her.
He was so in love with her, that sometimes it surprised him. He wanted everything to be perfect for her, all the time. No matter the sacrifices or risks he had to take, as long as she was happy that was all that mattered to him.
It still blew his mind that he was actually with her, and this deep in love. From their different, yet very similar pasts, he wouldn't have ever thought she'd be his 'one'.
Kaisyn was like a drug to him. She was his fix, what he took to calm his nerves, to become happy and high-on her love. He needed her more than she knew, more than anybody knew. She was his addiction.
Tears fell from his eyes, now sitting in the chair next to her bed with his hand intertwined with her, resting on the soft cushion of her bed.
He felt like it should've been him. If he could, he would switch places with her in a heartbeat, no doubt about it, he'd take her place if he had the choice.
He never wanted to see her in pain, ever. And he felt so bad that this was what was happening right now, just a few days after their gender reveal.
Days that were supposed to be filled with happiness, celebrating the fact that they were having a baby girl, despite Kaisyn wanting a boy so bad.
Instead, Von's face was stained with tears, in a hospital room, his girlfriend and child fighting to live another day because of jealousy and hatred.
"I'm still here for you baby. I ain't went no where, and I never will, aight? It's me and you, remember?" He rubbed his thumb over the skin of her hand, sighing.
"And you bet not fucking die. I got yo name tatted big as hell on my neck and that's gone be embarrassing if you die a month after I got it. If you hate me, just say that Kaisyn." He chuckled to himself, looking over her face.
He rested his head in her lap, rubbing her stomach, sighing aloud, trying to stop his tears from flowing.
His head popped right back up once he felt his daughter kick his hand, a smile gracing his face.
"Daddy here fat ma. You gotta wake mama up for me please." He lifted Kaisyn's gown, leaning over to kiss her stomach, before laughing as she kicked again.
He could see a light outline of her foot kicking the bottom of Kaisyn's stomach, where his hand rested. Her machines began beeping, her heart rate speeding up, and Von frowned.
"Baby. I'm right here Kaisyn, just open yo eyes for me mama. I'm here." He rubbed her face as three nurses rushed in the room.
"Sir, we need you to step back please." One of them spoke to him, and he watched Kaisyn for a few more seconds, before sighing and stepping back.
One of the nurses pressed a stethoscope on her chest, another checking her vitals.
"Kaisyn, I'm Dr.Laurel. I know you're afraid, but everything is alright. If you can hear me, relax." Laurel spoke in a calm, soft tone to her.
Kaisyn's heart rate remained at the same speedy pace, a different nurse rubbing UV gel on her stomach, looking at the screen.
"Laurel." The nurse caught her attention, pointing to the screen, and Laurel looked over at Von.
"Sir, we're going to have to an emergency C-Section. Your daughter is coming, now. And if Kaisyn doesn't calm down, I'm not sure whether the child will make it. She's overwhelming her own body." Laurel explained to him, and he didn't know how to respond.
"Just s-." He started, being cut off by Kaisyn releasing a loud gasp for air, coming back conscious, followed by a painful groan.
"Kaisyn!" He exclaimed, moving a nurse out of the way and rushing to her side.
"Fuck! My b-oh my god, the baby Von." She cried, raising her sore arm to grab beneath her stomach, and tears of happiness fell from his eyes.
"We need Dr.Ajad, asap. Prep for delivery in room 8." Laurel instructed, rechecking Kaisyn's vitals as the other nurses rushed out.
"I love you so much. You so fucking strong Kaisyn I love you." Von kissed her lips, a pout resting on them as she cried softly.
"I love you. I'm so sorry. Fuck." She groaned, a major cramp hitting her side, and her breathing sped up.
"Kaisyn I need you to calm down, as much as you can. In and out, deep breaths." Laurel coached, and she breathed in, releasing the breath slowly, her cramps soothing.
"There you are. There will be many more cramps to follow, labor pains. You overworked your body into early delivery, we'll have to perform a Caesarean Section. Would y-." Laurel was cut off by Kaisyn.
"Is there-fuck, is there, uh, any way that I could-oh fuckkkk! Do it natural?!" She got out through her pants, breathing hard.
"Ma'am you just recovered from surgery. I'm not sure if your body is strong enough to do so." Laurel told her, and Von looked down at her, seeing her face scrunched up in pain.
He didn't care whether she did it natural or surgical. He was too happy that she was awake and alert, he'd missed hearing her telling him that she loved him.
"It is. I wanna do natural please. Just-give me the epidural or whatever. This shit fucking hurt." She hissed, raising her lower half, feeling it throb in pain.
"Yes ma'am." Laurel said to her, before stepping back and saying something into her walkie talkie.
"I'm sorry for scaring you baby." Kaisyn mumbled, a frown set on her face.
"It's okay. We good now. I'm so proud of you Kais. I thought you was leavin' me mama." He rubbed her face, and she looked up, finally meeting his eyes, making his heart swell.
It amazed him how he could physically feel her love. Every glance, touch, graze against his skin, his heart felt it. His love for her was unexplainable.
"Only way we leavin' is together." She spoke, and he smiled, kissing all over her face, making her laugh.
"I missed you so much." He told her, kissing her nose, and she smiled.
"I love you t-fuck! Get this fucking baby out of me!" She shrieked after feeling a sensational pain shoot through her lower half.
Two nurses came, and Von stepped to the side, following them as they pushed her bed out of the room, towards the room they'd prepped for her delivery.
"Baby where is Ozark? He is home alone?" She breathed out, a cold towel being placed on her forehead by a nurse as they switched her IV, pumping fluids that would soothe most of the pain in her body.
"Spider got hi-shit, you want me to call them up here?" He asked, and she held her hand up, not even knowing what she was signaling for.
"Just T." She mumbled, and he nodded, pulling his phone from his pocket.
Though she loved all of her friends, they'd have all the time in the world to see her baby. They were too rowdy, and she didn't feel like being irritated at the moment.
"The baby coming." Von said as soon as the call connected.
"Already? Wha-she only eight months." Trevor frowned, grabbing his car keys.
"Yeah, uh, she got shot. Stressed herself out and now she in labor." Von explained, and Trevor's frown deepened.
"She w-I'm on my way." He said, before hanging up. Von texted him the room information, before sliding his phone back in his pocket.
"Baby you thirsty? You want some ice or somethin'?" He asked, watching her eyes dazily look at him.
"These drugs work quick as fuck folks." She mumbled, and he smiled, pushing her hair out of her face.
"I'm so proud of you. Kais, we'on got a name yet." He chuckled, and she lazily smiled.
"Dayana." She said, and his smiled widened, making her laugh, excitement written all over his face, hearing the prefix of his name.
"Can we do Love for the middle name?" He asked, and she smiled again.
"Whatever you want baby." She mumbled, puckering her lips. He leaned over, kissing her softly a few times, both of them smiling.
"Kaisyn." Trevor walked inside the room, and she looked up.
"I'm okay." She chuckled, seeing him frantically searching her body for anything wrong.
"What happened? Who shot you and for what?" He frowned, leaning over to hug her, and she wrapped her arms around him.
"His bitch." Kaisyn chuckled again, and Von smacked his lips.
"Misharron?" Trevor asked, making her and Von laugh, Kaisyn nodding.
"Nah, it was Kayla actually-I think I ran down on Asian." Kaisyn looked over at Von for confirmation, and he nodded.
"Why you ain't call me? Or Rocky? When did this happen?" Trevor bombarded her with questions, making Kaisynclaugh again.
"Cause my baby had me. I'm fine." She mumbled, referring to Von.
"No offense, but not good enough. You got shot. 12 was there?" He asked, and she rolled her eyes, shaking her head no.
"You making me regret asking you to come. All these damn questions." She waved him off, rubbing Von's hand that was intertwined with hers.
"Nigga said no offense. Ima put you in a body bag next bitch." Von told him, and he laughed, holding his hands up in surrender.
"I need my nurse. Fuck." She groaned, able to feel a cramp again, and she held underneath her stomach.
Trevor pressed the nurse button on the wall, and within a few seconds, Laurel and two other nurses were back.
"Mr.Bennett, would you like to help?" Laurel asked, pulling gloves on after washing her hands.
He nodded, and she instructed him to do the same as she had done. He did so, and then they gave him a protective gown to wear.
"Hey, you okay? You need somethin'?" Trevor asked, leaning over to move her hair from her face.
"Yes. Thank you for coming best friend." She mumbled, and he nodded, kissing her forehead.
"Promise?" He spoke low, and she shook her head no, sighing.
"I'm sorry Kais." He rubbed her hand that was holding his, and she didn't respond, propping her legs up with another heavy sad sigh.
She didn't even feel like thinking about that right now. She had to make sure she got her baby out of her safely first.
"Alright Kaisyn. Whenever you're ready." Laurel said after checking her dilation.
Kaisyn felt her baby pushing on her insides, and she groaned in pain, pushing through her lower half, trying to release the strong pressure she felt.
"Fuck!" She cried out, sitting up some as she continued pushing, wanting the baby out of her as soon as possible.
"Damn yo pussy wide open folks." Trevor covered his eyes, and Von laughed, watching her opening contract as she pushed.
"Shut the fuck upppp!" She frowned her face up, breathing hard, and Laurel smiled, placing another cold towel on her head, knowing that she was most likely hot.
Kaisyn pushed as hard as she could, screaming in pain. She felt like the medicine they gave her wasn't working at all because this was painful as hell.
"Come on baby." Von looked up, and she cried out, pushing more, lifting her body.
A few seconds later, the pressure in her lower half subsided, and she let out a sigh of relief, hearing her baby crying loudly.
"Oh my god she's so big." Kaisyn panted, smiling as Von laid their daughter on her chest.
"She is. And she's three weeks early, fully grown. You've been eating good huh mama?" Laurel chuckled, and Kaisyn smiled, nodding.
"She beautiful Kais. Got this boy whole face." Trevor smiled, and Von did as well, kissing the side of Kaisyn's face.
"Thank you T. And thank you grandson. She's so pretty baby." She mumbled, and Von's smile widened.
I could've killed all y'all so be thankful hoe.. and next chapter is the last. I'm tired of this book now 😁
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