A week later.
"FA FA FA FA FA!" Rocky shot nerf bullets at Kaisyn, who laughed, ducking around the corner.
"Bro you snuck me!" She laughed, reloading her nerf gun, standing up and running down the hall.
"Blitz attack." Toosii smirked, before releasing a round of bullets at her, making her bust out laughing as she fell back, playing dead.
"Gotcha bitch." Trevor fake pistol whipped Toosii with his gun, making him fall on the ground to play dead after being shot.
"Good lookin' bestie." Kaisyn laughed as Toosii panted hard, faking.
"Samaria I'm on my death bed. Where da' fuck you at?" Toosii frowned, hearing her laughing from the stairs.
"Bro Spider been killed me. I wasn't in the game two fucking minutes before he got me." She said, making Kaisyn laugh.
"Ha!" Rocky shot his gun, popping from around the corner, hitting Trevor with the nerf bullets.
"Game Over!" Toosii laughed as Spider pretended to play dead.
"This bitch cheated. Where you even come from?" Trevor said from the ground, and Rocky shrugged.
"Hell." Samaria shook her head, now laying in the floor with them, and Kaisyn laughed.
"My gun jammed. Toosii snuck me." Kaisyn shot a fake bullet at him, and it landed in the middle of his forehead, making him hiss.
"I almost called you something just then." Toosii frowned at her, and Samaria laughed.
"I would've knocked yo ass out." Trevor said without looking up from his phone, making Toosii smack his lips.
"You can't even say nigga. Don't piss me off." He waved him off, and Rocky laughed.
"Technically he can. I gave this nigga the pass like forty times." Rocky shook his head, and Trevor stale faced him.
"You can't pass out a pass. There isn't a pass. Shut the fuck up." Trevor bucked at him, and he rolled his eyes.
"They racist T." Kaisyn told him, and he nodded in agreement, making Samaria laugh.
"How long yall two been friends?" Samaria asked, referring to Trevor and Kaisyn.
"Like 15 years." She mumbled, her attention on her phone.
"And me too. The fuck." Rocky added, and Trevor laughed, mushing his head.
"Nobody cares about y'all long ass friendship." Toosii waved them off, and Samaria laughed.
"He jealous." Rocky shook his head, and Kaisyn chuckled, looking up from her phone.
"Nana know he my boy." She reached her hand out, and he smirked, dapping her up.
"She don't even like you foreal." Samaria told him, and he smacked his lips.
"Stop tryna get on me." He waved her off, standing up and stretching.
Trevor stood up, making his way downstairs, and Kaisyn got up to follow him.
"Leech. What is you following me for?" He chuckled, and she shrugged, watching him grab his fried chicken salad from the fridge, drizzling it in ranch.
"What you gotta do today?" Kaisyn asked, wrapping her arms around him from behind, her head on his back.
"Nothing. I'm staying over here." He told her, and she nodded, stepping back and hopping on the counter, grabbing the blunt from behind her ear.
"Is that laced?" He asked, covering his mouth after taking a bite from his salad.
"No. Just weed, I promise." She said, lighting it and showing him the front to show that it burned like regular weed.
He nodded, and she put it to her lips, taking a pull from it, then blowing smoke from her mouth.
"You work the weekends, and weekdays. You believe in god so baby we pray." She sung lowly with Toosii's song that was blasting from upstairs.
He wrapped his free arm around her waist, eating his salad as she watched him.
"You got a girlfriend and keeping her a secret from me?" Kaisyn asked, and he choked, coughing, making her laugh.
"What? No?" He frowned, closing his salad and using a paper towel to wipe his mouth.
"Who gave you this?" She smirked, placing her hand on his neck where a hickey was, rubbing over it.
"This not even my neck." He told her, and she laughed, making him smile.
"Nah but nobody important. Just head." He shrugged, grabbing a Gatorade from the refrigerator.
"Slut." She shook her head at him, and he laughed, walking into her embrace, her arms tight around his neck.
"I'm the person you call whenever you feel inside out, it's okay cause baby you ain't gotta cry now." He sung to her, and she smiled, rolling her eyes.
"I love you." She told him, and he kissed her cheek, making her smile spread.
"I love you too. And I know you lying bout the girl. It's cool." She hopped off the counter, and he laughed, following her upstairs.
"I'm a sapiosexual, we can be flexible. Baby girl, I'll make your mind cum." Kaisyn hopped in Toosii's live, singing to the camera.
"Inside, you could let me inside. Let you know when yo ride come." Toosii wrapped his arm around her as she laughed.
"Pouring up my lean, Wockhardt, or the hi-tech. Oh, that nigga be beating you down, huh?" Samaria sung, rubbing Kaisyn's ass as she danced.
Kaisyn held around her neck, bending over to twerk in front of the camera.
"She gone take yo bitch watch." Rocky shook his head, and Toosii laughed, watching them from out of frame.
"I say oh, nana, I take my dick, your pussy, I'm slapping it. Each stroke got you scratching it." Kaisyn slow grinded in the camera, before biting her lip as Samaria's hand slid down her slit, and both of them laughed.
"Turn this off y'all ass finna be on the blogs." Trevor grabbed the phone, ending the live as they laugh.
"And both y'all got boyfriends. Just whores, that's crazy." Rocky shook his head again, and Trevor nodded in agreement.
"My man know Ima slut Sam out one day." Kaisyn shrugged, grabbing her phone from the table.
"My man know too." Samaria shrugged as well, and Toosii's jaw dramatically dropped.
"I didn't, actually." He frowned, and she waved him off as Kaisyn laughed.
"I'm ready to go. Take me home now please." She smiled at Toosii who had brought her there, and he smacked his lips.
"Now she tryna change the subject. That's crazy." He grabbed his keys, and Samaria laughed, holding his hand.
"Bye Roc. Bye best friend." She dapped Rocky up, and then wrapped her arms around Trevor's neck.
"Love you." He kissed her cheek, hugging her back, and she smiled.
"I luh' you too folks. Be safe." She told him, and he nodded, smiling once she kissed his jaw, then pulled away.
"I never get affection like that. I fucking hate my life." Rocky said, and she laughed, reaching up to grab his face, kissing all over it, making him smile.
"I love you too big Rock." She told him, and a koolaid smile spread across his face, making them laugh.
"I love you more Kaisyn Banks." He mushed her head, and she laughed, waving before following Samaria and Toosii downstairs and out the door.
"Y'all friendship is so cute. These boys love you." Samaria told Kaisyn, and she chuckled, getting in Toosii's backseat.
"Ion love them. I be faking." She shrugged, and Toosii smacked his lips, making her laugh as he pulled off.
They engaged in casual conversation during the short ride back to Kaisyn's house, stopping to get food for the girls.
"Toosii come speak stupid." Kaisyn said as she got out of the car, and he chuckled, turning the car off and stepping out with Samaria.
"Baby?" She called, taking her sneakers off, and a few seconds later, Von emerged from her room, wrapping his arms around her.
"I missed you." He mumbled, kissing her face, and she smiled, holding his jaw.
"I missed you too. I brought yo dumbass friend." She pointed, and he looked up, before laughing.
"Wassup stupid." Von dapped Toosii up, side hugging Samaria.
"Why y'all call me that? Bitch I got more knowledge than both y'all." He frowned, and Kaisyn smacked her lips.
"Come on Sam." Kaisyn pulled her to the kitchen, showing her where she could throw her food that she was done with away at.
"Your house is so nice. I can't believe this my first time being in here." Samaria told her, drinking from her sprite.
"I normally don't bring people over. That's why I always go over Rocky shit. I like my space by myself. And with Von too of course." She shrugged, and Samaria laughed.
"It's pretty though. I like the marble in here." She referred to her floors, and Kaisyn smiled.
"I love it, besides when it's time to mop. That shit get tiring, had to hire a cleaning lady." She shook her head, chuckling as Samaria's small body hoisted itself onto the countertop next to her.
"You have a house or apartment?" Kaisyn asked, looking over at her.
"Both. I live with Toot in a house, but I still have my apartment for what ifs. I'm just never there." She told her, and she nodded in understanding.
"That's good. Keep it, you never know. I think you and Na are good together though." Kaisyn got off the counter, grabbing her drink to sip from it.
"Thank you. You and Von are too, y'all look good together." She complimented, and Kaisyn smiled.
"You look good." She told her, and Samaria looked away from her gaze, her face turning a light shade of red.
"Stop. You know what you doing girl." Samaria pushed her hair behind her ear, and Kaisyn smirked, now standing in front of her.
"What I'm doing? Making you nervous?" She asked, turning her head to look down at her.
"Yes." Samaria exhaled slowly, and Kaisyn smiled.
"Don't be nervous with me. I'm not doing anything yet." Her hand slid over her neck, gripping it, and Samaria put her hand over hers.
"Yet?" She asked, before her breath hitched as she was pulled down to be in Kaisyn's face.
"Yes, yet. I won't do anything unless you ask me to." She mumbled, her lips inches away from Sam's.
"Tell me what to ask." She mumbled back, locking eyes with her, and Kaisyn smiled.
She slowly pressed her lips against Samaria's, who gasped low in surprise, her tongue sliding deep in Kaisyn's mouth.
She got off the counter, grabbing Kaisyn's hair as the kiss deepened, pulling it back, making Kaisyn moan.
"Hm, that's the shit you on?" She said into the kiss, and Samaria moaned in response, feeling Kaisyn's hand slide inside her tights, and inside her panties.
"Mm, fuck." She moaned in Kaisyn's ear, her eyes closing as Kaisyn's fingers slid inside her opening.
"They watching you mama. Go louder." Kaisyn dug deeper, her thumb rubbing fast over her clit, and Samaria released another moan.
Toosii's dick hardened, him and Von indeed watching from the side. Von realized what was happening before it even started, and had gotten the attention of Toosii.
Von had a smirk on his face as Kaisyn locked eyes with him, her free arm locked around Samaria's waist.
"You cumming baby?" Kaisyn asked softly, her eyes adverting to Toosii's, watching as he bit his lip, shifting his dick in his sweats.
"I'm cumming." She whimpered, before her milky substance slipped through Kaisyn's fingers.
Von walked to stand behind Kaisyn, his arms around her waist as her hands slid from Samaria's panties.
"Put it in his mouth Kaisyn." Von said in her ear, and she bit her lip, grabbing Toosii's neck.
"Open Nana." She mumbled, trying to focus as Von rubbed over her slit.
Toosii opened his mouth, before groaning as her fingers slid down his throat, coated in Samaria's cum.
"There you go baby. This what you want right now? Hm?" Von's fingers slid inside her, and she moaned, watching as Samaria slid Toosii's sweats down, his dick pushing down her throat.
"Oh fuck. Baby wait I-." She gasped, his fingers jabbing at her spot, sucking her neck.
"Kiss him." Von demanded, and she moaned, grabbing Toosii's neck and sliding her tongue in his mouth.
He grunted, caught off guard as he kissed her back, thrusting his hips to fuck Samaria's mouth.
Von slid Kaisyn's shorts off, and she moaned into the kiss as Von's lips latched around her clit.
"Oh my god wait, are w-fuckkkk." She gasped, her eyes rolling back as Von's tongue slid around her clit before lapping up her substance from her opening.
She couldn't quite wrap her head around what was actually happening in her kitchen right now. She didn't have time to question it as her stomach knotted up, signaling she was about to cum.
"Cum. What you waiting on?" Toosii grabbed a tight grip on her neck, and she moaned, looking down before her eyes rolled back, cumming in Von's mouth.
Toosii watched as her face frowned up, and his tongue slid back in her mouth, groaning into the kiss as his nut shot down Samaria's throat.
"Fuckkkk." He hissed in pleasure, pulling away as Kaisyn came down from her orgasmic high.
"Let's go." Von picked Kaisyn up, and she watched as Toosii did the same with Samaria, walking back to her room.
Von laid her down, undressing her and himself, and Kaisyn licked her lips at his now naked body. She loved his body.
"No dick in you except mine. Do whatever else you want, understand?" He said in her ear, and she moaned, kissing him.
"Okay baby." She lowly gasped, releasing his tongue from her mouth. She would've did that anyway, she only liked to fuck Von.
Toosii laid next to her, and Von flipped her over so that her face was near Toosii's dick. Samaria hovered over his face, and Toosii pulled her down, making her throw her head back.
Kaisyn gasped, her face scrunching up as Von pushed inside her from behind.
"What you waiting on? Hm?" He held her waist, slamming deep, and she cried out in pleasure.
"Oh fuckkkk." Samaria moaned, sliding her hips against Toosii's face, becoming wetter as she listened to Kaisyn moan.
Kaisyn tried to focus, her body being pleasured as she grabbed Toosii's dick, sliding it down her throat, making him groan.
"Do that shit like you do me. Don't play Kaisyn." Von grunted, fucking her harder, making her moan, gagging around Toosii's length.
She swirled her tongue around his dick, her throat contracting around the tip, and he moaned, his stomach already knotting up.
Kaisyn gagged once his shaft began to throb, and she released him from her mouth, her tongue circling the underside of his tip, before she sucked the small hole on the top.
"Fuckkkk! Fuck, fuck, fuck!" He moaned, a large load of his nut shooting down her throat. Kaisyn swallowed, coming up once she cleaned him up.
"Oh my god. Baby I'm cumming." She whined, her spot being jabbed at by Von, and his dick throbbed as he listened to her soft voice.
"Cum on daddy dick. Come on." His hips slammed deeper, but slow, and she cried out, before she began squirting.
"Mhm. This my pussy. Come here guh'." He pulled her up by her long bundles, and she moaned, her hand over his as they rubbed her clit together.
She watched as Samaria rode Toosii's face, able to tell that she was close to cumming by the way her legs shook.
"Samaria face me baby." Kaisyn slightly whimpered, and Samaria moaned, turning around on Toosii's face, gasping as he took her clit in his mouth.
"You cumming? Cum for him. Let him taste you baby." She grabbed her face, and Sam moaned in response, a pout resting on her lips.
"You didn't hear her? She said cum." Von grabbed her neck tight, and she gasped, her eyes rolling back as she let her cream seep out into Toosii's mouth.
"Fuckkkk." Von moaned in Kaisyn's ear, his nut shooting inside of her, making her moan.
"Oh my goddddd." Kaisyn cried, her body trembling in his grip as she came again, loving the feeling of him filling her up.
Samaria fell off of Toosii's face, and he groaned, grabbing Kaisyn's hand to stroke his dick.
She slid her hand up and down his shaft, her soft brown eyes meeting his, and he cursed under his breath, lowly moaning as he nutted in her hand.
"You done cumming?" Von kissed her jaw, removing his hand from her clit as she nodded with a small pout on her face, letting Toosii's dick go.
Toosii watched as Von slid his cum coated fingers down her throat, and she moaned, sucking them clean. She was so pretty with her face frowned up in pleasure.
"Kaisyn I want you baby." Samaria mumbled softly, and she bit her lip as Von let her go.
She hovered between her legs, her tongue sliding in Samaria's mouth, resting one of her legs over Samaria's waist.
She slowly began to move her hips, rubbing their clits together to stimulate them, both of them moaning into the sensual kiss.
"Speed that shit up baby. Make her cum." Von rubbed between Kaisyn's legs, and she moaned, pulling away from the kiss as she rolled her hips faster.
"You gone make this pretty pussy cum for me Samaria?" Kaisyn asked, her voice soft as she stared down at her.
"Fuckkkk yes. Oh my god." Samaria whimpered, tears of pleasure brimming in her eyes as Von smirked.
Toosii stroked his dick, watching Kaisyn caress Samaria, both of their hands groping each other's bodies.
"You so damn pretty." Von grabbed her neck, and she moaned, kissing him as she slid her hips faster against Samaria's.
"Baby you cumming?" Toosii looked down at Samaria, smirking as her face scrunched up.
"Yes. I'm c-fuckkkk!" She cried, before she began squirting, and Kaisyn did as well, her eyes rolling back as Von kept his tongue down her throat. He loved kissing her.
"Mm, there you go baby. Fuckkk." Kaisyn moaned, halting her movements and rubbing fast against Samaria's clit.
"Oh my god I-Yani! Fuck!" Her legs shook, both of them cumming against each other, Samaria having a strong orgasm.
"You are so pretty. Oh my god." Samaria whimpered, grabbing Kaisyn's face to kiss her, and she smiled.
"One more round. Fuck, Nana come here." Kaisyn exhaled, trying to catch her breath. She wanted to see Samaria cum again.
Toosii laid next to her, and Von picked Samaria's small body up, laying her between Toosii's legs, her face in front of his dick.
Kaisyn grabbed her head, and she opened her mouth, allowing Kaisyn to push her head down on Toosii's dick.
"Keep going. Take it all Samaria." Kaisyn bit her lip, watching as she gagged on his length.
"Give all of it to her." Kaisyn looked up at Toosii, and he met her eyes, before groaning. He grabbed the back of Samaria's head, pushing his full length down her throat, and she gagged, unable to breathe.
"Don't let her up. Go Nana please." She mumbled, and he grunted, beginning to fuck her face, and Von smirked as he watched Kaisyn tell the two of them what to do.
"You like this shit huh?" He lifted her up by her neck, softly kissing her bottom lip, and she smiled.
"Yes." She wrapped her arms around his neck, letting him pick her up. He looked down, resting her on Toosii's face, who opened his mouth and took her clit in his mouth.
He moaned at her taste, his tongue sliding around her opening, reaching up to rub her clit with his thumb.
"Nah don't come up. Take his dick." Von held Samaria down, making her gag on Toosii's dick, her eyes rolling back.
"I'm cumming." Kaisyn whined, looking down before letting her cream hush from her opening, filling Toosii's mouth.
His eyes rolled back as he moaned against her, releasing his nut down Samaria's throat.
"Fuckkkk." Kaisyn moaned as Toosii sucked her clean, and then she fell off of him, panting.
She pulled Von to lay down with her, able to hear Samaria trying to catch her breath, softly crying, making her chuckle.
"You my slut." Von kissed her bottom lip, and she smiled, sliding her tongue in his mouth.
i wrote this in my fourth period spanish class lmao GIRL BOSS 😁 also i didn't like this scene. prob because im in class idk. anyways don't ask me for nothing else!!!!!
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