epilogue ≫ hell yeah, let's go
"Do you know where our lightsabers went?" Eliza questioned while spooning herself some ice cream. She was lounging around on the couch, where Peter had sat next to her just minutes before, until he remembered they needed to go.
"No, I do not remember where our lightsabers went," Peter laughed from across the apartment.
When Aunt May ended up moving in with Happy, which still grossed out both of them, Peter moved in with Eliza down in her apartment. That was around two years ago. Since then, they both attended MIT together, managing to get in with both their outstanding grades and recommendation letters from Tony Stark himself.
Eliza took a quantum physics class, because when they had met Scott Lang a few years back, he was talking to her about it, and she found it absolutely fascinating. She also took a photography and photo editing class.
Peter took advanced computer science and technology, as well as mathematical physics. For an elective, he attended a home economics class, so that at least one of them would know how to be an 'aDuLt'.
Best said by Aunt May, neither of them ever really... grew up. They were still the same dorky pair of best friends who loved to watch tv and read books together, who fought over who got to pick the movie they watched, and loved each other to death.
On the off chance that they could, they tried to go out into the city to fight crime every night, but it was difficult while they were in college. But, thanks to the fact that they graduated a week ago, they were having a lot of fun fighting bad guys again. Although, sometimes Eliza forgot to stretch before jumping through the window and swinging out, so she was sore from kicking muggers in the face.
So while she sat on the couch, stretching her legs up on the wooden coffee table, Peter ran around the apartment, looking for their bags.
Groaning, Eliza put the lid on the ice cream container and stood up from the couch to put it in the freezer. Peter zoomed past her, still searching.
"Parker slow down," she chuckled.
Peter whipped his head around to stare at her wide eyed. "I-um, what?"
"I said slow down, your socks can't take the pressure of too much sliding across the floor," she said.
"Oh, yeah- mhm," he ran a hand through his hair. Eliza tilted her head to the side.
"Are you okay-"
"YES!! I-" he cleared his throat and crossed his arms, "I'm fine, I don't know what you're talking about, how are you? You good?"
"I'm fine..." she said slowly and skeptically.
"Coolcoolcoolcoolcoolcool, we should probably get going soon."
"Oh yeah." she said, running to their room to get her clothes. They were definitely going to be a tad bit late, but no one would really mind.
The wedding venue was basically right next to the Stark's lake house, and that was around a two hour drive. They still couldn't believe that Steve and Bucky were getting married now. They should've done it like a hundred years ago. Literally.
But nonetheless, they were getting married today, and Eliza and Peter needed to be there.
"Okokokokok, you've got your suit right? And I've got Morgan's blanket..." she mumbled, her eyes darting around the bedroom to see if she missed anything. Peter popped his head into the doorway.
"Right," she nodded. Bucky had picked out her dress for his wedding, because she was his maid of honor.
It was a black dress that reached her ankles, and had a slit in the side, revealing part of her thigh. The straps were thin, her soft brown hair draping over her shoulders. It was completely out of the way of the theme for the wedding, which was just ✨gay✨ and the problem was that she couldn't reach the zipper.
Grunting and jumping, she tried reaching for it, but ended up almost dislocating her shoulder. Finally, she sighed and called for Peter.
He slid into the room, leaning against the doorway with his arms crossed. When he saw Eliza though, he basically tripped on nothing, and almost fell to the ground. He quickly got up and stared at the dress she was wearing.
"Holy shit," he breathed, nearly drooling.
"Hey can you zip me up? I can't reach the thingamabob," she said.
Peter flicked his tongue over his bottom lip, "I-uh, yeah yeah yeah sure." He cleared his throat and tried his best not to stumbled over to her.
Once he zipped the zipper up, his breath hitched in his throat when she turned around, putting her hands on his chest. She stood on her tippy toes and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.
Before she could step back though, Peter put a hand on the small of her back and pulled her, their lips against each other once again. Against her lips he murmured, "I really wanna make out with you right now but we gotta go."
She smiled and gave him another peck, then walked away, leaving Peter with his stomach twisted into knots. He was nervous for what the rest of the day held.
In the car, which they had purchased because they had to, Eliza drove there because well, Peter wasn't that good of a driver. He had run into way too many trees for him to be considered even an okay driver.
So while Eliza drove, he fixed his suit tie over and over, even though it looked perfectly fine. Eliza saw him out of the corner of his eye reach up to fix it again, but grabbed it and intertwined their fingers together, instantly calming his nerves.
"Why are you so nervous?" Eliza asked, rubbing her thumb over the top of his hand.
Peter sighed. He couldn't tell her the real reason he was so stressed out, so he had to make something up.
"You know, i-it's just your dad's wedding," he lied. "Although it could possibly be because of the last time we went to a wedding. Didn't exactly go well."
Eliza's eyes narrowed, "I have a feeling that's not it."
"Did you know that pigs can't look up at the sky?" he asked, trying to divert her attention to something else.
"Your heart stops for a millisecond when you sneeze."
"Camels have three eyelids."
"Stop- okay why do they have three eyelids?" Eliza asked, giving in.
"So that the sand can't get in their eyes when they're going through the desert," Peter smiled excitedly.
"I love you so much," she sighed. "But that's besides the point-"
"Look we're here!" he exclaimed, pointing out the window at the wedding venue. It was hidden behind a few trees and down a suspicious looking road, for privacy reasons, but you couldn't miss it for the world. Because of what the theme was, there were rainbow streamers everywhere, most likely decorated by Morgan.
Peter quickly opened the passengers seat door and got their bags out of the backseat, then ran towards the venue.
Eliza sighed again, unbuckling her seatbelt and wishing Peter would just tell her what was wrong.
As she got out of the car, she spotted a tiny head peaking out from behind a tree. A smile grew on her lips while she crouched down, her arms open wide for a hug.
"Auntie Eli!!" Morgan screamed, running out from behind the tree to give her a hug.
When Morgan began to start talking, Peter couldn't even get mad when she called her Eli, it was too cute. Eliza and Peter went up to visit the Stark's about once every month, mostly for Morgan, but also sometimes Tony and Pepper.
While they were hugging, they heard Tony's voice yell, "Morgana I told you not to run off- oh okay the kid's got her. I'm gonna get a drink, don't run into the street again. She's a miniature Barry Allen I swear."
"Hi Mr. Stark!" Eliza called. He just waved a hand and turned around. Morgan pulled back to look at Eliza, mostly her dress.
"Wow, you look really pretty," she said.
"Aww thanks Morgan, so do you! Did your mom do your hair?" Eliza asked.
"Yeah she did braids so I look like Elsa," she said proudly. "Where's Uncle Peter?"
"I don't know, let's go find him." Eliza stood up and walked towards the venue, Morgan holding her hand.
They didn't find Peter, but they did find Steve and Bucky, who were in separate rooms, both of them really nervous. Bucky was wearing a black tux, Steve a white one. They went into Steve's room.
"Hey pops, you good?" Eliza asked. Steve whirled around from looking in the mirror, his eyes wide.
"Yeah I'm fine, just... what if he doesn't love me anymore?" he said.
Both Eliza and Morgan made a confused face. "You've been basically already married for like seven years, I'm pretty sure dad still loves you."
"You guys even got a puppy!!" Morgan said. "Only people who love each other get puppies."
Steve smiled at her, "Thanks Morgan."
Morgan had gotten really close with all the Avengers over the years, but everyone knew that she liked Eliza, Peter, and Natasha the best.
"Okay we're gonna keep looking for Peter, don't be nervous, you got this," Eliza said.
"I just saw Peter ten minutes ago," Steve said.
"Really? Where'd he go?"
"Well he said that he wanted to talk to Bucky and I after the reception."
Eliza raised her eyebrows, and was about to ask him another question before Morgan tugged on her hand, saying she wanted to go see the chocolate fountain.
"You got a chocolate fountain?" she asked Steve.
He shrugged, "It was Bucky's idea."
Morgan pulled on her hand again, and they left Steve to continue fixing his tux. They skipped around the campus, running into a lot of people along the way, and asking them if they've seen Peter. But they all said that they hadn't, making Eliza frown.
"There he is!" Morgan said, pointing to the figure running towards them.
Eliza could tell Peter had been nervously running a hand through his hair all day, because it was all over the place. His tie was slightly lopsided, and the tips of his converse had specks of dirt on them.
"Hey where have you been?" she asked.
"Yeah we been lookin for you everywhere," Morgan put a small hand on her hip.
Eliza snorted at her sassiness. Peter looked like he was about to answer, until Rhodey came over and told them the ceremony was about to start.
Eliza kissed Morgan on top the head and rushed up to the front of the aisle, across from Tony and in front of Peter. There were two empty spots in between her and Tony, for Steve and Bucky.
Arms linked together, they came through the doors to the building, looking like the handsomest men on the planet. Everyone in their seats stood up as they walked down the aisle, stepping on rainbow confetti that Morgan had placed beforehand.
When they got up to their spots at the front of the aisle, Eliza gave them both a big hug to display her happiness that her dads were finally getting married.
Natasha, who had gotten ordained very easily online, possibly too easily, began the ceremony.
When they got to the vows part, and Bucky said, "I'll love you forever. Because I'm with you till the end of the line," Eliza full on burst into tears.
Peter, like the good bridesmaid and boyfriend he was, patted her on the shoulder and told her it was going to be okay.
"I'm not crying, you're crying," she muttered. He smiled at her, shaking his head.
After the ceremony, him and Eliza walked over to where the reception was taking place, holding hands. They sat at a table near the front, next to most of the other Avengers. They were all debating whether or not Steve was truly worthy of wielding Mjölnir (jonathan).
While they were arguing, the groom and groom came waltzing over to their table.
"Hey guys, how does it feel to be married?" Natasha asked.
"Eh, it's kind of the same," Bucky said, causing Steve to slap him on the chest.
"Mr. Bucky Rogers sir?" Peter questioned. "Can I talk to you guys now?"
Eliza watched the three of them walk off with a skeptical look on her face. She leaned over to Natasha, "Do you know what Peter's been up to all day?"
"What? Pfft no," she took a sip of her drink.
Eliza squinted her eyes, "You know for a trained assassin, you're a pretty bad liar."
Sam leaned over to the two of them, "She's actually a pretty good liar. She lies to me all the time."
"You know that's right," Natasha winked at him.
"What's that supposed to mean?" he made a face and leaned back. She shrugged and went back to her drink.
Hours Later
Steve and Bucky went off on their honeymoon, and everyone else was heading home. However Eliza and Peter went over to the Stark's cabin, which was just a few minutes away. Tony and Pepper were totally fine with it, exhausted after trying to keep Morgan from the rainbow cake.
Eliza noticed their tiredness, and suggested that she put Morgan to bed.
"Hey kid you've gotta get in that abnormally small mattress over there or Mr. Stark's gonna whoop your butt," she said jokingly.
Morgan waddled over to her bed, "Did you mean ass?"
She stiffened slightly, "I-what? N-no. Don't say that."
Morgan just shrugged and got under her covers. "Uncle Peter told me to tell you something."
"Did he now," Eliza bent down to talk to her.
She put her hands up to whisper in her ear, "He loves you 3000."
Eliza gasped dramatically, "No way."
"Yes way," she giggled.
"Well I love him 3000 too."
"Oh and there's something else." she said, looking around on her nightstand for whatever it was. She pulled out a package and handed it to her. "It's a ring pop! I wanted to eat it but he told me not to. It's for you."
A smile made its way to Eliza's lips looking down at the ring, happiness filling her heart. She bit down on her bottom lip to refrain from grinning too much.
"Love you kiddo," she kissed Morgan's forehead and exited her room, making her way downstairs. On the couch sat Tony and Pepper, who were chatting about something. "Hey do you guys know where Peter went?"
"No go away," Tony said.
"tOny," Pepper smacked him on the arm and turned to Eliza. "I think he went outside sweetie."
"Thanks Mrs. Potts," she smiled and skipped outside, the length of her black dress somewhat flowing behind her. Outside it was almost completely dark, the only light coming from the stars above, and the moon reflecting off the lake. Peter was sitting on a bench by the lake, his leg jumping up and down.
The sound of Eliza breaking open the ring pop's packaging made him almost jump twenty feet up in the air. He seemed really anxious.
"I'm liking the ring," she said, sitting down beside him. He stayed silent, looking down at his feet. "Pete you've gotta tell me what's wrong."
"Nothings wrong, I'm just a little nervous," he chuckled, glancing at her.
"How come you're nervous? The wedding's over."
"Well I-" he sighed and clenched his jaw. He grabbed Eliza's hands and held them close. "The thing is...I-I the reason I've been running around all day is well, first I couldn't find the ring in the bag-"
"The ring pop?"
His eyes grew huge, "Yeahyeahyeah, sure, the ring pop. And then you looked absolutely amazing and beautiful and sexy in that dress, which made me even more nervous- that has nothing to do with my plan, I just thought you should know."
"Thank you," she smiled, "and what plan?"
"Rightrightright, the plan," he gulped. "Well I told Morgan to give you the ring pop because in second grade I purposed to you- by the way you can eat this one if you want, or you can give it to me because it looks really good- and then I asked Mr. Bucky Rogers and Mr. Steve Captain for permission before I even knew if I wanted to actually do this or not," he took a deep breath in. "which was kind of really actually terrifying because both of them have killed a lot of people and they could totally squish me because I'm kind of like a bug-"
Eliza studied him, "Peter I think you're rambling."
"Yes. Yes I am. Thank you. Alright, continuing, then I had to plan out the love speech, because in the movies they do a love speech before the actual thing, you know? So here it goes..." he took another deep breath, "I love you. I love you so much that I've made you coffee every morning for the past eight years. I love you so much that I literally came back from the dead just for you- okay that bit isn't that flattering, but anyways- I love your smile, I love your lips, I love your face, I love your hands because some how they are always soft, I don't even know how you do that all the time- I love the fact that you didn't wear heels to this wedding, you wore your converse just because you wanted to. But I want to hold your hands forever, Eli. I want to love you forever. I want to marry you."
Eliza's lips parted at his words, her heart rate picking up.
"I have known you for the past sixteen years, I know you better than anyone in the universe, you are my best friend. And I want to marry you," he smiled. "I-um, I g-got you an actual ring, you know, that's not a candy one." He dug into his back pocket, pulling out a small box. "May helped me pick it out, she said not to get you a silver one because you wouldn't like it, so I go you this one."
He faced her on the bench, one foot under his thigh as he opened the tiny box. Eliza smirked down at the ring, he knew her way too well. It was a ring that wasn't expensive, not basic, and supposedly a greek goddess's ring.
"So... Eliza, will you marry me?" he smiled nervously, sticking his tongue in between his teeth.
She grinned, "Hell yeah I'll marry you, let's go." She grabbed his hand and pulled him up off the bench, walking up the slight hill that the Stark's cabin sat on.
Peter gave her a confused look, "Wait Eli I didn't mean right now-"
"Oh." she turned around, "Okay. I think it might just be the adrenaline rush or something, but I like really really want to marry you-" she was cut off by Peter basically tackling her to the ground in a hug. Her back hit the soft green grass with a yelp.
When Peter pulled away from the hug, putting his hands on either side of her head to stable himself, Eliza smiled up at him. She grabbed his face in her hands, slowly running a finger over his jaw line, their foreheads leaning against one another.
"Peter Benjamin Parker, I love you with all of my heart," she whispered. He smiled and connected their lips together, losing his balance in the process. They started rolling down the grass hill while laughing at the inconvenience.
When they stopped at the bottom, Peter got up to his feet, offering her a hand. She gladly took it, and they strolled down to the dock. They sat down, both of their converse barely hitting the lake water.
"Oh! I forgot!" Peter said, reaching back into his pocket. "The ring."
Eliza's cheeks hurt from smiling so much in the past ten minutes, her dimples showing off. Peter slowly slipped the golden ring onto her left ring finger, grinning from ear to ear.
"We're gonna get married aren't we," she said, leaning her head against his shoulder, glancing from their connected hands to the moon's reflection off the water.
"Well I sure hope so," he said. He turned his head to kiss the top of her head, muttering, "I love you Eli."
"I love you Peter," her eyes fluttered closed, a soft smile playing on her lips.
"I know."
"So did he do it? Did he do it did he do it did he do it????"
Natasha, Steve, Bucky, Pepper, Morgan, Tony, Thor, Sam, Wanda, Bruce, Clint, and even Scott, all gathered around the couch at he Avenger's facility, waiting for an answer from Eliza.
"No we're getting divorced," she said.
"You guys aren't even married, how can you get a divorce?" Clint asked.
"Wait I though they were married," Scott said. "Why am I here?"
"No, you guys," Natasha cut in. "Did Parker purpose or not?"
"Oh yeah. He did," Eliza said. Everyone in the room burst out into cheering, somehow Thor had gotten hold of some champagne.
"Wait wait wait," Morgan said. Everyone halted their cheering. "What did you say?"
"...I said no."
Everyone gasped and Eliza smiled.
"I'm kidding I'm kidding. Hehe this is fun," she said to Peter, who was standing behind her.
Peter smirked down at her, he couldn't believe that they were actually going to get married. He needed to tell Ned.
"Hey wait we need to tell Ned and MJ!" Eliza exclaimed.
Peter raised his eyebrows and said, "Can you read my mind or something?"
"Pffftttt, no."
He was still a little skeptical of that though.
When they told Ned and MJ, they weren't necessarily not happy for them, they just didn't have much of a reaction. They were more relived than ecstatic.
"Finally," MJ rolled her eyes and took a bite of her chips and salsa.
"Yeah you guys have been together for, what? Six or seven years?" Ned asked, munching on a sandwich, "It's about time."
Peter and Eliza glanced at each other, then shrugged. It was probably the best reaction they could've gotten out of them anyways.
They left Ned and MJ to their lunch, walking out into the busy streets of Queens and towards their apartment.
A police car zoomed past them, speeding in the direction of a jewelry store. Eliza bit down on her bottom lip, tensing a little.
"Can we, you know, go deal with that?" she asked.
Peter smirked and grabbed her hand, "Hell yeah, let's go."
A/N- i don't want it to be over 😭😭 but it is...
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