31 ≫ lawn maintenance
(3rd Person POV)
Peter skipped his way to the fancy hotel that Midtown High was staying at in Prague, happy with his choices, for the time being. On his way to his room, he ran into Ned, who was looking relieved to see him.
"Peter! Oh my god," he gave him a big hug. "We almost died!"
"It's fine, It's fine," he released from the embrace. "Guess what, I'm done with the mission."
"Dude, the trip's over," Ned said.
"There's monsters coming out of the ground everywhere we go, of course our parents would want us home."
Mr. Harrington came into the room on the phone. "Please don't put me on hold- Oh Peter! You're still alive thank goodness." He hugged his head, "Stay here, don't die. Put some clothes on, we're booking flights."
Mr. Dell walked by, "Came for science, leaving because of witches. Welcome to the new dark ages."
They walked off and Peter turned to Ned, "What is going on dude?"
"We're going home in the morning," Ned sighed.
"Nonono, all the elementals are gone!"
MJ and Katie stalked up to the two of them with worried looks on their faces.
"Um Peter? MJ kinda told me about your secret..." Katie said. Peter's eyes went huge, he looked at MJ like 'wtf dude?!?'. Katie continued, "I found this metal thing when the lava monster was in the city."
She handed him a metal contraption about the size of Peter's hands. It was covered in his webs, glitching. Peter flicked a random switch on it, causing a giant hologram to explode and cover the hotel hallway.
He quickly dropped it out of instinct, which made it stop. "What the hell was that?" he asked, looking around.
"I don't know. Is it some kind of projector or something?" MJ asked.
"Yeah... but it's really advanced..." Peter trailed off and picked it back up.
"It looked so real," Katie said.
He looked up from the projector, realizing something. "Yeah, really real."
"Wait does that mean-"
"That the elementals are fake?" Peter scrunched his eyebrows. "But that doesn't make any sense because we were there right?" He turned to Ned, "There was fire and destruction. I mean, who would do something like that?"
He accidentally dropped the projector again, and the monster hologram came back into view. But this time a new figure was there, and it looked like Mysterio?
Peter's eyes darted around the hallway, letting out a deep breath. "Shit, I really messed up."
He ran to his room, muttering things to himself. Ned followed him. Peter closed the curtains while muttering things to himself, "I can't believe I gave Beck those glasses, I mean how could I be so stupid? He's probably spying on me right now or sending a drone to come and kill me."
"Peter slow down-" Ned started.
"I have to call Mr. Fury and tell him that Beck's a fraud, but I think he tapped my phone..."
"Ok so what are you going to do?" he asked.
"Well, uh. I need my suit. And I have to go to Berlin and talk to Mr. Fury in person." He took off his shirt and slipped on the Night Monkey suit that was on his bed. "Ned, I need you to call May and get her to call Mr. Harrington and say that she wanted me to stay with family in Berlin."
"Got it, easy."
"Alright, thank you. I've gotta go," he strided to the window.
"Wait- you're gonna need this," Ned threw the projector at him.
"Thanks, don't tell anyone about this, anyone who knows is in danger," he said.
About half of an hour later, Peter was swinging around Berlin, Germany, trying to find directions to the building that Fury said he would be at. He swung down to the train platform and accidentally scared a woman.
"Excuse me do you know where-"
The woman screamed and ran away yelling, "Night Monkey!"
He sighed and turned around, only to run into a black car with tinted windows. One of them rolled down, revealing Nick Fury, looking very angry.
"Get in," he grumbled.
As quickly as he could, Peter scrambled into the car and ripped his mask off. They drove off.
"Mr. Fury-"
"You've got a lot of explaining to do," he kept his eyes forward.
"No no no listen-"
Fury held a hand up, "Wait until we're secure."
Peter sat back in his suit and tried to catch his breath. A light started to blink on the dash board, meaning he needed to put his seat belt on. Fury cleared his throat and made a gesture for him to do so.
"Right." he murmured, pulling the seat belt multiple times, trying to make it come out because it was stuck in the lock. He pulled as hard as he could, making the contraption break completely. He looked up at Fury with wide and apologetic eyes. He just sighed.
They drove into an underground parking lot that was below a glass and concrete building. There were multiple flights of stairs that they had to climb to get to the secure room.
"So, you want to tell us about your girlfriend?" Fury asked, walking over to stand next to Mariah.
"He's talking about Edith," she said.
"Look, I know I made a mistake and I'm sorry, but he is not who you think he is. Beck is a liar, Mysterio and the elementals are all fake. He has some sort of illusion tech and that's how he tricked you guys, and tricked me into giving him Edith," Peter said. He slid the projector that Katie found across the table, "It's a projector."
"So all that death and destruction we witnessed was created by this?" Fury asked unbelievably.
"No, not just this. I think he's using drones."
"Well, if this is true then Beck's very dangerous and we need to be smart. Who else did you tell about this?"
His senses went off, warning him for danger.
"Parker? Parker, what's wrong?"
"It's Beck, he's here."
Mariah's body dissolved from a hologram, into nothing. The high tech building around them transformed into a concrete plain old warehouse. Before Peter could remind Fury that it was all an illusion, a drone shot a bullet through a wall and straight into his chest, knocking him up against a wall.
That same drone blasted a force at Peter, shooting him back and missing the floor, so he fell down about fifteen flights, hitting concrete flats on his way down. He hit the floor hard, and got up coughing. Mysterio's voice filled his head.
"Wow, Peter, wow. I thought we were close. Fury always had to die, but not you."
About seven drones circled around him, pointing green lasers and aiming for his chest.
"Stop hiding Beck!" Peter yelled. He shot two webs at one of the drones to try and pull it down, but it turned invisible. All of them were cloaked.
"I tried to help you walk away, now you're making me do this!" Mysterio said. The black suit Peter was wearing turned into his regular one that Tony had made him. Everything around him turned black, and green smoke filled the bottom level of floor. Lockers surrounded him, and fluorescent lights hung from the ceiling.
"You told me you were just a kid."
He tried to shoot webs as Mysterio's suit walked down the black hallway, but they were just green smoke. He turned around, and he was there again, so he tried punching the glass fish bowl that he had for a head, but outside of the illusion it was just a concrete pole.
"You told me, you would go see your girl."
"Peter?" It was Eliza's voice. He busted through a metal door, trying to find her. There she was, standing on the edge of a railing."What's going on?"
"I know this isn't real," he said.
"Do you though?"
Green smoke clouded around Eliza's neck, Mysterio was choking her. She tried to find her breath, but the smoke was blocking her airways.
"Eli!" He ran towards them, but Mysterio dropped her, and she fell to the ground. He dove after her, but the sight at the bottom of the endless pit was one that would haunt him forever. Just like in a nightmare he had had, she had been impaled, fallen on a metal rod and her face starting to pale. He tried to dive down, but ended up hitting face first on the concrete floor.
"I don't think you know what's real Peter."
He got up quickly, holding his head that still hurt from the fall. Suddenly he was jerked backwards, standing in the middle of a street in New York, all the cars and buildings passing him like the speed of light and making him dizzy. It stopped in front of a building with a flickering 'Queens' sign, and a giant hand punched its way through the door, hitting him in the chest.
He fell backwards twenty feet and smashed through a glass window, falling down nonstop spider webs.
"You need to wake up!"
The illusion stopped when Peter's back hit the front window of a car, hard. He was back in his Night Monkey suit, outside of the building. He groaned and rolled off the car, onto the dusty gray ground.
Slowly, he got up while breathing heavily, still shaken up from the event that just occurred. His head was spinning, going this way and that, looking for the next threat. His senses were all over the place, maybe he really didn't know what was real.
A window on the top floor broke, sending glass flying down, and also all the drones that were used on him. The illusion came back alive, and the drones that were shooting down turned into glass shards, circling and trapping him. The glass shards were like mirrors, there were around fifty of them, all reflecting himself.
"I mean look at yourself." Mysterio's voice filled his head once again.
Peter squinted his eyes and cautiously reached a finger up to see if the mirror was real. When his fingertip touched the glass, the reflection grabbed back at him. He tried to fight back, but all of them started piling on top of him.
"You are just a scared little kid from Queens, in a sweatsuit."
The bodies got off of him finally and Peter was back in his original suit that he made with Eliza. Green smoke filled the floor once again, and fallen statues were all around.
"I created Mysterio to give the world someone to believe in. I control the truth. Mysterio is the truth."
The only statue that was still standing was of Mysterio himself. He tried to shoot webs at it, but that just ended up making him more confused because a crane fell through and almost hit him. The Mysterio statue broke apart, and his giant fist smashed down on top of him.
Everything was quiet, the only noise was his voice. "If you were good enough, maybe Eliza would still be alive."
In front of him was a gravestone, with her name on it. 'She isn't dead' he told himself over and over again, but the image of her chest covered in blood made him believe it was all real.
"Deep down, you know I'm right. You made your choice, and all you had to do was step aside."
He tried backing up, but hit a glass surface. The ground was covered in snow, and buildings were shooting up around him. It was a snow globe, but also Beck's fish bowl head. Beck picked up the glass ball, and started to say something else, when the illusion stopped and a gun shot rang out.
Beck fell to his knees, and Fury walked up to Peter, gun in hand. Cars and a SWAT team surrounded them, pointing guns at Mysterio's lifeless body incase he was somehow still alive.
"Beck's people, are trying to find everyone who've exposed him," Fury limped closer. "Who'd you tell?"
"I know you told someone, so just tell me, who did you tell?"
Peter put his hands behind his head, trying to rack his brain for who else knew about Mysterio being a fraud.
"Who else did you tell!" Fury yelled.
"Ok, just Ned, MJ, and Katie from my class. Ned might have told his girlfriend Betty, but that's it," he stammered.
Fury chuckled and shook his head. "You, are so gullible. I mean you're as smart as a whip, just a sucker." His body shape shifted into Beck's with a CGI outfit on and two drones behind him. "And now all your friends have to die."
The illusion regenerated, lockers started falling from the ceiling out of no where, making Peter back up to dodge them.
"It's easy to fool people when they're already fooling themselves." Peter backed up more. "But for what it's worth Peter, I really am sorry."
All of a sudden the drones stopped projecting, and he looked down. He was standing on a train track. Before he had anytime to think or move at all, a bullet train hit him.
(a/n- just felt like blessing you with this gif ^)
When Peter woke up next, his Night Monkey suit was stripped off, leaving him in a tight black t-shirt and pants. His face was covered in dirt and blood, and his hair was all gross. He sat up dizzily, and turned his head to see two men sitting next to him wearing bright orange shirts, smiling.
"Hi!" the first guy said cheerfully.
"Where am I?" Peter asked.
"Municipal holding facility," the other guy said, his smile not fading.
"They said they found you in the train yard? Very dangerous."
Peter almost jumped out of his seat when he heard another voice right next to his ear, "We gave you the shirt because you seemed a bit cold."
"Thanks," he said quietly. "You guys are nice. Also you speak really good english."
"Welcome to the Netherlands," they all said.
Peter raised his eyebrows, "I'm in the Netherlands right now?" They nodded. He finally came to his senses and stood up quickly, realizing he was in a jail. "Guard?" he called out. He was limping slightly, probably because if he was a normal person, during the illusion he would have broken his back three times.
"The guard is on a break," one guy said, "Probably talking to his wife."
"Yeah, she's pregnant."
"Oh yeah? What luck!"
Peter sighed and reached his hand through the bars of the jail, then crushed the lock with one hand. He started to walk away, but stopped when he heard someone talking on the phone from an office nearby.
"Yeah, Night Monkey, yeah." He had the Night Monkey mask on. Peter tilted his head to the side and limped out of the jail, into the square. It was very old time looking, there was hay everywhere, many cows and chickens, the only thing that looked mildly modern, was a man holding a cellphone.
Peter limped his way over to the man. "Uh, excuse me sir? Can I borrow your phone?"
"Yep." He handed over his phone to Peter.
"Everyone is so nice here," he muttered. Once he got the phone, he thought of who to call. He didn't want to bother Mr. Stark about this kind of problem, so he decided to call Happy.
"Pick up, pick up, pick up," he ran a hand through his hair. "Hey! Uh, I messed up. I need a, I need a ride... Where am I?" He didn't really know the answer to that question. He turned to the man and asked, "Where am I sir?"
"Broek op Langedijk," he responded.
"Um, c-could you say that into there?" he asked, holding up the phone to the man.
"Yeah, uh Broek op Langedijk... yeah no problem," he smiled.
Peter brought the phone back to his ear, "Did you get that?"
Eliza was eating dinner with Steve and Bucky when she got a call from Happy.
"Hey Happy, what's up?" she took a bite of pasta.
"Eliza, I think Peter might need you."
She pushed back in her chair, "What's wrong? Is he okay?"
"I don't know, he told me to meet him in Broek op Langedijk," Happy said.
"He's in the Netherlands?"
"How did you- doesn't matter. I'm on my way right now, do you think you could meet me there?"
"I- of course. It'll take about an hour though, is that okay?" she asked, already starting to get up.
"Yeah, see you in a bit."
"Bye." Happy hung up and Eliza jogged away.
"Wait!" Steve called, she turned around. "Where are you going?"
"Um, to go see Peter," she said nervously.
"What about what Doctor Strange said?" Bucky asked.
"Happy said that Peter needs me. Right now I don't give a-" Steve glared at her. "I don't give a fork about the mutliverse right now," she corrected herself.
"Oh well, we can't stop her anyways," Bucky sighed. "Wait we're her parents now- shouldn't we be stopping this-"
Eliza had already ran off to find Shuri. She found her in her lab, making something with magnifying glasses on. "Hey, can I borrow one of your spaceships?"
"My what?"
"Do you mean my highly technological jets that I made with my own hands, have vibranium laced into their cores, and are bullet proof?"
Shuri shrugged, "Yeah I guess you could borrow one."
"Great, I've got to go see Peter." she finger gunned her. "Also I don't know how to fly a spaceship."
Shuri smirked, "Just get in the jet, I'll fly."
"JUST GET IN THE JET, Americans." she shook her head.
Eliza scratched the back of her neck and climbed into the passengers seat of the jet. Abruptly the jet lifted off and into the air. Shuri was using her Kimoyo Beads do operate it from her lab.
Happy arrived in a Stark Industries jet about fifteen minutes before Eliza did. He landed in a tulip field, just outside of the city. Peter had a lot of open wounds that needed stitching, so he also helped with that.
"Alright, hold still," he muttered while pulling the string through and around Peter's wound.
Peter sucked in a breath, "Ouch."
"I thought you had super strength," Happy said.
"Still hurts," he clenched his jaw.
Another stitch, he slammed his fist on the table. "Oh my god, Happy."
"Don't tell me to relax Happy! How can I relax when I messed up so bad?" he yelled as he stood up. "I trusted Beck. I thought he was my friend so I gave him one of the only things that Mr. Stark ever gave me, and now he's going to kill all my friends and half of Europe, so please, do not tell me to relax."
He sat down on one of the seats and ran a hand through his hair. "I-I'm sorry Happy, I shouldn't have shouted- I just," he sighed, "I just really miss her." Tears started to form in his eyes, "A-and she could be dead for all I know. Except I don't because I haven't seen her in forever."
"Well I can assure you, she's not dead-" Happy said.
They could hear someone struggling to open the plane door, quietly cursing. The door flung open and she stumbled inside, almost falling down.
She quickly stood up and looked around saying to no one in particular, "I'm good! I'm good!" She noticed Happy sitting down and said, "Really Happy? Right over a tulip field? I mean I'm pretty sure the tulip festival is next week, do you have no regard for lawn maintenance?"
"Eliza?" Peter whispered, getting up out of his seat.
She looked up and smiled, "Hey, Pete."
"Is that really you?"
"I think so. Although maybe I'm a little discombobulated from how fast Shuri was flying-"
"Wait. Tell me something only you would know," Peter said.
Her eyes darted around the plane, trying to think of something. "Alright, um. I got it. Do you remember when you proposed to me while we were watching The Empire Strikes Back? And then the next day you gave me a ring pop, but we couldn't get married because I ended up eating it-"
Peter laughed and his eyes softened, "Y-yeah I remember that."
"You proposed to her?" Happy asked.
"I was eight years old, and I had game."
He was about to go up and hug her, but she squinted her eyes, "Wait, how do I know you're you?"
"I don't know, ask me a question."
"Ok, OOOO. Perfect question, only one right answer. How did you take down Captain America?" she asked.
He laughed, "Well I shot him in zee legs because his shield is the size of a dinner plate and he's an idiot."
"It is youuu!!!" She ran up to him with a giant grin on her face, wrapping her arms around his neck. Peter didn't even care that he was injured, or that Mysterio was still out there, all he cared about in that instant was her. And that was enough.
He closed his eyes, savoring the moment with her in his arms, not letting go.
Although reality did eventually set in, and after what felt like years, they had to let each other go. He kept his hands on her waist though, and her hand went up to touch his cheeks. She noticed his red eyes, the dirt coating his forehead, and the blood spilling out of a scratch on his cheek.
"Peter, what happened to you?" she breathed.
"He got hit by a train," Happy said.
"Happy!" Peter exclaimed.
"You what? Oh my god are you okay? Are you hurt? Well it's obvious you're hurt. Do you need some ocean sauce?" she asked.
"Did you mean ice juice?" Peter smiled.
Eliza cackled, "You should meet my friend Shuri. Anyway, I feel like a lot better now. Do you?"
"Mhm," Peter answered, not taking his eyes off her lips. Their faces were only a few inches away when he mumbled, "I really want to kiss you right now."
"Well I really want you to kiss me, but there's a guy trying to kill half of Europe currently. Mysterio was his name? But I do have time to talk about how you gave away a six hundred eleven million dollar tactical artificial intelligence system that took me a month to make."
Peter leaned down close to her lips, making her heart beat speed up. "I love youuuuu. And you'rrrre prettyyyyy," he kissed the tip of her nose. "And I love youuuuu."
"You assume flattery will save your life," she said in a deep voice, then laughed because he started to tickle her. She stopped him by pressing her lips against his, and he smirked in victory. Their lips moved together, but it ended when both of them couldn't fight the smiles off their faces any longer.
Peter leaned his forehead against hers and at the same time they whispered, "I love you."
He peppered her with kisses, all over her face. Mostly he did it just to hear her laugh — it was one of his favorite sounds in the universe.
"Ok, enough of the fluff, you need to kick this guys ass now," Happy said.
"Right," Peter groaned, hanging his head in the air. Eliza put a hand on the back of his neck and forced him to look at her.
"Hey, I got your back, all right?" Her nose scrunched up, "Also you need a shower, you smell."
"Yeah well you smell like flowers." He smiled, and kissed the top of her head.
"Th-that's because I fell in the tulips on my way up here," she said into his chest.
"You're amazing."
"Thank you," she looked back up at him. "Um, we need suits."
"Suits?" Happy questioned, then pressed a button on the side of the plane, which activated a makeshift lab to unveil itself in the back of the plane.
They walked over to it and Peter said, "Ok. Um, bring up everything you have on Spiderman."
A bunch of designs came up. "Hey, those are my designs!" Eliza said from over his shoulder.
"You made these?"
"Yeah, that's so cool, I didn't know Mr. Stark actually saved the blueprints."
"Alright, you guys take care of the suits, I'll take care of the music," Happy said.
Back in Black began to play from the plane's speakers.
Peter yelled, "OH I LOVE LED ZEPPLIN!!"
Eliza's mouth dropped, "I can hear Mr. Stark from 3,661 miles away scolding you right now."
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