27 ≫ hot rod
(Peter's POV)
When Eliza and I woke up the next morning, we both had colds.
I think that we stayed out in the cold rain too long, but I wasn't complaining at all. Aunt May had to call the school, and Bucky, to tell them we would be staying home sick.
It was quiet mostly, and Aunt May was leaving at around nine am to go to work, so we had the whole day to ourselves. She had given us kind of weird looks, like she noticed there was something different between Eliza and I. I was holding her a bit closer, so that she couldn't somehow disappear, and it would all be a dream.
She was tracing the palm of my hand, something she did that calmed her for some reason.
We heard the front door shut, meaning that May had just left.
Eliza sniffled and sighed, "You really take advantage of breathing when you're not sick."
"Yeah," I agreed.
She shuffled a bit and stood up, getting out of the bed to stretch. She reached her arms to the ceiling, and her shirt lifted up a bit. I quickly looked away, but then reached my arms out and grabbed her waist, catching her by surprise. She squealed and rested her hands on my head while I hugged her waist tightly.
"I love you," I murmured onto her stomach. With my enhanced hearing, I could hear her heartbeat pick up in pace. I smiled to myself and let go of her, she was blushing like a manic.
"I-I love y-you too," she said. I thought it was really cute when she stuttered.
"So what do you wanna do today?" I asked.
"Um... I was thinking we could maybe just lay on the couch and drink coffee and watch The Office," she said.
"I have never wanted to do anything more," I exaggerated. She chuckled and grabbed my hand, going towards the kitchen.
I let go of her hand and started to make the coffee.
"So are you like my boyfriend now?" she asked.
My face heated up faintly. "Uh, y-yeah. If you want, or if you don't want I don't really care," I lied.
"I mean I've never had a boyfriend before," she said.
"Me either."
She snorted and I continued making the coffee. I added a small amount of cream to both cups, and she set up the tv show in the living room. Carefully, I walked the coffee over, and sat down with her.
"Thanks," she said.
The next four hours, we went through a whole box of tissues, two cups of coffee each, and all of season three in The Office.
Aunt May came home for lunch to check on us, and we were laying on the couch, Eliza's head on my chest. She slammed her purse on the counter, making me jump.
"What is going on with you guys?" she said.
"What do you mean?" Eliza asked.
May squinted her eyes, "Are you guys dating?"
I blushed, "W-what? N-no we're n-not-"
"Yes." Eliza said.
I snapped my head in her direction, looking for a sign of certitued. She nodded and I gave her a soft smile.
May did a happy dance and squealed. "AHH!!! I'm so happy for you guys!!! I've been waiting two years for this."
"Two years?!?" Eliza exclaimed.
"Well duh," May rolled her eyes. "He treat you well?" She directed the question towards Eliza.
"Good, didn't want to find out that his whole childhood was a waste. All the work on how to treat a woman right," she muttered, and shuffled around in the kitchen. By the looks of it, she was making cookies. "You know Anne always had a hunch that there was something going on between you two."
"She did?" Eliza asked with a softened expression.
"Oh yeah, she would be so happy." May said, looking up towards the ceiling. Eliza glanced at me and I kissed her cheek.
The next day was a Friday, and both Eliza and I felt a lot better. Although the night before, May made us sleep in separate beds, as if anything would happen. We did go to school hand in hand, which caused Ned to freak out.
"Oh my god! You guys are together???" Ned squealed at the lunch table.
"Finally, both of you bitches are too stubborn to do anything," MJ rolled her eyes.
"sO hOw'D iT hApPeN????" Ned rested his head up with his fists, swinging his legs back and forth.
Eliza and I looked at each other, thinking the same thing.
"Um- we were maybe just thinking that would be our thing," she shrugged, and took a bite of her lunch.
"You guys are lame," MJ said. Katie walked over to the table, sandwich in hand.
"Whatcha guys talking about?" she asked, then kissed the top of MJ's head. She tried to hide it, but our curly haired friend was totally blushing. Even though they had been dating for a year, she still got flustered with Katie's simple actions.
"Eliza and Peter are dating," Ned said.
"Finally," Katie sighed. "You guys have been friends for what? Almost 11 years now? Geez, babe you owe me ten bucks."
"Did you guys bet on us?" Eliza furrowed her eyebrows.
"Pshh no." She was a really bad liar. MJ handed her a ten dollar bill under the table and Katie smirked.
Eliza and I didn't really have any time to focus on our relationship and such that day, what with our different classes and homework. We were studying in her bedroom at the compound, when something came to me.
"Wait a minute," I broke the silence. Eliza looked up from her essay for history.
"I have to take you out on a date! I can't believe I forgot!" I ran a hand through my hair.
"No, Pete- it's okay, you don't have to-"
I ignored her and ran out of the room. Eliza sighed through her nose and went back to the homework.
I ran around the compound, trying to find Mr. Stark. I found him in the living room on a laptop with baby Morgan next to him, swaddled up in a blanket.
"Hey Mr. Stark, I was wandering around the other day and went into the garage... I was wondering if maybe I could borrow one of the cars for a date with Eliza-" I said.
"Do whatever you want." he said, not looking up from the laptop. I pursed my lips and gave a little wave to Morgan, even though she couldn't understand anything.
I skipped down to the garage and flipped on the light switch. The walls and floor were made out of concrete, and there were about twelve sports cars lined up in a row. There was also a random pile of stuff and a mini kitchen area for some reason. I bit my lip, the ideas coming into my head as I looked around the room.
I walked over to the pile of stuff, which really needed to be organized, and looked through it. I found a projector and a cord, and a copy of the two most random movies ever.
Back to the Future and Megamind.
Putting the Back to the Future disc in a laptop, then plugging it into the projector, I looked around for an outlet. There was one on a blank wall, which was perfect. Once I got the projector plugged in, I needed a place to put it. Nearby, a ford flathead roadster sat. Mr. Stark said I could do anything I wanted so...
With my super strength, I picked up the front of the car and wheeled it in front of the blank wall, then put the projector on top of the hood.
I dusted off my hands and walked over to the mini kitchen area.
(3rd Person POV)
After about thirty minutes of not seeing Peter, Eliza started to wonder where he was. Those thoughts simmered when she saw a figure run past her room and into his own. She smiled and shook her head, looking back down at her homework.
A few seconds later, Peter skidded into the doorway, trying and failing to hide a bundle of blankets behind his back.
"H-hey." he said nonchalantly, clearly out of breath.
"Hey back," she laughed.
"Um so I was wondering if you could uh, maybe dress up a little? Or stay in sweatpants if you want, I don't really care." he crossed his arms across his chest.
Eliza looked down at her outfit, a black crewneck and black sweatpants. Her hair was in an awful messy bun.
"Sure... just a second." she said, then got up from her bed and went to her dresser. Peter gave her two thumbs up and closed the door, waiting outside.
She hadn't ever been on a date before, and Peter had been on plenty with Liz. Not to mention he was a crazy hopeless romantic. One of the reasons she loved him so much.
She threw on a knee length maroon colored dress and put her hair down. It wasn't that fancy, but it was at least a step up from what she was wearing a few minutes before.
When she opened the door, she saw Peter standing outside with blankets in hand. He almost dropped them when he saw her and she smiled.
"You like it?" she asked, doing a little twirl.
"I-I love it. You look amazing! Oh my god you're gorgeous." he kept on mumbling compliments, which made her blush plenty.
"Um, thank you," she smiled and cleared her throat.
"Ok ok ok, let's go."
He grabbed her hand and led her downstairs to Mr. Stark's garage that had a bunch of sports cars in it. One of them was set up in front of a wall that had Marty McFly projected onto it. She smiled at the little set up that Peter had put together, it was really cute.
Still holding her hand, they walked over to the car, to which he then opened my door for her. Even though they weren't going anywhere.
"Such a gentlemen," she giggled. He laughed and went over to his side of the car, then pressed play on the movie. She kissed his cheek and leaned her head on his shoulder.
When the movie was over, they were both still wide awake, so they went upstairs to hang out with the Avengers. It wasn't what other people would most likely do after their first date, but whatever.
They sat down on the couch in the living room, where Pepper was with Morgan in her arms, Tony, Steve, Bucky, and Natasha.
"Wow, why are you so dressed up?" Pepper asked.
"I had a date," Eliza said casually.
"You had a what now?!?" Steve and Bucky exclaimed at the same time, getting ready to fight someone.
Peter gulped and leaned over to her, whispering, "Should I have asked permission before I-"
"No I don't think so..." she reassured. "But I've never had a dad before, much less two. This is very new to me." She nodded along with what she was saying, not sure of what to do.
She cleared her throat, "Um, P-peter and I just watched a movie downstairs. No big deal."
"Wait was he your date?" Bucky asked. She nodded nervously, but his face broke out into one of the biggest smiles she'd ever seen from him. "Thank god, I thought it would be some weird kid from your school or something."
"Hey I'm weird," Peter said.
"Yeah, but you're weird in a cute and dorky way," she told him. Her eyes widened, but then remembered that she could say that type of stuff now, and grinned proudly.
"Awe thanks." Peter said, then kissed her on the forehead.
"Look she's blushing!!" Natasha pointed at Eliza.
"No I'm not," she said quickly. They all started to reject this comment, but she changed the subject, "Hey did you know that the news said that if all the spiders in the world worked together they could eat all humans in a year?"
Everyone in the room went silent.
Peter then realized something and smirked at her, she smirked back.
"Nonono, we have to stop this idea train before it continues-" Mr. Stark said frantically.
"Relax relax relax. We aren't going to eat all the humans in the world," Peter said. Then he turned his head a little, smiling at Eliza with raised eyebrows for a second, but then shook his head.
Basically the equivalent of this gif:
Eliza started to squirm around a lot, doing a little dance in her cushion of the couch. She was obviously in need of a bathroom.
Peter rolled his eyes at her. He sighed, "Just go you ding dong."
"Right." She smiled gratefully at him and scrambled to her feet running to the bathroom, Peter chuckled in her direction.
"You know she really does love you," Bucky's voice said from next to him.
Peter's head whirled towards him with knitted eyebrows. "R-really? I-I mean yeah yeah yeah. I know."
"Yeah, for like a year," he laughed.
Shock covered Peter's face and his mouth dropped slightly, "Sh-she h-has?"
"Well maybe not exactly a year, but yeah-" he furrowed his brows, "wait a minute, did you not know that? Was I not supposed to tell you?"
"I don't know, were you?"
Eliza jogged back into the room saying, "Have you ever sneezed while peeing? Cause that's the scariest shit ever- wait what's wrong with Parker?" She noticed his slightly pale face.
Peter stood up and walked over to her, then wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer. She awkwardly patted him on the back.
"Uh- hi," she said. Peter slowly retreated from the hug, sliding his hands down to fall on her hips. He looked at her with a sad look in his eyes.
"C-can I talk to you for a minute?" he asked nervously.
"Aw you already sick and tired of me?" she said jokingly. When he didn't answer she said quickly, "Wait are you really?"
"No no no, I'm not tired of you I could never be tired of you," he shook his head.
Eliza raised her brows and made a face towards the others, but they were all looking anywhere but them. Even Morgan. One of Peter's hands interlaced with her own, and he dragged her to her room. She was very confused by all this.
Peter shut the door behind him while she sat on her bed, bouncing up and down.
"I'm so sorry Eli, I didn't know about your feelings earlier. A-and you had to see Liz and I together, and it's probably why you weren't sleeping at all back in the Fall, and- oh my goodness- was I the reason you were having more anxiety attacks? I'm so sorry," he continued rambling on apologies, running a hand through his hair, with tears forming on the sides of his eyes.
"Hey hey hey, woah, slow down," Eliza stood up from the bed and grabbed his hands to stop them from moving all over the place. "What are you talking about."
"Mr. Bucky told me that you've had feelings for me for like a year," he said.
She pursed her lips, "Oh."
"Yeah, and what I'm trying to say is sorry for even mentioning Liz in front of you, all that time-"
"Peter it's okay."
"No it's not-"
She patted him on the cheeks, "It really is. I'm just glad that I can finally be with you now. It's in the past."
He sighed, "It's just hard that I spent a lot of time being less happy than could've been."
"Ok Pam Beesly," she laughed. He glared at her. "Sorry." She perked up, "But you're happy?"
"Yeah I'm happy. You happy?" He leaned a little closer to her.
"Mhm," she glanced at his lips and leaned in more, pressing her soft lips against his.
He smiled into it and pulled away, "Never gonna get used to that."
"You better," she grinned, then kissed him again. He pulled her closer, the tips of his fingers grazing her waist. He slid his arms around her small frame, then picked her up a little so her feet were in the air. She giggled and ran her hands through his brown curls, kissing him deeply.
"Hey kids I wanted to talk to you guys about something..." Tony said, sitting down next to the two teenagers on the couch.
"What's up Mr. Stark?" Peter asked.
"I'm going to be retiring," he said.
Both of them sat up immediately, "What? Iron Man can retire?" Eliza questioned.
"If Barbra Streisand can retire, so can Iron Man so shut up." He sighed, "Listen. I have Morgan now, and I can't put her in danger. No one knows about her yet, and the press would freak out and then someone would probably come to get her- I just- I wanted to tell you guys."
Eliza thought for a moment, "I think it's a good idea Mr. Stark. To keep Morgan safe."
"Where are you going to go?" Peter asked.
"I was looking at houses yesterday with Pepper, there's this really nice lake house a few hours away... and I bought it. You guys can come by anytime if you want, there are plenty of bedrooms," Tony said.
"Wait so when are you leaving?" Eliza asked him.
"Few weeks maybe."
"Just like that?"
"I need to ask you guys a favor," he ignored the previous comment. "I need you guys to watch after the gang. I'm kind of the leader here- no that's Cap. I just pay for everything. And make everyone look cooler."
"Mr. Stark I don't really think we're qualified to do that," Eliza laughed nervously.
Tony rolled his eyes, then knighted both of them on the shoulders.
"Congratulations kids, you're Avengers now." Their mouths dropped and they gaped at each other. Tony fought a smile and said, "This does mean you have full access to your Iron Suits, which I must say are pretty cool. They're in the lab if you want to check them out-"
"Why so sudden though?" Peter said.
"If you ever have kids then you'll understand," he said simply.
When he left the room, Peter and Eliza stared at each other for a minute, then scrambled to their feet, racing to the lab to try on their suits.
Just as soon as the cases opened, they grabbed the tiny disk and placed them on their chests, double tapping them so the nanotech spread across their bodies.
"Wow you were right, it does smell like a new car in here," Eliza exclaimed.
"I know right," he smiled underneath the metal mask. She looked really good in her new suit.
"Well come on, let's go!" she grabbed his arm and they jumped out of the window, out into the city. They swung all the way to the Skyline Tower, and stopped there. The view was amazing, they could see all the people that looked so tiny from where they were.
"You know it kinda feels different now that I'm an Avenger," Peter said, swinging his legs off the building.
"No, it's exactly the same."
Eliza laughed and rested her head on his shoulder, enjoying the view of the city. The clouds were a light orange color, with a bright blue sky in the back round.
After about two hours of exploring the city, waving to some people, and stopping a few muggings in their new suits, they swung back to the Avenger's building.
"Do you know where we're supposed to keep these?" Eliza asked him.
Peter shrugged, "Hmm not really... maybe just in the lab?"
It was kind of hard to figure out how to take the suits off, but they figured it out eventually and put them back in their heavy cases. To avoid having muscle cramps, sometimes they stretched after patrolling, so while Peter did that, Eliza sat on a stool in the kitchen reading the comic book that they had found on her sixteenth birthday.
Peter had read it many times before, and always hogged it so she hadn't read it before. He watched her as she read, she was unconsciously nibbling on her lip, occasionally smiling at the little drawings in the comic.
"PeterPeterPeterPeter looklooklooklooklook," she pointed at the page.
He peered over her shoulder to look at the drawing. It was of Spiderman and Spiderwoman sitting on a fire escape, eating sandwiches.
"Do you think that's us?" Peter smiled.
She shrugged, "Maybe. We do eat sandwiches quite often."
May 27th (About 4 weeks later)
Katie, MJ, Ned, Peter, and Eliza sat at their regular lunch table, chatting about the science trip Mr. Harrington had told them about in their last class.
"I'm really excited to go to Italy," Eliza said.
"Yeah me too, I want to learn some new words," MJ said.
"Oh I can teach you if you want, my mom used to talk to me in Italian sometimes so I know a lot," Eliza said. It was true, Anne grew up in Italy and was fluent in their language. She was going to take Eliza when she was younger, but they never had enough money for it.
MJ was about to respond, but Flash said from the table next to them, "Oh please. You don't know any Italian."
Eliza turned around and looked him dead in the eye. "Vaffanculo."
Peter snorted and Flash glared at him.
"What did she say?" he yelled.
"Non hai capito una sega," Peter laughed, almost falling off his chair.
"Whatever Parker. Go make out with your fake girlfriend," Flash said.
This got Eliza fired up for some reason. She stood up with confidence that she didn't know she had, walked over to Flash and punched him in the stomach, then forced him to look at her.
He groaned and watched her walk over to Peter, then grabbed his face and kissed him with a newfound passion. Peter was shocked, but then kissed her back.
Eliza pulled away after about ten seconds, and glanced back at Flash with an innocent look.
Then she remembered that she was in school, and slowly backed backed up, her face on fire. She would probably get in trouble for punching Flash, but she didn't really care. Peter got up from the table and followed her, apologizing to their friends first.
After school, Peter was helping Tony and Pepper move their things into a moving truck while Eliza played in the living room with baby Morgan. She counted her fingers and toes because they were so cute and tiny, while Morgan giggled.
When everything was packed up, Peter went over to the two of them.
"Hey kid, how was school?" Bucky asked, walking into the living room.
"I punched someone," she grumbled.
"Really? Nice," he said.
Eliza just frowned, she was mad that she got so worked up about such a small thing, but Peter thought it was epic. Pepper and Tony came inside and picked up Morgan, then said their goodbyes.
"Bye kids. Remember what I said." Tony said, then hugged the pair. They smiled and watched them drive off to their new house.
Peter guided her inside the building, shutting the door behind him. She looked at the ground and shuffled her feet, still upset. He lifted up her chin and looked into her hazel colored eyes.
"You know what you did today with Flash was pretty badass," he smirked.
"Yeah. It was awesome. Also I'm not complaining, you're a really nice kisser."
Eliza smiled, feeling gratified. They were about to peck each other once again, but there was a ring on the doorbell. She assumed it was Pepper forgetting something, so she just opened it.
On the doorstep stood a group of eight people, most of them dressed very oddly.
The kid in front looked around fourteen years old and had a mask in hand. He had a black and red... spider suit? Come to think of it, half of them some sort of version of a spider suit. The girl next to him had short blond hair, and almost the same suit as Eliza's.
There was a man with blond hair and a sweatsuit on, a girl with a short haircut and four spider legs coming out of her back, and another guy with a bright blue and red spider suit on. Behind them, a man covered in a black trench coat and a sort of wind surrounding him, and a giant robot stood.
Next to them sort of in the back, looking a little scared by the people next to him, looked like an exact replica of Peter Parker.
"Who the hell are you guys?" Peter and Eliza asked in unison.
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