07 ≫ patrol
Two months had passed since Eliza and Peter went to Germany to fight Captain America. The Avengers hadn't called them for any more missions yet. The two of them fell into a routine after that. Go to school, wait for school to be over, get sandwiches, and immediately go out on the streets to fight crime together. Sometimes there were slow nights, just a few muggings or drunk old men that needed to be put in place.
Other nights there was so much that the two of them had to split up, taking on the crime separately, coming home that night with lots of cuts or sometimes even stab wounds in their legs or arms, causing them to limp at school the next day. The really helpful thing about their powers though, was they now had super healing, so usually the smalls scrapes or bruises were gone by morning.
Peter and Eliza's friends were getting suspicious of the two, wondering why they were always not being able to make it to their hang outs. They always said that they had the Stark Internship, that was completely fake. The three of them started to think that they were dating in secret, they would occasionally flirt with each other, but then Peter started to show interest Liz Allen, who was a senior at their school.
Eliza stood outside the apartment building, waiting for Peter while listening to the slowed versions of her favorite songs. She was wearing black ripped jeans, with an Iron Man t-shirt tucked into them, and white converse.
Peter came walking out of the building wearing a plaid shirt with a blue sweater over it, and a gray jacket. He had gray jeans and his old nike shoes on too, he also had earbuds in. They gave a quick nod to each other in greeting, and began walking to the subway. There was this un spoken pact that they had with each other, they always walked to school together. Also, they had been friends for so long that they didn't really have to make conversation, just enjoy each other's company.
Once they were at school, they walked across the football field and into the building. As they were about to walk up the steps, Flash almost hit them with his car, but with both their fast reflexes, they moved out of the way.
"Sup Penis Parker!" Flash called.
Peter just frowned and continued walking, but Eliza turned towards Flash and put up both her middle fingers. He just rolled his eyes and continued driving. Peter smiled a little.
They walked up to their lockers, Peter taking off his jacket and putting it away. Eliza's locker was a few over from his, so they weren't that far apart.
"Join me, and together, we'll build my new lego death star," a voice said behind them.
Peter and Eliza turned around quickly and at the same time yelled, "WHAT??"
"So lame." A cheerleader said from beside them. Eliza glared at her and then went back to the conversation with Ned and Peter.
"No way, that's awesome how many pieces?" Peter asked.
"That's insane!" Eliza said.
"I know!" Ned squealed like a little girl. "Do you guys wanna build it tonight?"
"I can't build it tonight, I got the Stark-" Peter started, closing his locker door.
"-Internship. Mhmm. Always got that Internship," Ned said, and we all started walking down the halls.
"Yeah, well hopefully soon it'll lead to a real job with him," Eliza said.
"That would be so sweet. He'd be all, good job on the spreadsheet's Peter, here's a gold coin!" Peter and Eliza stared at him for a second before he said, "I don't know how jobs work."
"No, that's exactly how they work." Eliza said.
"Oh. Well, I'll knock out the basic bones of the death star at my place, and then I'll come by afterwards, because for the most part, the difficulty will be in the base of it, the top and the bottom." Eliza was listening to him, but Peter wasn't. He was gazing at Liz, who was walking to her class across the hallway, with heart eyes.
The bell rung and Eliza and Peter went to their math class and sat next to each other. Peter brought out his lap top and started to watch videos of himself, swinging as Spiderman. Eliza noticed this and rolled her eyes. The class continued.
"So, how do we calculate linear acceleration between points A and B?" the teacher asked. Flash raised his hand. "Flash?"
"It's the product of sign of the angle and gravity divided by the mass," Flash said.
"Nope! Peter," the teacher said, and Peter sat up quickly. "You still with us?"
"Uh, yeah." He closed his laptop and looked at the board, trying to figure out what the math question was that the teacher had asked. "Mass cancels out, so it's just gravity times sign."
"That's right." The teacher turned towards Flash and said, "You see Flash, being the fastest isn't always the best if you are wrong." Eliza snickered, and thought 'damn she really went there.'
Flash turned around to face Peter and mouthed, 'You're dead.' Peter just ignored him and looked behind him at the clock. Eliza could tell that he wanted to be out patrolling. So did she, it was her favorite time of the day. The bell rung and they headed to their chemistry class together. The only two classes they had with each other were science and math, so those were their favorites. They were also lab partners, so they sat together at a bench. Eliza put on her goggles, and waited for the lesson to start. She saw Peter studying a piece of paper and she glanced at it. It said, "Web Fluid Version 3.1" She leaned over his shoulder.
"Your handwriting kind of looks like how fourth grade girls write down their new 'inventions' that they make to change the way we look at technology," Eliza said. Peter jumped, he didn't know she was behind him and then he pushed her off her chair. She yelped.
"Hey! It's more like a 6th grade girl come on!" Peter said, and he looked really confused, "Wai-"
"Ooooo!! Self burn! That's new. I'm just joking Pete, your handwriting is nice." Eliza said while laughing and getting up off the floor. Peter smiled a bit and then looked around and opened the drawer that was on the side of the work bench. Eliza's brows furrowed, but then she saw what he was messing with and her eyes went wide. There was a beaker of web fluid that was overflowing.
"Dude! You've gotta be more careful with that around school," Eliza said, shaking her head.
"I know, I know," Peter sighed, "I just want to get out there."
Eliza bounced her leg up and down quickly, "Me too. Only..." she bit her lip, looked behind her at the clock and sighed, "four more hours." Peter groaned. The bell rung again, signaling that it was lunch time. They got up from their seats and made their way towards the cafeteria.
Once they got their shitty school lunches, Eliza and Peter made their way through the crowd to sit at their lunch table with their other friends. Eliza saw MJ and Katie sitting down holding hands and she gasped.
"YES MY SHIP HAS SAILED!!!!!" Eliza screamed.
Katie and MJ groaned and rolled their eyes, but they were both secretly smiling. MJ squeezed Katie's hand. Peter, Ned, and Eliza squealed, they were all so happy for their friends.
"So, how did it happen?" Ned asked.
Katie said that she didn't want to tell them and then winked at MJ, who blushed and looked away. What had really happened, was that MJ had shown up at Katie's door, dressed in a suit, with a bouquet of white flowers in her hands. Katie was shocked, because she knew that MJ wasn't one for big romantic gestures, but she ended up just standing up on her tippy toes and kissing her softly.
Katie and MJ sat on one side of the table, next to Eliza, and Ned and Peter sat on the other side. They all finished their lunch and Eliza and Ned were talking about his new lego death star, while Peter sat with his head propped up by his hand.
He spoke up, "Did Liz get a new top?"
Eliza and Ned followed his gaze to see him staring at Liz, who was hanging a homecoming poster up.
Ned said, "No we've seen that one before. But never with that skirt." Peter nodded, not taking his eyes off of Liz.
"We should probably stop staring before it gets creepy though," Peter said.
"Too late," All three girls said at the same time.
"You guys are losers," MJ said, then went back to reading her book, Katie looking over her shoulder so that she could see the words too.
The bell rung, and they all got up to go to decathlon practice. They arrived and sat down in their seats. Peter had to tell Mr. Harrington today that he couldn't go to Washington D.C. for the decathlon trip. He really wanted to go, but he said that Spiderman was more important. Eliza said that if it was necessary, she would quit, but not until Mr. Stark needed her for a mission.
"Peter, it's Nationals," Mr. Harrington said, a little disappointed, "is there no way that you could take one weekend off?"
"I can't go to Washington, because if Mr. Stark needs me, then I have to make sure that I'm here," Peter said.
"You've never even been in the same room as Tony Stark," Flash said from the back of the room. He was sitting in a chair reading a magazine, since he was just a stand-in.
"Wait, what's happening?" Cindy asked from her chair. They had just been practicing, Liz was the leader for the team, so she had been standing at a podium reading off the questions.
"Peter's not going to Washington," Eliza said.
"Nonononononono. No." Cindy said.
Liz turned to Peter. "Really? Right before Nationals?" She sounded disappointed. He nodded and she sighed. "Flash, you're in for Peter."
"Ooo, I don't know, I've gotta check my calendar first. I've got a hot date with Spiderwoman coming up," Flash said. Eliza tried really hard not to gag. She would never go out with Flash.
Abraham dinged his answering bell, "That is false."
Mr. Harrington sighed and said to Abraham, "What did I tell you about using the bell for comedic purposes?"
Eliza turned towards the clock, bouncing her leg up and down quickly. Only one more class until she could put her suit on and fight crime with Peter. The bell would ring any second now.
Peter and Eliza's next classes were right across the hall from each other, and when the bell rang, they were both the first to jump out of their seats, and run out of the door. They met each other's eyesight and smiles spread across their faces and they dashed for the front door's, bursting through them and out into the fresh air. They skipped down the stairs to the gate in front of them.
Peter looked around, to make sure no one was looking besides Eliza, and jumped about 35 feet in the air, over the gate. He turned around and grinned at her, clearly proud of himself. She just rolled her eyes and walked over to the gate, and pushed it open and turned to him. He had his mouth hanging open.
"It was unlocked you know," Eliza chuckled.
Peter muttered a, "Shut up," and they walked across the street to their favorite sandwich shop, Delmar's. They walked in and heard the familiar small bell ring.
"Sup Mr. Delmar." Eliza said, walking in and grabbing some gummy worms for her and Peter to share.
"Hey, Mr. Parker and Ms. Porter. Number 5 and a Number 3 right?" he said, smiling as his two favorite customers came in. They had been coming here since they were twelve years old, always ordering the same thing.
"Yeah," Peter turned to the cook, "and could you make mine with pickles and smoosh it down real flat? Thank you!"
"How's your aunt?" Mr. Delmar asked Peter. He just nodded, scanning the menu some more.
"She's alright."
"Ah, and you Porter? How's your mom?" Mr. Delmar said, turning to the girl.
"She's ok."
(a/n-correct me if i'm wrong, i just used google translate for the spanish and it isn't really reliable smh)
Mr. Delmar turned to his cook and chuckled saying, "Son mujeres italianas muy calientes,"(They are very hot Italian women.)
Peter furrowed his eyebrows and crossed his arms, "Cómo está tu hija eh?" (How's your daughter?) Eliza choked on a laugh.
Mr. Delmar's face went slack. "Alright, 10 dollars."
"It's five dollars," Peter said, pointing to the menu.
"For that comment, 10 dollars."
"Hey- c'mon I'm joking. I'm joking," he pulled a five dollar bill out of his pocket, "Here's five dollars." He took it and glared at him. Eliza walked across the store and went over to the cat that was sitting on the counter and pet it.
"Sup Murph," she said.
"So, how's school?" Mr. Delmar asked Peter.
"Ah, you know, It's boring, got better things to do," Peter said, giving him a small smile.
He shook his head. "Stay in school kid, stay in school. Or else you're gonna end up like me," he said, waving a hand around his shop.
"This is great." Mr. Delmar handed them their sandwiches and they said thank you, putting them in their backpacks. They walked out of the shop to find an abandoned alleyway to change into their suits.
Eliza took off her shoes, throwing them into her backpack, and then her t-shirt, leaving her in her sports bra and jeans. She slid off her jeans and took her suit out of her backpack, jumping into it, grabbing her mask, and loosely putting it on. She webbed her backpack to a wall, and pressed the spider emblem on her chest, making the suit go skin tight, and pulled the hood over her head. She turned to Peter, who also had his suit on. Eliza looked behind her and saw that Peter had webbed his backpack to a dumpster.
"When the garbage truck comes, they're gonna take your backpack with them man," Eliza said.
He just shrugged and said, "Lets go!"
They both jumped, climbing up the walls and onto the roof, trying to get a better view of the city and any crimes that were going on. Eliza saw a guy try to steal a bike and heard Peter mutter a, "Finally."
A/N- Can we talk about how good Zendaya looks in a suit?
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