❝Don't even try to take this weapon from me. I like you more and and more the less that you breathe. I've come undone, I think I'll kill everyone. My, what have I done? Fuck it, let's kill everyone.❞
- Hollywood Undead
❖ ❖ ❖
The boy, who they now knew was named Miguel, led the group to his camp that was surrounded by a fence. We crouched low behind a demolished building in an attempt to not be seen by the people on lookout. If anything went wrong, Glenn could be in danger.
"You sure you're up for this?" Rick asked, looking up at T-Dog who was hiding behind a wall.
"Okay." Rick cocked his shotgun as T-Dog began walking off with the bag of guns.
"One wrong move, you get an arrow in the ass." Daryl taunted to Miguel. "Just so you know."
"G's gonna take that arrow out of my ass and shove it up yours." Miguel retorted, "Just so you know."
"G?" Dexter asked, raising a brow at him.
"Guillermo. He's the man here."
"Okay then." Rick said, cocking his shotgun again. Dexter took that as a sign to ready her handgun. "Let's go see Guillermo."
They ducked through a broken window, Rick pushing Miguel in front of them until they were near the front door. The double doors slid open, revealing a couple of Latino men. Dexter aimed her pistol at them, along with Daryl and his crossbow while Rick put his shotgun against Miguel's back. An attempt to look threatening and it was working, for the moment.
One lone Latino walked closer to the group with the look of authority, Dexter assumed he was Guillermo and he nodded at Miguel, "You okay, little man?"
"They're gonna cut off my feet, carnal." Miguel replied, nervously glancing back at his captors.
"Cops do that?" G asked.
"Not him. This redneck puto here." Miguel told him, "He cut off some dude's hand, man. He showed it to me."
"Shut up." Daryl grunted.
"Hey, that's those vatos right there. He shot me in the ass with an arrow and the woman threw that knife in Jorge's shoulder." A bold man with a beard exclaimed aiming a gun at Daryl and Dexter. "What's up, homes, huh?"
Guillermo pushed the man's arm down. "Chill, ese, chill. Chill."He then turned to us, "This true? He wants Miguelito's feet? That's pretty sick man."
"We were hoping more for a calm discussion." Rick countered.
"That hillbilly jumps Felipe's little cousin, beats on him, threatens to cut off his feet, Felipe gets an arrow in the ass, Jorge stabbed by this chick and you want a calm discussion? You fascinate me." Guillermo stated.
"Heat of the moment." Dexter shrugged nonchalantly. "He hit me, I hit him back. Classic case of self defence."
"Mistakes were made on both sides." Rick added.
"Who's that dude to you anyway?" G asked Rick and Dexter, nodding towards Daryl. "You don't look related."
"He's one of our group, more or less. I'm sure you have a few like him." Rick replied.
"Unfortunately." The Bay Harbour Butcher mumbled under her breath, not actually meaning it for once. Daryl was okay, Merle not so much.
Daryl, thankfully not hearing what she had said, shifted his shoulders. "You got my brother in there?"
"Sorry, we're fresh out of white boys." Guillermo retorted sarcastically. "But I've got Asian. You interested?"
"I have one of yours, you have one of mine. Sounds like an even trade." Rick reasoned.
"Don't sound even to me."
"G. Come on, man." Miguel pleaded.
"My people got attacked. Where's the compensation for their pain and suffering? More to the point, where's my bag of guns?" Guillermo questioned, rubbing his nose.
G continued, "The bag Miguel saw in the street. The bag Felipe and Jorge were going back to get. That bag of guns."
"You're mistaken." Rick began.
"I don't think so."
"About it being yours." The officer finished. "It's my bag of guns."
"The bag was in the street. Anybody could come around and say it was theirs. I'm supposed to take your word?" The Latino re-countered. "What's to stop my people from unloading on you right here and now and I take what's mine?"
"What is this? Kindergarten?" Dexter argued, rolling her eyes in annoyance. She was half expecting them to begin pushing one another soon. "The bag is clearly ours, so stop arguing like children. Now, you could unload on us, but I would advise not to." She nodded towards the roof where T-Dog had a sniper at the ready and aimed on Guillermo.
"Oye." G called out. Two men held Glenn by the edge of the rooftop, the sack removed from his head as he struggled in their grip. They were really beginning to piss me off. "I see two options. You come back with Miguel and my bag of guns, everybody walks. Or you come back locked and loaded, we'll see which side spills more blood."
They backed inside their building, leaving Dexter and her group alone outside.
❖ ❖ ❖
Rick, Daryl, Dexter and T-Dog retreated into a lab building nearby where they could discuss what to do. Daryl was against giving away anything for Glenn's life. Dexter personally wanted to just go and kill them all, but that was just the way she was used to doing things. Their best option was to give at least something- anything, but somehow she knew that wouldn't be the case.
"Them guns are worth more than gold. Gold won't protect your family or put food on the table." Daryl ranted, pacing. "You willing to give that up for that kid?"
"If I knew we'd get Glenn back, I might agree." T-Dog input, "But you think that vato across the way is just gonna hand him over?"
"We have to think rationally about this. Yes, I would love to go in there guns ablaze, but this is Glenn's life we'd be putting at stake." Dexter reasoned, scratching the back of her neck in thought. She was trying to think of another way to get Glenn out safely.
"You calling G a liar?" Miguel asked, offended.
"Yes. That's exactly what I'm saying." She deadpanned, glaring at him. "I don't trust anybody, let alone a stranger who has one of the few people I can tolerate held captive."
"Question is, can we trust what that man says?" T-Dogs spoke up after Daryl slapped Miguel for speaking back.
"No, question is what are you willing to bet on it?" Daryl rephrased. "Could be more than them guns. Could be your life. Glenn worth that to you?"
"What life I have I owe him." Rick replied, shoving his python into his gun holster on his hip. "I was nobody to Glenn, just some idiot stuck in a tank. He could have walked away, but he didn't. Neither will I."
"So you're gonna hand the guns over?" Daryl questioned, but it sounded more like a statement.
"I didn't say that." Rick denied. "There's nothing keeping you three here. You should get out, head back to camp."
"And tell your family what?" T-Dog countered. They all turned to the only female present, signifying that she should leave because they thought she was weak. A helpless woman.
"I'm not leaving. Just because I'm a woman, doesn't mean that I don't know my way around a gun." She glared, securing a shotgun onto her back next to her machete and picking up a few guns from the table, putting them in the holsters on her hips. "Glenn got me into this mess, I'm gonna help save him so that he can get me out of it."
The men nodded, giving into her reply and began to pick up their own guns. Miguel stood up from the ground in protest. "Come on, this is nuts." Daryl just looked at him, pointing to the floor and Miguel sat back down again with his head in his hands. "Just do like G says."
They ignored him, loading their guns with ammunition until they were ready to leave. Once again, Miguel was pushed in front, this time with Daryl's gun pointed at his back and gagged with a rag.
The Latino's opened the door for the group, seeing the bag hung over Rick's shoulder and they led them inside, passed the men with melee weapons.
"I see my guns, but they're not all in the bag." Guillermo voiced.
"That's because they're not yours." Rick provoked. "I thought I mentioned that."
"Let's just shoot these fools right now, ese. All right?" Felipe grumbled in G's ear. "Unload on their asses, ese."
"I don't think you fully appreciate the gravity of the situation." G warned.
"No, I'm pretty clear."
"Our feet are perfectly of the ground, thank you. The gravity is just fine." Dexter sneered sarcastically, shifting her grip on the two pistols she held in her hands. She wasn't much of a gun person and her hands were growing sweaty, but she was still a decent shot from all the hunting she did with Harry when she was younger.
Rick released Miguel and pushed him towards his group. "You have your man. I want mine."
"I'm gonna chop up your boy. I'm gonna feed him to my dogs. They're the evilest, nastiest man-eating bitches you ever saw. I picked the up from Satan in a yard sale." Guillermo threatened, but it was an empty threat. He didn't have the guts, his friends maybe. "I told you how it has to be. Are you woefully deaf?"
"No, my hearing's fine. You said come locked and loaded-" Rick, Daryl , Dexter and T-Dog all cocked their guns in sync and aimed as Rick spoke. "Okay then, we're here."
"Felipe! Felipe!" A woman's voice called from behind the mass of Latino men.
"Abuela, go back with the others- now." Felipe demanded the older woman.
"Get that old lady out of the line of fire!" Daryl barked angrily, seemingly concerned for her safety.
"Abuela, listen to your m'hijo, okay?" G said to her, "This is not the place for you right now."
"Mr. Gilbert is having trouble breathing." Abuela sobbed. "He needs his asthma stuff. Carlito didn't find it. He needs his medicine."
Guillermo seemed reluctant to do so, but he turned to Felipe. "Felipe, go take care of it, okay? And take your grandmother with you."
Felipe tried to turn his grandmother around by speaking to her in Spanish, but she wouldn't budge. "Who are those people? Don't you take him."
"Ma'am?" Rick asked, lowering his gun in confusion.
"Felipe's a good boy. He have his trouble but he pull himself together. We need him here."
"Ma'am, I'm not here to arrest your grandson."
"Then what do you want him for?"
"He's..." Rick trailed off, unsure how to answer.
"Helping us find a missing person. Our friend named Glenn." Dexter cut in, moving to the front.
"The Asian boy? He's with Mr. Gilbert." She said, grabbing Dexter's hand gently and pulling her away - much to her distaste. "Come. Come, I show you. He needs his medicine."
"Let 'em pass." Guillermo sighed, giving in.
Abuela pulled the brunette through different corridors until they walked inside a nursing home, the others were trailing close behind.
"Abuela, por favor. Take me to him." Felipe instructed, pulling Abuela away to go find Mr.Gilbert as they followed the Latinos into a large room full of elderly people.
Dexter spotted Glenn stood around a man that Felipe was giving an inhaler to and Rick stepped a bit closer to him with a confused expression. "What the hell is this?"
"An asthma attack." Glenn answered calmly with his arms crossed with no indication that he had been kidnapped. "Couldn't get his breath all of a sudden."
"I thought you were being eaten by dogs, man." T-Dog whined in a high pitch tone. Glenn looked behind at the three Chihuahuas and then back towards us.
"It's good to see you're all right, pizza boy." Dexter smirked, patting his shoulder roughly and causing him to take a step back.
Rick leaned into Guillermo's face, "Could I have a word with you?" Guillermo nodded and they walked off.
"It took you guys long enough to come and get me. Were you too busy killing geeks or something?" Glenn asked T-Dog, Daryl and Dexter.
"Nope. Just busy fighting like children over a bag of guns." She hummed, pointing at Rick and G as they walked back over. Guillermo directed the group into a separate room to talk without the elders hearing.
Rick put the bag of guns down on the couch, "What about the rest of your crew?"
"The vatos trickle in to check on their parents, their grandparents They see how things are and most decide to stay. It's a good thing too. We need the muscle. The people we've encountered since things fell apart, the worst kind- plunderers, the kind that take by force."
"That's not who we are." Rick interrupted.
"How was I to know?" Guillermo retorted. "My people got attacked and you show up with Miguel hostage- appearances."
"Guess the world changed." T-Dog said.
"No. It's the same as it ever was. The weak get taken." G acknowledged. "So we do what we can here. The vatos work on those cars, talk about getting the old people out of the city. But most can't even get to the bathroom by themselves, so that's just a dream. Still, it keeps the crew busy, and that's worth something. So we barred all the windows, welded all the doors shut except for one entrance. The vatos, they go out, scavenge what they can to keep us going. We watch the perimeter night and day and we wait. The people here, they all look to me now. I don't even know why."
"Because you're strong." Dexter stated, holding out her shotgun to him after retrieving it from her back. "After all this time you've managed to hold yourself together to look after others and they respect that, they respect you."
In the beginning, Dexter was ready to kill every last one of them because she thought they were bad people. But she had abandoned her rules and didn't find any evidence before making a rash decision. It was what had almost got her caught in the past. She didn't think things through and as a result, she had killed an innocent person.
But now, the brunette could see that Guillermo only intended to do good, to help people like she never could. If she were him, she would have left all those innocent people for dead because she wouldn't want to be responsible for so many lives.
Rick, seeing the meaning behind her gesture, took this as a sign to give out some of the guns and ammo from the bag. They parted ways from the vatos after they were thanked and then they made the trek back to the van.
"Admit it, you only came back to Atlanta for the hat." Glenn mused as they walked down the railroad.
"Don't tell anybody." Rick smiled.
"You've given away half our guns and ammo." Daryl grumbled.
"Not nearly half." Dexter argued, rolling her eyes at him as she walked beside T-Dog.
"For what?" The archer retorted, "Bunch of old farts who are gonna die off momentarily anyhow?"
"Oh look, the redneck knows a big word." She smirked, causing T-Dog to let out a quiet chuckle that he quickly covered up with a cough once he saw Daryl's glare.
He stopped glaring and continued his rant, "Seriously, how long you think they got?"
"How long do any of us?" Rick countered, coming to an abrupt stop.
"Oh my God." Glenn breathed.
"Where the hell's our van?" Daryl grunted. Dexter clenched her fists, feeling her jaw tighten as she looked at the empty space where their van used to be.
"We left it right there. Who would take it?" Glenn questioned to us and himself.
"Merle." The woman snarled, glaring at the ground. She knew she never liked him, that cocaine-snorting bastard.
"He's gonna be taking some vengeance back to camp." Daryl voiced.
"We better get running then." Dexter advised, tightening her gun holster around her hip so that it wouldn't fall off as she ran.
❖ ❖ ❖
They arrived at camp just in time to hear the screaming and destruction from it being overrun by geeks. Dexter took out her pistols, shooting every walker that came into sight in the head, except for a few bullets that would hit a little lower or completely miss. She was a decent shot, not a marksman. Knives were her speciality.
She spotted Deb in the massacre, fiddling with her gun as she tried to reload it before the walkers got to her. Dexter grabbed her machete from its holster on her back and ran over to her sister, slicing off the heads of the two walkers that were creeping up on her.
Debra cried in relief when she saw Dexter, going in for a hug, but the brunette pushed her behind her instead. "Stay behind me Deb. Shoot anything that groans."
Debra nodded frantically, swearing as she finally reloaded her gun and began shooting again. Dexter glanced everywhere as she gunned down countless walkers with her machete in her other hand, seeing Daryl and the others doing the exact same while the women and children huddled together.
Dexter and Deb worked their way to the RV and kept shooting until there was nothing left to shoot, but the former of the two still had her gun and machete raised as she surveyed the area. The silence was deafening.
A hand grasped her shoulder, putting her in full alert mode as she span around and aimed her gun at their throat. "Don't touch me!"
Daryl put his hands up and stepped back. "Hey, lady just tryin' ta help."
Dexter's shoulders relaxed and she lowered the gun, releasing a loud sigh. "Sorry, reflex."
He walked away to check on something, his stuff or other people, Dexter didn't really know - or care. Debra pulled her into a hug as they looked at all the damage.
"I remember my dream now, why I dug the holes." Jim spoke up above the sobbing and deafening silence, confusing the hell out of everyone.
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