"WHY CAN'T I BE PRETTY LIKE YOU, HAN?" Kara asked softly as she fiddled with her fingers as she laid on Hannah's bed. Tonight was Hannah's third date this week while Kara couldn't talk to a guy without blubbering nonsense at him. Or maybe she had intermittent explosive disorder that caused her to explode without any control. Hannah turned around from her mirror and gave her a small smile. Hannah walked over towards the bed and sat down next to her. "Kara, you're beautiful. Don't let a guy, date define you. Your the only one who can define you and hold yourself high because you deserve the world. You'll find a guy someday, it might not be today but with you're personality and looks, you'll get a guy. Don't worry."
Kara looked down at her fingers and gently chuckled before their eyes connected. Kara's mocha brown eyes sparkled with innocence and gratefulness. "Oh Hannah Baker, how did I do life without you?"
"Honestly." Hannah said with a small laugh. With that, Hannah walked towards her dresser and grabbed her phone.
"What are you doing?" Kara inquired as she watched her intently. She looked up and smiled. "Put on your pajamas, we're watching a Teen Wolf marathon."
"You're not going on that date? You don't have to do tha-"
"Too late." Hannah grinned widely before she threw her purse down.
Kara knelt before Hannah's grave. Kara's fingers traced over the tombstone, she looked down while joyful tears escaped. She blinked away the tears and smiled softly. "God, I miss you. I just wanted to update you on my life like we did when you were..." Kara's voice cracked. "-Alive. B-But I finally got a date. You were right, I heard Marcus was testifying. I'm going to that one because if that bastard lies, I'll set him straight. You once told me I deserve the world. You deserve justice. I miss you so fucking much." With that, the tears came rolling down her cheeks. She swiftly wiped them away. "I love you Hannah to the moon and back. I wish you were still here."
With that, she stood up and kissed her fingers. She then touched it on Hannah's tombstone. "Hope your somewhere that treats you better than this shit hole."
Kara arrived to her house, it was usually empty because of the trial going on. Kara sighed before going to her room. While she was getting ready, Kara heard her phone go off, she rushed over to see who it was.
scott reed:
wear something casual :)
kara baker:
you got it dude
Kara decided only to pull over an over a white tank while you pulled on a pair of light washed skinny jeans. She tied a red and black flannel around her waist with Adidas Superstars to go with it. She glanced at the clock, she was five minutes early. She smiled to herself before plopping on the couch. A couple of minutes later, a knock was placed on the front door. Don't be nervous, Kara mumbled to herself. Kara opened the door to reveal Scott in a plain black t-shirt and jeans. He smiled nervously. "You ready?"
"Sure." Kara replied by tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. Scott walked Kara over to his car and opened the door for her. "M'lady." Scott said with a playful smile upon his lips.
"Why thank you, good sir." Kara responded with a chuckle before getting in. Scott ran over to the drivers seat and started to drive. Kara furrowed her eyebrows as she saw the sign that said goodbye. "You're not gonna murder me, are you?" Kara questioned with a quirked eyebrow.
"I would never. It pains me that you think that." Scott feigned hurt. "I'm taking you to a spot I don't take anyone. I only take my younger sister if she's having a bad day."
After a couple of minutes, they arrived to the top of the mountain. Scott spread out a blanket which had front view over the entire town. Kara gasped as she saw all the lights above her. She felt as she could conquer the world. Scott brought a picnic basket and gestured for her to sit down. She complied and sat down. She looked around her, she heard the faint chirps of crickets. The wind softly blew onto her bare arms. She watched the town's lights. "This is beautiful." She felt peace within her.
"When I need time to think, I always take a drive up here." Scott admitted.
Kara looked towards Scott and softly smiled. "You're not like them."
Scott chuckles softly. "I hate when people assume that about me." He admits shyly. "I try to do the best that I can but I slip up and I let the popularity control my actions."
"Well, to make you feel better, at age three I was diagnosed to be bipolar and I have intermittent explosive disorder. So if I do become all Hulk at you, you know why." She said while her eyes flickered to her lap. Her eyes then watch the stars. Scott watched in her awe, his cerulean eyes sparkled with amazement and adore. Kara's and Scott's eyes met, emotions dazzled in them. They both could not read each other's emotion. Scott starts to lean in causing Kara to suck in a breath. Shit I should've of taken a min-, Kara's thoughts were cut off by Scott softly connecting his lips with hers.Fireworks ignited as his warm lips moved with hers. The kiss was not haste, it was gentle. Kara softly placed her hand on Scott's cheek. She felt the butterflies dancing around in her stomach. Kara smiled into the kiss before she leaned back. "Wow." She admitted with a small smile.
"Wow indeed, Baker."
A U T H O R | N O T E S
-ok, i put in some kannah or hannara action. i wanted to show the memory where hannah actually was like an older sister to kara and gave her advice. i kinda teared up while i was writing the scene. o h well
-scara feels
-did ya like this chapter?
-i love teen wolf so i had to put that reference.
-who got the full house reference?
-tbh i don't know who is in that gif. i can't really depict it. i think it's adelaine but idk
-do you like scott? am i making his character believable?
-do you like kara?
-next chapter will be the trial scene, you'll see more of sassy kara right now you have gotten the smol bean kara
-goodnight i dyed the tips of my hair midnight blue. it didn't really work because i have like dark brown hair but you can see it in the life.
-go read m y theo fanficiton
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