five, groupchat & real life
"dream team🌟"
( chloe ~ clyde
george ~ georgina
alex ~ alexia )
Are you both free tonight?
Cool. Chloe are you?
She too famous for us now
oh yeah definitelyyyy
as if you both aren't more famous
then me
Not sure now after that album
Are you free tonight, Chloe?
i'll have to check my extremely
busy schedule 😊☝️
Yes or no
You're not that busy you have
no friends
ig the truth does hurt.
did you know that slugs have for
Yes or no
How did we go from friends to slugs?
why is georgina in her baddie era
purrr queen 💅
Right, Alex we're going out
without her.
it'll feel so empty without me 😎
wait you guys are going out? why
didn't you ask mwah🙁
Is she joking.
Chloe are you joking?
▶︎ ılıılıılıılıılıılı 00:05
I was laughing.
I've had enough, if you wanna come
here is the information;
Meet : 19:45
Table Booking : 20:00
Location : 150 Piccadilly, St. James's,
London W1J 9BR (The Ritz)
Dress Code : Smart
we are going out???
why are you like this @georgina ??
Like what.
Wait we're going to The Ritz?
You're lucky I have nice suits 🤣
read 16:57
chloe sighed dragging herself out of her warm bed she'd been in all day, as a reward for the recent hard work she'd done. she crouched next to her dog, dakota, before calling the person she needed right now.
B E S T F R I E N D💖 connecting ...
"HEY BAE," chloe yells to her friend over the phone who yawned in response, "wake yourself up because i need someone to get ready with."
"move your face, i want to see dakota," her best friend on the other side of the call complains. in response chloe rolls her eyes, standing up and walking over to the lit up vanity across from her bed, she sat down, placing her phone in the centre of the desk before her friend decided to start talking again, "cereal or toast?"
"what cereal are you having?" chloe raised her eyebrows, she was sure she knew the answer but it could be possible she had changed her favourite cereal in the space of two days.
"coco pops," cora giggled knowing that she was never going to choose toast, she placed her phone down on the counter, ruffling around in her cupboard, "also you woke me up."
"so what, firstly it's 5pm, secondly," the girl paused looking at herself in the mirror, "it's important."
"important? scale from 1-10 of importance."
"9, it would be a 3 if i had other friends but i don't so it's incredibly important," chloe pouts at her friend who was giving her one of those looks.
"couldn't you have called madison or sabrina?" cora challenged her as she poured her milk over the chocolate cereal.
"i wanted to call you," chloe huffs about to give up, "is that an issue?"
"no, but i'm tired," the brunette replies after swallowing her mouthful, "what's so important anyways?"
"george messaged like five minutes ago, saying he's booked a table at the ritz for me," chloe explains the situation at hand, "but i only have like two and a half hours to get ready."
the sound of a spoon dropping against marble was heard, cora's mouth fell open as she stared at her best friend. "go have a shower and wash your hair i'll wait here and think of an outfit, then by choosing the outfit all that's left is shoes, makeup and bag."
"okay thank you," chloe laughs rushing up from her chair blowing a kiss, as she left her phone on call.
over 20 minutes went by before chloe returned, body and hair both wrapped in two separate towels. she sat down back where her phone was seeing that cora was back in bed, not asleep just watching tv and from what she could hear, she presumed it was their favourite, gossip girl.
"watching it without me?" chloe questioned acting sad.
"fucking hell, a bit of warning you were back would've been nice you moron," cora exclaims, holding her hand to her heart in shock.
"me a moron? says you, you melt." the dripping girl snaps back jokingly.
"anyways, let's get back to the real issue at hand," her best friend says, looking her up and down through the call, "not a lot to sort out you pretty girl."
"stop cora not right now," the girl replied rolling her eyes as she blushed.
"right, sorry." she laughed, before starting to explain the outfit idea to the girl in need, "a black dress, black bow, black heels, black bag and to be really extra because why not, black gloves."
chloe sat there taking it all in, she could already see the classy, elegant look that cora was going for but she was just hoping she had the stuff to pull it together. she trusted that her best friend wouldn't set her up and backstab her that badly with making her wear a bad outfit, especially as the girls knew each others wardrobes better then their own. this being from the countless amount of times they have had to pick each others outfit, whilst the other laid face down on the bed.
"how do you think i should have my makeup?" chloe asks her friend, removing the towel from her head whilst plugging in her hair dryer.
"i think really simple," cora starts, admiring her best friends natural beauty, "your outfit isn't an outfit that needs a pop of colour so i think stick to nude colours on the face, the most colour is a possible red lip depending how you feel on that."
her best friend simply nodded at the explanation, taking it in, "i don't think i suit a red lip."
"babe, you suit anything," cora smiles, "but again if you don't feel like it, stick to a nude lip."
both girls sat in almost silence, the small sound of cora's tv and chloe's playlist fading down to just background music.
"dream team🌟"
( chloe ~ clyde
george ~ georgina
alex ~ alexia )
i feel really pretty 😊
bet y'all don't look as cool as me 😎
I'm sure you look it
But I have to say I look clean in a suit
And so does George to be fair
Oi no hitting on my sister
But thank you, you too
if he called me ugly you'd be annoyed 🙄
(can you guys stop flirting xxxx)
He's meant to leave you on opened
(We're not leave off)
I'm sorry 🙄
(We are, he's not into publicity though)
smiling after reading the messages, she put her phone away in the small black purse she had picked out for the evening ahead. she walked over to her apartment door, slipping her feet into her high heels that cora had chosen. looking over at the mirror hanging on the wall she tilts her head before walking out the door, making sure it was locked as she began to head to the parking lot where her car sat waiting.
when she reached her shining black mercedes, she climbed in, starting the engine and driving off straight away. chloe had started to worry, looking at the time, still having plenty of time but unsure if the others would be waiting when she arrived. calling her brother, deciding that he would be easier to get hold of then alex, she waits for him to answer and when he does, her worries fade away.
"what time will you be here?" george's voice comes through her car speakers
"in around ten minutes, including getting parking," chloe's eyes flick to the screen on her car, "so at like 7:30 something?"
"yeah okay, i'm here because i had to run through the reservation and alex said he'll be here in like 5 so that timing is perfect, thank you." her brother replies, she can hear the smile through the screen.
"amazing! i'll see you in a bit yeah?" chloe smiles, nudging her indicator and turning her wheel.
"yep, will do."
the line goes silent before her music starts playing again, the volume seeming louder then it had previous to the call. not that, in her opinion, it was an issue.
𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧 𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙖𝙠𝙨 !
the fact it's been almost a month is insane. i apologise 😭. i don't know how time went so fast? like genuinely school takes up so much of my time and i don't even notice it. you may have to wait a week or two for another update but i will try my best to be more frequent. i'm on a longgg ass flight in a couple days so i'll try write!
and as for this chapter, i don't know if i like it so show some love 😭🫶 hope you still liked it! :)
can i just say. i am so grateful. the last time i posted a chapter i just reached 1K reads, and now i'm on 1.95K? that's insane. thank you so much.
- ru (@moonysmaps)
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