-𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 5-
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
~Third-Person Pov~
Y/n woke up with the sun shining through the window. What a great way to start off the day. She threw a pillow over her head to block out the light. But just like any day, the girl couldn't go back to sleep. It was always someone making too much noise, of her not being able to fall back asleep because she was already up. This time it was the noise. "Agie. Shut the actual-"
"Sorry."She had been slamming her dresser drawers closed, desperate to find something to wear.
"It's a weekend, just pick something out!" Y/n groned.
"But we're going to Hogsmead! Remember, McGonagal posted the schedule on the notice board." Each Comonroom had a small cork board hung up inside next to the portrait hole. It wasn't used much, except for things like Hogsmead and Quidditch schedules, and new passwords if the password ever changed. "You need to get up too. Arnt, you going with a Hufflepuff?"
"Noah right? He's that Hufflepuff I hang out with. He's really nice." Katie came out of the bathroom dressed in a cute blue short-sleeved blouse and patched shorts.
"We're Herbolidgy partners."
"He talks about you sometimes." She placed a brush down on her nightstand.
"That's a cute outfit." Angelina smiled.
"Thanks! Let me help you find something to wear."
Y/n got up and grabbed an outfit of her own and went to the bathroom to change. She ended up picking a cute F/n long bell-sleeved cropped top, with different flowers printed on it. She paired it with some baggy Jeans which had the word 'Gryffindor' stitched on the back pocket. Katie, Angelina, and Y/n all had pair. One summer they met up and decided to make them with their free time.
Angelina had gotten dressed too. Picking out a matching set like Katie's except white and a skirt.
Yesterday Y/n told Fred and George what about Noah, George was happy, but Fred wasn't. Then she told Lee, and he looked shocked. She still can't understand why people look shocked when she tells them things she's done.
The girls finished up and went to the Great Hall for breakfast.
"You look nice." Fred looked at me, taking his eyes off his cereal, but still shoveling it in his mouth.
"You do." Lee said between chews.
"Thanks." She simply smiled and sat down next to Fred.
"Who's everyone going with?" George spoke, taking a drink of his orange juice. "Besides Y/n. We all know." He smerked.
Angelina spoke up, "Me, Katie, and Lia are going to hang out."
"Lia? That one girl who sits with me in potions?" Lee asked.
"Yeah, she's really nice."
"She's mental! She never stops talking!"
"You never do either. It's not like you listen to her anyway. She's tried to talk to you many times but you just ignore her."
"There's no way she has-"
"Maybe try listening to her next time." She shrugged.
"Can I sit here?" Oliver had walked up to the group of fifth years. He looked at the empty spot next to Lee.
"Sure Ollie, I don't think Lee would mind." Y/n smirked, as Oliver's face went pink.
"S-sure." Lee said quietly.
They all finished eating and headed to the cartridges. Oliver had stayed behind with some of his friends as the rest went together. They all had meat Noah at the Main gates so he could ride with them. Fred, George, Lee, and Noah all sat in one cartridge while the rest all into another.
"So, Williams, you're a Hufflepuff?" Fred started to question Noah.
"Yeah-" He sheepishly said.
"So your nice and all?"
"I would say that I am."
"So you'll be fine with Y/n?"
"Why are you interrogating the poor guy?" George placed a hand on his twin's shoulder. "If he ends up being a git, Y/n knows how to take care of herself." Noah looked over at him with scared eyes. "Not saying that you are a git." He cuffed Noah's hand between his own and shook it with a big smile.
"And you call yourself responsible with your words-" Lee started.
"Kindly shut up." He smiled once more. "Respectfully." He quickly added.
Noah started to look uncomfortable. "It's fine, you won't have to worry bout them much longer." Lee
Once the cartridges halted to a stop at the small loved village of Hogsmead, the two groups piled off in excitement.
"Where to first?" Noah quickly walked over to Y/n and gave her a genuine smile.
"How about Honeydukes?" The girl smiled.
"Sounds good." The two left the others and walk to the loveable candy store, and walk inside.
"Chocolate frogs!" Once Y/n saw them, she run over and grab a few, making the boy laugh. "Tonight, we feast." She grabbed two more then turned around before she grabbed any more.
The two finished in the store and went to the checkout.
"Here, I'll pay." Noah dug through his pocket to get the money out needed.
"No, I will." Y/n insisted.
"Y/n, let me pay. We're holding up the line."
"Fine." She rolled her eyes. He paid for the items they wanted and smiled.
"Where to now?"
"Zonko's!" She grab his hand and ran. "I love this place." she said, looking around at all the things on the shelves. All the memories surrounding this one building. All the things she used with the twins to do pranks. This place was the best shop in Hogsmeade.
After some time They ended up in the Three Broomsticks.
"I'll order, one second." Noah stood up and walked to the counter. "Two Butterbeers please."
"They'll be done soon, sir." Madam Rosmerta spoke. Soon enough they were done and handed to him, "Here you go! Have a good day."
"You as well!"
He brought them back to the booth Y/n was sitting at and placed them down.
"I'll be right back. I need to use the restroom." He then walked off again, soon disappearing behind a wall.
"What are you doing here?" Y/n hear a girl say.
It was a girl in Harry's year, but she didn't quite know who it was. "I'm here with Noah."
"Noah Williams? That's nice." Y/n looked back in the direction he had left. When she looked back the girl had slipped a small bottle into her pocket.
"Well, I better be off. I just wanted to know why you were by yourself." She shrugged and ran off with a small giggle.
Weird. She though.
"I'm back." Noah sat down in front of Y/n. He was about to take a drink from his Butterbeer he paused. "Why does it smell like lavender and fresh parchment?"
"Nothing. It's probably the soap from the bathroom." He shrugged and took a drink.
Y/n was happily drinking her's as well. The day was going well. Noah was nice, and he paid for everything. Not like Y/n wanted him to. She wanted to pay most of the time but he insisted every time they checked out that he was going to pay.
"Do you know Kellah Laslett?" He randomly asked.
"Is she in third year?"
"Yeah. She's really pretty. In fact, I think I should ask her out. Don't you think?" He slowly stood up.
"But Noah-"
"I'll be back." He rushed over to another table where the girl from before sat with her friends.
He came back with the biggest smile on his face. "She said yes! Aren't you happy Y/n?"
"You want to know what I think? I think Fred was right, you are a git." She bent down and grabbed the bag of things they had gotten from each store and walked off. She went back to the castle by herself. Just as she thought things were going well, they turned upside down.
Once she got to her common room, she ran up to the dormitory and fell on her bed in tears.
Then of course someone had to walk in. "Are you ok Y/n? What happened?" Angelina said.
"Noah. He's a bloody git! He goes off and asks another girl on our date!"
"Boys." She scoffs. "He doesn't deserve you. You deserve better. Do you want me to get the twins or Oliver? We can talk later If you want."
Y/n noded. Soon after she leaves, the twins come running into the room, dragging Oliver with them.
"What happened?" They all say in unison.
"He goes and asks another girl out when he asks me out."
"Noah? I'm going to beet his ass." Fred's jaw tightened.
"More like we're going to beat his ass." George says, making Y/n chuckle.
Oliver sits by her pillow and she lays her head in his lap. "It's going to be ok, Y/n. You deserve better than that, and you know you do. Now we just have to make it a mission to beat Hufflepuff when we play against them. We play them first you know."
"Thanks." She sighed.
The boys had left and Angelina had come back, this time with Katie and their friend Lia.
"I can't believe Noah, out of all people did that. He's the nicest guy I know."
"Men can be deceiving. They are to never be trusted." Lia said.
"You're not lying."
"I'm Lia Hale by the way. I don't think we've officially met. We have a few classes together. I'm sorry, I just sort of followed. I can leave if-"
"You can stay." Y/n cut her off with a small smile. "Y/n Wood." She introduced herself.
She sighed. "He's stupid. All they feedin' you is beautiful lies. So hide in till they find someone new." Y/n was at the point where she had stopped crying, she was just mad.
"Oh Y/n, how about we play some Quidditch tomorrow and just throw a Quaffle around?" Angelina says. "Maybe that will make you feel better."
"I knew you would say yes." They all laugh.
"Can Oliver come?" She gave them a sad look.
"I guess, but-" Katie started.
"But men." Lia threw her hands down at the word.
"Oliver is just a little boy disguised as a man."
"I guess that's an exception."
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
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