03 ⋟ robert's village
A/N- when i say anthony and joe i mean the russo brothers (just thought you should know)
(𝚊𝚍𝚓) 𝚍𝚎𝚜𝚌𝚛𝚒𝚋𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊𝚗 𝚎𝚡𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚖𝚊𝚔𝚎𝚜 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚏𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚏𝚞𝚕 𝚢𝚎𝚝 𝚏𝚊𝚜𝚌𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚍, 𝚊𝚠𝚎𝚍 𝚢𝚎𝚝 𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚍--𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚙𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚏𝚞𝚕, 𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚕 𝚏𝚎𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚘𝚏 𝚋𝚎𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚕𝚖𝚎𝚍 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚒𝚗𝚜𝚙𝚒𝚛𝚎𝚍
Do you know
what day we try
on our suits?
wannabe aziraphale
do you know
how to say hello?
Do you know
what day filming starts?
wannabe aziraphale
do you know how
to turn off your caps
No actually, do you?
wannabe aziraphale
do you know anything?
I know that the
mitochondria is the
powerhouse of
the cell
wannabe aziraphale
and no. i don't
know when filming
can you ask sydney?
wannabe aziraphale
hey you figured
out caps lock!!
are you proud
of me now
wannabe aziraphale
sure buddy
*pat pat*
wanna go play some
catch in the yard?
very much so.
but this hotel doesn't
have any ice
wannabe aziraphale
why tf would
you need ice
YOU'RE gonna need
some ice
for when i beat
your ass
wannabe aziraphale
i'm competitive
wannabe aziraphale
wait why are
you in a hotel?
why not just stay
with sydney
and i?
didn't think of that.
why do you live
with her anyways?
wannabe aziraphale
i kinda got kicked
out of my parents
oH sorry,
i didn't know love
wannabe aziraphale
eh it's aight
because now i
get to do
wannabe aziraphale
sorry i fell
on my face
two questions:
and is the ground okay
wannabe aziraphale
yes again
and hOw dArE
how did you
even fall on your
wannabe aziraphale
well you see...
i was hanging from
the pole...
and then i fell
are you a stripper
on the side
or something??
wannabe aziraphale
what?? nO
you said you
were hanging
from a pole
wannabe aziraphale
no thomas,
a chin up pole
context is key
wannabe aziraphale
wait weird question
what would your
stripper name
that is a GREAT
question i have
literally been
waiting for someone
to ask me this-
wannabe aziraphale
w h y
just w h y
because she's
and umbrella is
an amazing song
wannabe aziraphale
uh huh
anyways how
are your brothers?
wait how do
you know about
my brothers
wannabe aziraphale
because you told me
i just know
you wanted to
call me a dumbass
right there
wannabe aziraphale
very much so
they're doing okay
sam said that
he wanted to be
a chef so there's a
bunch of cookies
all over the house
wannabe aziraphale
i want some
yeah me too
i kinda wish i
was back home :(
wannabe aziraphale
aww i'm sorry man
it's okay
besides i get
to make a film
with my favorite
movie stars
i just hope i don't
bodge something
also harrison is
here with me but
wannabe aziraphale
you are so
english and i love it
aww thank you :)
wannabe aziraphale
well i'm
bloody knackered
so i'm gonna go
to sleep
goodnight lilah
wannabe aziraphale
goodnight thomas
⋆·˚ ༘ *🗡* ༘˚·⋆
The next week, Tom and Lilah were filming their scenes for Civil War. That day they weren't in their suits, just regular clothes. Anthony had told them that Tom would film his scenes first, because the first scene was of him walking down a hallway and into Peter Parker's apartment.
So while he was filming those scenes, Lilah sat next to set, curled up in the corner of a couch with a book in her hands. Because she basically blind, she had her glasses on. Normally she wore her contacts, but not when she read. And, her scenes weren't for another hour, so she had time to finish the novel she bought the week before.
Another thing both Tom and Lilah had to accomplish over the week, was signing their contracts. It was a six picture deal with Sony, Disney, and Marvel. It was very complicated paperwork, but Sydney helped them look through it all. It gave Lilah a bit (a lot) of anxiety to think that she would be making six whole movies with Marvel, but at the same time, it was exhilarating.
In the distance, she heard someone calling her name, but she was in such a trance reading her novel, her surroundings were nothing but a speck of noise in a world of fantasy.
Whoever it was that was calling her name put their hands on her knees to get her attention. Her head snapped up to see Freya, their stunt coordinator, in front of her. Lilah flinched out of her touch and set her book down.
"Angelo, I've been calling your name for a while," she said. A smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. "Must be some book."
Lilah muttered an apology, then said, "It actually is a pretty good book. I would recommend if you're into swords and shit-"
She stopped when a little smirk appeared on Freya's lips.
"You were mocking me weren't you," she sighed.
"Wha- no I wasn't mocking you," Freya said, biting back her laugh.
"Yeah okay, sure," she said disbelievingly. She stood up and put her hands in her pockets. "What, um, what did you need?"
"Right, Rachel needs you in hair and makeup, and tomorrow we start stunt work," she said slyly.
Lilah slowly nodded in understanding, trying to remember where Rachel's trailer was. Freya seemed to understand her confusion and pointed out a white camper right outside the set studio.
Nodding her thanks, Lilah walked off towards the trailer, grabbing her book and adjusting her converse along the way. When she sat down at her seat in the trailer, Rachel, the hair and makeup lady, looked at her sidelong.
"So...I hear this is your first time in here," she smiled as Lilah nodded. "Okay well it says that your character doesn't need a lot of makeup, although I am excited for the hair, because characters like these can have different styles every shot and no one would notice." Rachel rambled on some more about many different brands of makeup and styles of curling irons that Lilah had no clue even existed.
Someone opened the door to the trailer very loudly just as she was taking off her glasses. Tom came running in with a big smile on his face and his phone in hand. He had his Peter Parker clothes on, which led them to believe he had just finished up his scenes with Robert and Marisa.
He said by way of greeting, "I hit a hundred thousand followers!!"
"Hey! Congratulations," Rachel said not so enthusiastically, "Now sit your ass down in the chair."
Tom's eyes went wide, his gaze sliding over to Lilah, who just looked away and held back her laugh. Glaring at her, he jogged over to his seat next to her. Rachel got her brushes ready for applying blush to Lilah's cheeks. Right as the brush hit her skin, Lilah started laughing.
Tom's head lifted up slowly from his phone at the noise, his lips parted. It was bright and full of joy, one of the most alluring sounds he had ever heard.
"Why are you laughing," Rachel put her hands on her hips.
Lilah sniggered, "It tickles!"
Rachel just rolled her eyes and continued doing her job. It was quiet for a few minutes after that, while Lilah tried to hold in her laughter and Tom scrolled through his phone. He spotted the book that she was holding tightly in her lap and his lips twitched up into a smile. He wondered if she had spent all night reading it.
When it was his turn for makeup, Tom annoyed Rachel even further by dodging the brush over and over. She responded by muttering something about them being the worst people she'd ever had to do makeup on, then started on hair.
After everything was done and Lilah was in costume, which wasn't so different from her everyday clothes, they walked to set. To calm her nerves, Tom explained to her that during his last scene, he almost introduced himself as Tony and not Peter, so she shouldn't be worried.
The next scene that they were filming was with RDJ, so Lilah was pretty nervous. She had to wait outside of a 'window' stand by for the director's signal to go inside.
From outside the glass pane, she heard Robert say, "Ah yes, the infamous... Spiderwoman was it?" There was a little shuffling around and he continued, "Eliza Porter age fifteen, and correct me if wrong, which I never am," he pointed to the floor, "doesn't she live right below you?"
That was the signal for Lilah to knock on the glass pane and crouch down. So she did. Sliding open the fake window, she stepped inside.
"Hey Pete, my senses are going off the charts. Is everything-" she stopped, schooling her features into shock as she met Robert's eye. "I-uh, h-hi, I-I'm Eliza. W-what are you doing here?" she stuttered.
It was easy, Lilah realized. To act as this character. It was easy to not be herself for a while. She loved it. All of her worries about this new job, her living situation, her parents, they all washed away and her only worry, was why Tony Stark was in her best friend's bedroom.
They had to do a few more takes because Tom was laughing at Lilah's fake shock, and during the retake when she was coming through the window, she tripped and fell on her face, swearing colorfully.
After Lilah did her miniature monologue about particles and webbing, there was an awkward silence scripted, but Lilah couldn't resist so she said, waving a finger, "Never trust a particle, they make up everything."
Joe and Anthony shook their heads while smiling, "We're not keeping that in."
⋆·˚ ༘ *🗡* ༘˚·⋆
civil war cast gc
bird suit
alright, who got
invited to downey
town today
chubby dumpling
wasn't me
left boob grab
me either
although i did
see what's his face
go by
bird suit
dammit it was
what's his face
why didn't i think
of him-
left boob grab
idk he was sweating
a lot though
it's probably the
spider kid
chubby dumpling
ew what about lilah
bird suit
yeah she's the
less annoying one
hello kitty
probably because
she's quieter
chadwick you
haven't even had
any scenes with her
hello kitty
left boob grab
the sweaty kid's
name is tom
oh yeah he's
chubby dumpling
no he's not
he's annoying
u rite
the godfather
can you spell?
chubby dumpling
bobby newport
everyone bow
down the king
has arrived
left boob grab
you guys do know
that you're boosting
his ego too much
the godfather
my ego has already
expanded to the
max, it cannot
be any bigger
than it already is
bobby newport
chubby dumpling
does anyone have
lilah or the boy's
i dOoOOOo
bird suit
don't you dare do it
lizzie added angel and underoos to 'civil war gc'
bird suit
i hate you
mackie why
do you hate
bird suit
no not you
you're nice
i was talking
the bOY
are you talking
about me
bird suit
what diD I DOO
i've never
been in a gc before
this is fun.
also you guys
are like the awesomest
people on the
left boob grab
she's mine now
get the adoption papers
the godfather
on it
this is the
coolest thing
that has ever
happened to me
what about
our stripper name
thomas this
conversation tops
that one by 1 million
bobby newport
stripper names?
i'm confused
the godfather
shh this is our
only way to listen
in on them
paul i am
in love with you
he's like
47 yrs old
i'm pretty sure
that's illegal lmao
he never ages
bird suit
juice box kid,
if that's illegal
then wtf are
sugar daddy's
bobby newport
lilah i would be
proud to be your
sugar daddy
(this is a joke pls
don't take it seriously
i have a wife and kids)
i'm my own
sugar daddy lmao
(even though i'm
and paul you're
like an angel
but without wings
hello kitty
so like a person
chadwick ily
hello kitty
aww ily too
chubby dumpling
what's happening
the original
topic of discussion
was who was at
downey town
that was me
the heck
is downey
bird suit
robert's village
robert's village
chubby dumpling
robert's village
hello kitty
robert's village
bobby newport
robert's village
left boob grab
robert's village
robert's village
robert's village
the godfather
my village
oh hi scarlett :)
and ok wow
i get the idea
when i got
that's when i knew
that this was actually
dammit i thought
you would be
happy for me
yAy tOm
iM sOoOo
hApPy fOr yOu
bird suit
hehe i like you
can we keep her
left boob grab
i thought we
already established
that we are
i expected better
from you
no problem
bobby newport
chill out guys
this isn't enemies
to lovers 🙄
chubby dumpling
lmao what
h-how do you-
bobby newport
i have my ways
well ok then
left boob grab
wait i'm confused
what's happening
bobby newport
it's a trope
leave us alone chris 😌
stop trying
to use emojis paul
left boob grab
wait lilah
can you come
to my room-
seb is stuck
in a chair
the godfather
are we witnessing
a booty call?
left boob grab
what? no gross
seb is literally
the godfather
call mackie or
left boob grab
no mackie is here
he's video recording
chris i'm not
even staying
in your guy's hotel
wait then who's
door am i knocking
⋆·˚ ༘ *🗡* ༘˚·⋆
The next morning when Lilah woke up on Sydney's couch, she was beyond excited. Her and Tom were filming action scenes with their suits on.
When they received their costumes after stunt training with Freya, they giggled all the way to the changing rooms. Anthony and Joe were waiting outside, along with many of the producers, waiting for them to come out in their suits.
Eventually they did, with the masks off. Everyone gasped, their hands reaching out to feel the soft fabric, to which Lilah recoiled, her shoulders shrinking. Touching wasn't really her... thing.
Thankfully Tom noticed this, and with a look of concern, he jokingly yelled, "Stop touching meEeE!!"
All of them retreated at that. Lilah gave Tom a grateful look, and he nodded in understanding. Thoughts floated into her head, if she could barely handle ten people trying to touch her, what would the premiere be like? All the reporters and fans crowding her...
She was pulled out her thoughts by Paul Rudd's voice coming nearer.
"Hey Lilah, loving the suit," he winked.
Her lips were trembling slightly from her slight panic beforehand, but she managed a smile. "Thanks Paul-" she stopped when the blue and red shield in his hands caught her eye. She raised an eyebrow.
He shrugged, "He went to the bathroom."
"Fair enough." She turned to Tom, who was beside her. He was gazing at her suit.
"It really is a good suit."
Another thing she was incredibly grateful for, was that the suit they had given her did not accentuate her particularly female features; it wasn't anymore tight in the chest or ass than the rest of the outfit.
"Thanks, I like yours too. Very..." she looked him up and down, "you've got a nice body."
His eyebrows shot up and Lilah's eyes went wide.
"I-I mean y-you do, because you're Spiderman, you've got to have a pretty good regimen to play the part- I-I just meant that, well you're very fit I guess? And I-I well, you've got a nice body!"
Tom dipped his head back in laughter. "Thank you, Lilah darling. Now let's go fake kick some ass."
She loosed a sigh and followed him onto set, her face still heated from their exchange and the nickname.
While waiting for Chris to get out of the bathroom, and for Anthony to finish getting his suit adjusted, the rest of the cast conversated and Tom and Lilah argued over who could do the better handstand.
"Okay how long can you hold it?" Tom asked.
"One time I did it for five minutes gay." Lilah crossed her arms over her chest.
"Five minutes gay?" Sebastian asked.
"Yeah it's like five minutes straight- but gay."
He nodded, "I'll use that."
"Five minutes?!?" Tom exclaimed. "Prove it."
She unfolded her arms. "Okay but only if you do it with me."
So, like reasonable and responsible adults, Tom and Lilah had a contest to see who could hold their handstand the longest.
After about twenty seconds, Lilah yelled, "Plot twist: see who can walk on their hands the longest."
"The fu-" Tom started, but she was already walking away, on her hands. He followed the sound of her giggle all the way across set. The rest of the cast, even though they weren't supposed to have their phones out, video taped the whole thing.
Both of them ended up colliding with one another, and they fell on their backs laughing. Luckily they hit a mat that was put out for the scene, so neither of them broke anything.
During shooting for the epic fight scene, where both team Iron Man and Captain America run at each other and fight, Lilah had to 'fight' Elizabeth, which was kind of fun because Elizabeth had to do funny movements her hands that the editing crew would add in later, and Lilah had to do the same thing; but acting out web shooting.
And beside her, when Tom would fake shoot his webs, he made the little psft sound, which was really adorable, she had to admit.
After filming, Joe and Anthony explained to them that they would continue doing training with Freya, and film all the other airport scenes with Sebastian and Anthony over the next few weeks after that.
That night, after she said goodbye to the cast for the weekend, she arrived back to Sydney's with a small smile on her face. They all felt like a family to her. A real family.
She went to reach for her key and put it in the lock, but it didn't go in. Her brows knitted together as she tried again, but nothing happened. She banged on the door, worried that either Sydney was in mortal danger, or Lilah herself was in trouble because she had broken Sydney's lock.
Not long after, the lock opened, and Sydney stuck her head out. There was sweat beading on her forehead, and she was panting.
"Are you okay?" Lilah asked.
She gulped and breathed, "Yeah I'm good. Um," she pointed to a large box next to her feet, outside the door, "Sorry kid... I'm gonna-" Lilah had never heard Sydney struggle over her words before. "You can't stay here anymore."
Lilah's mouth went dry, and her jaw clenched. "W-why?"
"Well, my ex husband is in town..." she trailed off, not meeting Lilah's eye line. So that's why she was all sweaty. There was a look in her dark brown eyes though, it was guilt.
"Yeah, I'm sorry. I truly am," she said. "It's just that we both kind of want some privacy..."
"Yeah yeah yeah, no, I get it. You're good, it's fine." She crouched down to pick up her box, cringing at how heavy it was.
"Hey," Sydney stopped her before she could walk off, "Call Joe or Anthony and ask for a hotel room- and don't even think about giving me that look, yes you are important enough to get your own damn hotel room. Jesus." She rubbed at her temples.
"Sorry," Lilah muttered. How Sydney had even known she was thinking about that, she had no clue.
"And for the love of god, stop apologizing when you haven't done anything wrong."
Then she slammed the door. Lilah could hear her groan in frustration from the other side.
And there she was, homeless yet again, thinking to herself, 'Dammit I just learned how to go grocery shopping.'
She hiked up the box on her hips, debating whether or not to actually call the Russo brothers for some help. Was it really worth it to sleep on a bench for a few months instead of costing marvel a few thousand dollars? Probably.
But no, she didn't sleep on a bench, mostly to avoid any of Mackie's jokes about her being homeless. She plucked up the courage to actually call Joe.
He picked up on the second ring. "Hello?"
"H-hi Joe, it's Lilah. Angelo. Spiderwoman. Ish."
"Oh hi Lilah, how are you?"
"Good, yeah I'm good," she cleared her throat, "Sydney kind of kicked me out of her apartment and I was wondering-"
"Sydney tends to do what she wants when she wants to," he sighed. "Wait, do you need a place to stay? Because your room is already booked, you just haven't used it yet," he chuckled a little.
"Yeah, I can send you the address if you'd like?"
Lilah smiled, "Please do. Thank you so so much Joe."
"Anytime. Alright my daughter just got like six serving sizes of ice cream- gotta go."
She laughed, "Okay, thank you again!"
⋆·˚ ༘ *🗡* ༘˚·⋆
Lilah stood in front of the hotel, gaping at the building with her mouth wide open. There were too many windows to count, although if you asked somebody at the front desk, they could probably tell you. And, because it was around seven pm, the lights coming through the numerous windows shone beautifully in contrast to the blue summer sky.
It looked almost too good to be true, and Lilah caught herself wondering if this might be a 'Percy Jackson with the Lotus Inn' situation.
From outside the building, she could see a woman inside the lobby, who looked an awful lot like Scarlett Johansson.
As she was about to walk in and say hi, a man with a black suit on stopped her. He had a blank look on face which made him appear very intimidating.
"M'am I'm going to have to ask you to step back from Ms. Johansson," he said.
"Oh but I-"
When Lilah made another move to go nearer, he put an arm out to stop her, shaking his head. She was totally and completely ready to walk out of that hotel to refrain from any further embarrassment on her behalf, but Scarlett thankfully stopped her.
"Hey- Harland, she's with Chris and I," she said.
Harland, from context Lilah suspected he was Scarlett's security guard, squinted his eyes. He wasn't quite sure if Lilah was a threat or not, although she looked insanely tired; especially with that giant box she was carrying around.
Once Harland stepped back, Scarlett made a step towards her, her green eyes glazing down at the box and figuring out her situation in one glance. She reached for the girl's arm to guide her towards the front desk, but Lilah swiftly dodged her touch, even though it most likely would've been gentle and soft.
"Okay let's get you checked in and hope that your room is next to mine," she winked and Lilah smiled.
It wasn't, unfortunately.
Scarlett's room was about three doors over, and Lilah's own was the second to the end of the hall. Robert seemingly had his own suite, while the rest of them were on the floor below.
As she was backing up from talking to Scarlett, longing for a hot shower and just a shred of sleep, someone behind her apparently chose that moment to walk backwards too.
Their backs bumped together, and she jumped back from the contact with a yelp.
"Oh! Lilah darling, are you alright?"
His voice sounded funny.
When she turned around to face him, Tom, the first thing she noticed was that he was holding his tongue in his fingers. And his tongue was blue.
Her brows bunched together. "Are you alright?"
As if she would have any idea what he was talking about, he said, "Toxic waste."
A boy from behind him stuck their head out from Tom's room. She looked over his shoulder.
"Too many of them," he said.
Lilah tilted her head in confusion. He had slightly blond hair, and strikingly blue eyes. He noticed her confusion and mentioned, "I'm Harrison."
"Hi Harrison," she said, her voice laced with tiredness.
"Lilah are you okay?" Tom asked from her side.
She stifled a yawn, "Just a little tired, I'm fine. Do you need any help with your... tongue?"
"He's fine," Harrison said while laughing, "just can't eat for about three days."
"Prick," Tom muttered.
Lilah wanted to snicker at that, but her overwhelming fatigue stopped her.
"Hey after you sleep, which you desperately need to do," Tom said, "do you want to come to our room and watch a movie?"
She perked up, a movie sounded delightful, and no one had ever wanted to watch one with her.
"Together?" she questioned.
A lazy grin spread across Tom's face, "Yeah. That's what friends do."
Something in her heart fluttered at his words. "You're my friend?" she asked, her voice soft.
"Hell yeah you are," he smirked.
⋆·˚ ༘ *🕸* ༘˚·⋆
liked by hazosterfield, unstableangel, robertdowneyjr, and 2,658 others
tomholland2013 everyone meet my new friend lilah
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⋆·˚ ༘ *🗡* ༘˚·⋆
liked by tomholland2013, hazosterfield, sebastianstan, and 1,769 others
unstableangel meet my new friend thomas stanley (i'm proud of myself for learning that)
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