NINETEEN | Dumb Traditions
"I made you waffles," Amara said as Mariah walked into the kitchen. The blonde girl was unable to hide her shock. "You made me breakfast? Why, what's going on?" Mariah questioned with narrowed eyes. "Nothing is going on, I just accidentally made a few extra waffles when I was making them for myself. Bon appétit," her mother replied.
"Wow mom, just wow," Mariah muttered. "At least now you don't have to worry about making yourself breakfast today," Amara said with an innocent smile. Mariah sat down in a stool at the kitchen's island. Her mom passed her a plate of waffles and maple syrup. Mariah scrunched up her nose at the syrup. "You bought Blossom syrup?" The blonde asked.
"Their maple syrup is pretty good. It's also the only one I could find in the store," her mother admitted. "I thought you hated their syrup," Mariah said. "No, I don't like the fact that the Blossoms got rich off of something so stupid instead of actually working for their money," Amara replied.
"Whatever you say," Mariah mumbled. The two ate their breakfast in silence, which wasn't unusual for the duo. When Mariah was finished, she grabbed her things and trudged toward the door. "I'm off to prison," she said, in reference to school. "Have fun," Amara called as Mariah closed the door, locking it behind her.
She took heavy steps toward her car and entered the vehicle. After placing the key into the ignition, she pulled out of her driveway and drove to school. When she got there, she went through her usual school routine. This consisted of, going to her locker, then finding Cheryl because the redhead always had some sort of news to spill and Mariah was unfortunately the one who had to hear it.
As she got to her locker, Cheryl was already there. She was leaned against the locker next to Mariah's. A smile was on her face and she had a mischievous glint in her eyes. "What do you want?" Mariah groaned. "That's no way to talk to your best friend," Cheryl said, the smile never leaving her face. Mariah narrowed her eyes at the girl as she opened her locker. "The annual Blossom tree-tapping ceremony is this week and you're going to be there," Cheryl announced.
"Pass," Mariah deadpanned. "But you have to be there. You haven't been to one in years," Cheryl protested. "If the annual tree-tapping ceremony is this week that means it's maple syrup season. Which also means that the vultures are in town and I'd rather not have to deal with the Blossom board of trustees," Mariah replied.
"Please Mariah. Don't leave me alone with those people. Pretty please with a Cheryl on top," Cheryl pleaded. Mariah snorted and looked into her locker, pulling out her biology binder.
"What's in it for me?" She questioned, glancing at the redhead. "You get to help out your very best friend in the whole wide world," Cheryl answered with a wide smile. Mariah gave her an unimpressed look. "You're supposed to want to do this, you're my friend," Cheryl complained. "Don't go pulling that card on me Cheryl. There have been times when I asked you to do something for me and you refused," Mariah said, closing her locker.
"Be a better friend than me," Cheryl said. She looked at Mariah with puppy dog eyes, her bottom lip jutted out. "That look doesn't work on me," Mariah dismissed as she began walking away. "If you do this for me, I'll do whatever you want. Whenever you want me to do it. Please Mari. Please please please," Cheryl said.
The blonde sighed and Cheryl smiled, knowing that she was victorious. "Fine," Mariah muttered. "Yay, you're the best," Cheryl said, kissing Mariah's cheek and merrily heading down the hallway.
Mariah sat in English class. She was beyond bored. They had an assignment to write a poem and poetry was not Mariah's strong suit. She sat next to Jughead, who was eating chips. Ethel was reading her poem, which was very sad.
Mariah glanced at Jughead and raised her eyebrows. He looked at her and rolled his eyes, holding his bag of chips out to her. She smiled gratefully and stuck her hand in, pulling out a handful of chips. Jughead glared at her and she smiled innocently before putting chips into her mouth.
After many more boring and terrible poems, the bell finally rang. Mariah sprung out of her seat, grabbed her bag from the floor and practically sprinted out of the classroom. "Mar, wait up," Archie called. Mariah slowed her stride to a complete stop and turned to him. "Hey," she said. He smiled, "Hey." The two began walking again and he continued, "Why did Cheryl talk to me about the Blossom tree-tapping ceremony?"
"What did she say?" Mariah asked suspiciously. "She was just telling me what it was and how she wanted me to go," he answered. "With her?" The blonde asked in confusion, tilting her head to the side slightly. "No, with you," he replied.
"Why?" She questioned. "I don't know. She said something about me making it less miserable for you. If I went with you, you wouldn't suffer as much," he answered. "How thoughtful of her," Mariah deadpanned sarcastically. "If you don't want me to go, I won't," Archie said. "It's not that I don't want you to go Arch. I just don't want you to suffer. Those people are awful," Mariah replied.
Archie took her hand and held it in his own. "They can't be that bad," he denied. "Yeah they can. The Blossom board of trustees. A bunch of money hungry monsters with no souls. I don't like them," Mariah said. "Well, maybe Cheryl's right. It won't be as bad if I'm there," he said. "I highly doubt it. You really don't have to come Archie. It's okay," she said.
"Are you sure? I wouldn't have an issue being there," he said. She grinned at him, "You're sweet Archibald. And I'd like to preserve that sweetness. You know how the Blossoms are, now imagine about twelve more of them. And they aren't even Blossoms. It's a nightmare," Mariah said. "Then why are you going?" Archie asked.
"For Cheryl. So she doesn't have to be alone with them," Mariah replied. "You're a good friend for that," Archie said. Mariah scoffed, "Eh." The two came to the point where they'd have to go their separate ways. "I'll see you at lunch?" Mariah asked. Archie nodded in confirmation and smiled, leaning down to give Mariah a kiss.
It didn't last long but it seemed to make butterflies erupt in her stomach. She pulled away, flashed him a smile, and turned on her heel, heading toward her next class.
Mariah walked into the student lounge and saw her friends already there. She walked over to them and sat on the couch between Archie and Kevin. "What're you guys talking about?" She asked as she sat down. "Mrs. Blossom offered Archie an opportunity to go to this amazing music academy," Veronica answered.
"Ew, why?" Mariah asked. "She wants Archie to escort Cheryl to the Blossom tree-tapping ceremony," Jughead answered, a look of disgust on his face. Mariah turned her attention to Archie and raised her eyebrows. "I told her that the only way that I would go is as your escort. You're my girlfriend," Archie said.
"Since when am I your girlfriend?" Mariah asked in amusement. Archie's eyes widened and his face flushed. "I, uh, I a-assumed because w-we've been on a c-couple of dates and all. I-I thought that, um..." Archie trailed off. "Wow, this is so embarrassing," Veronica muttered.
"Penelope Blossom knows that you and I are together, Archie. She just really loves to piss me off. Because she's a bitch and for some reason she hates me. Out of nowhere like, I did nothing to her or her family. Dumb bitch," Mariah said.
"Don't worry about it, Mariah. She won't succeed in whatever game she's trying to play," Betty reassured. "Are you going?" Mariah asked Archie. "Yeah, she said that as long as I was there, she'd put in a good word," he answered.
Mariah shook her head, "Never trust a snake Archie. They'll bite you when you least expect it. And Penelope Blossom is the biggest snake of all."
Mariah sat in the living room doing homework. The TV was on but she wasn't paying attention though on occasion, she would glance up at the screen. She was bored out of her mind but wanted to get her homework finished before going to bed.
The doorbell of her home rang and Mariah sighed contently. "Great, a distraction," she whispered to herself. She stood from the couch and casually walked to the door. She looked through the peephole and smiled before unlocking the door and opening it. "Hello friends. To what do I owe this pleasure?" Mariah said.
She opened the door wider and Betty and Jughead enter her home. "We just came to check up on you. See how you were doing," Betty said. They all go to the living room and sit down. "I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?" Mariah asked. There was a beat of silence as Mariah looked at her two friends.
"Well, Jughead was worried that you weren't okay because of the whole thing with the Blossoms. He wouldn't shut up so we came here," Betty admitted. The dark haired boy glared at his girlfriend and Mariah smirked. "Aw, Juggy, you were worried about me?" She teased.
"I wasn't worried. Just mildly concerned. Very mildly. I wasn't overly concerned or anything," he said nonchalantly. "He thought that you would march over to the Blossom's house and murder them. He was afraid you weren't in a right state of mind," Betty said.
"You had this crazy look in your eye. If you killed them you'd go to jail and you, Mariah Coleman, would not survive a day in prison let alone your whole life," Jughead said.
"You're overreacting over nothing, Jug," Betty said, turning to look at him. "I'm his best friend. It's his job to worry," Mariah cut in, her smirk still present. "You are not my best friend," Jughead denied.
"You coming here proves that I'm your best friend," Mariah protested. "It proves nothing," he said. "It kinda does," Betty said quietly. Jughead scowled at her, "Whose side are you on?" He exclaimed and she laughed. "I'm not on any side, just stating a fact," she replied.
"Are you okay, Mariah?" Jughead asked, ignoring Betty's words. Mariah nodded. "I'm fine, Jughead," she replied. "Good. Let's go now Betty," he said standing up. Betty stood too and gave Mariah a smile. "I appreciate you guys coming. Plus, it took me away from my homework," Mariah said, standing as well.
"Of course. We have to make sure you don't lose your mind. In case you haven't realized, you're highly unstable," Jughead said. "Gee, thanks," Mariah deadpanned.
"What Jughead means is, we wanted to make sure that you're okay. With everything going on, we know it's hard for you. Just know, we'll be here if you need us," Betty said. Mariah smiled widely, "Thanks Betty. That means a lot."
"I don't get a thank you? I was worried about your mental health," Jughead said, his arms held out. Mariah walked over to him, "See? You were worried about me," she cooed. He rolled his eyes, "Mildly concerned." This time she rolled her eyes, "Whatever you say, bestie."
He scrunched up his face in disgust. "Ew, don't call me that," he said. Mariah hugged him and he squirmed around in her hold. "Get off of me!" He exclaimed. Betty laughs loudly at the scene. "Not until you hug me back," Mariah said, hugging him tighter.
Jughead sighed and placed his arms around her shoulders giving her a few pats. "There. Now let me go," he said. She pulled away from him and gave Betty a hug.
Betty and Jughead leave the house and Mariah goes back to doing her homework.
It was freezing outside. Mariah wore an oversized warm black coat and she was still freezing her ass off. Regret was all she felt as she trudged through the snow, following the Blossoms and the board as they walked toward whatever tree that was being tapped.
"It's too cold for this shit," Mariah mumbled. Archie placed an arm around her and began rubbing her arm in an attempt to warm her up. "It's not that bad," he replied. Mariah glared at him as her teeth chattered and he chuckled. Cheryl was telling Archie what he had to do for the tree-tapping, which was just hold the bucket.
"Mariah refused to hold the bucket for me," Cheryl added in. "That's because I couldn't care less about this stupid ceremony. And the last time I held a bucket for this thing, you took it and then hit me in the head with it," Mariah defended.
"That was an accident," Cheryl claimed. The three walked over to where the big group stopped. Mr. Blossom began speaking and Mariah tuned him out. "In his place, I put forth my daughter Cheryl," Mr. Blossom concluded.
Cheryl walked forward with Archie following behind. She walked over to the tree and after a moment hit the thing, Mariah didn't know or care about the name of it, and a clear liquid began to pour out of the tree and into the bucket. Cheryl smiled happily and everyone began to clap, Mariah included. Though she had no idea why they were clapping in the first place.
A few minutes later the Blossoms, Polly, and the rest of the board were preparing to take a picture. Cheryl dragged Mariah over to the group and forced her to join, much to the blonde's dismay.
"Archibald! Come join us before the snow starts again," Mr. Blossom called out to Archie. The boy ran over and stood beside Polly. The group took the picture, Mariah plastering on a fake smile. When it was done, the group began to disperse.
Chapter nineteen! Look at that. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I apologize if it was a little weird and all over the place. Be sure to check out some of my other books, please. Also, have a nice day.
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