c h a p t e r t w e n t y e i g h t
operation save isaac
"Scott McCall." Gerard read a file from behind his desk. "Academically not the most accomplished, but I see that you have become quite the star athlete."
Scott squirmed uncomfortably in the seat from beside Harper, hating the way that Gerard was looking at him. He had informed Harper and Stiles of Gerard's status- the newest werewolf hunter in Beacon Hills. And apparently, he was even more crazy than Kate Argent.
Harper wondered how that was possible until Scott had told her what he had saw him do.
The werewolf had seen Gerard slice another omega werewolf right in half, claiming that every werewolf in Beacon Hills was going to die. This was his revenge for Peter killing his daughter.
A bit extra, if you were to ask Harper.
"Harper Verum." He spoke, pronouncing her last name wrong."Verum." He repeated and Harper's heart began to beat quicker.
All three were thinking the same thing- if this man knew about the supernatural and was well informed, then he must know about Empaths. Her last name was a dead giveaway to any hunter that hated all species of the supernatural. Harper prayed that if he knew, he only hated werewolves.
"It's Latin." Harper cleared her throat. "And pronounced Verum like 'Serum' not 'Vir-room." She gave him a sweet, yet utterly fake, smile.
Gerard nodded, "Ah." He read it over. "Very nice. What does it mean?"
Harper's eyebrows raised, "huh?"
"Your surname, Ms Verum." He chuckled deeply, "you said it was Latin."
"Oh, yeah." Harper panicked, "I don't know, sorry."
Gerard just hummed.
"Ms Verum, you have outstanding grades, apart from Chemistry and Math where you average a B. And I see here that you have done some art for the school. Where, may I ask?"
Harper pursed her lips together, forcing a nod. "It's around. Some in the library, some in the halls..."
Harper had been quite the artist before the whole supernatural disaster had started. It had been a while since she had just sat down and painted or drew for fun.
The hunter moved onto Stiles, "Mr Stilinski. Oh, perfect grades but little to no extracurriculars." He put down the file. "Maybe you should try lacrosse." He suggested.
"Oh, actually I'm already-"
Gerard lifted a finger, cutting him off. "Hold on." He turned to Scott. "McCall. You're the Scott that was dating my granddaughter."
Harper was annoyed that he had cut off Stiles from talking to talk about Scott- it seems like that was all anybody ever did nowadays. Harper reached under the desk to hold her boyfriend's hand, stroking his hand with her thumb gently.
Scott hesitated, "we were dating but not anymore. Not dating, not seeing any of each other or doing anything with each other... At all." He rambled, a nervous mess in front of the man he had seen murder his own kind.
"Relax, Scott, you look like you're about to crack a cyanide pill with your teeth." Gerard spoke, his voice so deep that Harper honestly had to strain to understand him.
Scott took a deep breath. "Just a hard breakup."
"Oh, that's too bad." Gerard gave him a smile. "You seem like a pretty nice kid to me. Now listen guys, yes, I am the principal, but I really don't want you to think of me as the enemy."
"Heh, is that so?" Stiles rolled his eyes sarcastically and Harper hummed in agreement.
Gerard continued, "however, this being my first day, I do need to support my teachers. So unfortunately someone is going to have to take the fall and stay behind for detention."
Harper leaned forward in her seat, about to take the blame (since she had been the one to throw the paper ball), when Stiles inturrupted her, "I'll do it."
She raised an eyebrow at him.
"I was the one who threw the paper ball, so." Stiles lied.
Harper hurried to walk along side Stiles as he rushed towards his jeep, his phone on speaker so that she could listen along to his and Allison's conversation.
"Hey, sorry, Harris literally just let me out of detention. Literally." Stiles excused. "Harper's phone is dead and he had my phone the whole frickin' time."
"Well, we need to do something right now." Allison spoke more calmly on the other end of the phone call. "They are asking me all these questions about Lydia and even Harper and how they were both bitten by Peter, and then they sent this guy out."
"Wait, what guy?" Harper questioned, nervous that they had found out that she had been bitten too.
"He was dressed as a Sheriff's deputy." Allison replied.
Stiles and Harper shared knowing looks. "They're sending him to the station for Isaac." Stiles realised.
Allison added, "he was also carrying this box with something on it, like, um, like a carving or something."
"What was it?" Stiles asked.
"Hold on, hold on." There was shuffling on the other end. "It's in one of these books. I'm taking a picture."
Stiles' phone pinged and he lowered it so that Harper could see. They both groaned when they saw the familair flower painted on the page.
"Did you get it?"
"Yep." Harper sighed. "It's wolfsbane."
"What does that mean?" Allison asked lowly.
"It means they're gonna kill him."
"Did you slow him down?" Harper asked Allison over the phone as Stiles concentrated on driving to the police station as quickly as he could.
"You could say that." Allison replied slyly.
"Tell her we're heading to the station." Stiles hissed as turned a corner, not taking his eyes off of the road in front of him.
His headlights lit up the dark roads in front of him, but he still had to give him maximum concentration in the death trap that was his beloved jeep.
"We're heading towards the station right now." Harper repeated Stiles' words to Allison, looking out the window as the passed the many identical trees.
"Where's Scott?"
"He's at Isaac's." Harper replied.
Derek had taken them there straight after Stiles had been given his detention. Harper didn't want to go on their little werewolf bonding trip, so she had decided she would stay and wait in the car park for Stiles instead. He was her ride home, after all. Plus, she had a million thanks to give him for saving her arse.
"Does he have a plan?" Allison inquired.
Stiles chimed in, "yeah, but not a very good one." He practically yelled, Harper flinching away from his mouth. "And unfortunately, we don't really have time to come up with anything better."
Allison sighed, muttering a quick goodbye before hanging up the phone. Harper squirmed to place her phone in her back pocket, pressing the side of her face against the cool glass of the jeep's window, looking out at the sky.
In the middle of the very few noticable stars in the sky was the full moon, shining brighter and bigger than Harper had ever seen it before. She hoped that not only would Isaac be okay in his cell, but Scott, who was still learning to control himself.
The jeep finally pulled up in front of Beacon County Sheriff Station, the place where Isaac was being held in his prison cell. Along the way they had picked up Derek who wanted to help, seeing as Isaac was his beta, after all. Harper had of course been forced into the backseat- like always.
She unbuckled her seatbelt and shifted forwards to look into the reception room through the glass and open blinds, the two boys in front of her doing the same thing. An officer was stood behind the desk, moving around as she shuffled paper, her long, dark hair falling in front of her face. Harper guessed she was in her late twenties.
"Okay, now the keys to every cell are in a password protected lockbox in my father's office." Stiles explained to Derek. "The problem is getting past the front desk."
"I'll distract her." Derek announced, turning to unbuckle his seatbelt.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa- you?" He grabbed Derek's arm, pulling him back. "You're not going in there."
Derek looked down at Stiles' hand on his arm before shifting his gaze back up to the teenage boy and glaring. Stiles quickly noticed and took his hand off as if he had just touched the stove accidentally.
"I'm taking my hand off." Stiles quickly noted.
Derek just stared at him. "I was exonerated."
Harper scoffed from the backseat. "Yeah, but you're still a person of interest." She chimed in, causing Derek to send her a look.
"An innocent person." He reminded her.
"An- you? Ha, yeah, right." Stiles laughed sarcastically, Derek's head turning to face back to him.
Much to Harper's surprise, Derek didn't glare at them once, he remained with his eyebrows raised, as if amused by the entire situation. Harper kind of liked it when Derek wasn't being such a sour wolf.
"Okay, fine. What's your plan?" Stiles asked.
Derek looked at him as if it was obvious, "to distract her." He nodded.
"Yeah, but, how?" Harper questioned, leaning her chin on the seats in front of her adorably.
Stiles spoke up, "by punching her in the face?" He suggested sarcastically, faking a tough growl.
"Heh," Derek shot back an unpleased look, "by talking to her."
Harper grinned, "okay, give us an example of what you're going to say then." She sat up eagerly, excited. "How are you going to start?"
Derek didn't say anything but just stared at her for about five seconds.
Harper shrugged, nodding. "Dead silence. I guess it would confuse her?" She tried to be optimistic.
Stiles just groaned, rolling his eyes. Sometimes his girlfriend was way too nice. She knew that dead silence would fail, Derek knew that dead silence would fail, and Stiles knew that dead silence would fail.
"Any other ideas?" Stiles sighed in annoyance, raising a dark eyebrow.
Derek made a face as if he was actually pondering an idea. "I'm thinking about punching you in the face." He spoke seriously, Harper's face dropping and Stiles' thin lips pursing into a straight line as he glared.
The alpha werewolf strolled into the police station, taking his time as he made his way up to the desk, looking straight at the officer as she walked in, not looking up from the book that she was skimming through.
"Good evening, how can I help... you?" She looked up, dropping the book on the table to smile at him nervously, clearly taken aback by who stood in front of her.
Derek grinned a toothy smile, honestly surprising Harper. She had never actually seen him smile before- only smirks or small nods of approval- never a full blown out grin. He looked nice when he smiled.
"Hi." Derek pretended to sound awestruck.
"Hi." The dark skinned woman repeated, sounding like she had just seen God himself.
Stiles rolled his eyes at their flirting while Harper grabbed his hand, pulling him left so that they could get past the front desk without being seen.
"Um, I had a question." Derek spoke sweetly. "Um, sorry, I'm a little- a little thrown, I wasn't really expecting someone..."
"Like me?" The woman giggled as the two teenagers shifted towards the back of the sheriff's department.
Derek didn't hesitate as he replied, "oh, I was going to say 'somebody so incredibly beautiful' but, yeah, I guess that'd be the same thing." The smile didn't leave his face for a second.
Harper didn't have time to wonder how Derek was so good at flirting before Stiles had tugged her into the back. They had finally made it out of the reception room and into a long hallway. They both walked side by side into the sheriff's office, knowing exactly where it was from being there so much.
Stiles moved to the lockbox at the back of the room, quickly pressing the buttons as Harper kept watch at the door. He opened it up, groaning when he found it was empty.
"It's empty." Stiles whispered urgently at her, running a hand through his buzz cut. "That means the hunter is already here."
Harper grabbed his hand, "come on, then."
Stiles pulled her back from running off, "wait, Harper, stop."
Harper turned to face him, confused. "What is it?" She frowned, clearly starting to panic a little as time passed. "Isaac could be dead by now, we have to go and help him."
Stiles shook his head. "I don't want you coming." He squeezed her hand. "I can't bear the thought of you being hurt again. Please."
The brunette scoffed, "Stiles, I rarely ever get hurt when we're together. I always get hurt when I'm alone."
Stiles sucked on his bottom lip for a second, bouncing his leg as he contemplated everything. Harper was telling the absolute truth, but he didn't know if he could handle watching her hurt again. He thought she would be safer in his dad's office, but now he was second guessing.
"Okay." He sighed, gripping her hand tight. "Don't let go of my hand, alright?"
Harper gave him a toothy grin. "Wouldn't dream of it."
They quickly set off around the corner, almost bumping straight into a police officer. Both started to panic, Stiles quickly about to make up an excuse as to why they were in the back when he saw half of an arrow sticking out of his thigh and a needle full of wolfsbane curled in his hand.
The hunter's eyes followed Harper's watching as she gulped. "Oh sh-" before they could run he had reached out and grasped the both of them, tugging them back with so much force Harper almost fell completely.
Harper tried to reach up and grab the fire alarm as he began to tug them back, but her arms were too short, and tugged her back harder. Seeing what his girlfriend was trying to do, Stiles managaed to tug his arm away in time to pull it.
The red alarm lights flashed along the hallways and the shrill sound of the bell began to fill their ears. With one last push, the hunter had them both in the room that Isaac's cell was in, dropping them to the ground. Stiles frantically moved around, getting back onto his knees and grabbing Harper's arm, pulling her up with him.
Harper, Stiles, and the hunter turned to face his cell, horror etching on all of their face's when they saw that the door was wide open and it was empty. All of a sudden, a figure came running into the room, grabbing the hunter by his jacket and slamming him back into a table.
Stiles tugged his girlfriend back, both watching with wide eyes as Isaac, in full werewolf form, fought Argent's hunter. Isaac continued to throw the man against the walls as the couple moved behind a desk, Stiles slipping on the way over.
Harper covered her eyes with her hands when she heard the sound of a bone breaking and the hunter crying out, knowing that Isaac had gone full terminator. She only opened her eyes when she heard the sound of glass crushing and someone else step into the room.
Isaac growled at him, his yellow eyes glowing as he moved his claws towards him, only for Derek to suddenly shift. The alpha roared loudly, his red eyes flashing at his beta, instantly making Isaac cower into the corner, afraid. The golden haired boy whimpered, trying to cover his face with his hands.
When Isaac looked back up he was human again, sweat covering his pale skin as he shook like a leaf in the autumn time.
Stiles panted as he looked between them. "How did you do that?" He questioned, gulping.
Derek turned his head to the side to face the two teenagers. "I'm the alpha." He smirked.
can anyone recommend any good teen wolf fanfics to me? even if they're you're own. I just really wanna read some new stuff.
sorry this chapter is boring, but the next chapter erica is officially introduced and there's more starper!
also, thank you so much for reading, it means the world to me!
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