chapter forty two
dead parents
Harper finished her fourth glass of punch, throwing the empty cup into the bin beside her as she leaned against the wall, her brown eyes flicking around as she tried to find Stiles. She spotted him across the garden with a bunch of lacrosse players, on his third glass of punch.
She was about to walk over when Matt suddenly appeared in front of her. Harper frowned, and she would have taken a step back if the wall hadn't been in the way.
"Harper," he smiled, "I need to talk to you about something privately."
The brunette pursed her lips together. "I don't think that's a very good idea, do you?" She sneered, only feeling anger for the boy in front of her. "Allison told me about the pictures in your camera."
Matt frowned, "Okay, okay. So I know I took some pictures of you that I know I probably should have told you about. But is it really that bad that- that I think you're beautiful... And I think you should be the subject of a perfect photograph?"
Harper scoffed, "there's a difference from finding something beautiful and being a crazy stalker."
Matt's blue eyes shifted, growing darker. He didn't say anything for a moment, and Harper could feel her heartbeat becoming out of control as he stared at her.
"Stalking- so I'm," he paused to chuckle, "I'm a stalker now. That's- is that it? You- you think my bedroom is wallpapered with your photos. You think I'm the kind of guy that gonna say something like, "well, if I can't have her, no one can'."
Harper didn't say anything, she just glared.
"Well, you know what?" He spat. "Get over yourself, because there's another pretty girl walking through the room every five minutes."
Harper's brown eyes narrowed and her fists clenched. "Matt, if you don't get out of my way right now, then I will kill you." She threatened.
Matt seemed taken aback by her words as she shoved past him. He grabbed her shoulder, but she whirled around and reached up, grabbing a handful of his hair and tugging him down level with her as hard as she possibly could.
"You better take a step back buddy before I personally go to Sheriff Stilinski and tell him what you've been doing." She hissed.
He whimpered, his hands reaching to hers so she would released him. She just tugged him down further, causing him to collapse on the ground. She flicked some hair that had came out on her hand at him, grimacing before walking away.
Harper stopped when she reached a pillar. She leaned against it and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. She didn't know where the hell that had come from, and she didn't know whether she liked it or not. Maybe it was because of the full moon that her emotions were on edge, or perhaps because she was slightly drunk.
The brunette froze completely at the old voice. Her eyes widened and she paled, her heart beating uncontrollably inside her chest. Harper felt like she was going to throw up any second as she slowly turned around, her breath catching in her throat when she saw who was stood there.
Her parents.
Harper's mum and dad stood there, smiling sadly at the teenage girl. Her mum had a bullet wound in her chest, blood staining all of her clothes. She looked just like Harper had remembered her. Her dark hair was pinned up like always so that you couldn't see the parts that were greying, and her brown eyes were sparkling as she smiled at her daughter.
Her dad stood there too, but he wasn't smiling like her mother. His light brown hair was greying just like she remembered it had, and his blue eyes were dull. A hole was directly in the centre of his forehead, blood covering his light brown sweater.
Monica Verum glared at Harper's dad. "Gabriel, you need to go back."
Harper couldn't stop staring between the two of them, her entire body shaking and her eyes shining with tears. She didn't know that a voice could sound so familiar and yet so unfamiliar at the same time. Her bottom lip trembled and she wanted to ask whether this was real or not, but she found herself unable to speak.
Gabriel pursed his thin lips, nodding at his daughter. It reminded Harper of all of the times when she had told him something she had done at school that day, and when he had simply nodded in acknowledgement, not particularly caring.
"You need to find me," Harper's dad told her, his articulate English accent ringing in her ears, "they caught up to me."
Who had caught up to him? What was he talking about?
His tone was urgent, but it was clear that he was trying to keep calm. Harper had no idea what he was talking about as she took a step back, a few tears spilling. Her breathing was heavy as she stared in between her two deceased parents, wondering why the hell she was seeing them now.
"W-why- is this- is this real?" Harper finally managed to stutter, her voice cracking from all of the emotion that it was carrying. "Are you really here?"
Her mum shook her head, "no, darling. This is all in your head. But what your father is saying-"
Harper couldn't hear the rest, as her mother's voice began to be drowned out by a static sound, and then suddenly the sound of a drill. Screams of agony filled Harper's ears, causing her to cry out and hold her ears. She knew that they were her mother's screams, as she was calling out Gabriel's name.
"Gabriel, please, no!"
Harper froze at the words, chocking back a sob as her hands reached forward to grab her mother. Just as she did, her hands went straight through her, and suddenly they were both gone.
She snapped out of her state quickly, exhaling shakily when she realised that she had been hallucinating the entire thing. It had felt so real. Harper reached up and quickly wiped her tears away with a trembling hand.
Scott suddenly appeared in front of her, letting out a sigh of relief. "Harper!" He cried. "Stiles and I have been looking everywhere for you and Lydia. Do you know where she is? We think she's putting something in the drinks to make everyone go crazy."
Harper looked around, seeing that everybody was in fact acting strange. Kids were jumping into the pool and making out with Lydia's plants.
She shook her head, "I haven't seen her since she gave me some of the punch." She told him, looking around for the strawberry blonde.
Scott's eyebrows knitted together as he pulled her arm back, worried. "Have you hallucinated yet? Are you feeling okay?" He stressed.
The brunette nodded, "yeah, I did," she muttered quietly, "I saw them. My parents, I mean."
The McCall boy's face fell and his eyes softened. He reached down and sympathetically placed a hand on her shoulder.
"Are you okay?" He asked quietly, "and I mean really. I don't want some 'I'm fine' answer, because we both know that anybody that says that doesn't really mean it. I'm your best friend, so I want an honest answer, okay?"
Harper exhaled a shaky breath. "I'm a little shaken," she admitted,"but let's focus on that later. We need to find Lydia."
Scott nodded quickly, sensing she didn't want to talk about whatever she had just seen to do with her parents. "Okay, follow me."
They quickly met up with Stiles who as acting my hyperactive than usual, his hazel eyes lighting up when he saw Harper walking beside Scott. He rushed over, grabbing her gently by the shoulders and forcing her to look him in the eyes.
"Harper Jean Verum," he scolded, "you had me worried sick."
Harper rolled her eyes, "I was literally stood behind the pillar the entire time."
Scott frowned, "we checked all of the pillars."
Stiles nodded, raising an eyebrow. "Yeah..."
Harper sighed loudly, "my mum always said that men were bad at looking for things." She muttered, "now, did you find her?" She asked her boyfriend.
The Stilinski boy shook his head no. Harper groaned, about to suggest they actually try calling her when a familiar voice screamed from across the other side of the pool, causing all three of them to jump.
"I can't swim!" Matt yelled, "no, no, no, no, stop, guys! I can't swim! I can't swim!"
He continued to panic as he was thrown into the water by a group of lacrosse players. Matt tried to come back up but he kept panicking, scream and thrashing about. Water was going in every direction and Harper's eyes widened as she began to put two and two together.
Everybody stared as Jackson kneeled down, grabbing Matt and pulling him out of the water. Matt breathed heavily as he stood up, completely drenched in water and panting as he looked around at all of the people watching him.
"What are you looking at?" He growled before starting to walk away.
He paused right in front of the terrific trio, his jaw clenched. He shoved Harper into Stiles and went right through them, stomping as he left the party. Stiles held Harper's arm gently as she turned around, giving both boys knowing looks.
Sirens began to wail in the distance and some kid yelled, "cops are here! Party's over!"
Everybody began to panic as they ran away, all pushing and shoving each other to get back to their cars or run home. Harper looked in the direction that Matt had gone, nodding at Scott. It was obvious that he was thinking the same thing that she was.
The three went after him, stopping when they saw him stood on the other side of the road to the house. He was glaring at the three of them, trembling with anger as he breathed heavily through his nose. Harper gulped, her eyes widening when she looked down and saw the Kanima on all four by his feet.
The Kanima's tail was wrapped around Matt as he hissed at the three, obviously protecting the blue eyed boy. Harper's suspicions were quickly confirmed.
Matt was the Kanima's master.
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