Ⅳ. ᴘʀᴏʟᴏɢᴜᴇ
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The Giants parted in fear as he thundered into their ranks, stopping before Laufey and the Asgardians. Laufey slammed his fists into the ground, and the ice beneath his feet raised the Jotun towards him.
The Asgardians started to react, thinking it's an attack, but Laufey just stood face-to-face with Odin. Asgardian and Jotun alike looked on uneasily, unsure over what was about to happen.
Laufey sized Odin up, noticing that as powerful as the Allfather still was, the years had taken their toll. He's not the foe he once was. The two rulers talked quietly, out of earshot of the others.
"Laufey," Odin demanded, "End this."
"Your boy sought this out," the Giant countered.
"You're right," Odin conceded with a curt nod of his head, "These are the actions of a boy. Treat them as such. You and I can stop this before there's further bloodshed."
Unseen by Odin and the others, Laufey started to form an ice blade at the end of his arm. "We are beyond diplomacy now, Allfather. He'll get what he came for – war and death."
Odin looked on, grim and determined.
"So be it."
Without warning, Laufey swung his ice blade at Odin, but Odin was quicker. The Allfather brought his spear down upon the ice and Laufey and the nearest Jotuns went falling backwards in a wave, the ice cracking beneath their feet. The other Frost Giants turned tail and ran; Thor watched the fleeing Jotuns with delight.
"Now!" the god of thunder shouted excitedly, "We'll finish them together!"
"Silence!" Odin's voice echoed throughout Jotunheim as he raised his spear.
A hole in the sky opened, the Bifrost energy blasting forth from it. The Bifrost enveloped the Asgardians, yanking them off the ground and up through the hole. The vortex closed behind them as all fell silent.
Laufey stared up after them contemptuously.
Heimdall stood at the Observatory controls, watching as the Asgardians returned. Odin pulled Heimdall's sword from the control panel and threw it to him. The gatekeeper backed away.
"Why did you bring us back?" Thor questioned angrily, throwing his arms out as he started after his father.
"Do you realise what you've done? What you've started?" Odin sneered, annoyance evident on his face and in his tone.
"I was protecting my home."
"You cannot protect your friends," the Allfather spat, gesturing to the hoard of injured Asgardian warriors surrounding them, "How can you hope to protect a kingdom?"
Odin turned to the others and pointed at Frandal. "Get him to the healing room!"
Sif, Volstagg, and Hogun hurried to help their friend out of the room.
"There won't be a kingdom to protect if you're afraid to act!" Thor argued; his father simply stared at him as he continued, "Whatever the cost, the world must know that the new King of Asgard will not be held in contempt."
"That's pride and vanity that talks! Not leadership! Have you forgotten everything I've taught you? What of a warrior's patience, cunning?"
"While you wait and be patient, the Nine Realms laugh at us! The old ways are done. You'd stand giving speeches while Asgard falls!"
Odin advanced threateningly on his son. "You're a vain, greedy, cruel boy!"
"And you are an old man and a fool!"
The whole world seemed to stop at Thor's words. Odin fell quiet. When he spoke again, there was something terrifying beneath the calmness of his words.
"A fool, yes! I was a fool to think that you were ready."
Loki took a step towards Odin imploringly. "Father-"
Odin silenced Loki with an animalistic yell. Then, he turned to his other son. "Thor Odinson... You have disobeyed the express command of your King. Through your arrogance and stupidity, you have opened these peaceful Realms and innocent lives to the horrors of war."
The Allfather plunged Gungnir into Observatory's control panel. The turret turned, the Bifrost energy building along with Odin's rage. It fired, as the Bifrost opened at the end of the platform, creating a portal behind Thor. Odin angrily turned to his son.
"You are unworthy of this Realm..." Odin ripped a disc off Thor's chest, "...unworthy of your title..." he ripped away Thor's cloak, "...unworthy of the loved ones you've betrayed. I hereby take from you your powers."
Odin extended his hand towards his son; Mjolnir went flying from Thor's grasp into Odin's hand.
"In the name of my father," Odin continued, raising his voice ever so slightly and steeling his gaze; a finger of lightning came off the hammer and hit Thor, disintegrating the right arm of his armour and part of the chest piece, "...and of his father before..." another strike disintegrated the remainder of Thor's armour, including the cloak and torn-away disc on the floor, "I cast you out!"
Odin thrust Mjolnir before him and – with a crack of thunder – Thor was hurled backwards into the open Bifrost and disappeared into the vortex.
The Allfather stood holding Mjolnir in his hand and stared at it bitterly. He closed his eyes, lost in contemplation, and whispered something quietly.
"Whosoever hold this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor."
Runes appeared on the side of the hammer, as if carved into its smooth surface. The runes lingered for but a moment, then disappeared. Suddenly, Odin turned and hurled the hammer into the Bifrost.
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