┆彡 location ;
━ transwarp key fight!
Much later in the night, the group were travelling across the bridge to get to their destination. (Y/N) was sat in the driving seat of Mirage's car again, while Noah sat in the passengers one, talking to the transformed Autobot.
"So y'all are robots that transform into cars, even though you're from way out in space." He began his panicked rant, while his sister looked at him a bit amused, "But now there's this key that opens a portal back to your home? Oh, and you know this because there's a beacon light in the sky that we can't see because we're human."
The radio showed Mirage's blue Autobot symbol turning on, and he now started answering back, "You say that like it's weird."
"It's not that weird.." (Y/N) mumbled to herself with a scowl thrown at Noah, who agreed with it being super weird, and ignored his sisters stare.
"You know what's weird? Marky Mark is leaving the funky bunch. I heard he's just gonna pursue acting now." Mirage back fired at Noah, his voice slightly rising in pitch feeling (Y/N)'s fingers on the seatbelt around her, "That's crazy."
Noah rolled his eyes with a scoff, and opens his mouth to retort back at the car, "What? How does that-"
"What a world." Mirage quickly cut off the other male's words, attitude definitely present which has (Y/N) chuckling under her breath.
She smiles to herself feeling the seatbelt tightening around her, and gently strokes the strap with her fingers absentmindedly. However, that action soon stopped feeling the seat heat up underneath her butt, and by the way Mirage's driving wheel snapped sidewards for a second.
"I'd be careful how you touch that, sweetheart." His voice came through a bit teasingly, as they then heard a voice crack followed by a slight flustered cough through the radio.
She instantly let go of the seatbelt with an embarrassed expression, sitting dead still while Noah scowled at Mirage's radio, glaring protectively, "Whateva man. I'm just trying to collect this money and get your angry-ass boss off Earth before he blows a gasket."
"Don't take it personal, he just misses home. And I think he blamed himself for us getting stuck here." The Autobot's tone changed to a sadden one, now becoming serious as he explained, "Earth was supposed to be a pit stop, you know? A place for us to regroup and rejoin the war back home. Prime feels like it's his fault we've been stranded here. Like, he has to fix it all on his own."
(Y/N)'s heart swelled in sympathy for them, and out of instinct gripped the seatbelt gently in her hands to bring Mirage some comfort. She saw Noah's reaction too, and knew he felt bad for them by the shift in his face.
The radio changed into Arcee's pink Autobot symbol, and her voice came travelling through the speakers, "Alright, team, heads up. There's security up ahead."
"Nice!" Mirage cheered happily once her warning was finished, and the siblings glance outside the windows warily for the said security, "This is gonna be fun, man!'
"Wait, no. Mirage you need to change into something else," (Y/N) told him urgently, and leant forward to place her hand on the steering wheel's symbol, "maybe like a helicopter or a speedboat?"
He chuckled a little lowly hearing her words, and revved up his engine loudly to show off, "Oh, I got something wayyy better then that."
He then proceeded to transform into a garbage truck around them, making the siblings stay still as possible when the parts fly over their heads. Eventually, he drove them up to the entrance of the museum, and waited for the guard to let them in through the gate.
Noah greeted the guard inside the little room with a awkward smile, and a two finger sault. The gate slowly opens up, the front of Mirage showing off his Autobot symbol, and he drove through the now open gate.
"Good call." (Y/N) muttered in slight praise at him, and gave his seat a soft pat as they made their way down the road leading to the musem.
Now parking outside the closed museum, Mirage placed his breaks on, and opened the door for (Y/N), while Noah had to push his on his own with a grumble. She smiled gratefully at this, and unbuckled herself to hope down from the high truck.
"Be careful, (Y/N)." Mirage's voice speaks through the radio, it being a bit quieter and filled with worry that she could hear.
She paused mid step off the truck side, and nodded her head with an assuring grin thrown where his voice came from, "I will, you be careful as well."
Noah stood behind her, and helped her down from the truck's step once she was finished. They closed the doors shut gently, pulling up their jackets more and started to walk through the well maintatined grass out front.
One of the lamp lights nearest to (Y/N)'s figure started to glow more, and pulse with a heap amount of energy. The duo tensed startled when the bulb inside popped, making the light shut off, followed by all the lights around the museum.
She gulped watching this happen, stomach twisting with unease as it was now darker then it normally was, despite it being night. She glanced over her shoulder, still feeling safe as Mirage's form was watching over them.
Noah gripped his sisters hand wrapped around his forearm, keeping her close to his side as they walk into the pitch black museum. It was hard to see from how there was no light, but the two managed to almost not run into anything.
They make it towards where the lab area was, and Noah pushed opened the door closed shut, making them now enter a room. A woman, who was named Elena was packing her stuff away, wearing a white coat and yelled in fright spotting the siblings in the room with her.
"Yo, are you okay?" Noah exclaimed in question in surpise, as the girl had tripped over backwards and landed onto her butt, "Are you okay-"
Elena scrambled to stand up straight, breathing heavily and held out the transwarp key in a defense move, "Back up! Back up!"
"W-we didn't think anyone was in here-" Noah stuttered out to protect them, as he kept his sister behind him shield away, and her eyes were focused on the key in Elena's grasp.
(Y/N) frantically hit her brothers arms with her hands, and pointed at the transwarp device with Elena, "That's it!" She whispered yelled to him, making Noah's eyes go wide seeing it also now.
Elena glance down at the object, watching how it glowed a little yellow before turning back up to the siblings, "Who are you two, hhm?"
Noah cleared his throat, and stood up more to seem presentable, "We'r, uh... the janitors." He lies with a tight smile, and (Y/N) smacks her forehead at his lame choice of a cover up.
Elena stared between them for a second, not even buying what they were for a second, and screamed out for someone, "Security!"
"No, no, no, no! You don't have to do that." (Y/N) pleaded quickly while chasing after her, and blocked the other woman's way with Noah, "It's not what it looks like!"
Elena laughs nervously, and swallows the lump in her throat, "It looks like you're both trying to steal museum property." She retorted, head tilting slightly.
Noah raises his hands up in surrender at her words, before sharing a glance with his sister and sighed heavily, "Okay, it's a little what it looks like." He replied, as they both tried to reach for the key, for her to only weave and cross in between them, rushing the other way.
(Y/N) groaned in annoyance at this, totally understanding why she was acting like this, but didn't enjoy all the running around. The siblings ran after her in the direction she went, and stopped in front again.
"Ay, ay, ay. It doesn't belong to you anyways." Noah stated truthfully, while chasing after her again as she tried to get away, and (Y/N) stood there to block the only exit out of the room, "Just stop!"
Elena was corned by them again, causing her to raise the key up and point it towards them in a defensive stance once more, warning them if they came any closer.
"Relax, relax, let us explain-" Noah raised his hands up showing no harm, and caught himself off to glance at (Y/N) for help, practically screaming at her through his eyes.
She stepped forward a little bit, pincing the bridge of her nose with her thumb and forefinger, "It belongs to these giant robots from space." She told her in a monotone voice, and Noah gently wacked the back of her head hearing it.
Elena deadpanned at the explanation, and slight brought down the key from up in the air, "Really?" She asked sarcastically, and tilted her head to the side.
(Y/N) nodded her head with raised eyebrows, and backed up as Noah went forward to grab the key again with force, "Look, I'm gonna nee that-"
Elena screeched in alarm seeing this, and went to aim a solid wack against Noah's nose, catching them all by surprise. The (H/C) haired girl 'oohed' at the hit, and helped her groaning brother stand up, while Elena was yelling in pain, shaking her sore hand around.
"Hey! Don't move." An unfamiliar voice shouts from behind them, making the trio spin around to see the security with a flashlight, and a gun aimed at them.
Noah was standing up on his own despite his sore nose, and pushed his younger sister behind his side, shielding her body with his, as they squint from the bright light.
"Man, it's about time you showed up!" Elena complained with heavy breathing, her eyes slightly closed because of the flashlight. However, all of a sudden from outside an explosion went off, and it caused everyone inside to be blown back to the floor, hard.
(Y/N) groaned at the hit to her back, coughing at the smoke now in her lungs, and tried to get her baring's around her. Through a blurry eyes, she pulled herself up with Noah's help, who had gotten up first, and he looked at her bleeding head worriedly.
"You all good?" He asked concerned with a cough himself from the smoke, and gently wiped some of the blood off her skin from the scratch.
She grunted in pain feeling how sore her back was right now, already knowing there would be a
mark later on, and leant into Noah's side, "Yeah, never better." She grumbled weakly.
Elena had gotten up also, and the trio now walked cautiously through what was left of the lab, trying to find out what caused the explosion. There was a massive hole in the wall now, it on fire also as they look out it, and spot the unfamiliar robots landing.
(Y/N) gripped Noah's shirt more tightly with fear seeing them, and her stomach churned with a terrible feeling something was about to happen. Next to her, Elena releases a trembling breath, "You guys were telling the truth.." She mumbles in disbelief.
"Yeah... but those aren't with us." Noah spoke with a scared gulp, and pulled his injured sister closer to his side. They watch one of the robots transform into something, most likely a weapon, and out appeared a smaller robot, who was now running across the filed at full speed.
None of the trio go to move or act on this, but Elena quickly does so, and pushes the transwarp key into Noah's hands, "Its yours." She says, and goes to run off away from them.
The siblings share a look of surprise at this, before (Y/N) yelps when she spotted Scourge going to aim his weapon at them. She pushes her brother to run first, and she just avoided the gunfire with a jump over a table, and continued to avoid the shots fired through the windows.
Noah grabs his sisters hand in his quickly at the constant gunfire, and they all run into a storage closest away from the outside fight. The inside was dark, and they peeked out the small glass window at the Terracon dog looking creatures.
"What the hell are those things?" He muttered in question, all three of them breathing heavily with fear as he squeezed (Y/N)'s hand, who was feeling dizzy from the strach on her head.
She went to turn over her shoulder, and deadpanned spotting Elena rushing away down the steps, away from them. She tugs on Noah's hand, and the two follow after her as well now.
"Hey, stop following me!" Elena yelled frantically while running down the long, spiral stairwell, hearing their footsteps above her.
"We're not following you! We just esacpin' in the same direction." The siblings both exclaim in sync to her, both trying to keep up with each other so they didn't lose one another.
They eventually arrived at the end of the stairs, and Elena pushes open the door with little panicked noises leaving her mouth. The siblings run through that door also, and (Y/N) leads them towards an artefact, just as the Terracon broke down the door, and joined them on the ground level.
Noah kept him and his sister down in a squat behind something, as he held an arm out in front of her. His dark eyes found the exit sign a few feet away from them, and went to pull her with him, but paused noticing Elena hiding away.
(Y/N) also noticed the Terracon crawl along the walls to where Elena was panicking behind a pillar, and her eye went wide in alarm for her. The siblings ducked down behind the same artefact, and went to grab Elena's attention to move, but she didn't see nor was she listening.
She was breathing heavily from behind the pillar, and checked her left and right for the Terracon. She sung quietly to herself, blissfully unaware of how the creature was on the ceiling above her.
Acting quickly, (Y/N) grabbed the nearest statue pole the best she could seeing the creature charging at Elena, and went to swing the object at it's head forcefully, sending it away and skidding across the floor. She breaths heavily to herself, and sends a small shrug to Noah's and Elena's dropped jaws at her display.
"Let's go! Run!" She soon yelled when they weren't doing anything, dropping the weapon and snatched Noah's hand again. They took off down the hallway, and run away from the creature now back up with a damaged helm.
The siblings just dodged the creature jumping down to where they were, and rushed down some more stairs to a way out, Elena in front as they all panicked.
"Run!" Noah yelled to the girls, who screamed seeing the incoming glass door, and all run inside through it. He quickly slammed the door shut before the creature got them, and held it back with (Y/N) who was grunting nervously, as the Terracon was trying to break the glass.
Elena used the fire extinguisher to break the glass holding a white rope inside of it, and took it out quickly to exclaim a move to the siblings. She tied the doors handles together, and made a barricade with it, stopping the Terracon from coming inside for now.
"Thanks." (Y/N) breathed out with a slight smile, and let go of the door to reach down to grab the key on the floor, before getting dragged by Noah upstairs, Elena already running off.
However when they got outside, they were met with the Autobots and Terracon's massive fight, causing the human trio to yell out in alarm. The (H/C) haired girl spots Bumblebee beside them fighting, and ducks down with the others at a explosion going off a few feet in front.
As the trio held onto each other, and took in what was currently happening, they all see a robot coming their way with guns. Though he was stopped by Mirage shooting him, "I don't think we can hold these guys-"
He was soon cuff off mid way, when another robot had picked him up, and flew up in the sky, "No! No! Put me down, put me-" Mirage frantically yelled, and was soon dropped like he wished.
(Y/N) gasped with worry seeing him landing roughly in front of them through some pillars, that broke once he fell down onto it. She went to go up to his groan figure, but Noah and Elena pulled her back to where they were.
"Woah! So scary!" He commented humorously, trying to catch recollect himself as glowing blue optics land on the shocked siblings, "Oh, cool. You're still alive!"
She chuckled breathily a little at his causal words despite the situation, and soon groaned in pain from her head hurting like a bitch. Mirage noticed that sudden change, and his optics go wide in concern spotting the blood on her forehead, about to reach for her figure as he was still on the ground.
Before he could even lift a servo, the familiar creatures the trio tried to run away from appeared behind them through the museum windows, and this alarmed Mirage quickly, "(Y/N), Noah, get outta here now!" He yelled his demand, now pulling himself back up to deal with the threat.
She lingered behind as she didn't want to leave him alone to fight those things, but was soon pulled by Noah away from him. They run away through the fight, until Battletrap fires his turret at them, causing the trio to duck for cover under one of the posts, and crawled as fast as they could to get away.
Arcee then did a flip onto the roof near them, and pointed her canons at the other enemy bots, "Go! Get out of here!" She shouted to humans, giving them her attention slightly until it was pulled bac to the battle.
They took this as their que, and all started to scramble up to desperately run away from the fighting. When they were running, something was dropped down onto the road in front of them, and they skidded to a stop.
Noah grabbed (Y/N)'s figure in his arms seeing it was a bomb, not wanting her to get hurt anymore, and she had the key in her hands tightly. He went yell a warning, but was caught off when the bomb went off, sending all three of them flying back onto the road.
The key ended up slipping from her hands during the explosion, causing her to groan frustraighted inside of Noah's arms, who shieled her from the hit. They all started to shakily stand up, wanting to get the key again but stopped when Nightbird landed in front of them.
"Aw, don't be frightened humans." She spoke in a dangerous, and velvety voice, while walking slowly over to the transwarp key, and picked it up, "This'll all be over soon."
(Y/N) watched with hatred as this happen, as she followed the robots figure now flying away back into the fight. However, her stomach drops drastically spotting Bumblebee with a fist straight through his chest plate across the field, "BEE!" She cries out in horror, going to run towards him but Noah held her back, making her thrash against his hold.
Scourge sends an EMP through Bumblebee's body, before ripping the insignia off his head and casting him to the ground, right across from Optimus.
She screams through tears watching this happen, unable to do anything for her friend as Noah holds, and console his younger sister the best he could in his arms.
"No.." She croaked weakly, her head against Noah's collarbone and her thrashing came to a stop, knowing nothing could be done now as Bumblebee was gone.
Scourge was going to finish off a grieving Optimus staring at Bee's lifeless figure, but the sound of a loud bird call was heard, catching their attention. Airazor flew down near them, and shot fire around the Terracon's, trapping them where they stood.
"Maximals." Scourge growled out in a threating tone, watching as Airazor did this and flew back around for some more if they didn't back down.
"Good. Maybe we'll get a real fight." Nightbird eagerly spoke hearing their leader's words, but the idea was quickly shut down by him.
"No. We got what we came for." He told her off, now having the transwarp key in their possession, and simply walked off with the rest of his team.
Once they were out of sight and away, (Y/N) didn't hesitate to rush over to Bee's figure laying on the ground, and came to a stop near his helm. Tears welled in her eyes again, but didn't let them fall as she knelt down beside him, and pressed her smaller hand against his face plate, dearly wishing to see his bright optics again.
Optimus stood up from the ground with a groan, and held a servo on his wounded metal body, as his optics land on his longest friend, now lifeless by his pedals.
Mirage breathed heavily, and looked down at Bee with (Y/N), his spark wrenching with guilt seeing her tears stained cheeks, and how Bee was, "No.."
"This..." Optimus paused with a lose of words, and shook his helm sadly at Bumblebee, wishing he could of done something to prevent this, "Cannot be.."
Noah and Elena were already over near them when (Y/N) rushed over, and stood near her as they also stared at her cradling Bee's helm. His once full of life body, now out of commission, and his companies could do nothing more but morn him right now.
The loud bird screech was back again, and appearing from out of the dark sky, Airazor's massive figure flaps her wings down to them, and lands in between the group, "We must go now. Come with me."
Knelt on the ground still by Bee's side, (Y/N) turned towards her brother and Elena, as they all shared a look wondering what was going to happen now.
( ᴬᵁᵀᴴᴼᴿˢ ᴺᴼᵀᴱ )
bee :(((( i litterly was crying the first time watching this scene in the movies i swear... like ofc he would be alright in the end but still ugh my heart and op's reaction :(((
my new obsession is this fic tbh i can't help but keep writing it, and i'll probably end up completing this one first LMAOAO😭
ANYWAYYSS i adore yous sm and don't be a silent reader <3 lmk whatcha think mwahhh imma sleep now kisses
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