04 | beach football
song: Only You by The Platters
"oh, only you can do make all this change in me,
for it's true, you are my destiny."
Celia ran as fast as she could to her team's goal, foot ball in hand and sand caught between her toes. She dodged Hangman's tackle and scored her team a point.
"WOOH!" Celia cheered and threw the football down in victory.
"Hell yeah." Phoenix high-fived her.
The class should be training, but Maverick said they needed this 'team building exercise'. So there they were, on the beach playing football with Hondo as their referee.
Rooster caught the ball and scored a touchdown. He chest-bumped Coyote in excitement and then did a little victory dance, shaking his hips and shoulders.
Man did he look hot shirtless. Celia thought. She lowered her shades a bit to get a better look.
Rooster caught her staring. "Got something to say, Bali?"
"Hubba hubba." Celia said before breaking into laughter.
They got back in position and Bob caught the ball after Celia threw it to him. He ran to the goal, scoring the winning point. Hondo blew his whistle multiple times, signaling the end of the game.
"Yes Bob!!" Celia cheered for him. They high-fived and everyone huddled around him. Rooster gave him a piggyback ride as they all cheered Bob's name.
(we must protect Bob at all costs)
One thing is for sure: they all became closer friends after that game of beach football.
"Bradley Bradshaw put me down this instant!" Celia shrieked as he carried her princess style. He was in hot pursuit, running towards the ocean water, ready to drop her in.
"No can do, sweetheart." Rooster laughed.
"Wait wait Rooster we can talk about th—" Celia's words were drowned by the ocean as she hit the water. They weren't too far onto the beach so she got up in an instant.
She pulled on his arm, taking him down with her. A wave crashed over them, making them surely soaked.
"Now that, was unnecessary." Rooster chuckled as he wiped his face.
"Nah," Celia said. "It was totally necessary."
Rooster looked at her for a moment before speaking. "Let me take you on a date."
"Hmm. I don't hear a question."
"May I have the honor of accompanying you for an evening? Preferably soon?" Rooster rephrased and put emphasis on his words.
"You may. Pick me up at 5 tomorrow for the best night of your life." Celia smirked.
She patted his chest before getting up and running back to the dry sand where the rest of the class was.
That night her aunt Penny came home a little later than usual. Celia heard Maverick's motorcycle speed off after Penny shut the front door.
"So..." Amelia started as she and Celia entered into the kitchen where Penny was. "How was your date?"
Celia took a seat at one of the barstools and put her elbows on the counter, holding up her head.
"It wasn't a date." Penny denied. "He just... gave me a ride home."
"Mhm, mhm." Celia nodded her head vigorously. "Totally."
"Oh shut up. It's not like you're not having a little romance of your own." Aunt Penny teased.
"I am?"
"You are??"
"I saw the way you looked at Rooster on the beach and I saw the way he looked at you." Penny wiggled her eyebrows suggestively. "Get together already!"
Celia shrugged. "Now, where's the fun in that if I don't make him wait a little?"
"My niece, the temptress." Penny shook her head.
"Well I do have a date with him tomorrow." Celia said.
"I call dibs on helping you get ready!" Amelia raised her hand, volunteering in excitement.
"I'd love your help, cuz." She smiled at her little cousin.
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