ELYNA sat in front of Abraxas and in between Ingrid and Orion who gently smacked her hands away from the food and instead made her plate for her. Eggs, toast, and fruit with a side of yogurt was put in front of her with a cup of pumpkin juice and a smiling Orion.
"Thank you, Orion" Elyna thanks the boy who just smiles, "You're welcome, Nina! You know if we were married, I would make you breakfast every single day" His smile turning into a smirk leaning closer to her but before he could get any closer Cyril was yanking him away from her. Orion let's out a surprised yelp and quickly turns to Cyril with a frown and starts to scold him from pulling away from his one true love. Elyna just sighs and turns back to her breakfast with a shake of her head catching sight of Tom who sat beside Nicholas and was currently glaring at her.
Elyna just glares back scoffing at him, guessing he must be mad about the whole Gryffindor situation. She was still mad at him for not apologizing but she wasn't going to hold a grudge about it anymore. She wasn't expecting an apology from him anyways since he was far too prideful to utter the words 'I'm sorry'. Abraxas quickly turns to Elyna and Orion as he elegantly swallows his spoonful of eggs causing Elyna to question the way she eats.
"Are you guys excited for try outs?" Abraxas asks the two, his knee shaking a bit, a horrible habit he has recently developed. Elyna was quick to notice, her eyes glancing back up to Abraxas.
"I'm pumped!" Orion exclaims leaning against Elyna who doesn't even try to move his arm away from her as he would just put it back.
"Are you excited Elyna?" Orion asks the curly haired girl who smiles at the two boys, gently pushing Orion's face away from her.
"I'm excited but I'll admit, I am a bit nervous" Elyna mumbles the last part, wringing her fingers together. She could feel her nerves building up, but don't get her wrong, she absolutely adores the sport but recently she hasn't been feeling the best. She couldn't tell if it was a common bug that could be healed from Madam Pomfrey or if it was her light magic, something that she was trying to avoid thinking about.
"You have nothing to worry about Nina! You're our best seeker!" Orion quickly reassures her with a wide smile, and for some odd reason, Elyna could feel herself become a bit calmer at his reassuring words. She shakes her head trying to rid the nerves and smiles gently at the two boys, "Thank you for the reassuring words" She smiles, pushing a curly piece of hair out of her face.
"Well, I'm pretty excited to see you three back in action. I'll be there at try outs with Charlie to watch you all " Ingrid states from beside Elyna as she touches up her lip gloss in the transfigured mirror. Abraxas chuckles, glancing down at his expensive wristwatch, "I think it's best that we head down now, we don't want to miss try outs" Elyna nods her head and stands up following Abraxas out the door, Orion right beside her.
"I'll see you later Ingrid" Elyna waves goodbye to her friend and turns to her brother who gives her a small nod, "Be careful out there" Cyril quietly says to his sister giving her a small pat to the back for encouragement
"Come on Nina!" Orion yells, quick to usher her away from her brother and toward the door where Abraxas was waiting for the two.
"byeeee" Elyna waves her hand, as she was pushed out of the door by Orion, oblivous to Tom who stared after the trio, a frown on his face.
ELYNA stood between Abraxas and Orion holding her broom to her side as she listens to Blake Flint yell at the fourth years. Abraxas and Orion were joking around and making fun of the new kids who finally had the confidence to try out. Elyna sighs as she glances around the stands seeing a few Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws before spotting Ingrid and Charles who sat close to the field. Cyril sat by himself farther away from everyone as he keeps a close eye on her, sending her a small wave. Elyna smiles towards her brother, sending a small wave, before looking away not spotting the small Slytherin boy, Owen Carter who sat by himself with his hand stuffed into his robes watching them with wide eager eyes.
"Achard!" Blake yells causing Elyna to jerk up from surprise
"Come over here so I can explain to these idiots what they have to do" Blake spits out glaring down at the group of Slytherins, veins popping out of his forhead from his frustration. Elyna quickly walks over to where Blake stood, trying to avoid being yelled at.
"This is Elyna Achard the best seeker in Hogwarts. What she is going to do is catch the snitch while you beaters try to protect her from the oncoming bludgers. There is only one position left as Black and Malfoy are my other beaters. Make sure to protect Achard! She's our most valuable player" Blake glares as he explains to the small group who came for the beaters position. Elyna tenses for a split second at the idea, she trusted Malfoy and Black to protect her from the oncoming bludgers, but she was nervous about the others. She makes a nervous face towards Orion and Abraxas who try to reassure her with a thumbs up, Orion mouthing "Don't worry".
"Get into position Achard!" Blake barks, crossing his arms over his chest as his judgmental eyes fall to the new beaters
Elyna climbs onto her broom, lifting from the ground and levitating in the air, spotting the first slytherin, he was a fourth year by the name of Adam. He was tall and lanky, shakily climbing aboard his broom with shaky hands and wide eyes causing Elyna to purse her lips, she glances up at the sky, "please Merlin, let you be on my side today" She prays before sending a look towards Orion and Abraxas who seem prepared to fly up if needed.
"Ready.. set.. go!" Blake yells letting the bludger and snitch go, watching with a shake of his head as Adam shakily dives after Elyna.
Elyna inhales before exhaling, everything fading away as she zones in on the golden snitch, the sun highlighting the gold. Her fingers grip her broom stick, pointing it upward towards the snitch sensing the bludger behind her. She could hear Adam yelping and right as she goes to grab the snitch a bludger came hurdling towards her. Her eyes widen, heart racing, quick to direct her brrom down missing the bludger by a hair. Orion quickly flew in, coming to her rescue and hitting the bludger away from her, his eyebrows furrowed angrily, "Hey, you need to hit the bludger to become a beater, you bloody idiot!" He shakes his head at Adam
"Are you dumb! I remember saying to make sure nothing hits Achard or even come near hitting her! You're lucky she didn't get hit! I can't even look at you! Get out!" Elyna hears Blake yell
"Let's go again and this time I want you two up in the air" Blake saying pointing towards Abraxas and Orion who nod. Elyna could feel herself become a bit more relaxed knowing that Orion and Abraxas will be in the air with her. After five Slytherins left the field with scowls on their faces, only three remained. Adrien Avery, a friend of Toms quietly walked up with his broom stick in his hand and a beater in the other. Elyna sighs and fly's upwards waiting for Blake to let the bludgers and snitch go.
"Okay let's get this going again! Ready.. set.. go!" Blake yells letting the snitch and bludgers out.
Elyna shoots forward with her hand extended watching her fingertips brush against the side of the snitch before it took a sharp left. She could hear one of the bludger coming from the right and before she could move aside Adrien came from below her shooting the bludger far away from her. She sighs in relief as she dives downward successfully catching the snitch with no bludgers to the head. She gently lands on the ground and gives Adrien a wide smile watching Blake pat the boy on the back.
"Congrats Avery you made the team as a beater" Blake smiles widely at Adrien who pumps his fist in the hair with a smile on his face
"Congratulations Adrien" Elyna smiles patting him on the back, glad to have another trusted companion in the air with her, "Thank you" he softly smiles down at her.
"Yeah, now you'll be a part of the protect Ellie squad" Abraxas smirks, throwing an arm over Adrien weighing the boy down, who boyishly smiles. Orion walks up to the trio, a pout on his face as he mumbles out, "I guess you pass the test to protect my Nina" Orion grumbles before smiling down at Adrien, "Better make sure she doesn't get hit or else I'll make sure you won't be walking for the rest of your life" Orion chuckles throwing an arm over Adrien's other side almost causing the poor boy knees to buckle from the weight of their arms.
"Haha yeah" Adrien laughs nervously throwing a glance towards Elyna who was speaking to Blake who seemed proud at his newest addition to the team. Elyna catches the pleading gaze and the funny sight of seeing poor Adrien being crushed by two bulky boys. Elyna shakes her head, "Guys, let the poor boy breathe"She smiles, nudging the two off of Adrien who breathes out a 'thanks' to her.
"Try outs are officially o-" Before Blake could finish, Penny walks onto the field with a smirk on her face clutching a broom stick to her chest. Her broomstick almost falls as she announces, "Actually, I would like to try out for the seeker position" Penny confidently states with her head held high staring up at Blake who grumbles, "We already have a Seeker. Now get out!" Blake yells pointing to the exit causing Penny to flinch before she frowned.
"No, I want to try out for the seeker position. You can't tell me what I can and can't do! If I want to try out for the seeker position than I'm going to try out" Penny whines, her face twisted into a scowl
"I'm the captain so I can deny whoever I want, and I can decide who I want on my team. I most definitely do not want you besides we have the best seeker on our team already" Blake glares down at Penny with his arms crossed over his chest. Penny opens her mouth to argue but before she could say a word Elyna walks up beside the captain, giving him a gentle pat to his shoulder.
"It's no worries, Blake. We should give everyone a chance to try out " Elyna smiles at Penny, who could not tell if the smile was good or bad. Penny was beginning to regret coming out here, but she puffed her chest out, too proud to back down as every slytherin was.
"I'm not sure about this but alright" Blake sighs in defeat, nodding his head towards Penny, "Go on ahead Parkinson"
Penny who smirks and shakily climbs onto her broom as if afraid of the broom but arrogant, nonetheless. Elyna follows after Penny climbing onto her broom and floating up into the air next to her. Abraxas, Adrien, and Orion stood behind Blake watching the two girls and snickering at the sight of Penny on the broom stick. She looked absolutely mortified but was trying to look brave and confident. Almost everyone could tell that she was just doing it to spite Elyna, always wanting to compete against her.
Elyna takes a deep breath, her senses sharpening and her eyes zeroing in on the golden snitch that was let out, watching the snitch zoom pass her, quick to fly behind it. Penny clumsily follows behind Elyna, clutching the broom stick so hard her knuckles turned white. In less than a minute Elyna had the golden snitch in her hand throwing a smirk towards Penny who shrieks beginning to lose her balance on the broom. Penny's eyes widen, her body beginning to wobble and soon she was falling to the ground screaming loudly for someone to help her before she closes her eyes in fear. Elyna sighs and quickly dives downward reaching her hand out to catch Pennys outstretched one, successfully catching her and landing them softly on the ground.
Penny quits yelling, her face flushed red in embarrassment and anger from the laughing that erupted from everyone in the stands and the team. The only one not laughing was Elyna who stares down at Penny with a raised eyebrow.
"Are you alright?" Elyna quietly asks Penny whose head snaps up to glare at her, "You! It was you who made me fall! With your stupid wandless magic! It was all your fault!" Penny screams at Elyna who raises her hands in the air in surrender with furrowed eyebrows, "I may not like you very much Penny, but I would never hurt you on purpose - unless you hurt me first" Elyna says adding the last part remembering all of the times Penny started fights for no reason. Elyna couldn't lie she did feel slightly bad at the sight of the red-faced Penny, tears starting to gather in her eyes from everyone laughing at her.
"Whatever Achard" Penny mumbles wiping her tears and running out of the field as more tears run down her face. Orion and Abraxas laugh loudly at Penny walking beside Elyna, patting her back with wide smiles.
"Oh, that was so funny Ellie! You totally ruined a Penny" Abraxas laughs causing Elyna to frown at his words, "I truly didn't mean to" Elyna frowns causing Orion to stop laughing at the sight of her frowning face, "What's wrong Nina?" Orion asks her with furrowed eyebrows
"I just feel a little bad, I mean she ran off crying because of me" Elyna mumbles quietly, Abraxas was quick to comfort her, "She had it coming! C'mon why else would she try out for the seeker position if she can't even fly on a broom" Abraxas snickers at the scene again.
"Whatever, I'll see you two later" Elyna frowns, walking away from the two boys hearing Orion smack Abraxas. Once she left the field Cyril came into view standing outside with his arms crossed over his chest, "What's wrong?" He asks noticing her upset mood
"I just feel a bad about making Penny cry" Lilith frowns with crossed arms walking beside her brother to get to her dorm. Cyril hums, "Yes, I saw her run off towards the castle with tears and snot running down her face"
Elyna kicks a rock out of their path, "Oh great, that just makes me feel so much better" She mutters. She truly did not mean to hurt the poor girl's feelings, in a way she related to Penny who just wanted to be noticed and fit in. Cyril purses his lips, brown eyes peering down at his little sister, "Try not to fret over it sister, it was not your fault" Cyril tries to comfort her. Elyna appreicated the motion, smiling softly before it became silent
"And your friend Ingrid told me to tell you that her and Charles had to leave to find a congratulation cake for showing Penny whose boss" He adds after a few moments of silence
"Oh boy"
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