𝗌𝗍𝖾𝖿𝖺𝗇𝗈 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖻𝗎𝗇𝗇𝗒 𝖾𝖺𝗍𝖾𝗋
It was cold and completely dark. It was quiet and somber. There was nothing warm about this place. The chill was enough to engulf one into complete darkness. It was not merely one that came out of the absence of light, it was much more sinister. A constant warning to her supposed imagination. In the embrace of deep shadows. It never broke its promise.
Death had left its mark.
Hidden truths that were never forgotten, but had been buried deep in a bloody pile of sinful lies.
A toneless guttural voice was heard. Several. Chanting an incantation that echoed within the walls which held their power.
Heels clicking on the stone cold floor, chin held high as each step she took ticked like an alarm that was so close to set off. Circling around them, she came to a stop as her eyes glared at each one of them and they cowered down in fear. "Have you found her?"
"We're trying." One, barely too brave, spoke up.
"Then try harder! We need her," she scowled out in frustration.
Her eyes snapped towards two who were speaking in hushed tones as she stared up at them intensely. All eyes followed hers. "Would you both care to share what you are whispering in the corner?" She asked, making them flinch in surprise and they straightened themselves up with an emotionless expression to mask their terror. "Speak," she raised a brow.
"I saw something else." The witch began.
"Did you find her?" She asked with a look of boredom.
"Not exactly."
"Then I don't want to hear about it. Get back to finding her." She turned on her heels, ready to storm out of the room.
"It turns out that she was never alone," he blurted out and everyone's attention was set on him, curiosity in their eyes.
"What?" She slowly turned back to him.
"It was a glimpse but– but she seemed to be with someone." He tried to remember what he had seen.
"With who? She doesn't have anyone like her." One of them spoke up.
"I think she's with the Original Hybrid," he announced and their eyes widened. "They must have given her a soulmate."
"To the Original Hybrid?" She mused with a clenched jaw and he nodded, nervously.
"That wasn't supposed to happen." A voice murmured out their thoughts.
"Well, what are we going to do now? She's protected, difficult to kill now!" Another voice exclaimed, terrified and shock was sensed in their tone.
She thought for a second, the anger coursing through her body. "Continue to locate her. We only need her blood now, for the spell."
"Did you not just hear? She's soulmates to the Original Hybrid! There's definitely no way we're going to get her. Nothing gets past him!"
"She's the key to what we can finally have!" She argued back. "We need her to get to–"
"And she not only has him, she has the whole Original family protecting her too. Many people have tried to kill them for over 1000 years."
"We'll find a way to eliminate the threat," she shrugged, too confident.
The other woman gave her a dry laugh in return. "That's impossible. You're not thinking through this. We can't mess it up like they did. We need to plan this out very carefully!"
"Now that we know she exists, it's easier for us. Let's not haste this." Another spoke calmly.
She thought for a moment, her eyes wandering to the wall, her mind pondering and staring up at the reason for their purpose they had sworn to fulfill. "Fine."
"We will complete what they couldn't."
A twisted hunt for an innocent survivor had begun.
Klaus Mikaelson was a liar. He was a manipulator. He was narcissistic. He was egocentric. And he was self aware of those aspects about himself, but chose to ignore it. He was like a puzzle, when the piece was found he'd simply change the game, playing them in an endless loop so no one could ever win instead of him. It's not that the truth was hidden, nor that remixing the lies took any cleverness, but that he was selfish. Klaus Mikaelson was utterly selfish. Years of carrying the real truth that made him greedy and sought out for her, how he did that was beyond his imagination, yet he still managed to fool everyone. Fool his family. No one could ever find out. He told himself. His paranoia had a tight hold on him to not even trust his family.
Seated down on the couch, nursing a drink in his hand as his finger traced over the rim of the tumbler glass, Klaus stared ahead of him. Evelyn had been sleeping in his room after taking care of her drunken state from the previous night, and her refusal to sleep in her own room, but only his, had him on an edge, but he simply couldn't refuse. He watched as she slept peacefully, laying on her side, the wind from the slightly opened balcony, hitting against the silk sheet that was wrapped around her lower body, soft murmurs leaving her mouth in her sleep that he couldn't quite decipher.
Klaus leaned forward then back, forcing himself to look away from her. Feeling anxious and irritated with himself as he tried to remind himself that this meant nothing. But how could he ignore this newfound feeling? Evelyn had a way of getting under his skin and she beautifully succeeded in that. And the worst part of it all is that she didn't even notice and nor will she ever find out about it. Especially the truth. And he would pile a million lies on top of another to her as well.
He buried his face in his hands, a vexed sigh leaving his lips as he forced himself to convince that it was all just a facade, just like he had been showing for years. Just hold a little longer and this would all fade away eventually. But he was kidding himself. And now he wanted to blame everyone but himself for this. He mostly wanted to blame Evelyn.
He hated that it had to be her. He hated that she was able to turn this facade he put on into a reality now. He hated that she had a hold on him that no one else ever had.
Klaus did fool everyone, but along the way he had mostly fooled himself. And there was no turning back now.
A caress against her nose made Evelyn slowly awaken from her sleep, swatting her hand in the air as she spoke, "Niko stop shoving your cute butt in my face. I told you to only do that to Nik."
The bunny ignored Evelyn's complaint and continued to snuggle against her face. She let out a sigh, rubbing at her eyes as she glanced at the clock on the nightstand, groaning at the sight.
8 am. Who the hell would even wake up this early?
"Why would you wake me up now?" Evelyn murmured. "Go bother Nik or Stefan."
Staring at the ceiling for a few moments, she slowly sat up, wincing at the throb pounding against her head. "Ow." Trying to recollect what had happened last night, but alas nothing, but of her and Stefan taking too many shots. "This is the last time I'm ever drinking alcohol," she mumbled to herself. Slipping out of the covers, she stood up, staggering back a little, holding on to the nightstand for support. "Woah. How much did I drink last night?"
She slowly straightened herself and made her way towards the bathroom. Not even comprehending she had been only wearing Klaus' shirt and she was sleeping in his room. And certainly not even aware of the shower running as she opened the door to the bathroom.
"What the fuck?!" Evelyn screamed, horrified at the sight in front of her, a hand over her mouth as her eyes widened with shock.
And it was Klaus, wrapping a towel around his waist, water dripping down from his hair and all over his chest, and all the way down to the v line of his waist.
"Morning," he casually replied back, staring back at her. "You're awake this early."
"What– huh– oh–" Too in shock to even form a sentence, Evelyn's jaw dropped as she tried to comprehend what she was seeing right in front of her.
She had caught an almost naked Klaus in her– his bathroom.
Evelyn continued to stare at him, then slowly looked down at herself. She was only wearing Klaus' shirt.
"No way," she whispered with wide eyes. Did her dreams actually come true? Did she have sex with Klaus?
"Oh–" Evelyn staggered back a little.
What in the mind fuckery sorcery bullshit am I witnessing?
"My love–" Klaus called her.
"Hey! Stay back!" She grabbed the nearest object– a hand soap and threw it on his forehead.
"Ow," he remarked, dryly.
"I think i'm going to throw up or faint," she murmured to herself, both of her hands in her hair as she looked everywhere with wide eyes, but him.
"Don't you dare–" he warned, but it was already too late. "Oh, bloody hell."
Evelyn fainted instead. From catching a glimpse of a very naked Klaus.
He rolled his eyes, quickly gathering her in his arms before she could fall. "And here I thought I was the dramatic one," he mocked.
The sunlight beaming towards her face was enough to awake Evelyn, groaning as she sat up, leaning her head against her headboard. "It was just a dream," she sighed in relief.
"No, it wasn't."
Evelyn jumped up in surprise when she found Klaus walking into the room with a glass of water. He was only wearing a pair of grey sweatpants now.
"You–" She began, pointing her finger at him.
"Before we start our daily quarrels you need to take an Advil before you faint again. Especially after last night and I'm guessing you have a headache too."
Evelyn glared at him, crossing her arms over her chest as he sat down beside her.
Bringing the pill next to her lips, he spoke, "Open your mouth wide then."
Evelyn opened her mouth, allowing Klaus to place the pill in her mouth. Gently gripping her chin, he tilted her head back slightly and brought the glass of water near her lips, making her drink it.
"Swallow." He mindlessly rubbed his thumb on her chin.
All he received was Evelyn glaring at him. She eventually swallowed the pill and moved away from Klaus' grasp on her chin.
"Now, say what you want to say to me."
Instead, Evelyn slapped Klaus on his face.
He clenched his jaw, rubbing it. "Ouch," he remarked dryly.
A hand covered Evelyn's mouth as she sat on her knees, moving away when Klaus stood up. "That was my intrusive thoughts that got the best of me. I didn't mean to slap you. I am so sorry. You know what? I shouldn't even be apologising. Why were you in my bathroom?" Evelyn threw a pillow at him. "You old, nasty, creepy perv."
"Stop throwing the pillows at me," Klaus dodged every time she threw them at him.
"Answer me!"
"You were in my bathroom!" He yelled back.
Evelyn paused, glancing around the room. She was in Klaus' room. She looked down at what she was wearing too. His shirt only.
"We had sex! Oh my God. What have I done? No. No. This wasn't supposed to happen," she frantically murmured.
Klaus decided to play along with that. "Well, we did. Can't do anything about it now."
Evelyn stopped in her tracks, staring at him with wide eyes and jaw dropped. "This has to be a nightmare I'm stuck in," she whispered.
"It's not. And let me tell you are on hell of a screamer," he teased. "And quite insatiable too. Wouldn't even let me take a break. Never imagined you would be this desperate to have me."
"Fuck you!" She threw the pillow at him.
He chuckled, catching the pillow. "I did exactly that last night, love."
"This can't be happening," she groaned. "How dare you?" Throwing her slipper at him but failed to hit him.
Klaus took a menacing step forward, making Evelyn stumble back a little and giving her no choice but to hit her back on the wall as he towered his body over hers.
"Back away," she managed to whisper out, feeling his gaze bore into hers intensely as she stared at the wall opposite of them.
"Are you sore?" Klaus asked, making Evelyn look up at him.
"W– what?" His question caught her off guard, making her clench her legs together.
"Are you, my love? Because if you're saying we had sex then you wouldn't have been able to move out of the bed."
"You're what?"
"I'm not," Evelyn whispered, cheek's tinting from embarrassment. Fuck my life.
"There. Your answer." Klaus took a step back.
"Then why am I in your room?" She cleared her throat.
"Because you came into my room last night. You wanted to stay here and were too stubborn to even move when I tried to take you back. I was planning to take you back to your room when you fell asleep but you locked your door from the inside and the keycard is in there too. I've called the reception and they'll be here soon to give you a new keycard."
"I may be a killer, but that doesn't mean I would take advantage of you. I'd rather have your consent."
Evelyn scoffed, "Good thing we'll never happen."
"Good," Klaus muttered bitterly and then turned away from her. "Because–"
"Because what?"
Evelyn watched as Klaus stood at the front of the bed, pressing one knee on the bed as she leaned back against the headboard. Keeping his eyes on her, he moved forward, wrapping a hand around her ankle and pulling her towards him. "Hey!" She tried to kick him in the stomach, but he kept a firm grip on her legs, stepping in between them with his knee as she lifted herself up slightly on her elbows, allowing him to lean his face dangerously close to hers.
"Because if you were mine, I would have taught you a lesson," he whispered lowly.
"You– you shouldn't speak to me like this," she stammered over her words.
"I just did," he shrugged.
"If you're trying to get on my nerves. It's not working," she said, chin up high to show he had no effect on her.
Jokes on me.
"Who said I was trying to?" He mocked, tilting his head slightly and she felt his nose brush against hers, moving her head back before she did something she would regret.
"Then it's a shame for you I'm not yours then. Never will be. Never want to," Evelyn replied back with sarcasm.
Klaus only smiled, annoying Evelyn more. Why is he smiling like that? She wondered.
She then felt his hands, which were resting on the side of her bare legs, move to the back almost dangerously close to her thighs as he caressed them gently, waiting for her to stop it. She didn't. She allowed him to touch her. And she knew she was playing a risky game with him.
"With your attitude, I would've made sure you wouldn't be able to leave my bed for days," Klaus tugged on the bottom of her– his shirt.
"Just days? That's sadly pathetic. I would've thought for a man who has lived for a thousand years, you should be more of an expert than anyone at knowing how to pleasure and satisfy a woman's needs that would not just last for days," Evelyn mocked him.
Klaus raised his brow at her bravery, tilting his head. "Oh, yeah?"
"But then again. You have a dusty, fossil dick that doesn't even function well anymore, and the little thing must always be soft too," she gave him an innocent smile.
"Then why are your legs pressed together when all I said was just a couple of words," he smiled back, continuing to caress his hands under her legs.
The smug smile on Evelyn's face now slowly faltered into a shameful one, cheeks tinting pink and her heartbeat slightly quickening.
"Let me guess, it's the heart palpitations again," he stated.
"Yes," she answered quickly, looking away from him.
"Don't look away when I'm talking to you," Klaus gripped on to her chin, tilting her face back to him.
The air was thick with tension as Klaus and Evelyn locked eyes, their faces mere inches apart. Their gazes bore into each other, filled with a mix of anger, desire, and confusion.
"But– hypothetically speaking– so– uh– what lesson would you teach me if I don't?" Evelyn knew she was playing with fire now. But she was just too curious to know.
Klaus shrugged, "Like you said you're not mine so I can't show you."
She gulped, "Then why are you touching me?"
"Why are you letting me?"
She didn't know why. But his hands on her felt so good. Too good that it made her crave for more.
"You're insufferable," she remarked.
"You're ravishing," he smirked back.
"Screw you, Nik."
"Add a please and I'll do it."
The knock at the front door pulled them both out of the intense trance making Klaus remove himself away from Evelyn and that made her frown.
I'm definitely becoming an attention seeking whore. Stop this now.
"They've got my keycard," Evelyn whispered.
"I'll get it. Don't move," Klaus said.
"Because I don't want him to look at you like this." He gestured to his shirt she was wearing.
"But you did," she called out when he walked away.
"And it'll stay that way," he said without looking at her and leaving his room.
"This is my sign to definitely see a therapist," she groaned, burying her face in her hands.
Klaus sighed out in agitation, rubbing at his forehead as he tried to calm himself down. It was at times he would wonder what kind of spell Evelyn had casted upon him to make him lose his self control whenever he was around her. As the days passed by, that self control was slowly slipping away from him whenever Evelyn would even breathe next to him. It was extremely frustrating.
And at times he would have dangerous thoughts about her. Ones he so desperately tried to not think about. But every time he looked at her, his need for her grew as the pull became almost unbearable to him.
The image of her underneath him as he would whisper nothing but the sweetest yet filthiest of words to her, hearing her delicate moans as he made sure she was satisfied by him only, worshipping her just like she's supposed to be, caressing and kissing every inch of her body like a painted canvas as she cried out his name whilst he praised her.
And the other times, he wanted to teach her a lesson. The bratty side of her tested his patience. She knew how to push his buttons and that set him on the edge. And oh how he wanted to corrupt her. The urge to have her bent over his lap and–
"Stop it," he whispered to himself, pinching his nose as he huffed out another sigh of frustration.
Yet, trying to ignore her became a difficult task to avoid as his eyes found Evelyn outside the balcony, capturing every part of her from head to toe and making him clench his jaw.
There was a special place in hell for him. But even hell wouldn't take him.
His scandalous thoughts about her immediately faded away when he saw Niko in Evelyn's arms. "Now my day is already ruined," he muttered, watching as she twirled around and quietly sang to the bunny. Klaus rolled his eyes at them, she treated that animal like it was her child.
He just hoped Evelyn's clumsy self would trip over her own feet so it would make Niko slip out her arms and throw him off the balcony.
But since Evelyn was too clumsy to even walk straight, she too would end up falling off the balcony with Niko. And, Klaus immediately took that wish back, cursing himself for thinking that about her.
Pulling out his thoughts, he raised a brow when looking down at his phone, the screen lit up when he read the contact of who had texted him. "Why is she messaging me?" He murmured to himself.
Edith the Crazy Girl:
Question!!! Don't ignore my
messages this time or else i'll
get Niko to bite your ass. And
he's a vicious biter. Stefan's
an advocate for that.
Klaus took a glance back at Evelyn, finding her sat on the balcony swing now as she kept her eyes on her phone. He picked it up, deciding to message her back.
Kevin the Ancient Hybrid Creep 🐶 👴🏻:
Edith the Crazy Girl:
Did you take my makeup
off last night?
Kevin the Ancient Hybrid Creep 🐶 👴🏻:
How is this urgent?
Edith the Crazy Girl:
Kevin the Ancient Hybrid Creep 🐶👴🏻:
Yes. I did.
Edith the Crazy Girl:
Did you take my dress off?
Kevin the Ancient Hybrid Creep 🐶 👴🏻:
I only unzipped your dress
and took your heels off.
He heard Evelyn gasp dramatically, as she typed on her phone aggressively.
Edith the Crazy Girl:
So you saw me naked? You
ancient, decaying perv.
How dare you? I will shove a–
Klaus ignored the rest of her message, typing back aggressively.
Kevin the Ancient Hybrid Creep 🐶 👴🏻:
Bloody hell woman. I didn't
see anything. I turned around
before you changed.
In his defense, he caught a glimpse. Evelyn caught him off guard when she began to change in front of him.
Edith the Crazy Girl:
Oh. Okay. But you're still
a perv. So stop staring at me.
From the corner of his eye he noticed she had been glaring at him. He scoffed back and then looked down at his phone.
Kevin the Ancient Hybrid Creep 🐶 👴🏻:
You're staring at me.
That makes you the perv.
Edith the Crazy Girl:
Shut up.
Kevin the Ancient Hybrid Creep 🐶 👴🏻:
How can I shut up when i'm
messaging you?
"Oh fuck off!" He heard Evelyn whisper, making him chuckle. "He's so annoying, Niko."
A few minutes later, he heard a buzz on his phone, opening up their messages.
Edith the Crazy Girl:
Kevin the Ancient Hybrid Creep 🐶 👴🏻:
Yes, my love?
Edith the Crazy Girl:
How do you feel knowing
there's not one, not two, but FOUR
DOG emojis made after you?
Which one defines you the most?
Klaus rolled his eyes, turning off his phone. Hearing as Evelyn yanked the balcony door open as she yelled out, "Did you just block my number again?!"
"Oh look, Princess Stefanie is finally awake," Evelyn teased when Stefan sat down beside her on the couch.
He groaned, leaning his head back on the couch. "This is the last time i'm getting drunk with you," he murmured.
Evelyn giggled, ruffling his hair. "You needed to loosen up a little. The whole grumpy, sulking mood was killing me. I like happy Stefan. He's my favourite."
Stefan smiled, taking Niko out of Evelyn's hold and tickling the bunny's head. It was a surprise to Evelyn that Stefan had grown fond of the bunny and not trying to eat him instead. She would always find Niko always lingering in Stefan's room, sitting on his shoulder or lap whenever he would read a book or watch TV.
"I don't know how, but I somehow ended up sleeping on the floor, you know?" Stefan voiced out his thoughts.
Klaus, who had been sitting on the kitchen counter stool, smirked behind his glass of blood, remembering how he dragged a drunk Stefan from the hallway and left him sleeping on the floor in his bedroom.
"That's weird," Evelyn muttered.
"You know what's even more weird. You and Klaus not arguing early in the morning for once. I actually got to sleep in," Stefan whispered. "Am I dreaming? This has to be some sort of drunk hallucination. Pinch me."
Evelyn laughed, pinching him on the cheek. "We don't always argue."
Stefan gave her a side eye and raised a brow.
"10% of the time we don't," she shrugged.
"More like 0.01% of the time," Stefan argued back.
They heard a knock on the door, turning their head towards it. "Who's that?" Stefan asked.
"That must be the room service I ordered for you," Evelyn spoke up. "Nik, get the door,."
"No, get it yourself," Klaus scoffed.
Stefan glanced right to left between Klaus and Evelyn, silently praying to himself that nothing would escalate from this.
Evelyn and Klaus stared back at each other for a total of 24 seconds before he sighed with an eye roll and stood up from his seat, walking over to the door and opening it.
Stefan let out a breath of relief as Evelyn continued to talk to him. "My day just started off great. Wow," he said to himself.
"Evelyn! How many times do I need to tell you to stop ordering dog food for me!" Klaus yelled as he walked over to them with a box in his hands.
"And I just jinxed myself," Stefan murmured, covering his face in his hands.
"I didn't order anything," Evelyn looked away from Klaus, laughing nervously.
"Don't test my patience today," Klaus warned.
"You know," Evelyn remembered. "I thought I ordered food for Niko. I was half asleep when I did that. Clicked on the wrong one. My bad," she shrugged.
"I'm sure you were," Klaus smiled bitterly.
Evelyn stood up, taking the box out of Klaus' hand and opening one of the can's as she shoved it in front of his face. "Since it's been paid for with my money, I don't want it to go to waste so how about you start eating them since you're the other animal in here besides Niko."
Klaus swatted her hand away from his face, "My money! You stole my credit card for this."
"Then you don't want it to go to waste, do you?" Evelyn shoved the can in his face again. "Be a good pup and start eating. Or do you want me to feed you?"
Stefan, who had been silently sitting and watching the scene happen in front of him, stood up and stalked over towards them. "Both of you shut up!"
Standing in between them, Evelyn and Klaus paused their bickering and looked at Stefan. Klaus glaring at him and Evelyn frowning at him.
Stefan turned to Evelyn, "If you keep fighting with him then–"
"Then what?" Evelyn asked.
"I will eat Niko," Stefan threatened.
Evelyn let out a loud gasp. "You wouldn't dare," she whispered.
Even Klaus was too stunned to speak. Surprised Stefan would even say that
"It's not like it's the first time he's eaten a bunny," Klaus pointed out.
"Shut up!" Stefan and Evelyn shouted at him. Klaus raised his hands up, a mocking frown on his lips.
"The audacity of you to hold Niko while you said that," Evelyn whispered. "Give him back to me."
"No," Stefan refused to give the bunny to Evelyn. "He's my leverage until you two stop arguing."
"Keep him. I don't really care," Klaus murmured.
"How could you, Stefan?! Niko loves you. He trusts you," Evelyn scolded, eyes brimming with tears.
"Oh. You made her cry now," Klaus decided to add more fuel to the fire.
Evelyn ran with Niko in her arms and Stefan ran after her. "I was only joking, Evie! I would never eat him."
"But you eat animals for a living, mate," Klaus chuckled. "How can that be a joke?"
"I'm not your mate!" Stefan huffed out, irritation laced in his tone.
( before you ask who they are. just don't. they haven't been introduced properly so just read it, be confused and nod )
A pair of curious eyes stayed focused on Klaus, Evelyn and Stefan as they slipped inside the car, sighing as once again she failed to get Evelyn alone.
Valentina glanced up at the figure walking towards her, sitting down with a huff. "Here's a reminder for you. I don't have speed. And stop disappearing on me." The woman spoke with an eye roll.
Valentina glared back at her. "And I told you. I work well on my own, Salem."
"Too bad you're stuck with me," Salem smiled back, sarcastically. "Another fail with the girl?"
"Yes. She's never alone without the Hybrid hovering around her every second of the day. He's very clingy," Valentina muttered with an eye roll.
Salem looked across the street, her eyes on Evelyn who was sitting in the passenger seat, an ice cream in her hand as she happily ate it. "She looks so innocent."
"Don't be fooled by that. They're always the most lethal ones. Unpredictable," Valentina warned.
"You seem to be an expert," Salem quipped. "Sounds like you're describing yourself. Good girl gone bad?"
Valentina rolled her eyes, looking away. "You're forgetting your life is in my hands."
"Then why haven't you killed me yet?" Salem leaned forward, teasing her. "Seems like you enjoy my presence."
"Let's agree to disagree," Valentina said, dryly with arms crossed against her chest and legs crossed on top of the other, as she took a puff from her cigarette.
Salem leaned back, staring down at her nails, "Do you think she knows?"
"Nope. He hasn't told her," Valentina replied back. "I don't think he will."
"And why's that? You do know she needs to do the–" Salem began. "Wait a second? Is there something you're not telling me?"
"Didn't realise I was obligated to tell you everything," Valentina muttered.
"What are you hiding, Valentina?"
She looked into Salem's eyes. "Nothing that concerns you."
"It's the Hybrid, isn't it? Do you know him?" She asked.
"Something like that," Valentina shrugged.
Salem sighed, "Look, I don't care if you have history with him. But remember our main priority is the girl."
"Don't worry. She's more valuable than him. I know," Valentina rolled her eyes.
"That means you're not killing her," Salem warned.
"No promises," Valentina muttered.
The drive for once was silent. Stefan had been sitting at the back as usual with Evelyn and Klaus at the front, Coldplay quietly playing on the radio. Stefan's choice finally.
"So, you already forgave Stefan? Even after he threatened to eat the bunny?" Klaus broke the silence.
"It was a joke. I would never eat Niko," Stefan rolled his eyes.
"And? What's it got to do with you?" Evelyn asked Klaus.
"Exactly," Stefan added with a nod.
"You're always attacking me when I do something," Klaus said.
"That's because it's you," Evelyn remarked back. "And Stefano is my best friend. You're not on that list."
"Ouch," Klaus muttered sarcastically, rolling his eyes when Evelyn turned to Stefan, giving him a sweet smile.
"Oh my God. Nik! We're driving past Bert's town. Let's go see him. I miss him," Evelyn excitedly spoke. "Stop the car!"
Klaus pretended to not hear her, turning up the volume on the radio and speeding up the car. "Huh? What did you say? I can't hear you! Speak a little louder!"
Stefan shook his head, placing his noise canceling headphones over his head and closing his eyes. The temptation to jump out of the window and leave them was growing by the second.
And sometimes. Just sometimes. Stefan wondered to himself that maybe they were made for each other.
"My usual order, please," Evelyn told Stefan. "But add cheesy fries to that. Large strawberry lemonade. No tomatoes on the burger."
Stefan nodded, walking out of the car and leaving Evelyn and Klaus alone in the car. She turned to her side, fully facing him. "What?" He asked.
"I have a question," she began.
"Same answer you'll get as yesterday and the day before that. I'm not answering any wolf questions. Not today. Not tomorrow. Not in the future," Klaus said.
"I wasn't even going to ask you that this time," she muttered, a frown playing on her lips.
"I don't believe you," he shook his head.
"I'm not going to. I promise."
Klaus turned to face Evelyn, a look of surprise covering his face. "What did you want to ask then?" She anxiously played with the hum of her dress, biting on her lower lip as she contemplated with herself. "What's wrong, love?"
"Since I was sleeping in your bed last night– Did I do anything out of the ordinary?" She barely mumbled out the words.
"Yeah, you did, did you know that you talk in your sleep? You said my name a lot. Never knew you would be this needy for me."
"I was definitely having a nightmare," Evelyn smiled instead.
"I'm sure moaning my name was a nightmare," Klaus smirked back at her.
Evelyn's smile dropped. No. Fucking. Way.
"I'm kidding," he chuckled.
"That's not funny," she muttered, reaching out to slap him.
"Hey!" He grabbed her hand, stopping her. "You snore a lot though, Like a foghorn. It was like I was experiencing a nightmare myself."
"No. I don't." She used her other hand and slapped him on the arm.
Klaus laughed, now grabbing both of her hands. "But you do kick a lot in your sleep," he pointed out. "Almost knocked me over on the floor."
"You deserve it."
She looked down at their joined hands and quickly removed them away from him. A small frown formed on Klaus' face when she crossed her arms instead.
For a couple of minutes, silence fell between them until Evelyn spoke up again. "Hey, Nik?"
"Yes, my love."
"Thank you for taking care of me last night," she spoke softly as her eyes met his.
A smile lifted on his lips, as he nodded with a shrug. "No need to thank me. It was nothing," he murmured.
"It was," Evelyn said. Klaus looked back at her and noticed she was still staring at him.
"I also wanted to ask you something else," she leaned a little forward.
"Yeah?" Klaus leaned a little forward too.
"What kind of breed are you? You know how dogs have breeds, do wolves have them too?" Evelyn smiled mischievously.
Klaus leaned his head back, closing his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, hearing Evelyn's laughter surround him.
"You could've let me handle it!" A furious Evelyn stormed into Klaus' room whilst pointing her finger at him.
That's hot. His eyes lingered on her.
"Hello?!" Evelyn clicked her fingers in front of his face.
Klaus shook the thought away. "And do what? Share your bag of candies and have a lovely chit chat with them about the weather so they could help us."
"Well, that would've worked if you hadn't let your anger slip the second we walked in," she argued back.
"I get a little giddy, love."
"It wasn't exciting when Stefan's neck was snapped and he's still not waking up!" She exclaimed.
"They did me a favour there. Should've thanked them for that," he smiled. "Oh wait, they're dead," he murmured to himself.
"Stefan could've died today. Like actually died!"
He shrugged, not giving a damn about it. "Okay."
"You're an asshole," she gasped.
"Yes, we've already established that," he rolled his eyes.
"I had to stand in the middle of your murder spree whilst you killed all the witches who might've helped us locate the wolf you're so desperately wanting if you had just let me do all the talking rather than letting your ego get in the way. I frankly don't give a shit if you're the Original Hybrid," she seethed with a harsh glare.
"Then you should!" Klaus exclaimed back.
"And my skirt is ruined!" She gestured to herself and he noticed splatters of blood stained on her skirt.
"And I told you to stay in the car!" He scowled back at her. "Why do you have to be so difficult? You never listen to me."
"Because you're not the boss of me!"
"And you're not mine!" Klaus raised his voice back at her.
Feeling frustrated at him, his face was met with her shoe. "How dare you?!" He glowered at her.
"Oops. My hands slipped." She crossed her arms over chest, sending him a sarcastic smile.
"You–" He took a step forward, but then he heard her hiss quietly when she shifted back on her feet, and his eyes slowly casted down to the side of her stomach, frowning when he noticed a blood stain. "You're hurt," he murmured, looking up at her.
"I'm fine," she dismissed it, snatching her shoe she threw at him and quickly ran out of his room– well attempted to. She hissed in agony but continued to walk as fast as she could, hearing Klaus' footsteps behind her.
"Love," he called. "Evelyn!"
"I can take care of it myself!"
She jumped up in surprise when he used his speed, standing directly in front of her. "Stop being stubborn for once!" She pressed her lips tightly, refusing to meet his eyes. "Look at me!"
"Not in the mood to look at your ugly face. Move out of my way," she said.
He sighed, taking a deep breath. "My love." His tone was softer. "Please."
Facing him, she stayed quiet as he looked at her with concern. He took a step closer, lifting her blouse up slightly to check the deep wound just above her hip. "Where else?" He asked.
"That's all." Evelyn attempted to move back and Klaus tugged her back to him.
"Where else?" He repeated.
"They sort of stabbed me on my back, near my shoulder," she mumbled.
Klaus pushed her hair back, leaning forward to check and Evelyn tensed at the close proximity of their bodies, his breath fanning against her neck and his fingers lightly trailing down on her bloody wound.
"Here, take my blood to heal." He lifted his own wrist up.
"No!" She held her hand up.
"You clearly need it," he insisted.
"Nope. What if you kill me after I take it and turn me into a vampire? Huh?" Evelyn crossed her arms, giving him a look of defiance.
"Fine! Since you clearly don't trust me. Then at least let me clean up your wounds."
"I can do it myself– Hey! What are you doing?" She let out a squeal, when he lifted her up and walked into her bathroom, setting her down on the counter.
"Don't move," he demanded as he returned back with a first aid kit.
"Stop exaggerating," she groaned, resting her head against the mirror.
Klaus stepped in between her legs, his face leveled with hers as she sucked in a deep breath for a second at how close they were against each other.
"May I?" He asked, gesturing to her top. Evelyn sighed, lifting up a little bit of her top, just enough so he could tend to her wound.
Goosebumps rose on her skin as he ran a hand slowly down the exposed part of her skin. She let out a quiet giggle and squirmed in her seat. "That tickles." She tried to swat his hand away.
"Stop," he warned her, pouring alcohol on the gauze pad and pressing it on her hip.
"Easy! That stings," she hissed, jumping up slightly when she felt the stinging sensation.
Klaus scowled, when she tried to grab his wrist again. He glared at her as he moved closer to her, pinning her back against the mirror and his hands placed on either side of her, his voice low, "Sit still and it won't hurt much."
"Okay," she gulped and nodded.
Silence fell between the two as Klaus cleaned up her wound and Evelyn remained still, her hands reaching out to fiddle with his necklaces to distract herself.
"You're the only person that really knows how to annoy me. You know?" Evelyn spoke up.
"Glad to know that I'm doing a great job at it," Klaus muttered and she rolled her eyes.
Curiosity filled Evelyn's eyes as she watched Klaus work, and she finally mustered the courage to ask him the question that had been lingering in her mind. "Doesn't the sight of my blood make you hungry?"
Klaus lifts his head, locking eyes with Evelyn, as he replied with deliberate calm, "I can control my hunger, don't be afraid. I won't hurt you."
Yet, even as Klaus spoke those words, his mind surrendered to a tantalizing temptation. The scent of Evelyn's blood, lingering in the air, tugged at his instincts, whispering promises of sweetness. Deep within, he battled the primal nature that defined him, a struggle between craving and self-control for her.
"Turn around," he gestured and she turned to her side. He tapped on her shoulder, and she pushed down the strap enough so he could clean the cut, wincing when he pressed the pad on it. She shut her eyes for a moment, lightly resting her forehead on his shoulder.
"They ruined my top too," Evelyn mumbled. "One of my expensive ones."
"It's just a– I'll buy you however many you want," he rolled his eyes.
"Ouch, Nik!" Evelyn yelped.
"I didn't mean to do that! Sorry," Klaus quickly said.
She only laughed at him. "I was only messing with you."
Grabbing the back of her legs, Klaus turned her to completely face him, pushing her hair back as he placed a small band aid on her forehead. He took a quick glance at her lips then at Evelyn, the back of her head was resting on the mirror again as she continued to play around with his necklace.
His head was in a whirl, she was too enticing. It was all he could think about a lot lately. The warmth of her soft skin against his. How her plush mouth would feel against his, yielding to him. It was driving him insane.
"Are you done?" Evelyn asked.
"Uh, yeah," he cleared his throat and stepped back, helping her off the counter.
"Nik?" He nodded and she gestured for him to come closer to her. "You have a little blood there." She grabbed a tissue and he leaned down slightly as she wiped the blood away from the corner of his lips and his cheek, all the while he kept staring at her, fighting a smile at the way she was mumbling to herself.
"Done." Evelyn was putting away and cleaning up the mess on the counter.
She felt his eyes on her, but didn't dare meet them. She would be lying if she told herself that she hadn't felt the tension between them, the way her body and mind betrayed her. It was filled with thoughts of him, which she had fought so hard to suppress, but always seeming to sneak their way back in. His little touches made her crave for more, a little more intimate, intoxicating. It was getting frustrating.
No more dirty thoughts. She scolded herself.
A shiver ran through Evelyn's body, a mixture of surprise and something deeper stirring within her. With a soft gasp, she turned to face Klaus, who had gently reached out, his fingertips lightly brushing against the scar just above her hip.
"What happened there?" Klaus asked.
Evelyn's mind ran back to the night of the accident, her heartbeat slightly quickening before she brought herself back to Klaus' attention.
Their eyes met, the air thick as he caressed the scar, a silent message passed between them, an intimacy found in the act of touching a vulnerable part of someone's past.
Feeling the weight of her emotions overwhelming her, Evelyn took a deep breath, her voice quivering slightly as she spoke. "It was just some little accident that happened years ago," she murmured, her words holding a glimmer of pain masked as nonchalance.
Moving his hand away from her skin, his eyes searched hers, recognising the hesitation within her response. Klaus understood the desire to keep certain wounds buried, to shield oneself from the darkness that resided in memories. Although he longed to unravel the secrets she hid, he respected her boundaries.
Taking a deep breath, she glanced up at him. "Thank you for–" She gestured to herself. "And for what happened earlier on. They could've killed me if it wasn't for you," she said in a soft tone, remembering when Klaus had shielded her with his body.
And there it was once again. The unknown feeling she just couldn't ignore no matter how much she tried to. Every moment with him riddled with meanings she wasn't quite ready to understand.
"So– I need to take a shower," she spoke up.
Klaus' lips curved into a smirk, his tone playful. "Is that an invite this time?"
"Ew. No way. Never. Out!" She shoved him back and he chuckled when she slammed the door shut on his face.
"Are you okay? Hurt?" Evelyn threw questions at Stefan, the two embraced in a hug when she pulled away from him and cupped his face in her hands.
"But first, are you okay? Hurt?" Stefan repeated the questions back, his eyes searching for any injuries. Noticing the band aid on her forehead.
She laughed, making him smile in relief when she nodded. "Are you sure? How about emotionally?" He asked.
"Yes, yes. Now answer mine," she urged him.
"I'm fine, Eve. You–"
"Oh shh," she silenced him. "I know you're a vampire and you heal blah blah."
Stefan chuckled, listening to Evelyn scold him but then comfort him at the same time. He ran a thumb against the band aid on her forehead. "It was just a little cut. I'm not going to leave you anytime soon," she joked as she reassured him.
"You better not," he played along.
"I got you this. It's not human blood so don't worry about it." She gave him a blood bag.
Stefan took the bag off her hands, gulping as his body tensed when he could hear her blood pumping through her veins and he closed his eyes for a moment, forcing himself to not hurt her.
"I'll be back." He abruptly stood up, taking Evelyn off guard as she furrowed her brows at him by his sudden movement. "I need fresh air." He cleared up her confusion.
"Oh? Okay. Do you want me to go with you?" She asked.
Stefan forced out a smile, shaking his head. "How about you set us up a movie and i'll bring us pizza, yeah?"
Evelyn nodded, eagerly. "Anything as long as it doesn't have pineapple. That's horrible." She scrunched her face with disgust.
"I agree. That should be illegal," he nodded at her.
"And you're a psycho for that too," she completed his sentence.
"Knew we were destined to be best friends." He gave her a quick high five, making Evelyn smile widely.
"Hey, Stefan?" She called him.
He turned around, "Yeah?"
"Are you sure you're okay?"
"I'm great," he forced a smile. And as he walked out, he threw the blood bag inside a trash can instead. He knew Evelyn would be so upset with him, but he tried so hard to resist the urge.
Klaus and Stefan found it odd when they were met with an eerie, calm silence as soon as they entered the suite. Expecting Evelyn to cause her usual chaos, but nothing. No Evelyn in sight to greet them with an apologetic smile when she did something bad, trying to blame anything but herself.
"Why is it quiet?" Klaus asked. "It's never this quiet."
Stefan's brows furrowed, scanning the scene in front of him. Nothing was out of a place. "She's definitely up to something. She has to be."
And that was when they heard a loud scream erupt, enough to alarm Klaus and Stefan as they ran instantly towards the direction the voice came from, both glancing at each other with a look of confusion and Stefan with more fear when it was specifically Evelyn's scream that they both had heard.
"Evie!" Stefan yelled.
Evelyn skidded to a halt as she gave them a wide smile. "Hey." A relieved sigh left both Klaus and Stefan when she seemed to appear fine in front of them.
"Why would you scream like that?" Klaus asked, rubbing at his forehead.
"Sorry," she sheepishly smiled at them.
"What did you do now, Eve?" Stefan asked.
"Nothing. But guess what?" She slightly jumped on her toes, hand's behind her back as she beamed up at them with excitement.
"Just tell us," Stefan urged for her to continue.
"I think my magic is back!" She did a little dance.
"What? Really?" Stefan asked, sharing her enthusiasm and stopped her moving, his arms on her hands as she nodded. "That's amazing!"
"Well, I think it's slowly coming back?" She corrected herself.
"Elaborate, love," Klaus leaned his hip against the counter, crossing his arms over his chest.
"I was in the bathroom, you know, doing my skincare routine," Evelyn began.
"Eve, get to the point," Stefan softly chuckled at her. "Life story later."
She heaved a sigh with an eye roll. "I was reaching for my hairbrush, but instead it moved further away from me. So, I decided to test something else as well and then I ended up making everything around me go up in the air. You know that thing I did before we left town," she explained.
"Is that all you could do?" Klaus asked.
"I finally did the candle thing we were doing the other night," Evelyn beamed up at them.
"The other night? What were you two doing?" Stefan asked instead, looking back and forth between them.
"It was nothing," Klaus muttered. "He was helping me with my magic. He let me borrow his mother's grimoire," Evelyn said at the same time.
Stefan gave Klaus a side glance. He felt wary about this for some reason.
"Listen guys!" Evelyn brought their attention back to her. Running back with a candle in her hand. "Look! Watch this!" She couldn't contain her excitement when she held the candle on her palm, the other hand raised above it.
Klaus and Stefan stepped a little closer, curious themselves when a little deep purple spark hovered above Evelyn's fingers and lit up the candle. "Did you see that? I did that," she let out a giddy laugh.
Klaus fought back a smile as he watched Evelyn do another little dance whilst Stefan laughed at her.
"I didn't even have to say that word. What was it called again?" Evelyn tried to remember. "Incendia!" She clicked her finger.
The word that had left Evelyn's lips had suddenly made Klaus and Stefan's eyes widen when the kitchen was now bursting up in flames from the oven, the counter running with flames atop and all of the lights above and around them bursted, flickering and sparkling. The fire alarm now ringing against their ears.
Evelyn set their hotel suite on fire.
"Oops." She jumped up when she felt Klaus' hand on her waist, pulling her back away from the fire that was on the counter near her. "But that is so cool, wow," she laughed.
"Seriously?" Klaus asked and he felt her nod rapidly, resulting in an eye roll from him.
Stefan quickly grabbed the fire extinguisher, setting out most of the fire. "Well, at least that confirms her magic is definitely back," he muttered as he glanced back at Klaus.
"We need to leave this room," Klaus said, placing a hand on Evelyn's back as he safely guided her out of the room, already hearing a loud commotion outside of the door from the many guests and staff.
Stefan used his vamp speed to get Niko from Evelyn's room. Caressing the bunny's head as he ran back to where Evelyn and Klaus were about to open the door.
"Wait, I think I know how to stop it," Evelyn spoke up. "Bonnie taught me. Technically I watched her do it. But same thing, right?"
"No!" Both Klaus and Stefan stopped her from uttering another word.
After moving into a new penthouse in a different hotel, Klaus walked through the front door, seeking solace after a long and tiring day. Making his way over to the decanter, he poured himself a drink and took a sip of it.
"Hey, Nik. Bye, Nik," Evelyn spoke, making his eyes follow her when she ran past him and outside into the balcony.
"Where are you going, love? It's raining," he pointed out.
"I know," she dismissed him with a wave.
And that was when he heard the sound of laughter. He set down his glass and stepped outside to see what Evelyn was doing. There, he found her dancing in the rain, her laughter blending harmoniously with the pitter-patter of raindrops.
"Nik, come!"
"You'll catch a cold!" He shouted back, leaning against the doorframe.
"Join me!"
"Don't be such a buzzkill. The rain is fun!" She twirled around, head up as she let the rain soak her.
He couldn't help but admire the way she embraced the moment, allowing the rain to cascade around her, drenching her in its refreshing embrace. A sense of awe washed over Klaus as he watched Evelyn twirl and spin, her body seemingly in sync with the rhythm of nature. With each movement, water droplets glistened and sparkled against her skin, creating a captivating spectacle. It was as if she had become a part of the rain itself, ethereal and enchanting. Her laughter echoed through the air, a joyful melody and he couldn't resist her infectious spirit.
Evelyn jogged over to him, standing in front of him. "The rain isn't going to kill you, you know?"
"I hate the rain."
"Too late for that." She dragged him out, letting the rain now soak him. "You're wet now."
"I'm not dancing," he shook his head.
"Why not? I can teach you how to dance."
"I told you I hate dancing."
"Just shift your feet a little then," she laughed as she shifted her own feet.
Klaus' unwavering attention was now fixed on her light pink nightdress, the raindrops clinging to the material as it was pressed right against her body, revealing the contours of her curves. He found himself at a loss for words, his usually observant mind overwhelmed by the captivity from the sweet soul right in front of him.
The sound of a loud clap and a slight push against Klaus brought him back when he had noticed it began to thunder and that was enough to make Evelyn move back inside.
"Don't want to get struck by lightning," she laughed.
Klaus' gaze trailed down from Evelyn's wet hair to her neck. Her chest rising as she huffed out a laugh whilst panting for air. The light pink material becoming transparent as it moulded against her chest. "I'll– I'll get us towels," he cleared his throat, as he rushed inside of his room to grab the towels, cursing himself for once again losing his self control over his thoughts about her.
A loud gasp fell from her lips as she trailed her eyes down her body. "Shit!" She covered her arms over her chest. Why did I not wear a bra?
Klaus returned back, handing her the towel, his gaze averted elsewhere and Evelyn covered her body, pressing her lips tightly as embarrassment expressed over her face.
It wasn't after a few minutes later, Evelyn was sat on the rug, her body curled up in front of a crackling fireplace. Blanket wrapped around her as she leaned against the couch, the soft glow across her enveloping her in a cocoon of serenity. Just as she was beginning to doze off, she heard the sound of footsteps approaching. Klaus sitting down beside her, running a hand through his damp hair.
"Just make sure you don't set this place on fire as well," he gestured to the fire in front of them.
Evelyn rolled her eyes, nudging Klaus a little with her shoulder. "I'm a newbie. Leave me alone. Besides, if I were to set fire to anything then it'll be your ass."
"Considering you have a terrible aim, that's very unlikely," Klaus threw back at her. Evelyn let out a dramatic gasp, moving her body to face him. He simply shrugged with a laugh.
Evelyn tilted her head, softly gazing at him with those doe eyes and Klaus couldn't help but be drawn to her presence. With a gentle movement, he reached out, his fingers lightly brushing against her cheek as he tenderly tucked the strand of her damp hair behind her ear.
In that fleeting connection, a wave of emotions passed through Evelyn, expressing hesitation. She jolted up slightly, moving away from him. "Your eyes," Klaus murmured, surprised when he noticed the change in colour from her emerald to deep purple, flashing for a second.
"Oh, that's been happening today as well," she lied. This was the first she was witnessing herself. "I'm tired. And I think I'm catching the cold now," she let out a nervous laugh.
She quickly stood up and ran into her room, as she stared at herself in the mirror, her original eye colour now. Contemplating something that had been lingering at the edge of her consciousness for quite some time. And as she pondered the possibility, fragments of memories resurfaced, snippets of encounters intertwined with the images in her mind. A sense of clarity washed over her, as if the pieces of the puzzle were finally starting to align.
Was Klaus the mysterious man in her dreams?
And they are back! I've missed writing about them omg. I missed you all too!
You all are so not ready for the plot twist that's going to happen soon. I have been waiting for this moment to come and it's going to slap you in the face lmao.
Wp still hasn't gotten back to me so this was the first draft of the half original chapter and I decided to update today. I've already started writing the next chapter and i'm halfway there. Aiming to update again next week!
Hope you all have a great day / night.
Love you <3
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