THE BOXES THAT SAT around the office had been there for days now; just gathering dust. But this was the day, the day that these boxes would finally leave. The day that he left the office, a bittersweet thought really. He had made it his own over the past year or so, of course it wasn't exactly that comfortable; he never had spent much time in there unless he absolutely had to do the required paperwork. Now there he was clearing it out so someone else could move in just to redo it more than he had, which in all honesty made him a bit angry. The desk, the shelves, the pieces of garbage that were probably under the desk— everything that connected the office to Patrick Hoode would be gone after he left.
"Mr. Black?"
Leo turned around from putting the last of his things in the last of the boxes to see who was there. In the doorway stood Alice Proctor, one of the Auror's that he had worked with since he started working with MCUSA in the Magical Law Enforcement Department only a few years earlier. She had blond hair that was loose over her shoulders and a dark purple cloak like the one that Leo was supposed to wear but chose not to over her shoulders.
"You have a visitor. Can they send them up?" she informed him.
Leo sighed heavily, "Would you think it was rude if I said no? That I didn't want to meet with anyone on my last day?" he asked, and arched an eyebrow before smirking, "Go ahead and have them let up." he added, earning a small snicker from Proctor.
Leo Black had only been the head of the Auror's office temporarily; he had known he'd leave as soon as the next election came along. He wasn't exactly a favorite among the other officials within MCUSA, and his methods weren't exactly ideal. The only reason he ended up with the position was because of Patrick Hoode; the best Auror that Leo had ever gotten to meet. The only person who really gave Leo a chance really. Rumors spread of course, they always did if you had the name Black. Specially after the legendary murderer Sirius Black escapes Azkaban. But Hoode ignored it all, even when a cocky kid like Leo came in for an interview just a few years out of school— he got a chance when even his own parents wouldn't give him one at their shop; which he never would have wanted anyway...
Leo folded the top of the box and then piled it on top of the others that would be sent off to his new apartment in the heart of London. He turned around just in time to see two faces in the doorway that he hadn't seen for a year; Sarah Moeller and her daughter, Amanda. Just the sight of them made his stomach drop to the pit of his stomach, for a brief moment he felt like he was going to be sick.
"Sorry to bother you on your last day, Mr. Black," Sarah began, "but she insisted." she said placing a hand on her daughters shoulder.
The girl was no older than eleven, just about ready to begin her career at Ilvermorny. She had light brown hair, freckles, and brown eyes that Leo remembered differently
"Not a bother at all," he replied, "I'm glad to see you both doing alright." he said as he walked over to them and then put a hand on the door. "Come in, please. Ignore the boxes, you caught me finishing up packing."
The mother and daughter walked into the office and he shut the door behind them.
"So what can I do for you?" he asked as he walked back towards the desk that was technically no longer his and leaned back on it. "Need some advice for starting school next month?" he asked raising an eyebrow, "If you do, I'm afraid I can't really help." he said with a small chuckle.
Amanda giggled and looked down at her feet for a moment before digging into her back pocket. "I just wanted to give you this in person." she said softly as she held up a folded piece of paper that had been folded so many times to fit in her pocket.
Leo reached out and took the piece of paper, he offered the girl a smile and then began to open it. "Well, thank you-"
"But you can't open it until you start your new job at the Ministry of Magic!" she said quickly, holding her hands up as if to stop him, her eyes were wide as if it was a life or death situation.
Leo rose an eyebrow sharply and glanced up at Sarah, who gave him a unknowing shrug. "Oh, okay then." he said as he folded it all the way again like it was when she gave it to him. "Well, thank you, Amanda."
"Good luck at the Ministry, Mr. Black." Sarah said, "They're lucky to be getting you."
"I'm sure they think otherwise," he replied as he stood up and slipped the piece of paper in his pocket. "and good luck to you with school." he said smiling down at Amanda.
The three of them finished their goodbye quickly, but it wasn't quite quick enough for Leo's liking. To them, seeing him was seeing the Auror that saved them. To Leo, seeing them was seeing the two faces that Patrick Hoode died trying to save.
They all remembered one day. Just with two different versions of it.
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I hope you guys enjoyed!
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Stay classy!
*edited 5/8/2020*
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