𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟏
"Thank you, so much for having us, Ada." Madeline hugged the girl. Ada sighed softly. "Of course." Ada said. "It's always a pleasure to have you around." She said. "Please, sit."
Madeline nodded and sat, placing James on the carpet before her. "Is Theodore not here yet?" She asked.
Ada shook her head and poured two cups of tea. "He should be here before dinner." She said. Madeline nodded. "What do you think of my brother?" She asked. Ada paused for a moment. "He's nice.." was all she said. "Karl seems to like him."
Madeline smiled proudly. "I think he likes you a lot, Ada." She exposed. "Don't break his heart." She said. Ada felt a smile creep onto her lips. "Does he now?" She asked. Madeline nodded and accepted the cup of tea from her. "I've never heard him speak about anyone in the way he talks about you."
Ada's smile was wide. "When Freddie died, I wasn't sure i'd ever be able to be around another man again. But Theo.. he's comforting." She said. "I'm thankful for him, really. He listens to me. I feel nobody ever listens to me but even though he takes no interest for what I talk about, he still listens and acts like he's interested."
Madeline nodded along. "When he was younger, he wouldn't even be in the presence of a girl.." she laughed slightly. "That's what made us so similar, I think. I didn't believe in marriage, he didn't believe in.." she paused, "anything."
"It was only recently you both got back in touch, wasn't it?" Ada asked cautiously incase she was speaking of a sensitive topic.
"Yeah.." Madeline sipped her tea. "Me and Theodore had never gotten along. I blamed him for my mother's death because I had believed she died from child birth but— not too long ago it came to light that it wasn't the case." Realisation fell upon her, "so I suppose I owe him an apology."
Ada grabbed her hand. "He loves you." Ada said. "I know he does. You're his big sister. And you shouldn't feel guilty about the way things happened between you both when you were younger." She said.
Madeline nodded. "We were both in the wrong." She said. "Both orphans."
"Oh, love." Ada breathed.
"He was my little brother and I should've been looking out for him but he made it— difficult, if that's the right word to use. He was hanging about the troublesome Lee brothers that completely changed the way he saw everything." She said. "So he isn't to blame, really."
George walked into a bar in London, alone like usual. He was greeted by the men at the door. "The usual?" The barman asked. "Yeah." George looked around, being sure to know who was around him.
George tapped his fingers on the bar and waited patiently until somebody emerged from the back. "There's a phone call for ya, George." He was one of the blinders that worked protecting the club. George raised his brows and followed him into the back room. "Hello?" he asked.
"George, is that you?" John asked from the other end. George pushed the door closed with his foot. "Yeah, it's me." He said. John held the phone tightly. "Listen, I need a favour." He said.
"What's the favour?" George asked.
"Madeline's left Small Heath. I need you to keep an eye on her. She's staying with Ada." John explained. George was a bit confused. "Why has she left?"
"She's afraid apparently. With all this Changretta shit." He told him. "I'm just worried, George."
"She'll be fine, John. Madeline knows what she's doing." He said.
"No. I'm scared she ain't gonna come back. That she's gonna leave me." John said shamefully. George sighed. "Alright, John boy. She'll be alright. If I see her, I'll see how she is and get her to give you a call." He said. He could hear John's heavy breathing. He sounded like he'd been crying.
"Okay— yeah. Thank you." John took a deep breath. "I'll see you soon, yeah?"
"Yeah." George said and put the phone down. He placed two hands on the table before him and thought for a moment. George had spent most of his time in London per Tommy's orders and had no idea of Madeline's journey down. If he'd have known, he'd have helped her out.
Thankfully, George was aware of Ada's address and knew that Theodore was too in London.
"Forget about that drink." George said when walking out, taking his coat from the hook and leaving the club quickly. It was beginning to get dark and he assumed Madeline would be in London by now if she had left earlier that day.
He kept his head down as he walked through the dark streets, making sure not to look at anybody incase they recognised him or his peaky cap. He couldn't be too careful about whether or not there were Italians walking about. All it took for them to see the cap and they could start trouble.
Madeline looked up when Theo entered the living room once more when Ada went to put Karl up to bed. "You feeling okay?" He asked, aware they hadn't had much time to talk once he got there. She shrugged. "I'm scared is all."
"Rightfully so." Theo assured her. "I knew it was all a bad idea, Mads." He sighed.
She shook her head. "I love John." She said. "I just do not support his actions." She added. "And those very actions could be what harms my child and I cannot bear the idea of something like that happening."
"James is gonna be fine. As long as he is here, he's fine. There's blinders on every corner watching the house." He said.
A brief silence fell over them.
"I'm sorry." Madeline looked at him. "For the way I was growing up. I was far too hostile toward you." She shook her head. Theodore sat beside her. "I do not hold a grudge against you, sister." He said. "I understand why you were that way."
"You do?"
"Yeah." Theodore nodded. "I was following the crowd— taking orders from those brothers like a dog. I adapted to their ways which wasn't right. Neither of us are innocent but it is my fault you grew to dislike me." He admitted.
Madeline liked his honestly and awareness. "I'm forever grateful to have you back with us, Theo. I'm glad we put our differences aside."
"As am I." He smiled softly.
Madeline placed her hand over his. The door opened and the pair shared a confused glance. "Ada?" A voice called out. Theodore automatically stood in a protective way but soon backed down when George appeared in the doorway.
"Oh— it's only you." Theo breathed.
George glanced at Madeline and noticed the way her hair wasn't in its usual near up-do but instead in loose curls along her back. She looked even more beautiful than normal — if that was possible.
"Can I have a moment with Madeline please?" He asked, hands in pockets. Theodore looked at Maddie and she nodded. "It's alright, Theo." She assured him. Theodore left the room and George waited till he heard the kitchen door close before clearing his throat. "John called me."
She lowered her eyes and felt her chest tighten.
"He told me what had happened. So I thought i'd come and check up on you. I feel i've not had much time to see you as of late— with being in London all the time."
"Thank you, George. I appreciate it." She said truthfully. George looked around.
"And I want you to know.." he peered over his shoulder and closed the door gently. "That whatever you choose to do, whatever decision you make— i'll support it." He whispered. Madeline could feel her heart pounding against her chest. He noticed her changed expression and tilted his head. "Lina?"
That's when she broke down. His heart dropped and he moved to her, sitting beside her and holding her wrist. "I didn't mean to upset you—"
"No." Madeline shook her head. "You didn't upset me." She told him. Madeline looked at him with tears falling from her eyes. "I'm just so scared. I don't know what to do." She said. George reached up and used his thumb to wipe away her tears. "I love him but I cannot keep going like this. I can't keep feeling the need to look over my shoulder." She said.
George listened.
"And I just— don't fucking know what to do." She said with slight anger.
George continued to wipe her tears. "Look at me, Lina." He said. "Look at me." He forced her to look him in the eye. "Think about you and James. Not him. John can handle himself. He created this mess. You just need to decide if you're going to take yourself out of it." He spoke seriously. "But you do not need to decide that now."
She nodded and bit down on her trembling lip. "He will hate me."
"He could never." George mumbled. "When— if you make a decision, you owe John a phone call. And i'd suggest calling him tonight before you lay to sleep. Put his mind at ease. But do not make your decision to please anybody. Do it for yourself. It doesn't have to be a permanent change, Lina."
"Okay.." She nodded again. George's eyes darted across her face, noticing the way the small amount of green in her eyes were now more noticeable. If she wasn't in such a vulnerable state, George would had kissed her. But he knew it was wrong. He knew it would only upset her further and mess with her head. And that was the last thing he wanted to do.
George just wanted the best for Madeline. That's all he ever wanted.
Madeline's hand hovered over the phone as she chewed on her bottom lip. It was dark out. There was a dim lamp on the wall that lit the room ever so slightly. Madeline withdrew her hand and thought for a moment.
"Fuck—" She whispered, taking it and dialling hers and John's house telephone. It took a few rings before he answered. He didn't say anything. He waited for the person on the other end. "John?"
"Yeah.." She whispered, her breath shaky. John ran a hand over his mouth. "Are you okay— are.." He stuttered. "I'm okay, John." Madeline assured him. "Just tired." She said, getting comfortable in the bed with the phone still to her ear. John hummed. "How is James?"
Madeline glanced down at the young boy who slept in a small crib beside the bed. "He's sleeping."
John swallowed hard. "Please come home.. i'm going to fix this, I swear. I just— I want you home." His voice was shaking ever so slightly. Madeline felt herself tear up and a lump gather in her throat. She placed a hand to her mouth and closed her eyes, letting a stray tear fall. "Maddie? Are you still there?"
She just nodded although he couldn't see her.
"Maddie, love?"
"Yeah— yeah i'm still here." She croaked. John's heart was pounding. "Don't cry." He whispered, a hand on the wall and his forehead against it. "Please don't cry."
Madeline bit down on her bottom lip to avoid the sob leaving her mouth. "I'm," she paused when feeling her voice break. "I'm just scared, John. James can't lose his dad. Not like how I did." She said, a hand on her chest. "I can't lose you."
This time, John didn't assure her that she wouldn't lose him. Because, truthfully, John didn't know if she would or not. The Italians were unpredictable and Tommy wasn't sharing plans with anybody.
"We killed Vincent Changretta.." He admitted. "Arthur shot the bullet."
"Tommy's orders?" She asked. "Yeah." John said plainly. Madeline shook her head. "This is his fault— it always has been. We should have ran away somewhere when we had the chance, John. Because of Tommy, you have landed yourself in all of this trouble that could get you killed. You have children, John. You have a family. Tell him it's over. Tell him we're moving away."
"I can't do that, Mads. You know that."
"But why not?!" She croaked. "I want us to go someplace nice where the children will be safe."
"I know. Trust me I know." John closed his eyes. "I want you back home. Please come back home." He begged. Madeline shook her head. "It's what you do next that determines what I do— if I come home. So please, John, if you want to see your son again... think about what you're doing."
John frowned. "You'll actually go?"
"It'll kill me to leave but I'll do whatever it takes to keep my little boy safe. So if that means going on the road with the Lee's for a little while then that's what i'll do. But i'll come back. When it's all over, when it's safe. I'll come back. And we can be a family again." Madeline promised.
"I'm sorry." John whispered. "I really am. I'm so fucking sorry that you had to marry me."
"Don't say that."
"No— no I am. You never wanted to marry anyone. Especially not a man like me. But, Maddie, I remember the first time I saw you. It was one day after the fair— we were young. And I saw you beside a fire with Esme, I assume. You had a horse. And I remember walking away, praying that i'd see you again. And god, we got fucking married, Madeline." John laughed slightly.
"I remember." Madeline nodded, holding the phone with two hands. "I need to go.."
"Madeline—" he stopped her. "I love you, alright? Don't forget it."
Madeline nodded to herself. "I love you too, John. I do." She said. John breathed heavily. "Call me, yeah? Whenever you can. I need to hear your voice." He said. "Yeah." Madeline agreed, not waiting for him to say another word before putting the phone down.
She stared up at the ceiling. She hated it, all of it. Madeline didn't want to leave him. But she knew she had to. Just to keep James safe.
Madeline would kill for her kid. She wanted to protect him in the ways she never was. But unfortunately to do that, she needed to go away for a while. And as much as it killed her to do that, she knew she had to.
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