"Angel!" Kaiya smiled big after laying eyes on her, running towards where she sat in the front office of her school. She tackled her in a hug as soon as she was in reach, crushing the Chipotle bags in the process.
Earlier today, Angel had came to have breakfast with Kaiya just as she'd promised. Kaiya spent almost the entire time introducing her to all of her friends, and spent the rest of the time thanking Angel for showing up for her.
The breakfast meeting was the school's tactic of trying to get more parents involved with the district, so Angel signed herself and Roman up to join the Parent Teacher Association for Kaiya's grade level because why not? She was even added to a group chat with the other moms who came to the meeting.
It was now a few minutes before noon, and Angel came back up to the school to bring lunch for Kaiya and Raelle. Her schedule was free today, and Raelle had asked her to order them Door Dash for lunch so she figured she'd just bring it to them herself.
"Hey pretty girl. How is your hair messed up already? I just left like three hours ago Ky." Angel kissed her cheek before attempting to fix one of the twists in her head.
"Oh 'cause I had fell off the monkey bars at recess and Ms.Moore had to get the wood chips out of my hair." She kept her arms around her, letting her fix what she could of her hair.
"What you doing back up here? You brought food?" She then asked, finally noticing the bags that she was on.
"Yeah. Raelle said to bring y'all some Chipotle for lunch but I got you a happy meal instead." She held out the kids meal bag for her, and passed her a small sprite too.
"Thank you, and can you take me home early please since the day almost over anyway? Pleaseeeee," She pulled off the wrapper to her straw, putting on her best pouting face just as Raelle walked into the office.
"Hey sistaaaa," Raelle leaned over to give her a hug, taking the drink from off the desk on the side of her.
"Ray, tell her that we should just go home 'cause we almost out anyway." Kaiya looked up at her while Angel chuckled, shaking her head at her antics.
"Ouuu, I didn't even think of that. You gon' sign us out?" Raelle sat next to her in the uncomfortable office chair, popping the top off of her drink.
"Y'all gone get us in trouble 'cause Roman said y'all couldn't leave early anymore." She shook her head again, this time at both of them.
"Why you listenin' to him? Who is he?" Kaiya dug some fries out of her meal box, and Raelle laughed while nodding in agreement.
"Smcht. Go get y'all bags so we can go." She gestured to the door, putting smiles on both of their faces as they went to do as told.
Angel talked to the attendance secretary to sign them out early, excusing their absences for their last classes of the day. They got out in two hours anyway, might as well save the third trip of the day and just take them home now.
Once they came back to the office with their backpacks, they all got in Angel's car to start the drive back home. Then halfway there, Kaiya suggested that they go get their nails done since they were already out-to which Angel agreed to, only because her nails were currently desperate for a fill.
So, they went to the closest nail shop to go get their nails and toes done. Angel got french tips on both sets, Raelle got short baby pink acrylics with the matching toes, and Kaiya just got a blue manicure with gel polish on both her nails and toes.
By the time they'd made it back home, Kaiya was more than ready for a nap and so was Raelle.
"Love you." Kaiya tiredly mumbled as Angel pulled her cover over her shoulders, earning a smile from her.
"I love you too pumpkin." She kissed her cheek, watching as she then yawned, turning over to lay on her side. After flipping the light switch to turn them off, Angel left out of her bedroom and made sure to keep the door open just a little bit.
When she was walking down the hall to get to Roman's bedroom, she stopped in her tracks at the sound of Raelle calling her name. A few moments later she peeked her head in her room, being gestured to come in.
"I just wanted to tell you thank you for taking care of me and Kaiya today. It might seem small to you, but nobody ever brought us lunch to school before. Roman always busy at work and my granny be at church and stuff. So, thank you." Her words warmed Angel's heart, and it was clear how happy it made her from the smile on her face.
"Awww, you don't have to thank me pooh. I like spending time with y'all. If you remind me, I'll try to make it something we can do like once every other week, okay? 'Cause I can't be signing y'all out every day now." She chuckled, sitting on the edge of her bed while Raelle smiled.
"I hope you and my brother last forever. I didn't know how bad we needed another girl in the house until you came around. We so thankful for you, for real."
The additions that Angel brought to the house might've seemed small to her, but she made life so much easier for the rest of them. Like, Kaiya and Raelle didn't argue as much anymore because Angel was always helping Kaiya pick up the messes she made and even took her to Ulta and Sephora to buy her some makeup to play in so that she didn't have to take Raelle's anymore.
She helped Faye keep the house clean and also cooked dinner whenever she was too tired to do it herself. Whenever she went grocery shopping for her own house, she made sure to text the girls to see if they wanted her to bring them any snacks or hygiene products like body wash and deodorant.
If she was there after school she'd help both girls with their homework-especially Raelle because PreCalculus was kicking her ass, but luckily for her, Angel was basically a mathematician. She'd honestly be failing that class if it wasn't for her.
They were all so thankful for Angel. She was such a good girlfriend to Roman, and she took care of the rest of them too even though she didn't have to. They loved having her be a part of the family.
"Don't make me cry." Angel leaned over to give her a hug, which caused Raelle's arms to go around her waist to hug her back.
"Me and Ky never had a mom before. You always give me that maternal feeling when you around, and I know for sure you make Kaiya feel the same way. Thank you for that too 'cause that ain't something that you have to do. We love you a lot." Raelle kissed her cheek, low-key becoming emotional even though she didn't know why.
"Awww, Raelle I'm going to cry for real. Stop it. I love y'all so much." She tightened the grip she had on her, and Raelle smiled as they pulled away a few seconds later.
"What y'all doing home an hour early?" Roman playfully cleared his throat to make his presence known as he stood in her doorway, making both of their heads turn.
"It's Angel's fault." Raelle held both of her hands up in surrender, laughing once Angel fake gasped in shock.
"Let's go Mulan." He did a gesture with his head for her to come with him, and Raelle pushed her to get her off of the bed with a smile on her face.
"I'ma make sure to remember this." Angel held the peace sign up to her eyes and then pointed her fingers towards Raelle in a manner to say that she was watching her, making her laugh.
Angel chuckled, waving goodbye to her as Roman picked her up, closing the door behind them shortly after. He hoisted her up further against his body, and she wrapped her arms tighter around his neck.
"You are so nosy. How long were you standing here?" She rubbed the back of his neck, staring down at him.
"Long enough." He shrugged, and she jokingly rolled her eyes while laying her head down on his shoulder. She loved when he carried her.
"Are you okay with me bringing them home early? It was only a few hours though, and it won't count against their attendance because I talked to the lady in the front office." She told him.
"Nah baby you good. Them yo' kids too." He chuckled, laying her down on his bed after closing and locking the door to his room.
"Really?" She tilted her head with a genuine smile, watching as he nodded in response. Obviously she knew he was joking, but the fact that he'd basically acknowledged being okay with her taking that maternal role in their lives made her happy.
She knew how skeptical he was of it at first, and she never blamed him for it because she understood where he was coming from after having a genuine conversation about it with him.
As she'd stated before, she would never try to take the place of their mothers, of course, but she didn't mind being that figure for them if that's something that Raelle, Kaiya, and Roman wanted.
"I heard you tell her you don't wanna be thanked, but thank you. We appreciate you. I appreciate you." He made sure to emphasize his words when referring to himself because what she did for all of them really meant a lot to him.
"There's nothing I wouldn't do for you." She wrapped her arms around his neck once he climbed on the bed with her, resting himself between her legs.
"I love you." He pressed his lips against her bottom one before gently sucking it in his mouth, causing her eyes to daze.
"I love you too baby. Can we do it? I can be quiet." She mumbled, locking her gaze on his as her hands traveled to be on his waist. He chuckled at how she referenced sex as 'it', and looked down to watch her fingers play with the band of his sweats.
"You gone take yo' dick out or you gon' keep playing?" His words made her panties become damp, and he could tell from how she attempted to close her legs, obviously forgetting that he was there.
Angel leaned up a little to push his sweats down, doing the same thing with his boxers. She watched his dick sprang free a few moments later, curving with an erection that began to throb the longer that she stared at it.
Within seconds Roman had gotten her completely naked as well, and her nipples were hard from both the cold air and the way that his dark brown eyes stared at her. He gave her a kiss before turning her body over so that she was on all fours instead of laying on her back.
She loved how strong he was because she never really had to do anything in bed. He could just pick her up and position her however he wanted with such little effort. He was always gentle too, as if she'd break if she was handled too roughly.
"You come up out this arch and I'ma handle you. Understood?" Roman guided his light colored mushroom tip down her moist slit, lowly groaning to himself at the feeling.
"Okay baby." She stretched her arms out in front of her to deepen her arch for him, biting her bottom lip in anticipation.
Almost as soon as she bit her lip, Angel had to release it in result of her mouth falling open from the feeling of her walls being pushed apart by his dick. This was only their second time having sex, and she didn't even realize how much she'd missed him being inside of her.
"Don't move. I just told you not to Angel." He wrapped her bundles around his fist, then pulled her hair back so that she looked at him.
"I'm sorry. I missed you." She whimpered to prevent herself from moaning because she knew how loud she could get.
"I missed you too baby. We ain't gon' hold out this long again. I been craving you mama." He leaned over while pushing deeper, moving his hand to wrap around her neck instead.
The heavy breaths coming from him in her ear had her pussy soaking wet, and she could damn near hear it with each stroke he gave her from behind. He fit inside of her so perfectly, she was about ready to cry.
"Keep that shit there. Quit fucking movin'. Don't make me say that again." He grunted, pushing as far as he could go to make sure she knew he wasn't playing.
His hand immediately clamped over her mouth once she screamed, muffling the moans that followed as the pace of his strokes sped up. He looked down to watch her ass effortlessly move against him, being brought back against his dick every time his hips pressed forward.
When his hand came in rough contact with her ass, Angel's eyes dazed back with a moan, so he did it a second time. Her cries were still being blocked by his other hand, and she wanted to lose her arch so bad but didn't want to upset him. This felt too good.
"I'm sorry. Oh my g-shit, Roman can you nut please? Mmm, baby please," She begged in a whine as soon as he removed his hand from her mouth, ready to switch positions.
"Fuuuck," His strokes became sloppy as his stomach tied up in a knot, and he tried to hold back on releasing because she hadn't done it first yet.
"Damnit Angel," He let out a loud grunt, quickly pulling out of her in time for his nut to spill out on her ass. The sight made his mouth water, and the erection in his dick throbbed while his nut continued to leak onto her skin.
Finally she was able to fall out of her arch, which caused her to blow out a quiet breath of relief. Backshots felt so good but her body truly couldn't remain in that position for more than two minutes or so. She could still feel her opening pulsing every few seconds, soaked in the essence that kept her wet for Roman.
A small smile graced her face once the fabric of the shirt he previously wore touched her ass, cleaning his nut off of her since there wasn't a towel close enough in reach. He kissed her shoulder when he was done, trailing more of them up towards her neck.
"I'm tired baby." She mumbled, knowing that he was trying to go another round.
"Let me make you cum so you can go to sleep then." He picked her up by her waist, effortlessly turning her over so that she laid on her back.
Roman dipped his head down between her legs, wasting no time to take her clit gently in his mouth. As soon as he sucked lightly on it, Angel's back arched up from against the mattress. He held her by her thighs so that she couldn't run from him, knowing how she liked to do so.
Two of his fingers pushed into her wet warmth, thrusting directly at the spot that pleased her the most while he continued to softly play with her clit that was still in his mouth.
From the way her legs were already trembling, Roman realized that maybe actual penetration wasn't what set her orgasms off, and instead it was whenever he stimulated her clit. Of course he knew that was the most sensitive part on a woman's body, but it had slipped his mind to make sure he rubbed at it while fucking her.
The fact that she had got him to nut before getting her own off kind of stabbed at his ego, but since he now knew better, he would do better. He couldn't have her out here showing him up.
"Roman!" She cried out, attempting to push his head away at the same time that her cum oozed out of her opening. Her eyes pleasurably rolled back at the feeling of him sucking it out of her, moaning at the taste that filled his mouth.
"Okay baby I'm done. I-fuck!" She grabbed his shoulders once his fingers were replaced with his dick, pushing all of him inside of her with one swift stroke.
"You done? Hm?" He leaned his head down to be in the crook of her neck while his thumb toyed with her clit, and Angel could barely form words to respond.
Moans and small cries were all that left her mouth, too obsessed with the feeling he gave her to get an actual coherent sentence out. He was driving her body crazy.
"Daddy love this pussy. You feel this shit?" He kissed her ear, pushing as deep as he could go, yet again.
"Oh my godddd, baby fuck," She cried, grabbing his shoulders to keep herself stable while her cum squirted out of her for the first time, creating a mess on his dick.
"Mhm. That's what the fuck I'm talkin' 'bout. Give that shit to daddy." He grunted, slamming his hips hard against her skin to make sure his dick didn't slip out of her wetness.
Seeing how overwhelmed she was, Roman gradually slowed down to watch as her juices continued to leak out around the length of his dick. Then, his eyes trailed up her naked body to lock on her brown gaze, finally stopping.
Angel tiredly reached up to wrap her arms around his neck, thankful that he'd given her a moment to catch her breath. Her body calmed down under his touch, gentle kisses being left on her face, neck, and chest. Wherever his lips could comfortably reach, she got a kiss there.
"I love you so much. I'm done, okay?" She sniffed, wiping her face with the back of her hand while he smiled.
"I love you more. Don't cry mama." He wiped underneath her eyes with his thumbs, helping her dry her face up.
Roman pressed his lips against hers, and she kissed him back, releasing a low gasp as he slowly pulled out of her. The feeling of emptiness made her pout, wanting him back inside of her already. She couldn't deny how worn out she was though.
She couldn't wait to stop being sore so that they could do it again.
Graduation otwwww I'm so excited 😆
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