Our mouths crashed together, as he backed me up to the bed, his hands running along my sides. He lifted me up, dropping me on the bed, and I broke from the kiss with a hiss as I encountered the cold surface. I yanked on his shirt, calling out breathlessly, "Off."
I watched in anticipation as his hands grasped the hem of his shirt, yanking over his head without preamble. I hummed in satisfaction, sliding my fingers across his chest.
I tugged on his pants to bring him closer and he frowned at me, he hated when I took control. He grunted as his head descended to mine again, and I met those lips with vigor, giving him a taste of my need. I slipped my hands around him, spreading my legs further to accommodate his body, as he pulled himself flush against me.
His hands found the hem of my shirt, making short work of it and sending it flying. He left my mouth.
I felt my temperature rise. Was this what I wanted? He unfastened his pants, and I backed off slightly. He noticed my hesitance but ignored it, grabbing my hair and crashing his lips against mine.
But my hunger was no longer there.
I moaned as he fisted his hand in my hair.
"Daniel stop!"
He mumbled something against my skin, as he continued biting and sucking his way down my throat.
He was not gentle.
He never would be.
It hurt every time.
There was blood on my thighs.
Was this what I wanted?
"Daniel... stop." My voice was weak and broke. He shoved me backwards, until I was lying on the counter. "Stop."
The next morning I awoke to bloody thighs.
Day after day, the sun rose and set.
Three weeks it had been, or something like that. I didn't bother counting anymore.
This place was starting to grow on me, the people were nice though I barely knew anyone and the people that I did know I barely saw.
I hadn't seen Noah or that rude girl Emery in three weeks and when I asked someone where Greyson was they simply said he had gone away on a business trip.
A part of my missed them deeply, though not Emery of course. I tossed and turned in my bed, unable to sleep. It had been this way recently, every night I lay awake for hours until exhaustion finally overcame me, and when I did sleep I dreamt about awfeful things no one should ever be cursed enough to dream about.
Tonight was no exception.
Finally I had enough of the tossing and turning and felt the urge to return to the balcony where I had first met Noah.
I was the only one in the halls at this hour, not a sound to be heard, not a person stirred.
The moonlight was a familiar yet unnerving sight, a blanket of darkness over the surrounding woodland.
Birds called and creatures rustled amongst the grey cast branches and the moon hung low in the sky, a distant whisper amongst the promise of a star.
A dark streak darted amongst the trees, followed by a second, then a third. Soon the woods were alive with creatures of the darkness weaving in and out of the cover of branches.
A heard or a pack of some sort.
A howl sounded from somewhere deep within the woodland. A somehow unnerving sound had me, wrapping my arms around myself to try and stop the cold shiver that crawled down my spine.
Wolves were in the woods.
A beast with grey fur, illuminated by the cast of the moonlight stepped closer to the forest edge. He was larger than the rest of his pack. Even from here his presence was felt through every fibre of my body, leaving me shaking and terrified to the core.
He called out once more, a hollow and haunting cry, before something strange happened.
I almost thought I saw his flesh change from fur to skin, almost thought I heard the cracking of his bones. But I didn't, I couldn't have. Such things didn't happen.
But there, a man was now stood in his place, a very much naked man. Why was he not running? Did he not know that the woods were not safe? There were wolves around, one was there only a second ago, but he didn't seem the slightest afraid.
I refused to look any lower than his strong and muscles abdomen, his hard chest and... Greyson... it was Greyson.
Sorry for such a late update😬😬
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