The amount of destruction that the Obscurus was causing throughout the city was raising hell for all the muggles that didn't even have the slightest clue as to what was going on. All they knew was a dark force was racing through the streets, destroying their homes. Tegwen hoped that Newt would be able to get through to Credence and at least talk the boy down before he did anything else, but the sounds in the distance said otherwise.
The woman was doing her best to assist the muggles that had been caught up in the damage. She lifted the rubble and cleared the debris, fixing up some of the buildings as fast as she could. Many seemed grateful for her actions, although highly confused with how she was capable of doing it. Others didn't take too kindly as soon as they witnessed the magic, some adults kept their children back from her as if she carried a deadly and contagious disease, but Tegwen ignored them.
Her goal was to get as many people out of harm's way, rather than concern herself with what they thought about her. The children took a fast liking to her, as many of them had yet to be corrupted by the views of their parents. They cheered Tegwen on and thanked her profusely showing the beautiful side to the innocence of children.
She came upon a large tenant building that looked as though a large bomb had gone off, leaving the outside completely damaged. Upon her arrival, a woman grabbed the front of her coat, begging for help.
"My father is in there! He's elderly! We couldn't get him out of the bed!"
"Alright, calm down," Tegwen told her before she entered the building. The amount of dust and debris in the air nearly choked Tegwen out as she scanned the area in search of the elderly man. She used her wand to clear it away, allowing her to breathe and see, to the best of her abilities.
The sounds of a muffled cry came from a back room in one of the apartments, bringing Tegwen to head in the same direction. Of course, her nerves were worked up and her mind kept telling her to get herself to safety but she refused as she pressed onward. More the foundation of the building shifted causing her to lose her balance.
Landing on her knees, Tegwen kept herself propped up on her hands as she heard the old man call out for help. Pushing herself up, Tegwen ignored her own pain and made her way into the apartment.
"Sir?!" She called out, waiting for a response.
"Help me!" The strained voice came as Tegwen ran to the back. In the room, part of the wall collapsed onto a bed where a man laid, pinned to the ground.
His face was red with pain as she struggled to free himself but he was too frail to do so.
"Help me," he begged her. "Please, or at least put me out of my misery."
"There's no need for the latter part,Sir. You're going to be just fine," Tegwen said using the levitation charm to lift the debris off the man. She quickly repaired the rest of the room before kneeling down by the man's side. His legs were bloody and his clothes ripped and stain from the collapse.
"It'll just be a minute before you're as good as new, alright? I just need you to relax," She did her best to keep her voice steady and calm for the sake of the old man that seemed terrified in that moment.
"Are you an angel? A guardian angel?" The man asked as his legs began to heal before his very eyes.
"Eh, no, I'm not, but thank you. Definitely needed the confidence boost."
"What are you then? Who are you?" He questioned.
"Um... a semi-functional witch who often finds herself in dysfunctional situations. I think that's the most accurate way I could put it," she said honestly as she helped him to his feet and disapparated.
People screeched as she reappeared outside on the street with the old man holding onto her side.
"Dad!" The woman from before ran over, more thankful to see her father than worrying about the sudden appearance of him and Tegwen. The two family members embraced in a hug when Tegwen's attention was drawn down the way to where a shield had been placed up.
Her worry immediately returned to the others as she vanished from the street with an echoing crack. She arrived on the scene to see Madam Picquery standing with several MACUSA officials at her side.
"Madam President!" Tegwen reached her side.
The woman looked more than surprised to see the woman at her side but instantly saw appeared furious with her.
"Ms. Gittins!"
"Madam President, there are muggles back there, plenty of them in danger because of the-"
"They will be handled later! We cannot do anything until the Obscurus is handled and they aren't of concern right now-"
"Aren't of concern? They are still people, magic or not!" Tegwen told her. " The Obscurus can be handled but those people back there need help!"
"This is not your call! You and Mr. Scamander have caused enough damage."
"Mr.Graves already informed me of you working with Mr.Scamander to unleash this chaos-"
"Mr.Graves is a filthy liar and you're a fool to believe him!" Tegwen yelled at the woman, only to see Madam Picquery's eyes widened in anger. She swallowed before backing away as the woman ordered for her arrest. Tegwen disappeared quickly before she was reprimanded.
Hiding behind a building, Tegwen glanced around and sighed in relief that she wasn't being pursued. She rested her back against the cold brick wall when she was startled by a screech, only to see an owl.
"Merlin' s....." She froze as the owl dropped a letter at her feet before flying off. Quickly, she lifted the envelope off the ground and recognized the handwriting of one of her fathers.
"Why do you two have to have such a fast response time?" She groaned to herself, so tempted to open it, but had to put it off as she heard more yelling in the distance along with sirens. She slid the letter into the pocket of her coat before disapparating to continue helping the muggles to safety.
Wherever Newt and the others were, she certainly hoped they were safe.
The muggles were scattered and due to the fact of being kept in the dark of magic, they had no idea what was going on. Not that the magical community had much of a better grasp in that case, but the people believed they were just being punished for unknown reasons. Their homes were destroyed before their very eyes, the damage seemed irreparable and hope was dwindling as they were surrounded by others shouting, screaming and the sirens going off in the city. Each time Tegwen came upon a family they were in tears. Tears of pain from their injuries and tears of confusion as to why it was happening to them.
She did her best to reassure them that everything was going to be alright.
It was much to her dismay that she came upon the same building that had been a part of the Erumpent "gas" explosion only a couple days prior to see that it too had been struck by the Obscurus in passing. She saw the same family standing in the streets, with the exception of the little boy that she had left with the memories of the incident.
She ran over to the mother who was holding onto her other children while crying.
'Where's the boy?!" Tegwen asked her. The woman looked at her in puzzlement as tears streamed down her face.
"Where's your son?!" Tegwen said looking back to the building.
"We couldn't get him out!" One of the children cried out. "They said he's gone!"
The mother wailed out once more before Tegwen shook her head and made her way towards the building.
"Ma'am, you can't go in there!" A muggle officer tried to stop her but she disapparated before he could grab her.
She didn't know the little boy's name or really anything about him, but she certainly wasn't going to let him perish due to magic, it would defeat the whole purpose of what the magical community was trying to work towards.
The Salem Trials had left the magical community shaken, leaving them to retreat and go into hiding, even though they had claimed to have won the war. For decades they hid from muggles, many of them never speaking to one in their entire lifetime. Things were much different back home where Tegwen grew up as she had been able to speak with them but just kept magic a secret.
MACUSA seemed to be behind on the times as they really didn't allow any interaction with muggles, which led to more problems developing in the long run. Rather than understanding the benefits of magic, people like the Second Salemers feared magic and wanted to get rid of it.
But it was people living in fear and suppressing their magic in the first place that was causing problems. Credence wouldn't have fallen into such a painful form if had been shown the proper love and support a child needed. Magic could be scary if it wasn't understood.
Tegwen remembered the first time she had caused one of her favorite flowers to explode as a child because she became overexcited. It was upsetting to think she wasn't in control of her actions in that moment, but her fathers were there to reassure her that she would learn and everything would be alright.
Credence didn't have that and her heart broke for the boy, thinking of all the torture he had been through trying to hide his magic.
Tegwen always held a hopeful idea that maybe one day, muggles and magic folk would be able to co-exist knowingly and get along. But in that moment, it seemed like a very far off dream.
"Hello?!" She called out several times, hoping for the boy's response. "If you can hear me, just make some sort of noise! I can help you!"
She went from apartment to apartment, her panic rising as each one left her without coming upon the boy.
"Come on," she muttered under her breath. "Where are you?"
A sound of something shifting alerted Tegwen as she whipped her head around, but didn't see anyone. She wanted if it was just something that was settling from the movement when she heard it again.
"Keep making noise!"
She heard a faint scratching noise that led her into an apartment further down, it was one of the ones in the worst conditions as it was facing the street.
"Ma...Ma.." A weak little voice called out.
She found the boy in the kitchen, stuck under a refrigerator that had partially fallen on him, but due to a box, hadn't crushed the child completely.
Dropping down to his side after removing the refrigerator and casting it to the side, Tegwen lifted the boy up, who could barely keep his eyes open to look at her.
"Mama?" The boy whispered out.
"No, I'm...I'm not your mum, but I'm going to bring you to her, alright? Can you look at me? Just open your eyes for a minute," she said, her arms were shaking as she held to the child that was struggling to keep consciousness. However, he did obey her request and opened his eyes to look at her.
His eyes scanned over her face before his eyebrows knitted together
"Do I know you?" He asked in a scratchy voice. Tegwen gave him a kind smile before running her hand over the top of his head in a comforting manner.
"You used to," she said to him as she drew her wand out to help him heal. She knew he was going to be uncomfortable as she was sure several of his bones were broken.
"Do you want to hear a song?" She asked him, hoping to distract him.
"Y-yes,' he answered before his face twisted in discomfort. Tegwen nodded before she began humming, allowing the magic to help the boy.
Suddenly, before Tegwen could react the floor beneath them gave in and they were sent spiraling down. To keep the child from getting hurt further, she held onto him and allowed herself to take the fall, giving the boy a softer landing.
Her body was furious with her for all the trouble and pain it had been put through over the last couple of days. The wind was knocked out of her upon impact as she landed on her back. Her head took a nasty hit and she could feel the warmth of her blood spilling out. An arm's length away rested her wand. She immediately reached her arm out, gritting her teeth to ignore all the receptors in her brain going off, alerting her that she was in an immense amount of pain. The child on top of her made it difficult to move as she inched towards her wand.
A noise interrupted her as she looked up and saw that the refrigerator from the apartment they were just in was sliding through the hole they had fallen through. Her eyes widened as she wrapped her arms around the child and rolled over to avoid being hit as the refrigerator came crashing down in the exact spot of where they were seconds prior.
Tegwen Gittins had dodged death yet again.
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