One month later. | excuse typos
"Get that ball, and take it to the hoop! And shoot, for two, let's go!" Yulani clapped her hands, her foot stomping hard on the bleachers as she called out the cheer.
"Get that ball! And take it to the hoop, and shoot-for two! Let's go, hey!" The cheer girls repeated in unison, stomping on the bleachers as well.
Jai watched Yulani from afar, a smile on his face as he seen the bright one on hers as she led her cheer team.
"Y'all girls ready?!" She called out, snaking her neck, her natural hair tossing to the side.
"Hell yeah!" They yelled, and she smiled.
"Y'all girls ain't ready!" She frowned, stomping on the bleachers.
"Shidddd!" They repeated her actions, the crowds on both sides of the large gym cheering them on.
The whole city had came out for the last basketball game of the season, Yulan leading the Central High Maverick's 89 to 81.
He'd copped 65 points by himself, more than half the total points in general.
"Let's fucking go!" Yasir clapped loudly as Yulan made a three pointer, and Yulan bucked at the offense that tried to guard him, making Yulani laugh.
"We finna set this mothafucka off!" Yulani called out another cheer, and the coach, Ashley, snapped her head towards her.
"Yulani I said not that one girl!" Ashley laughed, shaking her head.
"Just this one time Ash. Pleaseeee." Sydney begged, and Ashley smiled, nodding as she waved them off.
"Let's go Yulani!" Jai called loudly, and she smiled big, waving at him. He blew her a kiss, and she blushed, before turning back to her team.
"We finna set this mothafucka off!" She dragged her sentence, the team repeated her steps as well as the call out.
"We finna set this mothafucka offffff!" They all bent over, circling their hips.
"Try to play the maverick's yo ass gone get tosseddddd!" Yulani stomped, folding her arms upwards and they repeated her.
"Maverick's y'all better set this bitch off!" Yulani finished the cheer, before screaming, clapping as Yulan stole the ball from the Bronco's, passing it to Adonis, who shot a three pointer.
"That's what the fuck I'm talm bout! Take this shit home!" Dorian clapped loudly, the maverick's side of the gym screaming in excitement.
Yulani set her pompoms down, running over to Jai as he swooped her up in a hug.
"Keep them fucking hands up nigga." Yasir warned, and the two of them laughed as Jai hugged around her waist.
"You look so beautiful. You doing yo shit girl." He smirked, kissing her cheek as she smiled.
"Thank you baby. You have my drink?" She asked, fluffing her hair out. He leaned over, grabbing her cold cool blue Gatorade, giving it to her.
"Damn, I'm hot as hell." Yulani fanned herself as she drunk from her Gatorade.
"Sure is." He smirked, and she laughed, mushing his head.
"Good luck kiss?" She smiled, and he leaned over to her level, softly kissing her lips. They couldn't get carried away since Yasir was next to them, and he chuckled, able to visibly see that she wanted more.
"I got you later. You can cum all on daddy dick." He kissed her ear, and she bit her lip, smiling as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
"Mm, I can't wait. I love you." She mumbled, kissing his jaw, and he smiled.
"I love you more baby." He kissed her forehead, and she leaned over to kiss Yasir's cheek, before rubbing back over to her girls.
Yulan waved at his twin, and she smiled, waving back and blowing him a kiss, holding both of her thumbs up, making him smile.
Yulan rubbed his shirt over his forehead to wipe his sweat, his hands on his knees as he waited on the red to toss the ball up.
"Y'all ain't winning tonight. Give it up twin." The offense player, Jaylen, spoke, and Yulan chuckled.
"We'll see about that." He smirked, jumping up and pushing the ball towards the maverick's side of the court once the referee threw it up.
"I'm open. Pass the ball Twin!" Sean called out, and Yulan dribbled it down the court, passing it to him.
"Don take it in!" Their coach yelled from the sides, and just as Sean passed it to him, Jaylen pushed him out of the way, shooting the ball from to his goal, making it as Adonis fell, hissing.
"Bitch that's a foul! Fuck no, what the fuck?!" Yasir called, standing up with a mug on his face from the bleachers.
"Nigga what the fuck is wrong with you?!" Yulan was about to swing on Jaylen, before Adonis quickly grabbed his hands.
The referee blew his whistle, and Yulan's frown deepened as Adonis held him back.
"Are you fucking serious?! That was a foul! This nigga just scuffed wit' Don! Mane yall ass cheating on god. Adonis get the fuck off me bra'." Yulan huffed, his coach walking towards them.
"Twin, chill out. It's still 30 seconds on the clock. Say! Bring it in." Coach Johnson called, and Yulan frowned.
"Coach you gone let them slide wit' that? That was a personal fucking foul!" His eyebrows furrowed as Adonis released the grip on him.
"Yulan shut the fuck up and listen. Ain't shit we can do about it, besides win. Jay, I want you on number 32. Keep him the fuck away from Twin, nigga been on him the whole game."
"Sean, stay open. Don, make sure Twin carry down the court. Everybody else, heavy on fucking defense. We got 30 seconds to win the championship, undefeated. Do not, fuck this up! Y'all keep y'all head in the game, and bring this shit home. Got it?!" Coach Johnson called out the play, and they all nodded.
"Call it out Yulani." He clapped, and Yulan's mug disappeared, hearing Yulani.
"Check, check, check, check, check!"
"Y'all feel that wind?!" Yulani called out.
"Hell yeah!"
"Y'all know why? This finna be a breeeeeeze!" She led the cheer team, stomping on the bleachers.
"Yeen tell no lie, yeen tell no lie!" The basketball team called out to the beat.
"Man say what?! Please!" She smiled big, matching Yulan's smile.
"Yeen gon' tell no lie, yeen gon' tell no lie!"
"That orange and white?!" She called out, referring to the broncos.
"Yeen tell no lie, yeen tell no lie!"
"Ain't bout that life! This ain't a joke, my blue boys stay woke!" The cheer girls ruffled their pom poms, as the referee blew his whistle, signaling the break over.
Yulan stood face to face with Jaylen-number 32-again, waiting for the ref to toss the ball.
He blew the whistle again before throwing the ball up, and Yulan jumped up, dribbling it down the court.
He crossed over an opposing member, making them fall as he passed the ball to Sean.
"Let's go Yulan! All the fucking way baby!" Yasir clapped loudly, and Yulan felt his heart pumping out his chest as he watched the play happen.
Sean dribbled the ball through Jaylen's legs, passing it to Adonis, 8 seconds left on the clock.
The gym went silent, Yulan's blood pumping as he caught the ball, checking the time, not enough to make it down the court.
Taking a deep breath, he stepped back, shooting the ball towards the goal, so far away that he didn't know if he'd make it or not.
The buzzer rang, and three points got added to the maverick's score, making the gym erupt in claps in cheers.
"Oh my god yessss!" Yulani ran down the court, jumping on top of him, making him laugh as he held her in his arms.
"We fucking did it! You did it Mugga!" Yasir smiled big as Yulan sat Yulani around his neck, the trophy being shoved into his hand.
"Let's fucking goooo!!" Coach Johnson patted his back as he smiled a koolaid grin.
"State champions! We undefuckingfeated!" Yulan called out, and the gym erupted in more cheers, making his smile grow.
Thirty minutes later, people had finally started dispersing from the gym, most likely going home to get ready.
Since it was the last game of the season, and they won-undefeated-the school was throwing a Playa and Hoe's ball, the theme courtesy of the cheer team.
"Baby, come on, we have to go get ready." Yulani held Jai's arm, and he looked away from talking to Yulan, chuckling.
"Ima catch up wit' y'all at the ball." Yulan dapped Jai uo, before kissing Yulani's cheek, making her smile.
"Hurry up before Yasir sees us." She smiled, and Jai chuckled, swooping her small body up in his arms, carrying her out of the gym.
Yasir was staying to help set up and chaperone for the party. He always volunteered at the school, in the community in general.
So Yulani had the next two hours to spend with Jai until the party started.
Arriving at his house shortly after, she yawned, pulling off her cheer shoes.
"I hate them ugly ass shoes." She frowned, and he laughed, pulling her over towards him. He sat her down next to him, rubbing her foot after taking his hoodie off.
"Thank you baby." She mumbled as he massage both of her feet, and he nodded.
Yulani grabbed his remote, dimming his room lights as her eyes became heavy. She'd been up since 9 that morning, and it was currently close to being 9pm.
"You taking a nap?" He chuckled, undressing her na slaying her under his covers.
"Just for like five minutes." She yawned as he undressed, laying with her.
"I'll wake you up in an hour." He kissed her jaw, and she smiled, wrapping her arms around him.
Her hand softly rubbed his sides, absorbing his body warmth as he rubbed her back.
"I love you." She mumbled, and he leaned his head down, kissing her lips.
She brought his tongue in her mouth, wrapping her arms around his neck as he pulled her body on top of his.
"You tryna take this dick right now?" He smirked, his natural voice deep, and she bit her lip.
Instead of answering, she slid down his shaft that was positioned at her entrance, both of them moaning.
"Damn girl." He grunted, his hands snaking around her waist to help her.
She moaned, her face in his neck as she slid up and down his shaft, her lower half lubricating itself and coating his dick.
"Mm. There you go baby. Take this shit." He pushed her to sit on his full length, and she let out a loud moan, her face frowning up as his grew harder inside of her.
"Jai you too big baby. I can't take all of it." She whined, raising up some.
"Yes the fuck you can. Don't tell me that Yulani." He wrapped his arms around hers, thrusting upwards with his full length.
"Fuck! Oh my god!" She cried out, her eyes rolling back as he jabbed at her spot.
"See. You can take it baby. Mm, fuckkkk. Fuck." He grunted as she sucked his neck, clenching around him to ease the pleasure.
"I love you. I love this dick." She moaned, her body jerking with each rough stroke, and he hissed.
He flipped them over in missionary, pushing deeper as her legs shook. This was her favorite position.
"I love you more baby. You slut ass girl. You said you love this dick? Hm?" He fucked her harder, and she gasped, moaning loudly.
"Y-fuckkk. Jai I'm cumming." She whined, pouting as he softly pecked her lips.
"Cum on daddy dick. Let that shit out baby." He grunted, and she cried out, creaming around his dick, her cum thick around him.
"Oh my godddd. Jai I-fuck!" She moaned, before her stomach released the second knot, squirting.
"Fuckkkk! Shit baby." He quickly pulled out of her, releasing his nut on her stomach.
"I love you." He groaned as she stroked his dick for him.
"I love you too baby."
After another session and a shower, the two of them were dressed, and in Jai's car, on the way back to the school.
"You look so good I should've kept you home. I'm tryna be in that pussy all night." He glanced over at her, and she laughed.
"You can. Later on." She smiled, leaning over to kiss his jaw.
"You look so handsome. You so damn big." She rubbed between his legs, and he bit his lip as his dick hardened, spreading them further.
"Nah, stop tryna be fast. You gone mess your clothes up if I make you nut." She waved him off, and he laughed, shrugging.
"I never cared." He said as he parked his car. He got out, walking around to her side.
"You so beautiful. I know I tell you that a lot, but damn. You really mine." He rubbed her hand as they walked, and she smiled.
"Thank you sexy daddy bae. I wish I would've ordered a wig, but I kind of like this natural look. I think Ima cut it shorter." She told him.
"Like all the way down to lil' curls?" He asked, and she nodded.
"Do you want me to?" She looked over at him, and he chuckled.
"You be pretty in anything baby, I think it'll look good on you." He said as they walked inside, and she smiled, kissing his cheek.
"Y'all finally back!" Sydney greeted them, hugging Yulani and waving at Jai, who nodded his head at her.
"Where my brothers at?" She asked, looking around.
"Bringing in the last coolers of liquor. They should be walking in soon. But I gotta go find me a slut for tonight. Bye bestie!" She kissed her cheek, before running off, making her laugh.
"Baby let him take your picture." Yulani pointed to the photographer, and they walked over there.
"Boy you look good as fuck." She bit his lip as the photographer took off guards of him.
"Get yo nasty ass on." He laughed, giving his number to the man so that he could send his pics, then he posted on Instagram.
Liked by yulanibae and 882 others
jaihuncho : 🥷🏾
comments off.
Liked by don10x and 721 others
yulanibae : Playa's and Hoes? Understood. 🥴
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jaihuncho : Baby 😍🖤
don10x : Boo took the pic.. giving playa? 🅿️
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only1mugga : Nobody seeing me in a suit, respectfully. This shit look perfect on me. #StateChamps
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"I love you Yulani." Jai wrapped his arms around her, kissing her forehead, and she smiled.
"I love you too baby. It's me and you for life." She intertwined their fingers, and he nodded, kissing her lips.
"None of that. Chill out." Yasir and Yulan approached them, making them laugh.
"You good Kairi?" Yasir kissed her cheek, and she nodded, smiling.
She was so happy, life couldn't be any better for her.
"Say Jai. Lemme talk to you real quick. Mugga keep a' eye on twin." Yasir said, and Yulani rose an eyebrow as Jai followed him outside.
The two of them had of course met, and were casually cool, for the sake of Yulani, but they hadn't really spoke in depth about where Jai was planning on taking his relationship with her.
"So. You fucking on my sister?" Yasir opened his car door, and Jai chuckled, looking around.
"Yeah. You killed Spanky?" Jai retorted, and Yasir rose an eyebrow, tilting his head to the side at the random blunt question.
"Nah." Yasir said, and Jai nodded, clenching and unclenching his jaw.
"Why you ask? Got somethin' you wanna say lil nigga?" Yasir stood upright, feeling the aura switching.
Jai locked eyes with him, and Yasir swung on him, catching him in his jaw as he hissed. That was exactly what Jai wanted to happen.
Jai pulled his gun from his waist, shooting it at Yasir before he even had time to process what happened.
Jai kept shooting, before hearing the music stop from inside, and his heart wrenched as he watched Yasir bleed out on the ground, before he took off running.
"Nah, them wasn't no firewor-Yasir!" Yulan's heart dropped, and Yulani frowned, turning her head, before her eyes widened.
"Oh my god! Oh my god Santana no!" Her voice cracked, rushing to his side, seeing him laying in a puddle of his own blood.
"Yasir! Wake up baby. Don't leave me please. Please Yasir." Yulani tried tapping him awake as Yulan stood frozen in place, his heart shattering.
"Yulan help me! Oh my god Yasir I'm so sorry. Please don't leave me, I need you." She cried, before she begun sobbing, his body limp, his breathing ceased.
She was too late.
Some of y'all guessed within the first few chapters what this plot is based off of, assholes. If you haven't though, what movie is this book about? 👀
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